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44 posts

Something Like A Cloud User

I would love something that where if you got on a game it would activate your user cloud. Which on the game would be something where it is like a string, and can be changed in the script. So like if you moved to the left. It will be set to lets say 1, and there will be a clone for every person that joins. So they can see the character move, and the other one could see theirs too. I would love this also on my game that way it's like multiplayer but with no chat so no one can be hurt.

It's fun because you can play multiplayer and have team games that aren't CPU's
It will make games more fun.

People might not like getting beaten by other people and may get mad.
many people might not be on that game- But I think I have a solution you put up a time for people to get on at shows the times for different time zones.

I think it would be fun

Last edited by tbpatj (Aug. 7, 2013 00:35:59)

1000+ posts

Something Like A Cloud User

So, you're suggesting cloud variables per user per project that uses them?

No support. The servers would be clogged up severely.

New to Scratch
100+ posts

Something Like A Cloud User

Once there are cloud lists you'll be able to make multiplayer games like what you are suggesting.
44 posts

Something Like A Cloud User

well I have never really used lists never really cared to so I didn't really know what it was but not per user per project I mean every user has one maybe it's just basically their account so but I do have one more suggestion that I will post

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