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1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

7salad3salad wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.
Nuh uh
there is no way that brother just responded to a well thought out argument with “Nuh uh” this is such a Gen Alpha moment
nuh uh


Professional goobery

Highest quality post so far of mine
100+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.
Nuh uh
there is no way that brother just responded to a well thought out argument with “Nuh uh” this is such a Gen Alpha moment
nuh uh
yuh huh

I am a triangle. No choccy milk for you. All mine. ALL MINE MWAMWMWJAHWAHWHAHWAHWHAW

my siggy is better than you're siggy

Gary helps me fight off the kumquats.
/ |
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

whitelist me pls pleading eyes emoji

oneweirddood java
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

whitelist me pls pleading eyes emoji

oneweirddood java
hi duoodc

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
New to Scratch
59 posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
ok bet

And just to address the “war crime” allegations, technically I own mantisburgh or whatever due to funny treaty stuff, so I allowed for battles.
100+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.
I’d like to point out that I Personally did nothing to provoke an attack. (Also btw I’m pretty much over it but still wanted to clarify some things). While skood did provoke an attack, he only provoked an attack on him. Attacking me in retaliation despite my incapability of really fighting back and also despite my lack of provoking an attack is against the rules and if it isn’t, it should be.



Edit: only clarifying for the future, as nothing bad really happened from this situation, and I pretty much over it. Be nice everyone!

Last edited by St_Pupcake (March 31, 2024 23:50:01)

Minecraft skulk dimension when? Minecraft Mooblooms WHEN? MINECRAFT HOSE GOATS UPDATE WHENN!!?
100+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

This post is unrelated to like anything. Just thought of something I’d have to ban in Mantisburgh

Frost walker boots aren’t allowed in Mantisburgh.

Don’t think they’re too common tbh, just wanted to say.

Minecraft skulk dimension when? Minecraft Mooblooms WHEN? MINECRAFT HOSE GOATS UPDATE WHENN!!?
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

St_Pupcake wrote:

This post is unrelated to like anything. Just thought of something I’d have to ban in Mantisburgh

Frost walker boots aren’t allowed in Mantisburgh.

Don’t think they’re too common tbh, just wanted to say.
Why not?

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
ok bet

And just to address the “war crime” allegations, technically I own mantisburgh or whatever due to funny treaty stuff, so I allowed for battles.
You only own a small part because u own half of L’Mantisbozoburgh, which is a fraction of L'mantisbozoburg as a hole so can't give permission to fight in Mantisburgh, but legally since u own half of L'mantarcticalbozoburg u can there

Ctrl+Shift+Down to see the rest of my sigma-ture!
this is my hamster. his favorite food is kumquats

once i hit 100 followers I will do a voice reveal of me reacting to this

I play a lot of minecraft and my username is DuWeido, and I also have Essentials mod if you wanna friend me.
My Nintendo friend code: SW-7822-0225-9417.
New to Scratch
59 posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

DuWeido wrote:

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
ok bet

And just to address the “war crime” allegations, technically I own mantisburgh or whatever due to funny treaty stuff, so I allowed for battles.
You only own a small part because u own half of L’Mantisbozoburgh, which is a fraction of L'mantisbozoburg as a hole so can't give permission to fight in Mantisburgh, but legally since u own half of L'mantarcticalbozoburg u can there
no since mantis and bozo are the same thing I own half of it, therefore I can legally allow battles
100+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.

I hit you with a stone axe, with no armor on or anything else in my possession, you were full diamond and trying to
1. Get me to sell out Du’s location and,
2. Get me out of claimed land for some sort of reason

I hit you for this instance, and was immediately killed.

Do i need it?
Am i under control?
Can i beat it?
Wake up
If it swallowed me whole
Would i see it?
I can make you feel alive
I know, but do i need you to survive?
Just a sip!
Does it still matter which one?
Just a drip!
Am i dumbfounded when i slip?
You can't believe
I can't believe
You can't believe
I can't belive
You can't believe
I can't believe this happened
French vanilla i think i should sit this one out
(No, no, no)
Maybe a cup of self control
Would be the route
But it's the flavour
It's the flavour you want
Maybe so,
But it feels better to check than to reflect
Just a sip!
Does it still matter which one?
Just a drip!
Am i dumbfounded when i feel slip
You can't believe
I can't believe
You can't believe
I can't belive
You can't believe
I can't believe this happened
Do i need it?
Am i under control?
Can i beat it?
Wake up
If it swallowed me whole
Would i see it?
I can make you feel alive
I know, but do i need you to survive?
I can't believe this happened
French vanilla i think i should sit this one out
(No, no, no)
Maybe a cup of self control
Would be the route
But it's the flavour
It's the flavour you want
Maybe so,
But it feels better to check than to reflect.
100+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

butterpasta wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.

I hit you with a stone axe, with no armor on or anything else in my possession, you were full diamond and trying to
1. Get me to sell out Du’s location and,
2. Get me out of claimed land for some sort of reason

I hit you for this instance, and was immediately killed.
wow, things getting heated in the scratch empires fandom

I am a triangle. No choccy milk for you. All mine. ALL MINE MWAMWMWJAHWAHWHAHWAHWHAW

my siggy is better than you're siggy

Gary helps me fight off the kumquats.
/ |
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

Illumilimbs wrote:

butterpasta wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.

