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Minecraft but 14 fps

Next update comes out on May 21st!
Save the date for update 2.4!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

A fix has been found for the glitch with the sound menu
This glitch has existed since update 2.2 (March 25 2024) or almost an entire month.
The update will roll out today!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.3.1 (April 24 2024):
This update is very small, being just a bug fix (Patch for 2.3)

Last edited by East105A (April 27, 2024 17:02:43)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

I accidentally reposted this

Last edited by East105A (April 26, 2024 14:01:18)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Hint for next update (2.4):

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.3.2 (April 29 2024):
Yes, I dedicated this entire update to ankle monitors.
Added Ankle Monitors (most useless item in the 300+ items in the game)
They go in the leggings slot of armor slots
For the bug reporters:
The ankle monitor appears as iron leggings.
This is a joke item and will not get another texture.
Fork of update 2.3.1 (April 24 2024)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

May 11 2024:
Update 2.4 is the texture update
Name will be announced soon!
Update releases on May 21st (in 10 days)
10 days until the update is applied!
A backup will be made of the current version (2.3.2)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

East105A wrote:

May 11 2024:
Update 2.4 is the texture update
Name will be announced soon!
Update releases on May 21st (in 10 days)
10 days until the update is applied!
A backup will be made of the current version (2.3.2)
The update will be split into 2 parts (2.4 and 2.4.1)
Not all textures are being updated in 2.4
The rest will be updated in 2.4.1
2.4 is still releasing on May 21
Remember to report bugs!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

2.4 Additions:
Texture Update (part 1)
Leather Armor (cancelled)
Dyes that weren't added in 2.3
More stuff

Last edited by East105A (May 25, 2024 17:41:36)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

May 18 2024:
2.4 is going to be a “smaller” update due to multiple factors.
2.4.1 is going to have more content
2.4.1 releases soon!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

East105A wrote:

2.4 Additions:
Texture Update (part 1)
Leather Armor (pushed back to 2.4.1)
Dyes that weren't added in 2.3
More stuff
Damage Blocks are also being added to 2.4.
They are NOT solid blocks.
They render as “error” texture (the magenta and black checker pattern)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

“New” blocks / items:
Damage Block (one of the hardest blocks to get)
Poisonous bread (don't add dirt to the bread recipe)
2.4 isn't going to have much content due to multiple factors
The 2.3 recipe example world is getting updated!
Sorry for lack of content
2.4.1 releases in early June

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.4 (May 21 2024) comes out today at 4pm PST (UTC -8) or 7pm EST or 11pm GMT
Full content list:
Damage Block
Poisonous Bread
Texture Update (part 1)
The update name is: Technical Tacos
2.4.1 releases in early June
2.3.2 backup is available in East105A Studios

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Unfortunately, 2.4 got delayed 30 minutes due to me forgetting to update at 4pm

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.4 is out!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.4.1 (planned release date: June 7 2024):
Planned content:
Netherite Tools (i don't know how to add armor, sorry)
More blocks and items from updates 1.12 - 1.16
The items being added are from updates:
1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 (mainly 1.16)
Dyes not added in 2.3 / 2.4
1.17+ items will be added at a later date.
Update name: TBA (to be announced)

Last edited by East105A (May 27, 2024 16:37:19)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

East105A wrote:

Update 2.4.1 (planned release date: June 7 2024):
Planned content:
Netherite Tools (i don't know how to add armor, sorry)
More blocks and items from updates 1.12 - 1.16
The items being added are from updates:
1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 (mainly 1.16)
Dyes not added in 2.3 / 2.4
1.17+ items will be added at a later date.
Update name: TBA (to be announced)
May 29 2024:
Update 2.4.1 will be named “Netherite Update”
Most stuff being added in this update is unaccessible in survival due to several issues.
Dungeons are now very overpowered (can you guess why?)
The release date of 2.4.1: June 7 2024
Texture Update part 2 is coming also!

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Minecraft but 14 fps

Update 2.4.1 2.5 Pre-release 1 (June 1 2024):
This update is a pre-release of 2.5 (unnamed update)
2.5 releases on June 7th
The update includes netherite and several other features.
Not everything is working, but I will fix it.
Anvil (useless): Gravity block, but expensive (very expensive block)
Packed Ice and Blue Ice
Netherite Tools (upgraded with template, not ingots)
Netherite is unobtainable in survival right now.
Netherite ingot (currently useless)
Smooth Stone
More features coming in future updates.
Poisonous bread is now unobtainable and was removed in 2.5 Prerelease 1.
No more poisonous bread
New background (thumbnail)
New splash text coming soon!

Last edited by East105A (June 6, 2024 15:20:57)

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Minecraft but 14 fps

2.5 Pre-release 2 comes out today!
This version adds a new slider (Mob) to control mob sounds into the sound menu.
The rest of the textures will be updated (most of them)

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54 posts

Minecraft but 14 fps

East105A wrote:

2.5 Pre-release 2 comes out today!
This version adds a new slider (Mob) to control mob sounds into the sound menu.
The rest of the textures will be updated (most of them)
2.5 Pre-release 2 is cancelled and the new mob slider will be added in 2.5 not PR-2.

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