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1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

MeIoetta wrote:

izyd01 wrote:

My favorite part of KSP is when it glitches and my kerbal ends up by himself outside of the solar system.
My favourite part of KSP is that when you think you just made a perfect plane/rocket but it fails
My favorite part of KSP is making a jet that burns up on takeoff because it goes that fast.
My favorite part of KSP is Scott Manley :-p
my favorite part of ksp is danny2462

club penguin is kil
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

forgot to mention lest week I went really close to the sun and then the next day I landed a probe on moho

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

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I've moved to @RelatableTV
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

MeIoetta wrote:

izyd01 wrote:

My favorite part of KSP is when it glitches and my kerbal ends up by himself outside of the solar system.
My favourite part of KSP is that when you think you just made a perfect plane/rocket but it fails
My favorite part of KSP is making a jet that burns up on takeoff because it goes that fast.
My favorite part of KSP is Scott Manley :-p
my favorite part of ksp is danny2462
omg yes XD
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

MeIoetta wrote:

izyd01 wrote:

My favorite part of KSP is when it glitches and my kerbal ends up by himself outside of the solar system.
My favourite part of KSP is that when you think you just made a perfect plane/rocket but it fails
My favorite part of KSP is making a jet that burns up on takeoff because it goes that fast.
My favorite part of KSP is Scott Manley :-p
my favorite part of ksp is danny2462
omg yes XD
I still like making jets burn up on takeoff.

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

question someone PLZ answer: is it safe 4 me 2 get kip demo because it is currently downloading right now for me but I'm nervous that it might not be trustable, my and my mom almost never trust anything that requires an email account.
scratch requires an email account

club penguin is kil
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

question someone PLZ answer: is it safe 4 me 2 get kip demo because it is currently downloading right now for me but I'm nervous that it might not be trustable, my and my mom almost never trust anything that requires an email account.
scratch requires an email account

Last edited by Prof_Red (June 28, 2017 02:35:00)

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

If you don't support, why not?

Be sure to check out games and animations at my profile!

I've moved to @RelatableTV
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

tfw you're halfway to the mun but you forgot to add a needed part

i love jellyfish
60 posts

Kerbal Space Program

simoam21 wrote:

Try Minmus, it has lots of flat area
But it's easier to land on the Mun, as Minmus is further away. You'll need to burn more
to go to the moon Minmus than the Mun

This signature is unknown! Come back later.
60 posts

Kerbal Space Program

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

MeIoetta wrote:

izyd01 wrote:

My favorite part of KSP is when it glitches and my kerbal ends up by himself outside of the solar system.
My favourite part of KSP is that when you think you just made a perfect plane/rocket but it fails
My favorite part of KSP is making a jet that burns up on takeoff because it goes that fast.
My favorite part of KSP is Scott Manley :-p
my favorite part of ksp is danny2462
Same. Danny2462 ruins EVERYTHING in a very funny way. I rate that Kerbal Space Program destroying 10000000000000000/10
lol I quoted myself

This signature is unknown! Come back later.
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

It's a great game! I've never landed on a planet other then Earth, but I've gotten close to Mun a few times.

Last edited by miles854 (June 28, 2017 19:09:00)

I use Scratch on a 2022 M2 Macbook Air that is running the last version of macOS Ventura, and the Google Chrome web broswer. I also occasionally use the Scratch offline editor.
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

miles854 wrote:

I've never landed on a planet other then Earth.
You mean kerbin
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

miles854 wrote:

It's a great game! I've never landed on a planet other then Earth, but I've gotten close to Mun a few times.
It's pretty easy, just make a stable orbit, then add a close to mun manevuer and drag it until you achieve the good manevuer

i love jellyfish
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

kingare1 wrote:

simoam21 wrote:

Try Minmus, it has lots of flat area
But it's easier to land on the Mun, as Minmus is further away. You'll need to burn more
to go to the moon Minmus than the Mun
mun is easier to get to, because of the descent SOI but Minmus is smaller, which makes it less fuel costly to land on and return from

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

If you don't support, why not?

Be sure to check out games and animations at my profile!

