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100+ posts

kenzie's scratch camp thread <3

Hello! This is my scratch camp thread where I post things relating to scratch camps I'm in - it would be preferred if you didn't post in this <3

camps I've been a camper in
  • SWC 4x - November ‘22 session, March ’23 session, July ‘23 session, November ‘23 session
  • SSC 1x - November '22 session
  • SRC 4x - December ‘22 session, April ’23 session, December ‘23 session, April '24 session
  • SPEC 1x - January '23 session
  • SIC 1x - December '22 session
  • SAC 4x - February '23 session, June ‘23 session, October ‘23 session, February ‘24 session
  • FWC 1x - February '23 session
  • JWC 2x - January '23 session, January ‘24 session
  • SHC 1x - April ‘23 session, April ’24 session
  • Camp Kitchen 1x - April '23 session
  • Camp Ethreal 1x - April '23 session
  • SMC 1x - April '23 session
  • Arttromp 1x - April '23 session
  • CC 1x - February ‘24 session
  • SNC 1x - October ‘23 session
  • SFWC 1x - July ‘23 session
  • TC 1x - May ‘23 session
  • CA 2x - Oct ‘23 session, April ’24 session
  • WUC 1x - April '24 session

camps i've been a co-leader in
  • SEC 1x - December '22 session
  • CFL 1x - April '23 session
  • Camp Galatians 1x - May '23 session,
  • SWC!! 1x - March ‘23 session

camps i've been a leader in
  • CKS 1x - October ‘23 session

camps i've been a host in
  • Camp Galatians 2x - May '23 session, June ‘24 session

i probably forgot a few- but i'm not going to look right now xD

Last edited by kindhrts- (April 1, 2024 20:37:56)

100+ posts

kenzie's scratch camp thread <3

April 2024 Camps


camps !!

Camp Astrophilia camper Starlit Slopes
Scratch Reading Camp camper Mars Amusement Park
Scratch Hobbies Camp camper The Fables Trail (Hufflepuff)
Writing Universe Camp camper The School of Royalty (Writing)


Camp Astrophilia reading 0/3k
Camp Astrophilia writing 841/15k
Writing Universe Camp writing 841/20k
Scratch Hobbies Camp hobbies 0/240
Scratch Reading Camp reading 0/3k

more goals!!

Camp Astrophilia 2/15 dailies
Camp Astrophilia 0/1 bi-weeklies
Camp Astrophilia 0/2 goals met
Scratch Reading Camp 2/15 dailies
Scratch Reading Camp 2/15 discussion questions
Scratch Reading Camp 0/2 weeklies
Scratch Reading Camp 0/15 books read
Scratch Reading Camp 0/1 goal met
Writing Universe Camp 2/15 dailies
Writing Universe Camp 0/2 weeklies
Writing Universe Camp 0/1 goal met
Scratch Hobbies Camp 2/15 daily questions
Scratch Hobbies Camp 1/15 bi-dailies
Scratch Hobbies Camp 0/2 weeklies
Scratch Hobbies Camp 0/1 goal met


WUC 4 daily
camp count
camp count
camp count


WUC 4/1 daily April Fools! 334 words
SRC 4/1 daily + dq Introduction n/a
SHC 4/1 Daily Question My Hobbies n/a
SRC 4/2 daily Non favorite Genre \ The Feather Chase by Shannon L. Brown n/a
SRC 4/2 DQ Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover I read the whole book (or at least I'm almost done with it) and it's 206 pages
CA 4/2 daily Letter to Future Self 384 words
WUC 4/2 daily Favorite Snack 123 words
SHC 4/3 DQ favorite mythical creature n/a
SHC 4/3 bi-daily Intro 83 words
CA 4/3 daily find a rainbow day! n/a
camp date activity type title words/minutes/pages count
camp date activity type title words/minutes/pages count
camp date activity type title words/minutes/pages count
camp date activity type title words/minutes/pages count

Last edited by kindhrts- (April 3, 2024 21:58:50)

100+ posts

kenzie's scratch camp thread <3

WUC Daily April 1st


word count 334 words
point count 350 points


It’s April Fool’s day! Write about an interesting time you’ve pranked your siblings in the past or today. If you haven’t had any experiences or don’t like to prank your siblings, write 250 words about what you would do to prank your siblings (or an imaginary sibling) for 250 points. An extra 100 points if you show proof.

