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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

I don't like the idea of having multiple hosts constantly switching over. Having a system like that would be very tricky to balance, schedules would need to be tightly managed to factor in when they won't be active etc… having one host on the other hand with a line of successors would be a lot easier to manage and would be less of a hassle. Plus, I don't really see many benefits for having multiple hosts besides some shared power I suppose but that's not really necessary. And, as you guys have mentioned, there is a higher risk of a host just taking over the studio and messing things up if the hosts are switching.

Last edited by help_the_animals (April 30, 2024 13:18:58)


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

help_the_animals wrote:

I don't like the idea of having multiple hosts constantly switching over. Having a system like that would be very tricky to balance, schedules would need to be tightly managed to factor in when they won't be active etc… having one host on the other hand with a line of successors would be a lot easier to manage and would be less of a hassle. Plus, I don't really see many benefits for having multiple hosts besides some shared power I suppose but that's not really necessary. And, as you guys have mentioned, there is a higher risk of a host just taking over the studio and messing things up if the hosts are switching.
I completely agree

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

I do agree with you, but here are some of my thoughts on what you said.

1) A rotating host system has been proven to be effective in the case of GWDFI. The position of “host” is not viewed as much as the “owner” as the “supervisor” or the person who for a period of time has more responsibilities. However, it is important to note that this system is successful because of a large number of active managers, which our studio lacks.

2) Again, coordination is much easier when the responsibilities don’t lie on such a small group of people.

3) This is true: there are no checks and balances for the studio. Frankly, at this point, there are not even any! I could (theoretically) remove all of the other managers, and effectively take over the studio, doing irrevocable damage to the studio. Every time a manager is promoted there is a higher chance of risk of a rogue actor. Similarly there is a higher risk of a tyrannical host in the rotating system.

5) I don’t see how some of us could be more complacent lol. But seriously, if the position of host is viewed as a responsibility and not a privilege, then this mindset could be avoided.

6) I don’t think this has negatively impacted the studio’s success in the past, because Blaze has been inactive for years, and managers have come and gone since. In fact it may be dangerous to attribute the entirety of the studio’s success to any single person.

Five and six are in fact somewhat contradictory because, again, a weekly host would be accountable for the week’s success, leading to that person possibly being more helpful/active during his time as a host than his time as a manager.

7) I’m not sure what you mean. After a host changes, the former host returns to being a standard manager, with no additional privileges.

I cannot stress enough that this is not gwdfi. I dare question have you even looked beyond thereof? This is a whole different studio. A whole different studio with it's different people, customs and beliefs aside from gwdfi. Especially our own set of problems. I wish to remind you that this is Christian HQ. This is the very studio I have been apart of for almost the last decade of my life. Comparing the hallowed ground of Christian HQ to the pigsty gwdfi is to me beyond ridiculousness. It is like comparing apples to oranges. What works for them will not work for us. A long-term host is like a seasoned carpenter who knows the shape of his wood, the type of wood he works with and what the wood tells him. The roots of that wood runs deep into the soil of the earth- each going their own separate ways. It appears to me that you are asking for a rotating, shapeshifting host, flitting from week to week, their presence elusive. How can they so grasp the heart and soul of the studio if they are nothing more than a flickering shadow on the wall? The rotating host, a dilettante with a palette of confusion. One week, abstract expressionism; the next, pixelated cubism. Our studio becomes a gallery of fractured mirrors, reflecting nothing but the confusion of this dumb, unnecessary process, and what I believe chaos down the road. Is this really what God wants?

Ask yourself, What does God want for Christian HQ as opposed to what gwdfi is doing?

Last edited by -Expo (April 30, 2024 16:50:00)

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Bandit_MVR_2023 wrote:

Sure I like the idea, but I really think having a weekly roster or even a montly roster would solve a lot of problems including QOTW and BVOTW blocks, if people can't think of any good ones some fresh ideas are always welcome. Reckoning we should take a list of managers who would like to be the Studio Host and see what they think, montly swaps or weekly swaps. I think then it's fairer for everyone, especially as if a long-term host suddenly went inactive it would create a problem. However, it also brings to mind for me to remind you that when you change Studio Host you don't get demoted back to curator, so we wouldn't have to deal with scrolling down through hundreds and hundreds of curators.