I've moved to @RelatableTV
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

question someone PLZ answer: is it safe 4 me 2 get kip demo because it is currently downloading right now for me but I'm nervous that it might not be trustable, my and my mom almost never trust anything that requires an email account.
scratch requires an email account
that comment was from a million years ago when my fam and I were really paranoid of the internet, as if everything came from windows explorer :p
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Ok guys, so I did this about a week ago or so, but I completed an eve 4 rally contract, I flew by mun, minmus, eve and gilly. It was pretty epic and plot twisting. My kerbal perticipants were Jeb, Bill, and Bob, of course! So first, I launched this HUGE vessel, it was very tall (not to mention, when the fairing came off, revealing the massive payload, I was like “it's so beautiful”, there were 3 parts, the fuel depot, with the equivelent of 3 orange tanks, powered by a poodle, the transfer stage, an orange tank and a quarter, powered by a skipper, and the return vessel, with LOTS of liquid fuel powered by a single nuclear engine, there were also small landers to represent the site for each flyby. The first thing I did was leave the fuel depot in kerbin orbit, I would come back to that later. Then I went to Minmus, (I did not go to the mun first, because I had other plans for that), I used the probe lander's engine to get the probe from an escape to a landing trajectory, and I landed the probe lander on Min(t)mus. Then I realized I was almost out of fuel from the transfer stage (which was still escaping minmus), not enough to return to low orbit, so instead, I went to high kerbin orbit, (2000km), then I maneuvered The fuel depot to that height and rendez-voused them. after that I took a break for a few days to think about how I would do this, I also decided to keep the fuel depot docked to the main vessel. After a few days of calculating specific impulse and phase angles. I returned to the mission, I decided before that the reason I did not go the mun first was because I was going to use it as a gravity assist to help escape Kerbin's SOI. I also had to decide between the poodle from the fuel depot and the skipper from the transfer stage. After calculating specific impulse, I decided to use the the poodle, since not only did it have greater specific impulse, but I was also able to jettison the transfer stage because I had more fuel capacity on the fuel depot, however, I realized that I could not yet until later because the mun probe lander was attatched to it. Ok, back to real life and not my head. First I transfered all fuel on this stage to the fuel depot, then I plotted a maneuver to get to the mun, and then a course to Eve (don't worry, I had already waited for a transfer window). I had to wait for a perfect window so that the mun was going to be between kerbin and the sun. I did that, and then I started burning for the mun using the poodle engine. I had an encounter, then I landed the probe lander as I did with minmus, and since the probe lander was gone, I could jettison the now obsolete transfer stage, and then I did. After leaving the Mun's SOI, I executed the second maneuver which was to make sure that my escape from kerbin was strong enough to get to eve's altitude. After leaving kerbin, I excecuted another maneuver, which was not only a plane change burn (Inclination change), but it was also a course correction burn to encounter eve. I did that, and finally had an eve encounter with a eve periapsis of about 85 km. I timewarped, for a good 200 days or so (I'm not exactly sure), and then when I arrived, I attempted to aerobrake, but unforunately, It failed for two reasons, 1. I wasn't low enough (eve's atmosphere starts at 90km btw), 2. I was too afraid to go any lower. So I just burned until I had an apoapsis, which was pretty easy since my orbit was not a very wide escape when I encountered Eve. After that, I realized my probe lander for eve (which was not attached to the transfer stage, but between the return stage and the fuel depot) had no heat shield, so I just decided to leave it in orbit, however it still has a docking port, so I might attach a heat shield later. Anyway, back to the main ship, I then did my inclination burn to get to gilly, I was 25 degrees off. I timewarped a few times and added plotted a course to get an orbit as low as possible. After I did that, my fuel depot ran dry, I jettisoned that and continued with the return stage. Even though this contract only needed flybys I decided a manned landing on gilly would be more fun and challenging, so when I was building this ship, (if I hadn't mentioned before) I made sure to add landing legs to the return stage so I could land on gilly, I got this idea when I saw people doing similar things like landing their mothership on Pol (since pol has very low gravity and gilly has the lowest gravity in the stock game), when doing the Jool 5 challenge. So anyway, deorbited and landed on gilly, I planted a flag, got a group photo, and harvested as much science as gilly can offer. After around 15 minutes of my kerbals going crazy over the insanely low gravity, I left gilly, even though getting into orbit required as much as a fire extinguisher's delta-v, I ended up almost too low for timewarp to workwhen I was still in an orbit that intersected the ground, so I had to wait about five minutes to get high enogh for timewarp to work, so that I reach my apoapsis and burn prograde, I did that, and then I waited until I had a good return window to kerbin, after that, I escaped from gilly, and since gilly was at it's highest point, It was very easy to escape, once I did all the maneuvers I needed and got back to kerbin, ready to aerobrake and return to kerbin, I STILL had a ton of fuel left on my lander/return stage, I facepalmed and jettisoned the lander. And after about five minutes of areobraking and landing back on kerbin with parachutes, I recovered the vessel with thousands of science, and experienced kerbals. If I could have done anything different, I would probably have definately included less fuel on the lander, added a heat shield on the eve probe lander stage.

