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The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

heh well nothing seems to be getting done, good news is I'm on vacation so I can work on this.


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Okay, I have finished the Winter Olympics article with help! Here is the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996704771 any editors, spell checkers, or really anyone active I'd like you to look at it and see if it's alright.


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

briarpatch11 wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Ok so lil update on how everything's going so we are all on the same page:

1. Search Winter Olympics Article is still a WIP, we need to write more and more references and sources are needed

2. We are currently discussing Label's disappearence but nothing written yet

3. Nothing written about the breakfast studio thin

4. I decided to make the page myself for the art stuff and it's more or less done ☑
i messaged some of label's closest friends, no answers yet

Instead of doing the breakfast studio, we should do the april fools thingy! Ill start on it now!

Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?

Well, about that time, she came out about being bisexual… I saw all of the obvious stuff… But I saw, on her last comment chain, she was talking to @hongocphucbao and they asked her how she was doing, she said not good. They asked if she was tired, she responded, “Kinda” and that was the last comment…

My theory is that she got into a really big fight with her parents about her coming out, so she got banned from doing scratch.

She might have also had her computer hacked because her computer kept saying that she won't be able to use it for ages…

Fun Fact: She was a beekeeper at the time!

That's only some of the data I got, I'm going to make a project with everything soon…

Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
42 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?

Well, about that time, she came out about being bisexual… I saw all of the obvious stuff… But I saw, on her last comment chain, she was talking to @hongocphucbao and they asked her how she was doing, she said not good. They asked if she was tired, she responded, “Kinda” and that was the last comment…

My theory is that she got into a really big fight with her parents about her coming out, so she got banned from doing scratch.

She might have also had her computer hacked because her computer kept saying that she won't be able to use it for ages…

Fun Fact: She was a beekeeper at the time!

That's only some of the data I got, I'm going to make a project with everything soon…
That might be true, but we can just go guessing on that stuff, since she never actually said anything about her parents being mad, we shouldn't write that since there is no proof, we should just write about her computer not working.
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

MHAFAN8 wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

help_the_animals wrote:

Pheoni-X wrote:

I'm going to compile all of the article info that we have so far into one prog.

Nice now we just got to do an article on a studio and Label's disappearance
I'v been compiling info from around the time that label disappeared…

What have you found?

Well, about that time, she came out about being bisexual… I saw all of the obvious stuff… But I saw, on her last comment chain, she was talking to @hongocphucbao and they asked her how she was doing, she said not good. They asked if she was tired, she responded, “Kinda” and that was the last comment…

My theory is that she got into a really big fight with her parents about her coming out, so she got banned from doing scratch.

She might have also had her computer hacked because her computer kept saying that she won't be able to use it for ages…

Fun Fact: She was a beekeeper at the time!

That's only some of the data I got, I'm going to make a project with everything soon…
That might be true, but we can just go guessing on that stuff, since she never actually said anything about her parents being mad, we shouldn't write that since there is no proof, we should just write about her computer not working.


Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

I think we can explain both theories


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
500+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

I posted here even though I'm apparently not allowed to

If you don't want people posting here find a forum that isn't Scratch

Last edited by MagicCoder330 (April 9, 2024 17:00:35)

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

I think I might have closed a legend

My interpretation of the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

Get games off the other categories!
47 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

MagicCoder330 wrote:

I posted here even though I'm apparently not allowed to

If you don't want people posting here find a forum that isn't Scratch

It's fine, we would just prefer people not doing stuff.

Pheoni-X - Male - #Pokemon Lover - Scratch Chronicle Photo Editor
Quote of the day; “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein
500+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Pheoni-X wrote:

MagicCoder330 wrote:

I posted here even though I'm apparently not allowed to

If you don't want people posting here find a forum that isn't Scratch

It's fine, we would just prefer people not doing stuff.
that's ok. I won't spoil anything that's happened. have a nice day

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

I think I might have closed a legend

My interpretation of the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

Get games off the other categories!
19 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

KouSiuu21 wrote:

Hey! As I'm the head marketer, we can just advertise for some new job offers?

We definitely need more people, we should start soon!

100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Ok, I need spellcheckers and editor people to look at all the articles in the job studio to make sure it's good. Two more and we will be done and we can start doing this on Saturday


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
41 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

hi, yeall!

Sry if it isn't meeting day, but, I am here to say this, I have been focusing on school work more and more.

(such a pain)
100+ posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

Seattle191_ wrote:

hi, yeall!

Sry if it isn't meeting day, but, I am here to say this, I have been focusing on school work more and more.

(such a pain)

ok. Well I think the Saturday thing should be abolished until we get back on track


Time on Scratch: 6 Years
Pronouns: Any
CHECK OUT MY MAP: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/939077760/
41 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum

help_the_animals wrote:

Seattle191_ wrote:

hi, yeall!

Sry if it isn't meeting day, but, I am here to say this, I have been focusing on school work more and more.

(such a pain)

ok. Well I think the Saturday thing should be abolished until we get back on track
41 posts

The Scratch Chronicle meetings forum


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