Discuss Scratch

9 posts


THE REAPING project desc

Salutations districts!

Your task is to discuss amongst yourselves of two people, preferably suitable, from your type district. These two (2) people will receive the prestige to volunteer as tributes in The MBTI Hunger Games. Keep it in mind, when volunteering tributes, you should consider how active and eager the volunteer is as much of the Games will revolve around these two elements. Failing to do so can reduce a tribute to bloodbath.

To volunteer, please find your district’s thread below and enter the usernames of the two chosen tributes that your district has decided on!

If it comes to be that no tributes from a district have been volunteered in by March 30, 6:00 pm EST. ( Use this website to see all timezones: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ ). then the whole of the district is considered to be the part of the non-participating public.

Note: The non-participating public will be required to be in support of their tributes and their allies’ tributes throughout the games, and in turn, hopefully the tributes will return the favor by bringing home the glory of victory! ( don’t worry, the non-participating public is going to have much fun )


Three figures flash onto the capitol's screen as they broadcast across all districts. Rumour has it that they were once members of their districts, turned traitors when it became clear that they would not be victorious in the dark days.

Soon they completely turned against their people, becoming the figureheads of the new movement… Some hail them as heroes, others as villains.

One steps forwards, the capitol seal flashing gold as they read the very words the world has been dreading.

“Welcome to the first ever MBTI Hunger Games”

The Reaping

As summer comes into full swing, it's time for the districts to offer up tributes to the Capitol once again! Tune into the Main Events studio to participate and/or watch this exciting face-off between the districts. We hope to see you all there, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Head down here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/985901421/ to volunteer your district’s tributes! (After discussing amongst yourselves of course)

!Volunteering time ends on March 30, 6:00 pm EST. ( Use this website to see all timezones: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ ) !

(note: desc will change as time moves on, so be tuned!)

District/hub desc

Welcome District _! As summer comes into full swing, it's time for the districts to offer up tributes to the Capitol once again! Tune into the Main Events studio to participate and/or watch this exciting face-off between the districts. We hope to see you all there, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Finished choosing your two tributes? Well, head down here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/985901421/ to volunteer your district’s tributes! !Volunteering time ends on March 30, 6:00 pm EST. ( Use this website to see all timezones: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ ) !

@snuggles0426 and @Rushayesh for Instructions desc

Last edited by -Cyrx- (March 20, 2024 15:56:53)

9 posts


Mar 31 changes

Pre-Games desc


// Introduction // Requirements // Judging system // Submitting //

Salutations, welcome to the Pre-Games!

Tributes are to collaborate with their corresponding tribute on a fight-scene that serves to demonstrate their skills. ( For an example, an ESTJ tribute will collab with their other ESTJ tribute ) This writing piece will earn you currency that will later be useful for when The Games commence, so do your best! ( I promise this will be the only writing exercise and collab in The Games :] )

|| Requirements ||

While writing your fight-scene you should adhere to the following:

-200 words minium and 2000 words at most!
-Your writing piece must include you and your other tribute from your type.
-Write about how well you and your corresponding tribute works while in battle, as well as skills and talents. ( your chance to make stuff up! )
-Other than that, go wild! Choose your surroundings, weapons and/or people you and your district tribute partner are dueling.

|| Judging system ||

Your manuscripts will be judged by a rank of 0 - 5, the higher the rank you get, the higher the points you earn.

Rank 0 = 0 coins ( evidently )
Rank 1 = 5 coins
Rank 2 = 10 coins
Rank 3 = 15 coins
Rank 4 = 20 coins
Rank 5 = 25 coins

If it comes to be that a district’s tributes have not entered a writing piece, they will simply be considered Rank 0 and will not earn any coins.

|| Submitting ||

To submit your creation:
1. Provide link of the submission ( forum page, project etc )
2. Your district
3. Usernames of you and your district tribute partner
4. And the word count

District hub desc
The Reaping has come to an end and all the officially reaped tributes can be found in the Event studio desc: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34138338/
The Pre-Games and the chance to Alliance with other district tributes is now open! Tributes have a chance to earn coins in the Pre-Games which will later be useful as the Games draw closer.
Hop onto here to see requirements and instructions for the Pre-Games: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/
Requirements to alliance are provided here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992250149/

Tributes and District, be wary of the deadline, choose your allies wisely and have a wonderful April!

