Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Forums Suggestion - Read Later list

There should be an option (next to follow discussion) when viewing topics to add it to a new “read later” list.
You could then open your read later list on the bottom of the “Discussion Forums” main page, next to the “your topics/posts” links.

I’ve often found I want to reply to a topic, but don’t have the time to write a full response.
A “read later” list would let you open these topics a little later when you are able to respond.

Q: Why not just remember the name of the topic and search for it again?
A: There are a lot of posts I want to reply to, so I can’t remember all of the names of the topics.
Q: Why not follow the discussion?
A: I forget to view it later on.

New game! (link)
Have a good day/night!

\(-_-) ::#00AAAA //This is crypto. He protects my signature from the evil kumquats!
Programming is a very powerful skill. As are critical thinking and hard work.
- SpyCoderX

1000+ posts

Forums Suggestion - Read Later list

bookmark it instead, aka:
CTRL+D on Firefox/Gecko-based browsers
CTRL+B on Chrome/Chromium-based browsers

sort them in a seperate folder if you need.

EDIT: Or store the URL somewhere, write it down.

Last edited by Zydrolic (April 1, 2024 12:16:08)

Matthew 7;12, Psalm 37:13 & Genesis 3:19
(old signature is below)

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi - I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook - bo burnham is awesome
- Internetometer

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

* But nobody came.

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