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32 posts

Turbo Mode

When you click the green flag along with shift at the same yo go into turbo mode. Could somebody pls explain to me what this does? Thx!

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch is great!]

Why not go check out this game I made: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/976341087
100+ posts

Turbo Mode

in the simplest way possible:
makes the project run really fast, this sometimes can fix severe lag issues but breaks projects most of the time

shift + down arrow to read


she/they/xe prns // lesbian oriented aroace, polyamory & bigender // my current hyperfixation is DF WOAH how could you tell!!!! // please note i may post incorrect information (just like everyone else here) // DANCING BABY IS A TROLL. THEY WILL NECROPOST. REPORT AND MOVE ON. // GUYS ITS TIME TO GRIDDY // dark evil beat // average scratch ban appeal /j

1000+ posts

Turbo Mode

The Wiki explains it pretty well

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so bad
32 posts

Turbo Mode

Thanks everyone!

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch is great!]

Why not go check out this game I made: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/976341087
1000+ posts

Turbo Mode

Sive_24 wrote:

Thanks everyone!
Turbowarp, which is a stand alone website from Scratch can run Scratch projects faster than regular turbomode

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
32 posts

Turbo Mode

-Expo wrote:

Sive_24 wrote:

Thanks everyone!
Turbowarp, which is a stand alone website from Scratch can run Scratch projects faster than regular turbomode

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch is great!]

Why not go check out this game I made: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/976341087

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