Tributes announcements

The results are in! We are proud to announce the officially reaped tributes below:

INFJ : @lliu_11 and @ChUROS000
ENFJ : @TotallyKingOfEngland and @0lympiic
ENFP : @Ayce_the_Demon
INFP : @Panthermoon24 and @chaos-_
INTJ: @_Tormentarashi_ and @iinspirqtion
ENTJ: @hippothehippo and @yellyfishh217
ENTP: Reyskywalker13 and @literaturology
INTP: Sa_And_Nikki_Rule and @-Busy_bee
ISTP: @Wolffe and @orchestra_kid
ESTP: @Apprentice_Fluffy and @reallybigwords
ISFP: @TellisJan24 and @xxcatscatscatsxx
ESFP: @mindless_color
ESFJ: @SeptemberSong and @LunarzChaos
ISFJ: @Bababooey1827
ESTJ: @Hacker_gurl3000 and @LittleHereaux
ISTJ: @wolfiebear-

MC event desc

Three figures flash onto the capitol's screen as they broadcast across all districts. Rumour has it that they were once members of their districts, turned traitors when it became clear that they would not be victorious in the dark days.

Soon they completely turned against their people, becoming the figureheads of the new movement… Some hail them as heroes, others as villains.

One steps forwards, the capitol seal flashing gold as they read the very words the world has been dreading.

“Welcome to the first ever MBTI Hunger Games”

The results are in! We are proud to announce the officially reaped tributes below:

INFJ : @lliu_11 and @ChUROS000
ENFJ : @TotallyKingOfEngland and @0lympiic
ENFP : @Ayce_the_Demon
INFP : @Panthermoon24 and @chaos-_
INTJ: @_Tormentarashi_ and @iinspirqtion
ENTJ: @hippothehippo and @yellyfishh217
ENTP: Reyskywalker13 and @literaturology
INTP: Sa_And_Nikki_Rule and @-Busy_bee
ISTP: @Wolffe and @orchestra_kid
ESTP: @Apprentice_Fluffy and @reallybigwords
ISFP: @TellisJan24 and @xxcatscatscatsxx
ESFP: @mindless_color
ESFJ: @SeptemberSong and @LunarzChaos
ISFJ: @Bababooey1827
ESTJ: @Hacker_gurl3000 and @LittleHereaux
ISTJ: @wolfiebear-

The Pre-Games are currently underway: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/ Earn currency for your district in order to increase your odds of winning!
Tributes can also alliance with other district tributes! Head down here to read the introduction: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992250149/ Choose your allies wisely, you may never know what their motive might be.

(note: desc will change as time moves on, so be tuned!)

Ping Tributes
Hello Tribute, you have been bequeathed the honor of representing your district in the MBTI Hunger Games! All officially reaped tributes names' are proudly provided in the MC event desc: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34138338/ || PRE-GAMES: As the Games draw closer, it is only this once you and your district tribute can collaborate on writing in the Pre-Games! Head down here to see what I mean: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/ If you choose to participate, you will have the chance of gaining up to 25 coins as currency, which will later be useful as the Games start and ultimately increase your odds of winning. || ALLIANCES: You also have the chance of choosing allies, hop onto this project to see the requirements: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992250149/ Keep it in mind to choose your allies wisely! || May the odds be ever in your favor!

Last edited by -Cyrx- (March 30, 2024 15:44:41)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts


I'll move this over to the Collaboration section for you - that's a better fit for this kind of topic

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

100+ posts


alliances announcement - 26/03/24, to be posted 01/04/24

⚠️ THGMC ANNOUNCEMENT! 01/04/24 ╽ over in the districts, the atmosphere has been fraught with tension as two teenage children per district have been torn from their homes and sent hurtling into an unfamiliar, dangerous world. they glance up at the huge screens as the capitol seal comes on; each hoping and praying for their own to just.. return. alive. another of the trio step forwards, a menacing smirk on their face as they place yet another piece into play…

“dear tributes, honored citizens of the capitol and districts. our reapings have finally concluded, and soon you will see your tributes proudly representing your home district. before the games begin, you all have choices to make and cards to play; to raise to victory one single worthy tribute. the price of triumph is great, and tributes too have their chance to increase their odds of survival. tributes, you may choose to ally with a maximum of three other districts,

not counting your district partner, and may in turn choose to align or keep separate your banks of currency that you receive from your training scores, district and sponsors. this of course makes these games fraught with betrayal, so choose wisely: you may never know if one of your allies is looking to claim what is yours for their own. may the odds be ever in your favor!” ▀▄▀▄▀ alliances are optional, as is allying with your mbti district partner. maximum three allied other districts for

one single district at a time. you may choose to share the currency you gain from the pre-games, won bets and currency from your nonparticipating mbti district members, or keep your currency separate from your allies' - strategic reasons apply as you will be able to gain advantages in the games with the more currency you have.

