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How to make a better draggable sprite!

We all know that draggability is built into sprites, so coding isn't that necessary. Or is it?

What if you want to turn it on or off? Then, my friends, I have a scripted solution.

Look here to see how to make your sprite dragging work like people expect it to, without any pressing Space to pick up or annoying, nauseating jumping to the center point.

Since doubt may be present surrounding its claim to superiority, I have added a sample from 1.4 for comparison. Spacebar makes it appear and b makes it go away.

Hope this helps!

Last edited by Failord (July 5, 2013 19:54:11)

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
100+ posts

How to make a better draggable sprite!

You should make a project that is a tutorial about that.
Then you can put it in some studio.
1000+ posts

How to make a better draggable sprite!

I wish it could be made a sample sprite…

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
1000+ posts

How to make a better draggable sprite!


Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…

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