Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

It's still here

Hi. It's me. Welcome to my profile, you're welcome here.
I have millions of projects, but no blocking, false reporting, or banning me!
I have very good Scratchers I like, and sometimes dislike them acting like trolls or harassing me.
No bots aloud in this area..
I've been working on Scratch to get along with my projects, please take a look at my profile if you wish! I won't be active when I'm asleep or someone gets a turn on a computer!
31 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

LionCoder10 wrote:

UPDATE: The bug is fixed, but there’s a chance it could come back, like it did last time

My browser / operating system: iPhone iOS 15.8, Safari 15.6.6, No Flash version detected
(This bug has happened to iPhone, iPad, and PC users, or basically any device)
None of the projects on the Scratch homepage are showing except the “Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following”. All the words are still there (ex. “Featured Projects”) except the SDS and Curated row.

I took a screenshot: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018038086/
Other screenshots by medians, MyCollegeStudent, o97doge, roeieju
Many other people have created a topic concerning this bug, too, but I was first lol

Bug first appeared around 7:30 PM EST on May 10th
Bug fixed at about 11:30 PM EST on May 10th
Bug reappeared around 2:15 AM EST on May 11th
Bug fixed at about 6:00 AM EST on May 11th

Random edit: It’s stickied? Nice, I’ve never had one before

It still here today

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 11.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

 certified scratcher @greenFlag::sensing :: hat
Mon profil | Dragon v1.2 (new updates)

Aussi, demandez-moi pour être sponsor de mon prochain jeu

Scratch version HTML5:
Doctype ( html v) ::hat
html - /html {
head - /head {
meta charset = ( UTF-8 v)
title [ Scratch On ! ] /title
body - /body {
h1 [ Welcome to Scratch ! Scratch on ! ] /h1
p [ Scratch on ! ] /p
500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage


This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to Za-Chary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Working now:

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 11.3, Chrome, No Flash versions detected (same version of OS)

Last edited by medians (May 11, 2024 17:25:36)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

ITS BACK EVERYONE PANIC (joking ofc dont actually do that)

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Firefox 125.0, No Flash version detected

Want to view the rest of my signature? Highlight this text and press Shift+Down!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature

Name: Meep
Adopt one yourself! @ Pokémon Orphanage
“Angel Gabby? Angel Gabby!” ~ Francis, the best boye

Hello! My name is XCartooonX, but please call me Low-Key. I'm super into Pokemon, My Singing Monsters, and more. Feel free to follow me!

10 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

it happens 3 times now
9 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

I think I saw something somewhere about a solar storm, maybe that's what's causing it?

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

highlight this text and shift + down to scroll

Color list:
Dark Green #006400
Dark Olive Green #556b2f
Dark Orange #ff8c00
Gold #ffd700
Lemon Chiffon #fffacd
Orange #ffa500
Orange Red #ff4500
Alizarin Crimson #e32636
Amber #ffbf00
Baby Blue #89cff0
Baby Pink #f4c2c2
Bubble Gum #ffc1cc
Carolina Blue #56a0d3
Carrot Orange #ed9121
Chrome Yellow #ffa700 (Personal favorite!)
Turmeric #f0ac03
Honey #f7ab1e
Light Honey #fcbf4c
Light Blue #1ea0f7
Bright Wisteria #cb73f2

when green flag clicked
ask [How do you get those names? I got them by clicking on random forum request shops.] and wait // /genq
if <(answer) = [you just do]> then
scream to (100000000) :: custom

define scream to (noise)
set volume to (noise) %
play sound [screaming v] until done // /hj


Normal text etc.
blah blah
blah blah
100+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

3emwow wrote:

I think I saw something somewhere about a solar storm, maybe that's what's causing it?

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected
Unlikely. It couldn't affect just a part of the front page every single time but not another part can it?

A signature. Me in the wiki.
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

it’s back.

there’s someplace I want to go to for comfort… but I can’t figure out what.
100+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

glitch is Back!

Due to My Instest in Cuphead. i Desided to Put The Evil Side on Hold. I am So Sorry for Doing this. it will Open again When i get the Instest Back!

500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

it's looking normal rn

19 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

The bug came back sadly.

Hi I'm -StarryCat-! I'm not that good at making projects, but I can make decent remixes! She/her
1 post

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

scratch is doomed.
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Its happening to me
Right after I posted this, it fixed itself

Last edited by ideapad-320 (May 11, 2024 22:04:05)

This is my siggy.
Can't wait for FRC water game!
16 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Maybe someone messed with Python in the API. Lots of suers use Python, like (removed by moderator - please don't name names), the spammer for follows.
FishHoue's signature.

Last edited by Paddle2See (May 22, 2024 15:39:59)

1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Affected user:

^ Below this line is my signature ^

New to the forums? Click here!

<Skilled Coder | Forum Helper (about) | Scratch Lab>

What we need may not be what we want.

Banner by Scratchboxes
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

It happened again earlier to me, but it's fixed again.

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

39 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

ocuious wrote:

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

The only survivor was Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following
perhaps that's because it's the only row which differs from person to person? means it's a server issue and not just an issue with specific accounts

39 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

the only one left is projects loved by scratchers I'm following. It's kinda weird

1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

unicornflight wrote:

the only one left is projects loved by scratchers I'm following. It's kinda weird
Projects show for me at the moment, though it broke earlier again and I had a screenshot:


Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators


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