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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

hello12345678910 wrote:

Here are some helpful topics in scripting.
If you feel like there's something that should be here, but isn't, then suggest it.

Wiki Links

Scripting Tutorials
A nice little collection of scripting tutorials written by experienced scratchers
A few tutorials on how to improve the look of your projects

Basic Topics

Try to find a good platformer were you stay on the ground the whole time (you won't)
Curing the “Double click Green Flag” glitch
Fixing start-up problems with your project

More Advanced Topics

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Better Programmer
Ways to improve your projects
Coding and Encoding for Cloud Variables
Sometimes you want to store more than numbers
A Guide on How To Make a Multiplayer Game
Play with your friends using Cloud Variables
Want to make 3D?
Various techniques to make projects in 3D!
Cloning tutorial
The basics of using cloning in your project


Scratch Wiki
The Wiki. simple as that
Scratch blocks Guide
Learn to use the forum-based Scratch blocks!

Last edited by Paddle2See (Nov. 24, 2016 00:56:00)

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

99 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Thats great! First post for the record!

THE GAME (you just lost)
Chrome 23.0.1271.101 on iMac running Mac OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.2 with Flash Player 11.4.402.287
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Trash it, change it, mail – upgrade it, Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, Snap it, work it, quick – erase it, Write it, cut it, paste it, save it, Load it, check it, quick – rewrite it, Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, Drag and drop it, zip – unzip it, Lock it, fill it, call it, find it, View it, code it, jam – unlock it, Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, Cross it, crack it, switch – update it, Name it, rate it, tune it, print it, Scan it, send it, fax – rename it, Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it.
; Preserve the semi-colons! ;
6 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I have a question… I'm working on a game right now, and the main thing I'm using in the game is a list. But for some weird reason there is no block that says: replace this with that. It's: replace 1 with that. What if I don't want 1, what if I want something else. Is there anything I can do?
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I have a question… I'm working on a game right now, and the main thing I'm using in the game is a list. But for some weird reason there is no block that says: replace this with that. It's: replace 1 with that. What if I don't want 1, what if I want something else. Is there anything I can do?

Ah - so the “1” is for list item 1, but you can click and set it to a different list item number if you like.

Btw - feel free to post in “Help with Scripts” - that way others who are searching for answers to similar questions can find it easier.
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Ahh, yes, the scripting help forums… With the new cloning feature, how do you broadcast to an individual clone of a sprite, or is that impossible?

As a long time Scratcher, I have found new meaning to the name “Scratch”: for me, it means to “scratch that itch”, to come back again and again to realize new ideas in this toy language, even when I'm capable of creating my projects in real programming languages years later. It's a friend that helped me to pursue programming and get me to enjoy its fruit. I'm certain many others who have walked this path as well have grown fond of its importance in their life.
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Zro716 wrote:

Ahh, yes, the scripting help forums… With the new cloning feature, how do you broadcast to an individual clone of a sprite, or is that impossible?
Well, there is a way, though it'd still involve broadcasting to every clone. So, first create a local variable in the sprite that gets cloned (“Clone ID”), and a global one (“Base ID”). Then, set (Base ID) to 1, set every new clone's (Clone ID) to (Base ID), and change (Base ID) by 1 after every cloning. Now every clone has it's own unique ID!

Now, all you have to do is broadcast like normal, and use this script on the receiving end:

When I receive [Broadcast v]
if <(Clone ID) = (4)>
I hope that this helps!

Last edited by ErnieParke (Feb. 9, 2013 22:31:40)

42 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I made A Simple Platformer with just one Level with Jumping: Here

And a question: 1s1s is for any 1s1s project

Last edited by Aditya007 (March 31, 2013 06:28:21)

Beta = 2.0 = Cloud = Better
Woo Hoo!!!

Flashlight: A Calculator, Different From Other Calculators
Try one of the best art languages of the world Converted Into Scratch, MS LOGO
A Great Mathematically Made Art Project, Flower Draw
A Great Painting Fun, Mirror Mouse

Have Fun
6 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Oh wow I didn't even have to copy my topic over from the old forums the scratch team did it for me
500+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

There's also zorket's block library it shows somw cool blocks and has more every day!

Pondering what to work on.
500+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Lightnin: Ah - so the “1” is for list item 1, but you can click and set it to a different list item number if you like.

Btw - feel free to post in “Help with Scripts” - that way others who are searching for answers to similar questions can find it easier.

Hey Lightnin, Like you did, how do you put the link inside the pic?

i am mostly inactive on this site but still check in ocassionally!
11 years of scratching <3
36 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

lets try out bold text/italic text/underlined text/stroked text/links (this one to forums home)(this one to my profile)/color

PS. please check out my game Controller v1.1!

Last edited by sammyuri (May 12, 2013 18:49:11)

Check out my new space statio– STOP IT YO—-UPID KU-MQU-A—–

9 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

first, take 2 repeats (both 10 repeat) and stick em together. Then, take 2 “change y” boxes and set 1 in the first repeat, with change y by _ (1 - 9 is good) and then the second change y one in the second repeat box and make it a -_. To make it more realistic, add a wait box inbetween the repeat boxes.
When W pressed:
repeat 10
change y by 6
wait 0.1 seconds
repeat 10
change y by -6


Last edited by ScratchDude82 (May 18, 2013 13:30:21)

53 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Links are crashed!

100+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

In the section Basic Topics the following links seem to be broken:

Arrow key control of a sprite
Basic Gravity
Moving objects in a scrolling game
Moving with sensor sprites
Scrolling with enemies
Toggle switch
Bouncing script
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Probably broken due to the transfer from 1.4 to 2.0!

1 post

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

This is a tutorial for global (cloud) high score
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Hey, can you add a link to some of my forums topics under More Advanced topics?

How to make a sprite click and drag normally with scripts

Dragging is built in, but what about turning it on or off? This is what it's for.

Collision sensing

The collision example is in Show and Tell. Perhaps I should make a second one… ?

Last edited by Failord (June 8, 2013 23:35:02)

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
44 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

how do you make a battle scene in a rpg

(smiley spam removed by moderator - please don't overuse the smiles)

Last edited by Paddle2See (June 9, 2013 22:50:33)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

syfiguy wrote:

how do you make a battle scene in a rpg

(smiley spam removed by moderator - please don't overuse the smiles)
You should post this question in Help with Scripts - it's more likely to get an answer there

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

New Scratcher
1 post

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting


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