If you managed to read all the way here, you are AWESOME, and deserve some snacks.
Tell me if anything here needs some explaining or wasn't clear enough, or you have any questions. (this took me a half our to write)

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

If you don't support, why not?

Be sure to check out games and animations at my profile!

I've moved to @RelatableTV
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Prof_Red wrote:

Ok guys, so I did this about a week ago or so, but I completed an eve 4 rally contract, I flew by mun, minmus, eve and gilly. It was pretty epic and plot twisting. My kerbal perticipants were Jeb, Bill, and Bob, of course! So first, I launched this HUGE vessel, it was very tall (not to mention, when the fairing came off, revealing the massive payload, I was like “it's so beautiful”, there were 3 parts, the fuel depot, with the equivelent of 3 orange tanks, powered by a poodle, the transfer stage, an orange tank and a quarter, powered by a skipper, and the return vessel, with LOTS of liquid fuel powered by a single nuclear engine, there were also small landers to represent the site for each flyby. The first thing I did was leave the fuel depot in kerbin orbit, I would come back to that later. Then I went to Minmus, (I did not go to the mun first, because I had other plans for that), I used the probe lander's engine to get the probe from an escape to a landing trajectory, and I landed the probe lander on Min(t)mus. Then I realized I was almost out of fuel from the transfer stage (which was still escaping minmus), not enough to return to low orbit, so instead, I went to high kerbin orbit, (2000km), then I maneuvered The fuel depot to that height and rendez-voused them. after that I took a break for a few days to think about how I would do this, I also decided to keep the fuel depot docked to the main vessel. After a few days of calculating specific impulse and phase angles. I returned to the mission, I decided before that the reason I did not go the mun first was because I was going to use it as a gravity assist to help escape Kerbin's SOI. I also had to decide between the poodle from the fuel depot and the skipper from the transfer stage. After calculating specific impulse, I decided to use the the poodle, since not only did it have greater specific impulse, but I was also able to jettison the transfer stage because I had more fuel capacity on the fuel depot, however, I realized that I could not yet until later because the mun probe lander was attatched to it. Ok, back to real life and not my head. First I transfered all fuel on this stage to the fuel depot, then I plotted a maneuver to get to the mun, and then a course to Eve (don't worry, I had already waited for a transfer window). I had to wait for a perfect window so that the mun was going to be between kerbin and the sun. I did that, and then I started burning for the mun using the poodle engine. I had an encounter, then I landed the probe lander as I did with minmus, and since the probe lander was gone, I could jettison the now obsolete transfer stage, and then I did. After leaving the Mun's SOI, I executed the second maneuver which was to make sure that my escape from kerbin was strong enough to get to eve's altitude. After leaving kerbin, I excecuted another maneuver, which was not only a plane change burn (Inclination change), but it was also a course correction burn to encounter eve. I did that, and finally had an eve encounter with a eve periapsis of about 85 km. I timewarped, for a good 200 days or so (I'm not exactly sure), and then when I arrived, I attempted to aerobrake, but unforunately, It failed for two reasons, 1. I wasn't low enough (eve's atmosphere starts at 90km btw), 2. I was too afraid to go any lower. So I just burned until I had an apoapsis, which was pretty easy since my orbit was not a very wide escape when I encountered Eve. After that, I realized my probe lander for eve (which was not attached to the transfer stage, but between the return stage and the fuel depot) had no heat shield, so I just decided to leave it in orbit, however it still has a docking port, so I might attach a heat shield later. Anyway, back to the main ship, I then did my inclination burn to get to gilly, I was 25 degrees off. I timewarped a few times and added plotted a course to get an orbit as low as possible. After I did that, my fuel depot ran dry, I jettisoned that and continued with the return stage. Even though this contract only needed flybys I decided a manned landing on gilly would be more fun and challenging, so when I was building this ship, (if I hadn't mentioned before) I made sure to add landing legs to the return stage so I could land on gilly, I got this idea when I saw people doing similar things like landing their mothership on Pol (since pol has very low gravity and gilly has the lowest gravity in the stock game), when doing the Jool 5 challenge. So anyway, deorbited and landed on gilly, I planted a flag, got a group photo, and harvested as much science as gilly can offer. After around 15 minutes of my kerbals going crazy over the insanely low gravity, I left gilly, even though getting into orbit required as much as a fire extinguisher's delta-v, I ended up almost too low for timewarp to workwhen I was still in an orbit that intersected the ground, so I had to wait about five minutes to get high enogh for timewarp to work, so that I reach my apoapsis and burn prograde, I did that, and then I waited until I had a good return window to kerbin, after that, I escaped from gilly, and since gilly was at it's highest point, It was very easy to escape, once I did all the maneuvers I needed and got back to kerbin, ready to aerobrake and return to kerbin, I STILL had a ton of fuel left on my lander/return stage, I facepalmed and jettisoned the lander. And after about five minutes of areobraking and landing back on kerbin with parachutes, I recovered the vessel with thousands of science, and experienced kerbals. If I could have done anything different, I would probably have definately included less fuel on the lander, added a heat shield on the eve probe lander stage.

