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Kerbal Space Program

javaprogrammer123 wrote:

Trying to get to the Mun using a PB-ION Electric Propulsion System is a bad idea. I mean, I tried it once, and I left my probe on an eccentric orbit around Kerbin.
lucky its a probe huh

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
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Kerbal Space Program

100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

theultimatehedgehog wrote:

what is the stupidest thing you have done in the game

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
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100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

my world reset so i no longer have a kerbal(whatever you call them) on duna. I stink at this game btw

(insert GIF here)
5 posts

Kerbal Space Program

hi! i pay this game. just started. any tips on a space station? it is hard
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

sharky12345678910 wrote:

hi! i pay this game. just started. any tips on a space station? it is hard
learn how to do a rendezvous, and if you dont know how, dont start on a put together space station try putting up a one module space station into orbit, then try rendezvous and docking on the space station
hoped this helped

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
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100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

I love KSP!!!

Follow me to work at Engo Studios! The best projects go there!
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1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

PlasmaKairo wrote:

And besides, it works in kerbal space program.
Cool xkcd. I wish I could get KSP but it costs money and my computer doesn't have Steam.

bottom text
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Follow me to work at Engo Studios! The best projects go there!
when green flag clicked
follow [docnathan v]
play [my games v]
41 posts

Kerbal Space Program

I new somebody would be playing KSP! Minmus is apparently easier to get to than the mun…

“Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is strange than we CAN think”

Games here and here!
500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.

Hi, I am a person! (I'm pretty sure I'm a person. Can someone confirm that I am a person for me?)

life is beautiful, except when it's not
New Scratcher
1 post

Kerbal Space Program

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
Have you completed the Jool-5 challenge, I have completed it
Also, I've been a KSPer for 3 years (really early alpha) and practically completed everything
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
i landed on the mun, by lithobraking

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
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100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Creeperfun wrote:

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
i landed on the mun, by lithobraking
ive gotten so closed to landing multiple times but something always goes wrong

i thought it was great
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Fire__ wrote:

Creeperfun wrote:

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
i landed on the mun, by lithobraking
ive gotten so closed to landing multiple times but something always goes wrong
ive landed before, properly, just the last time i landed i lithobraked

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
Join my Collaborations: Stick Fight! Portal 3
My IQ is 125
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500+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Creeperfun wrote:

Fire__ wrote:

Creeperfun wrote:

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
i landed on the mun, by lithobraking
ive gotten so closed to landing multiple times but something always goes wrong
ive landed before, properly, just the last time i landed i lithobraked
I've landed a manned ship on Duna, waiting for the return window to finally show up. Then my brave kerbonauts can go home to their kerbal kids. :p
I did it apollo-style, but I used mechjeb for the orbiting (I can do that by myself, just got boring) interplanetary transfer (coulda done that using maneuver nodes) and docking (did that manually 2 times). If I really wanted to, I could have done it all manual. Not without maneuver nodes, probably, but still.

Hi, I am a person! (I'm pretty sure I'm a person. Can someone confirm that I am a person for me?)

life is beautiful, except when it's not
1000+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Manual landings for me result in RUD during lithobraking.

2 posts

Kerbal Space Program

There's a new multiplayer plugin!!!!!!!
2 posts

Kerbal Space Program

There's a new multiplayer plugin!!!!!!!
100+ posts

Kerbal Space Program

Dets65 wrote:

Creeperfun wrote:

Fire__ wrote:

Creeperfun wrote:

Dets65 wrote:

I've gotten back into KSP. I've landed an unmanned probe on Eve, and done manned landings on Minmus and the Mun.
I'm working on a duna mission.
i landed on the mun, by lithobraking
ive gotten so closed to landing multiple times but something always goes wrong
ive landed before, properly, just the last time i landed i lithobraked
I've landed a manned ship on Duna, waiting for the return window to finally show up. Then my brave kerbonauts can go home to their kerbal kids. :p
I did it apollo-style, but I used mechjeb for the orbiting (I can do that by myself, just got boring) interplanetary transfer (coulda done that using maneuver nodes) and docking (did that manually 2 times). If I really wanted to, I could have done it all manual. Not without maneuver nodes, probably, but still.
got to duna manually, then lithobraked the landing

Energy = Mass X Speed of light 2
how do i know that, I asked google.
Join my Collaborations: Stick Fight! Portal 3
My IQ is 125
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