Also how did my name get leaked XD now everyone is calling me Kate (not that i mind)
“fairer for everyone”?? what do you think this is, a merry-go-round? in essence, it will become a merry-go-round if we do not think twice about it. As per the forum topic on the first post, the discussion has to be “collective”, meaning that we have to select a host as a group. Everyone has an equal chance of becoming the studio host. In addition, you also said

Bandit_MVR_2023 wrote:

especially as if a long-term host suddenly went inactive it would create a problem
that is what the line of secession is for. Say if I were chosen the host and I go on my summer break from Scratch, I would transfer the ownership to the next person in line (or the “Vice Host” or the person afterward) if they consent

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

I cannot stress enough that this is not gwdfi. I dare question have you even looked beyond thereof? This is a whole different studio. A whole different studio with it's different people, customs and beliefs aside from gwdfi. Especially our own set of problems. I wish to remind you that this is Christian HQ. This is the very studio I have been apart of for almost the last decade of my life. Comparing the hallowed ground of Christian HQ to the pigsty gwdfi is to me beyond ridiculousness. It is like comparing apples to oranges. What works for them will not work for us. A long-term host is like a seasoned carpenter who knows the shape of his wood, the type of wood he works with and what the wood tells him. The roots of that wood runs deep into the soil of the earth- each going their own separate ways. It appears to me that you are asking for a rotating, shapeshifting host, flitting from week to week, their presence elusive. How can they so grasp the heart and soul of the studio if they are nothing more than a flickering shadow on the wall? The rotating host, a dilettante with a palette of confusion. One week, abstract expressionism; the next, pixelated cubism. Our studio becomes a gallery of fractured mirrors, reflecting nothing but the confusion of this dumb, unnecessary process, and what I believe chaos down the road. Is this really what God wants?

Ask yourself, What does God want for Christian HQ as opposed to what gwdfi is doing?

Again, as I stated in the beginning of that post, I do agree with you in that we should not have a rotating host. However, I think you have the wrong idea of how the rotating host system would work.
Let us compare the studios to companies. A secular nonprofit and a Christian nonprofit operate very similarly. Really, the only exception is with their main mission, whether or not to glorify God in all that they do. Our studio, though motivated by a different goal than GWDFI, can be compared in terms of finding the best way to accomplish our purpose.
You compare a long-term host to a seasoned carpenter; however who is to say that having a rotating shot would not offer the same? Instead of one person, burdened with the responsibilities of the studio, there would be a group of persons, with varying levels of experience, each offering their own skills to the studio. These people would not be randomly appointed, nor would they be allowed to host without proper experience and approval from the more seasoned managers. They would be allowed to enter the rotation only upon review and prayer from the other managers.
The rotating host will not be as transient as you insinuate. It would be as an oligarchy, a counsel of leaders who share the responsibilities of the studio amongst themselves. The process needs not be chaos as you say. It has the potential to lend the studio the personalities and influence of multiple people rather than being bound to the person of one.

I ask myself, what does God want for Christian HQ. The answer is this: “Whether ye therefore eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” I believe that finding the balance between power and responsibility is key to leading this studio in the future years—leading this studio in a direction that will allow more people to see the love of Christ through such feeble souls as ours.

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

As somebody who was a manager of the studio at one point in time, although whose perspective on this doesn't really matter anymore It seems practical to let somebody who is active on such as -expo, although also wise to let somebody who is grown in years such as Johnath50, although the potential worry is that the people who comment a lot especially about things of this world and talking against them tend to get banned on scratch. Anyways God Bless as always
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

I cannot stress enough that this is not gwdfi. I dare question have you even looked beyond thereof? This is a whole different studio. A whole different studio with it's different people, customs and beliefs aside from gwdfi. Especially our own set of problems. I wish to remind you that this is Christian HQ. This is the very studio I have been apart of for almost the last decade of my life. Comparing the hallowed ground of Christian HQ to the pigsty gwdfi is to me beyond ridiculousness. It is like comparing apples to oranges. What works for them will not work for us. A long-term host is like a seasoned carpenter who knows the shape of his wood, the type of wood he works with and what the wood tells him. The roots of that wood runs deep into the soil of the earth- each going their own separate ways. It appears to me that you are asking for a rotating, shapeshifting host, flitting from week to week, their presence elusive. How can they so grasp the heart and soul of the studio if they are nothing more than a flickering shadow on the wall? The rotating host, a dilettante with a palette of confusion. One week, abstract expressionism; the next, pixelated cubism. Our studio becomes a gallery of fractured mirrors, reflecting nothing but the confusion of this dumb, unnecessary process, and what I believe chaos down the road. Is this really what God wants?

Ask yourself, What does God want for Christian HQ as opposed to what gwdfi is doing?

Again, as I stated in the beginning of that post, I do agree with you in that we should not have a rotating host. However, I think you have the wrong idea of how the rotating host system would work.
Let us compare the studios to companies. A secular nonprofit and a Christian nonprofit operate very similarly. Really, the only exception is with their main mission, whether or not to glorify God in all that they do. Our studio, though motivated by a different goal than GWDFI, can be compared in terms of finding the best way to accomplish our purpose.
You compare a long-term host to a seasoned carpenter; however who is to say that having a rotating shot would not offer the same? Instead of one person, burdened with the responsibilities of the studio, there would be a group of persons, with varying levels of experience, each offering their own skills to the studio. These people would not be randomly appointed, nor would they be allowed to host without proper experience and approval from the more seasoned managers. They would be allowed to enter the rotation only upon review and prayer from the other managers.
The rotating host will not be as transient as you insinuate. It would be as an oligarchy, a counsel of leaders who share the responsibilities of the studio amongst themselves. The process needs not be chaos as you say. It has the potential to lend the studio the personalities and influence of multiple people rather than being bound to the person of one.