9 posts


Schedule till now:
MARCH 31st: will post ALLIANCES project and PRE-GAMES project
APRIL 6th: 4:00 pm ( 16:00 ) EST Deadline for PRE-GAMES
April 7th: First BATTLE starts and post BETTING project
9 posts



As a tribute, you have been bequeathed the honor of representing your district in the MBTI Hunger Games! All officially reaped tributes names' are proudly provided in the Tribute desc: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992250149/ || PRE-GAMES: As the Games draw closer, the interview has commenced and you are to answer questions with the remainder of your district tributes: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/ If you choose to participate, you will have the chance of gaining up to 25 coins as currency, which will later be useful as the Games start and ultimately increase your odds of winning. || ALLIANCES: You also have the chance of choosing allies, hop onto this project to see the requirements: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992250149/ Keep it in mind to choose your allies wisely! || May the odds be ever in your favor!

Last edited by -Cyrx- (April 1, 2024 17:29:56)

9 posts


APRIL 7 changes

Greetings Districts. You may have been hauled here by your tributes, or simply by a ping- but no matter! You, the Districts- the non-participating public, have the chance to bet on the Account Hunt Battle. You will be able to increase the odds of your tributes' winning if you bet true, providing +5 worth in coins to your District tributes' bank account. Your tributes rely on you to increase their odds of winning!
-You may bet on April 7 and April 8 alone, bets received after that will NOT be counted.
-You can only bet for ONE tribute– does not have to be your own District's tribute –if this tribute is among the first 16 to win the Battle by the 14th, you provide your District's tributes' +5 coins. Considering that, make sure to bet wisely.
To bet, fill out this: || Tribute's username || Your District ||
Good luck Districts!

APRIL 8 changes


INDEX: || Battle Type || Duration + Deadline || How To Pass The Battle || Requirements || Battle Shop and Betting: Get More Coins! ||

⬦ Battle type: Account Hunt
⬦ Duration + Deadline: 11th April - 17th April Midnight EST ( https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ for time zones )

⬦ How To Pass The Battle

The first battle is a Scratch account hunt, tributes, you are to be asked a trivia question to answer correctly, you may discuss this answer with your allies.

|| TRIVIA QUESTION 1: If yes is no, and always is never, how many sides are in a triangle? This Scratch account has an extra “o” at the end of the username. ||

Once you get the answer to the question, you will have to find a Scratch account with the answer as the username— this will require trial and error as there is only one account that will be the answer alone. ( For example, if I asked, “What is something that is in your possession, but other people use it more than you?” Then the answer would be @name. )

There will be a comment on the correct Scratch acc’s profile comments from one of the hosts that contains the confirmation that the particular account is the answer as well the Trivia Question 2. You will be entitled to reply to the host’s comment with a, “District XXXX was here.” to confirm your finding of the answer.
Of course, if you require a hint or help, you may advise your home district (not counting you and your partner) to buy you a Healer or Battle Buff from the battle shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996402294/
There are a total of 5 questions, be careful about who you help, do your best to be amongst the first 16 tributes and good luck!

⬦ Requirements

-A tribute must answer ALL host’s comments on all 5 Scratch accounts to pass this battle.
-The first 16 tributes will be considered to have pass the battle, all others will be lost in the bloodbath to be amongst the non-participating public.
-All tributes are individual, if one tribute from District ISFJ comments on the host’s comment, that will NOT account for the other tribute from District ISFJ. Each tribute must confirm their own. But of course, you are allowed to discuss answers with your allies.

⬦ Battle Shop and Betting: Get More Currency!

If you require a hint or an expensive help, and you have enough currency in your bank account, you may ask the NON-PARTICIPATING public from your home district to buy you a Healer or Battle Buff from here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996402294/
To see how much money you have in your bank account, visit The Parade project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/
The Betting Project will be closed today, go go haul your home district to bet, and have a chance to win +5 more in coins to your bank account!
May the odds be ever in your favor!