It was finally April Fools Day. My favorite day of the year, specifically because I got to prank my brothers, CJ and Jamie.
I slid down the stairs just before 6 o’clock, in hopes to beat my brothers to everything. Last year CJ had given me a toothpaste stuffed Oreo, so it was my chance to pay him back by making him brown ‘E’s. As I cut out the paper E’s, I thought what other pranks could I do? And then the biggest idea popped in my head, I’d make fake dog poop and put it in their shoes. Perfect.
I searched up ‘fake dog poop’ recipes on Google, and the first thing that popped up was just use Nutella and water. That’d work, right? So I combined them together, with a whisk and a spoon, then put it in both of my brothers’ shoes.
I had already done two pranks, but that wasn’t enough so I decided to get a water bottle from the garage and a penny to squirt water up their eyes. I also grabbed a whoopee cushion from my room, in hopes to make them think they’ve farted as well as some ‘lovely’ smelling fart spray to spray in their rooms.
I finished laying a towel over the brownies, and a few whoopee cushions on the chairs, and just as I was about to head downstairs to my dad’s office to prank him, I felt a drop. I looked up, and a bucket of fruit punch poured all over me.
CJ and Jamie must’ve put this up there, they had beat me to April Fools. I headed upstairs to change out of my soaked clothes, and just as I was about to my brother CJ jumped out behind the corner and said a big “Boo!” I jumped up, and stared at him. Then a giggle popped out, and a few hehes. Until both of us were rolling on the floor laughing our hearts out, the day was just getting started.

Last edited by kindhrts- (April 2, 2024 02:02:14)

100+ posts

kenzie's scratch camp thread <3

CA Daily April 2nd


word count 384 words
point count 250 points
notes this daily wasn't the best I've written, mainly because I forgot what else to add, but here you go (also mouse - you're not a rotten egg that was just a joke :sob: )


Today we’ll be sending letters through time! Write a letter to yourself at the end of the session- What do you hope to achieve? Will your goals be achieved? Anything you want to tell yourself at the end of the month? We’ll be coming back to these later, so do hold onto your letter for now. Write 300 words for 150 stars, and a bonus 50 for sharing. Additionally, if you’re comfortable, you can contribute your letter here:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/974493009 to be shared in a project for another extra 50 stars. Happy writing!

Dear future Kenzie,

It’s probably the end of the month, April 30th or whatever. I hope that I’ve completed some goals in CA, SRC, SHC, or WUC. Have you passed any of the goals? Wait a second, you can’t reply to this haha.
Our co-op is almost done, only about two weeks or something left after this. Are you getting ready for the Science test and History test? Hopefully. I’m sad that our co-op is getting closer to being done, but also very excited for summer.
Are you getting nervous but also excited for camp? I bet.
Camp Galatians is going to be starting a month hopefully, camper signups will probably be released haha.
My goal is to write at least 20k words this month, as well as complete dailies in various camps. Have fun!
I hope that you’ve read a lot, maybe read Belgarath or Polgara haha.
What camps are you doing in May? So far I havne’t found any.
A little update irl for AHG - I have to do four badges kind of in TWO WEEKS. It’s a tight deadline but I think I can do it.
What books have you read this month? Have you written stories you like? I can’t wait to read stuff that you’ve written <3.
Your 6th SWC session will be coming up in July, so exciting!! You’ve been in so many sessions now. And the months are just flying by.
How’s piano going? My goal is to practice it more often
I hope Everest is doing okay, as well as Hazy, Bird, and Ken. You’ve been in SDM for so long now! Was the eq fest fun?
What’s your favorite song? Color? Food? You’re just a month older through so- Have you discovered any new artists? Has Ris screamed to you about TTPD? She probably has. As well as SWC has probably freaked out.
Have Mouse and Bella met irl? Maybe? Hopefully. Haha.
Have you grown more Kenzie you’re so short.
I have no idea what to keep writing help- OH WAIT THE RESULTS WILL PROBABLY BE OUT BY NOW :000 Oooo excitinggg. Is dystopian higher then last place at least? :pleading: I so hope it is <3 otherwise congrats on last place > You’re a rotten egg now along with mouse. Haha.

Your past self, Kenzie

Last edited by kindhrts- (April 2, 2024 21:22:48)

100+ posts

kenzie's scratch camp thread <3

WUC Daily April 2nd


word count 123 words
point count 200 points


See if you can find your favorite snack (or not) and tell us about your favorite snack. Include why you like that snack with 100 words for 150 points. An extra 50 points if you show proof!

A crunchy chip loaded with flavor, specifically Sour Cream and Onion, you guessed it - my favorite snack is Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.
I like them because they’re crunchy, as well as tasty, and the perfect way to annoy my brothers by eating them (joke by the way).
Whether you like them in a bag or from the can, they’re very tasty. If you combine two of them on top of each other you can even make a ‘duck beak’ for yourself. I like them because they’re the perfect snack for the afternoons, as well as a fun one to have with lunch.
Now go try them if you haven’t before! Get them at your local grocery, Walmart, or Target (whatever is closest).

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