I ask myself, what does God want for Christian HQ. The answer is this: “Whether ye therefore eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” I believe that finding the balance between power and responsibility is key to leading this studio in the future years—leading this studio in a direction that will allow more people to see the love of Christ through such feeble souls as ours.

I'm hearing that it would be better to just have one. I don't wish to start arguing, but it is getting pretty back and forth. But, I guess we have to agree to disagree for right now. I'll throw in another thought:

If we do get ownership of CHQ back, what about all of the other CHQ-owned studios? You know how the Roman Empire divided and conquered it's land, yes? Suppose if we appoint multiple long term hosts over all of the CHQ-owned studios:

• Christian HQ (duh)
• Christian HQ Prayer List and Requests (also owned by Blaze, the desc. needs to also be fixed)
• Christian HQ Questions and Debates Studio (I can make a new one or someone else)
• Christian HQ-Manager discussion (if @amethyst_queen wants it out of her hands)
• Christian HQ backup and/or CHQ 2.0 (there is a slew of different CHQ Alternate studios so we can just pick one or make a new one)
• Christian HQ Archive (This is something I am trying to make in the future for the 10-year anniversary)

What do you guys think?

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

I'm hearing that it would be better to just have one. I don't wish to start arguing, but it is getting pretty back and forth. But, I guess we have to agree to disagree for right now.


-Expo wrote:

If we do get ownership of CHQ back, what about all of the other CHQ-owned studios? You know how the Roman Empire divided and conquered it's land, yes? Suppose if we appoint multiple long term hosts over all of the CHQ-owned studios:

• Christian HQ (duh)
• Christian HQ Prayer List and Requests (also owned by Blaze, the desc. needs to also be fixed)
• Christian HQ Questions and Debates Studio (I can make a new one or someone else)
• Christian HQ-Manager discussion (if @amethyst_queen wants it out of her hands)
• Christian HQ backup and/or CHQ 2.0 (there is a slew of different CHQ Alternate studios so we can just pick one or make a new one)
• Christian HQ Archive (This is something I am trying to make in the future for the 10-year anniversary)

What do you guys think?

I think that someone should take on the Prayer Studio. Should the Club for Christ 2.0 Debate Studio be made the official debate studio? I could change the name of it if desired. I think we should make a new official backup studio, so we don’t have to have even more ST intervention lol. As for the Archive, I think if you make it you should have ownership over it.

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?
Seeing as how we don’t own it idk if we could pull that off…

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?
Seeing as how we don’t own it idk if we could pull that off…
I know a guy…

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
3 posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?
Make sure in the bill of sale there is a contractual agreement to change the name once they have obtained it…
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

amethyst_queen wrote:

-Expo wrote:

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?
Make sure in the bill of sale there is a contractual agreement to change the name once they have obtained it…
That's given

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

amethyst_queen wrote:

-Expo wrote:

We can also auction off Christian HQ #DisneyHeroes to the gaehivians who might want it since we have no use for it anymore. I'm hoping for somewhere north of 284623872340984078.2354e+10 worthless Argentinian pesos so we can pay off our debts to the @Blaze349 and bribe ST. Your thoughts?
Make sure in the bill of sale there is a contractual agreement to change the name once they have obtained it…
That's given
But then again, that isn't allowed on Scratch, so how do we launder the money?

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

@-Expo said and I quote
• Christian HQ (duh)
• Christian HQ Prayer List and Requests (also owned by Blaze, the desc. needs to also be fixed)
• Christian HQ Questions and Debates Studio (I can make a new one or someone else)
• Christian HQ-Manager discussion (if @amethyst_queen wants it out of her hands)
• Christian HQ backup and/or CHQ 2.0 (there is a slew of different CHQ Alternate studios so we can just pick one or make a new one)
• Christian HQ Archive (This is something I am trying to make in the future for the 10-year anniversary)

What do you guys think?

Honestly at this point the debates and people accusing other people of debating too hard or too much is just plain stressful and rude, do we really need to keep ‘Debates’ in the Questions studio?

Can we know a little bit more about Christian HQ Archive?

Also I'm going to be away this weekend and won't be contactable so how long is this going to take to resolve?

Last edited by Bandit_MVR_2023 (May 2, 2024 00:49:16)

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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Wow I wasn't expecting there to be no posts while I was away lol

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1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Bandit_MVR_2023 wrote:

Wow I wasn't expecting there to be no posts while I was away lol
The Archive is a project I'd like to launch. There is a ton of CHQ history, so I thought we would store it there.

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Oh yeah fair.

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1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ


I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

So have we agreed we are not doing rotating hosts or…?


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/

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