Pinging tributes for Allies confirmation + about the battle

|| The wind rustles against your face, a mocking welcome to the now chipped and distorted faces surrounding you. Staring, you realize that you had kept yourself obscured from the reality of what was to happen, and so you tried constructing a false hope to calm the despair seeping into your thoughts like poison. The sign with the silhouettes of three people seemed to smile knowingly, like they had assumed your reactions all along. Your only hope, if there was hope, was Chance. A broadcasted voice reverberated through your ears, “And finally, thank you, districts and tributes, for waiting with faithful patience. And now, with much anticipation, the Games begin! “ || Tributes, the Games have begun, and you are now entitled to participate in the Account Hunt Battle lest you find yourself in the midst of bloodbath! Gather your allies and yourself and visit the Games here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996401390/ If you are among the first 16 of the tributes by the 15th of April, you are considered to have won. If you find difficulty in winning, there is a Battle Shop! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996402294/ But remember, only the NON-PARTICIPATING public from your District can buy Healers or Battle Buffs from the shop. Good luck!

Tribute, send your allies' usernames and whether you are merging your bank accounts with your allies ( your total in your bank account can be found in The Parade ) under this comment as it will be easier to manage. Thanks in advance!

Pinging the non-participating public for betting

Hello District. The Games and the first Battle is commencing tomorrow! As a non-participating member of your District, you have the chance to bet on which tribute– any tribute from any district –will win; if your bet is true, we will add +5 worth of coins to your District's battle bank account, which will ultimately increase your tribute's odds of winning. Your tributes rely on you, even if by a little! Visit this project to bet: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996613691/ Bet wisely. || Check out what's been going on lately: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34138338/


Remember that your total coins will increase your odds of winning in the Games, not only the current battle. Spend with heed.

( note: the tributes who are soloing have been given an extra +10 coins. for the tributes who have written the interview, you have been awarded additional coins based on an average of the 1-10 marks decided by each of the hosts. If you'd like to receive exact marks and/or critiques for your interviews, you may ask on the “Parade Requests” thread. )

District INTJ: 30
District: INTP: 30
District ENTJ: 30
District ENTP: 30
District INFP: 30
District INFJ: 77.50
District ENFP: 30
District ENFJ: N/A
District ISTJ: 40
District: ISFJ: 40
District ESTJ: 30
District ESFJ: 40
District ISTP: 55
District ISFP: 30
District ESTP: 85
District ESFP: 40


C a t a l o g
Current battle: Account Hunt

A specific letter: 2 coins
Hint: 1 coins
Account stats: 2 coins

Link to an account: 4 coins
Host help: 6 coins

Thread rules
-Only the NON-PARTICIPATING public can place an order.
-To check your district's bank total, visit this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/

Last edited by -Cyrx- (April 11, 2024 19:24:34)

33 posts


April 18 changes

Battle project

INDEX: || Battle Type || Duration + Deadline || How To Pass The Battle || Requirements || Battle Shop and Betting ||

⬦ Battle type: Kahoot Duels ( a very creative name )
⬦ Duration + Deadline: 19th April - 23th April Midnight EST ( https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ for time zones )

⬦ How To Pass The Battle

The current battle is a Kahoot craze, tributes, you will be assigned an opponent or opponents to duel against, and whoever claims first place ultimately wins the battle.

Visit the thread labeled “Kahoots” in this project’s comments, and inform me of your nickname that you choose to use in the kahoot, once you do this, you will be provided of the kahoot link and the username of the opponent you will be dueling against— be assured, this is all given at random. If you seek to ask a question, you may do at the “Questions” thread.

There will be 6 people left surviving once this battle ends. Your objective is to win first place— so do your very best lest you find yourself in bloodbath!

⬦ Requirements

-Basically just finish the kahoot within the deadline.

⬦ Battle Shop and Betting: Get More Currency!

If you require a hint or an expensive help, and you have enough currency in your bank account, you may ask the NON-PARTICIPATING public from your home district to buy you a Healer or Battle Buff from here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996402294/
To see how much money you have in your bank account, visit The Parade project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992244369/
The Betting Project will be closed today, go go haul your home district to bet, and have a chance to win +5 more in coins to your bank account!
May the odds be ever in your favor!

Betting ping

Greetings, the next Battle is commencing tomorrow! ( yayyay ) As a non-participating member ( or perhaps a reincarnation of a dead tribute– though that would be a little morbid) of your District, you have the chance to bet on which tribute: any tribute from any district; if your bet is true, we will add +5 worth of coins to your District's battle bank account, which will ultimately increase your tribute's odds of winning. Your tributes rely on you, even if by a little! Betting project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996613691/ Bet wisely. || Check out what's been going on in the MBTI Hunger Games, courtesy of the triumvirate's faithful broadcast: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34387876/

Tributes ping

Congrats– but oh wait, there are still more battles to commence; it would be stupid to congratulate someone when they still had not yet reached the end, is it not? Perhaps I could say: Ohhh, good for you! You are among the 13 people (psst here we have a summary: ) to survive unscathed– or somewhat unscathed –and a step closer! I trust that you are ready for what comes next. Visit the next Battle here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996401390/ If you find difficulty in winning, there is a Battle Shop yada yada: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996402294/ Only the NON-PARTICIPATING districts can buy from the shop. Good chance!