I hit you with a stone axe, with no armor on or anything else in my possession, you were full diamond and trying to
1. Get me to sell out Du’s location and,
2. Get me out of claimed land for some sort of reason

I hit you for this instance, and was immediately killed.
wow, things getting heated in the scratch empires fandom
dw as soon as odyssey logs on I'm going to beat him to a pulp :3


Professional goobery

Highest quality post so far of mine
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
ok bet

And just to address the “war crime” allegations, technically I own mantisburgh or whatever due to funny treaty stuff, so I allowed for battles.
You only own a small part because u own half of L’Mantisbozoburgh, which is a fraction of L'mantisbozoburg as a hole so can't give permission to fight in Mantisburgh, but legally since u own half of L'mantarcticalbozoburg u can there
no since mantis and bozo are the same thing I own half of it, therefore I can legally allow battles
Keep in mind the treaty is player-owned. Considering you've declared war on bozoburg, We'll just break off from the treaty and no longer be under your control. It's not a server-rule bound treaty.


Professional goobery

Highest quality post so far of mine
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

Skadoodly wrote:

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

DuWeido wrote:

Letsdotheodyssey wrote:

beanyboy512 wrote:

yo i would like to join hyrule
ok bet

And just to address the “war crime” allegations, technically I own mantisburgh or whatever due to funny treaty stuff, so I allowed for battles.
You only own a small part because u own half of L’Mantisbozoburgh, which is a fraction of L'mantisbozoburg as a hole so can't give permission to fight in Mantisburgh, but legally since u own half of L'mantarcticalbozoburg u can there
no since mantis and bozo are the same thing I own half of it, therefore I can legally allow battles
Keep in mind the treaty is player-owned. Considering you've declared war on bozoburg, We'll just break off from the treaty and no longer be under your control. It's not a server-rule bound treaty.
bruh thats not how treaties work

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
74 posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

butterpasta wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.

I hit you with a stone axe, with no armor on or anything else in my possession, you were full diamond and trying to
1. Get me to sell out Du’s location and,
2. Get me out of claimed land for some sort of reason

I hit you for this instance, and was immediately killed.
Whats the big deal? If you just had an axe it’s not like you lost anything valuable. Also, it isn’t a crime to buy and sell someones location. You could have done this however emeralds are not the most rare.
Why does this need to be a big deal as long as shark gives you an axe it should be fine, no need to hold grudges

Time to get a cheap 1,000$ prebuilt pc and turn my render to 3857423736

I spawn in when I spawn in. Deal with it.
74 posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

3-upMoon wrote:

butterpasta wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Skadoodly wrote:

7salad3salad wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

Shark just tried to murder me again, and just declared that the non pvp zone in Mantisburgh was void? Who gave him this authority? He’s just targeting me because he’s too afraid of everyone else in my nation. Just keeping you updated. Shark needs to be de opped. He’s broken the rules about 5 too many times.
what rules did he break specifically
No combat is permitted in claimed land unless allowed by the owner (it wasn't)
It's funny how you were the one to hit first.

I would also like to clear the situation up publicly on the forums by saying that the original killing of Wulvie was a mistake (I did not realize that it was against the rules), and I have since made up for it. The killing of Shy, even though it happened in Mantis, was justified self-defense because I was attacked by her with an axe. Then of course the last skirmish in Mantis mentioned above was also justified because I wasn't even the one who started it!

I was floating around in the water in Mantis when Skood joined the game. He asked Wulvie whether or not PvP was allowed in Mantis when he saw me. Wulvie said no, it wasn't allowed. 2 minutes later Skood krits me with his sword. This is how the battle started! He broke the pvp rules willingly in his own nation! Later Skood would also shoot arrows at me in neutral Spain as well.

I haven't broken the rules on killing in claimed territories since the first incident.

I hit you with a stone axe, with no armor on or anything else in my possession, you were full diamond and trying to
1. Get me to sell out Du’s location and,
2. Get me out of claimed land for some sort of reason

I hit you for this instance, and was immediately killed.
Whats the big deal? If you just had an axe it’s not like you lost anything valuable. Also, it isn’t a crime to buy and sell someones location. You could have done this however emeralds are not the most rare.
Why does this need to be a big deal as long as shark gives you an axe it should be fine, no need to hold grudges
And furthermore how is this bullying when you hit first. I get that he killed you when you couldn’t have done much damage but still, you hit first.

Time to get a cheap 1,000$ prebuilt pc and turn my render to 3857423736

I spawn in when I spawn in. Deal with it.
74 posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues


St_Pupcake wrote:

This post is unrelated to like anything. Just thought of something I’d have to ban in Mantisburgh

Frost walker boots aren’t allowed in Mantisburgh.

Don’t think they’re too common tbh, just wanted to say.
I hAtE yOu

Time to get a cheap 1,000$ prebuilt pc and turn my render to 3857423736

I spawn in when I spawn in. Deal with it.
1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

St_Pupcake wrote:

This post is unrelated to like anything. Just thought of something I’d have to ban in Mantisburgh

Frost walker boots aren’t allowed in Mantisburgh.

Don’t think they’re too common tbh, just wanted to say.
this is tyranny! as a member of the parliament, I demand a say in this matter, or rebellion is imminent!

1000+ posts

Scratch Empires 3 but it has a filter that makes it safer than other servers that have been up in the past and haven't had any issues

_NovaNebula_ wrote:

St_Pupcake wrote:

This post is unrelated to like anything. Just thought of something I’d have to ban in Mantisburgh

Frost walker boots aren’t allowed in Mantisburgh.

Don’t think they’re too common tbh, just wanted to say.
this is tyranny! as a member of the parliament, I demand a say in this matter, or rebellion is imminent!
uh oh spaghettio

Ctrl+Shift+Down to see the rest of my sigma-ture!
this is my hamster. his favorite food is kumquats

once i hit 100 followers I will do a voice reveal of me reacting to this

I play a lot of minecraft and my username is DuWeido, and I also have Essentials mod if you wanna friend me.
My Nintendo friend code: SW-7822-0225-9417.

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