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45 posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

Here are just a few suggestions for the:

Add a “slower” option to the effects
Add a “faster” option to the effects
Add a “shuffle” option to the effects (breaks up the sound into small pieces and puts them it into a new order)

The “featured” section of your profile can be set to automatic (always sets it to the top loved) or manual (the way it is now).
Perhaps a voice search?

Add a search bar to the block palette?
See here or here (this one has some blocks that we don't need to add, but the other ones?) for some block ideas.

Thanks! That's all I can think of (for now.)

Last edited by Electro912 (Aug. 9, 2013 10:19:54)

Watt are you doing?
That's quite shocking.
I wouldn't want to be in your current situation.
I bet you can't wait to go ohm.

My 3DS Friend Code is: 1736-1622-2185
I have a Normal-type FS with Smeargle, and… uhh… I can't remember. It definitely doesn't have Ditto, though (obnoxiously…)
1000+ posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

I don't see the benefit of shuffling, but I like the rest. But you can also use the voice control built into your computer.

My specs: Windows 8.1.2 - 3 GB RAM - Intel Core2 Quad - IE11
24 posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

Could the Scratch Team please make Scratch able to add MP4 files instead of just MP3? Thanks, ilpuppet
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

Good ideas! I like the sound editor “slower” “faster” ideas. I can also see where the automatic feature option might be handy for some people.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

Add a “slower” option to the effects
Add a “faster” option to the effects
Add a “shuffle” option to the effects (breaks up the sound into small pieces and puts them it into a new order)
Ooh! I support the speed-up and slow-down effects!
The “featured” section of your profile can be set to automatic (always sets it to the top loved) or manual (the way it is now).
Perhaps a voice search?
Suggested before, and I do support.
Add a search bar to the block palette?
See here or here (this one has some blocks that we don't need to add, but the other ones?) for some block ideas.
Eh, we don't need the search bar JUST for the blocks. But I do like many of the suggested block features, especially the “eraser” blocks and new sound blocks!

45 posts

New stuff in the sound editor, automation stuff

LeDerpy123 wrote:

I don't see the benefit of shuffling, but I like the rest. But you can also use the voice control built into your computer.

I thought it might be useful to make jibberish sounds like Despicable Me minions.

Watt are you doing?
That's quite shocking.
I wouldn't want to be in your current situation.
I bet you can't wait to go ohm.

My 3DS Friend Code is: 1736-1622-2185
I have a Normal-type FS with Smeargle, and… uhh… I can't remember. It definitely doesn't have Ditto, though (obnoxiously…)

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