If you managed to read all the way here, you are AWESOME, and deserve some snacks.
Tell me if anything here needs some explaining or wasn't clear enough, or you have any questions. (this took me a half our to write)

Wow, I spent 30 minutes writing a HUGE mission report and it gets no attention? Ok…

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

If you don't support, why not?

Be sure to check out games and animations at my profile!

I've moved to @RelatableTV
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Prof_Red wrote:

Prof_Red wrote:

Ok guys, so I did this about a week ago or so, but I completed an eve 4 rally contract, I flew by mun, minmus, eve and gilly. It was pretty epic and plot twisting. My kerbal perticipants were Jeb, Bill, and Bob, of course! So first, I launched this HUGE vessel, it was very tall (not to mention, when the fairing came off, revealing the massive payload, I was like “it's so beautiful”, there were 3 parts, the fuel depot, with the equivelent of 3 orange tanks, powered by a poodle, the transfer stage, an orange tank and a quarter, powered by a skipper, and the return vessel, with LOTS of liquid fuel powered by a single nuclear engine, there were also small landers to represent the site for each flyby. The first thing I did was leave the fuel depot in kerbin orbit, I would come back to that later. Then I went to Minmus, (I did not go to the mun first, because I had other plans for that), I used the probe lander's engine to get the probe from an escape to a landing trajectory, and I landed the probe lander on Min(t)mus. Then I realized I was almost out of fuel from the transfer stage (which was still escaping minmus), not enough to return to low orbit, so instead, I went to high kerbin orbit, (2000km), then I maneuvered The fuel depot to that height and rendez-voused them. after that I took a break for a few days to think about how I would do this, I also decided to keep the fuel depot docked to the main vessel. After a few days of calculating specific impulse and phase angles. I returned to the mission, I decided before that the reason I did not go the mun first was because I was going to use it as a gravity assist to help escape Kerbin's SOI. I also had to decide between the poodle from the fuel depot and the skipper from the transfer stage. After calculating specific impulse, I decided to use the the poodle, since not only did it have greater specific impulse, but I was also able to jettison the transfer stage because I had more fuel capacity on the fuel depot, however, I realized that I could not yet until later because the mun probe lander was attatched to it. Ok, back to real life and not my head. First I transfered all fuel on this stage to the fuel depot, then I plotted a maneuver to get to the mun, and then a course to Eve (don't worry, I had already waited for a transfer window). I had to wait for a perfect window so that the mun was going to be between kerbin and the sun. I did that, and then I started burning for the mun using the poodle engine. I had an encounter, then I landed the probe lander as I did with minmus, and since the probe lander was gone, I could jettison the now obsolete transfer stage, and then I did. After leaving the Mun's SOI, I executed the second maneuver which was to make sure that my escape from kerbin was strong enough to get to eve's altitude. After leaving