Betting project

Hello there again. You may have been hauled here by your tributes, or simply by a ping– but no matter! You, the non-participating public, have the chance to bet on the Account Hunt Battle. You will be able to increase the odds of your tributes' winning if you bet true, providing +5 worth in coins to your District tributes' bank account. Your tributes rely on you to increase their odds of winning!
-You may bet on April 18 and April 19 alone, bets received after that will NOT be counted.
-You can only bet for ONE tribute– does not have to be your own District's tribute –if this tribute is among the first 6 to win the Battle by the 23rd, you provide your District's tributes' +5 coins. Considering that, make sure to bet wisely.
To bet, fill out this: || Tribute's username || Your District ||
Good luck !

-ISTP rewarded with +5 coins!


You are sitting down, eager for another broadcast. The first day had just gone by and Capitol was already dying to hear the news. You hoped that some of the tributes from your district had survived. That's what every district hoped for.
You are panting, running, screaming– no, that was just the screaming in your head. The first day had gone wildly– a maniacal craze the Capitol was sure to love. People against people, and people against more people. You rest your head, and close your eyes, still completely alert. Already more than half– more than half of the tributes were gone. There were 13 left, and you were one of them.
One of them stepped forward, and a rustle of paper could be heard. “Flabbergasting!” Continued her. “Only 12 left rather than the booming 30 or so tributes at the start! Never ceasing to be astonishing, isn't that true?” She paused shortly for effect. “From last to first I shall list the names– and to remind you Districts in case you had forgotten, the first 5 of the tributes who have won will be awarded with coins for their speed. Finally, from the lowest of the podium we have faithful England ( @TotallyKingOfEngland ) in 12th place, Oly ( @0lympiic ) in 11th, Lakshmi ( @Panthermoon24 ) in 10th, Misty in 9th ( @Sa_And_Nikki_Rule ), Insane ( @WoIffe ) in 8th, Sky ( @Reyskywalker13 ) in 7th, Natalie ( @Apprentice_Fluffy ) in 6th.” A pause. “ … now for 5th and onwards! Ava ( @reallybigwords ) in 5th, Lili ( @lliu_11 ) in 4th! …September ( @SeptemberSong ) in 3rd! Churro ( @CHUROS000 ) in 2nd! And…at the top of the podium there is Evelyn ( @literaturology ) in 1st for ENTP!!!” A sickening smile played on her face. “A wonderful ride, isn't it? The next battle will start shortly- good luck tributes!” The broadcast flickered and glitched into a plain black while everyone stared.

Last edited by Rushayesh (April 19, 2024 15:40:27)

9 posts


Betting ping

Greetings, the next Battle is commencing tomorrow! ( yayyay ) As a non-participating member ( or perhaps a reincarnation of a dead tribute– though that would be a little morbid) of your District, you have the chance to bet on which tribute: any tribute from any district; if your bet is true, we will add +5 worth of coins to your District's battle bank account, which will ultimately increase your tribute's odds of winning. Your tributes rely on you, even if by a little! Betting project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/996613691/ Bet wisely. || Check out what's been going on in the MBTI Hunger Games, courtesy of the triumvirate's faithful broadcast: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34387876/
33 posts



Among us: For the among us, should we hype people up by putting a poll on “your thoughts on who will win” or something of the sort. | Game: For descs, do you want to write the whole description and rules in battle desc or in a studio ( or whatever ) where all 9 people can see? I love your idea for among: 1.if you are impostor, I think would be unfair because it's teams vs teams only, so maybe say to them if you leave the game ( ideally because you are an impostor ), then everyone is to leave, and the 3 can relay on to the next. 2. So let's see, if crewmates win or impostor wins each team from either impostor or crew mate side depending on which one won gets 3 points. If the impostor comprises of two people from the same team and wins, they get 5 points. This sounds good if you meant this, however, this leads me to a question: 3. If teams will get points, I'm assuming you meant there to be a set number of rounds? You didn't mention anything of multiple game plays in which teams will get points and whoever gets most points by the end wins? Or did you want it to be a sort of elimination?

Last edited by Rushayesh (May 11, 2024 15:19:26)

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