kerbin, I excecuted another maneuver, which was not only a plane change burn (Inclination change), but it was also a course correction burn to encounter eve. I did that, and finally had an eve encounter with a eve periapsis of about 85 km. I timewarped, for a good 200 days or so (I'm not exactly sure), and then when I arrived, I attempted to aerobrake, but unforunately, It failed for two reasons, 1. I wasn't low enough (eve's atmosphere starts at 90km btw), 2. I was too afraid to go any lower. So I just burned until I had an apoapsis, which was pretty easy since my orbit was not a very wide escape when I encountered Eve. After that, I realized my probe lander for eve (which was not attached to the transfer stage, but between the return stage and the fuel depot) had no heat shield, so I just decided to leave it in orbit, however it still has a docking port, so I might attach a heat shield later. Anyway, back to the main ship, I then did my inclination burn to get to gilly, I was 25 degrees off. I timewarped a few times and added plotted a course to get an orbit as low as possible. After I did that, my fuel depot ran dry, I jettisoned that and continued with the return stage. Even though this contract only needed flybys I decided a manned landing on gilly would be more fun and challenging, so when I was building this ship, (if I hadn't mentioned before) I made sure to add landing legs to the return stage so I could land on gilly, I got this idea when I saw people doing similar things like landing their mothership on Pol (since pol has very low gravity and gilly has the lowest gravity in the stock game), when doing the Jool 5 challenge. So anyway, deorbited and landed on gilly, I planted a flag, got a group photo, and harvested as much science as gilly can offer. After around 15 minutes of my kerbals going crazy over the insanely low gravity, I left gilly, even though getting into orbit required as much as a fire extinguisher's delta-v, I ended up almost too low for timewarp to workwhen I was still in an orbit that intersected the ground, so I had to wait about five minutes to get high enogh for timewarp to work, so that I reach my apoapsis and burn prograde, I did that, and then I waited until I had a good return window to kerbin, after that, I escaped from gilly, and since gilly was at it's highest point, It was very easy to escape, once I did all the maneuvers I needed and got back to kerbin, ready to aerobrake and return to kerbin, I STILL had a ton of fuel left on my lander/return stage, I facepalmed and jettisoned the lander. And after about five minutes of areobraking and landing back on kerbin with parachutes, I recovered the vessel with thousands of science, and experienced kerbals. If I could have done anything different, I would probably have definately included less fuel on the lander, added a heat shield on the eve probe lander stage.

If you managed to read all the way here, you are AWESOME, and deserve some snacks.
Tell me if anything here needs some explaining or wasn't clear enough, or you have any questions. (this took me a half our to write)

Wow, I spent 30 minutes writing a HUGE mission report and it gets no attention? Ok…
lol maybe make it shorter?

Last edited by JonathanSchaffer (July 1, 2017 23:34:47)

club penguin is kil
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

Prof_Red wrote:

Prof_Red wrote:

Ok guys, so I did this about a week ago or so, but I completed an eve 4 rally contract, I flew by mun, minmus, eve and gilly. It was pretty epic and plot twisting. My kerbal perticipants were Jeb, Bill, and Bob, of course! So first, I launched this HUGE vessel, it was very tall (not to mention, when the fairing came off, revealing the massive payload, I was like “it's so beautiful”, there were 3 parts, the fuel depot, with the equivelent of 3 orange tanks, powered by a poodle, the transfer stage, an orange tank and a quarter, powered by a skipper, and the return vessel, with LOTS of liquid fuel powered by a single nuclear engine, there were also small landers to represent the site for each flyby. The first thing I did was leave the fuel depot in kerbin orbit, I would come back to that later. Then I went to Minmus, (I did not go to the mun first, because I had other plans for that), I used the probe lander's engine to get the probe from an escape to a landing trajectory, and I landed the probe lander on Min(t)mus. Then I realized I was almost out of fuel from the transfer stage (which was still escaping minmus), not enough to return to low orbit, so instead, I went to high kerbin orbit, (2000km), then I maneuvered The fuel depot to that height and rendez-voused them. after that I took a break for a few days to think about how I would do this, I also decided to keep the fuel depot docked to the main vessel. After a few days of calculating specific impulse and phase angles. I returned to the mission, I decided before that the reason I did not go the mun first was because I was going to use it as a gravity assist to help escape Kerbin's SOI. I also had to decide between the poodle from the fuel depot and the skipper from the transfer stage. After calculating specific impulse, I decided to use the the poodle, since not only did it have greater specific impulse, but I was also able to jettison the transfer stage because I had more fuel capacity on the fuel depot, however, I realized that I could not yet until later because the mun probe lander was attatched to it. Ok, back to real life and not my head. First I transfered all fuel on this stage to the fuel depot, then I plotted a maneuver to get to the mun, and then a course to Eve (don't worry, I had already waited for a transfer window). I had to wait for a perfect window so that the mun was going to be between kerbin and the sun. I did that, and then I started burning for the mun using the poodle engine. I had an encounter, then I landed the probe lander as I did with minmus, and since the probe lander was gone, I could jettison the now obsolete transfer stage, and then I did. After leaving the Mun's SOI, I executed the second maneuver which was to make sure that my escape from kerbin was strong enough to get to eve's altitude. After leaving kerbin, I excecuted another maneuver, which was not only a plane change burn (Inclination change), but it was also a course correction burn to encounter eve. I did that, and finally had an eve encounter with a eve periapsis of about 85 km. I timewarped, for a good 200 days or so (I'm not exactly sure), and then when I arrived, I attempted to aerobrake, but unforunately, It failed for two reasons, 1. I wasn't low enough (eve's atmosphere starts at 90km btw), 2. I was too afraid to go any lower. So I just burned until I had an apoapsis, which was pretty easy since my orbit was not a very wide escape when I encountered Eve. After that, I realized my probe lander for eve (which was not attached to the transfer stage, but between the return stage and the fuel depot) had no heat shield, so I just decided to leave it in orbit, however it still has a docking port, so I might attach a heat shield later. Anyway, back to the main ship, I then did my inclination burn to get to gilly, I was 25 degrees off. I timewarped a few times and added plotted a course to get an orbit as low as possible. After I did that, my fuel depot ran dry, I jettisoned that and continued with the return stage. Even though this contract only needed flybys I decided a manned landing on gilly would be more fun and challenging, so when I was building this ship, (if I hadn't mentioned before) I made sure to add landing legs to the return stage so I could land on gilly, I got this idea when I saw people doing similar things like landing their mothership on Pol (since pol has very low gravity and gilly has the lowest gravity in the stock game), when doing the Jool 5 challenge. So anyway, deorbited and landed on gilly, I planted a flag, got a group photo, and harvested as much science as gilly can offer. After around 15 minutes of my kerbals going crazy over the insanely low gravity, I left gilly, even though getting into orbit required as much as a fire extinguisher's delta-v, I ended up almost too low for timewarp to workwhen I was still in an orbit that intersected the ground, so I had to wait about five minutes to get high enogh for timewarp to work, so that I reach my apoapsis and burn prograde, I did that, and then I waited until I had a good return window to kerbin, after that, I escaped from gilly, and since gilly was at it's highest point, It was very easy to escape, once I did all the maneuvers I needed and got back to kerbin, ready to aerobrake and return to kerbin, I STILL had a ton of fuel left on my lander/return stage, I facepalmed and jettisoned the lander. And after about five minutes of areobraking and landing back on kerbin with parachutes, I recovered the vessel with thousands of science, and experienced kerbals. If I could have done anything different, I would probably have definately included less fuel on the lander, added a heat shield on the eve probe lander stage.

If you managed to read all the way here, you are AWESOME, and deserve some snacks.
Tell me if anything here needs some explaining or wasn't clear enough, or you have any questions. (this took me a half our to write)

Wow, I spent 30 minutes writing a HUGE mission report and it gets no attention? Ok…
lol maybe make it shorter?
lol nope

 `_`// This is Pixel, he protects me from evil kumquats

Did you read the WHOLE post, if not then go back and read it again.

If you don't support, why not?

Be sure to check out games and animations at my profile!

I've moved to @RelatableTV
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

North Korea now uses KSP for schools.

i love jellyfish
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

MeIoetta wrote:

North Korea now uses KSP for schools.
they probs use a terrain mod to make Kerbin match up with Earth's geography and put the Space Center on North Korea, and they practice shooting missiles at America. They're trained to hate us.

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me

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