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3 posts

something about making minimum score be 0

is anyone able to tell me how to make a score meter not go into a negative (-) and always stay at 0 once reached? I have a game called cat clicker, but I need a little bit of help with the score not going down more than 0.

If i figure it out before someone answers, I'll just delete this topic

Last edited by coolkid4917 (March 31, 2024 05:22:12)

8 posts

something about making minimum score be 0

if <(SCORE) < [0]> then
set [SCORE v] to [0]

I hope this helps

1000+ posts

something about making minimum score be 0

But rather than a forever loop just check the score whenever you change it - if the score is less than the amount you're about to subtract set it to 0 instead. An extra forever loop should not be required and could run earlier in the frame than the actual change meaning you could still see a negative value (eg forever loop sets value to 0, other script subtracts 1, frame is redrawn with value = -1, repeat).
8 posts

something about making minimum score be 0

deck26 wrote:

But rather than a forever loop just check the score whenever you change it - if the score is less than the amount you're about to subtract set it to 0 instead. An extra forever loop should not be required and could run earlier in the frame than the actual change meaning you could still see a negative value (eg forever loop sets value to 0, other script subtracts 1, frame is redrawn with value = -1, repeat).
Oh, really? Thank you for telling me more about scratch, I'll keep that in mind
90 posts

something about making minimum score be 0

Platinum_02 wrote:

if <(SCORE) < [0]> then
set [SCORE v] to [0]

I hope this helps

And if you want the minimum score to be something else - other than 0, then use this script:

if <(SCORE) < (Minimum)> then
set (SCORE) to (Minimum)

I'm Irrelevant! (jk)

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Creating evil kumquats
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100+ posts

something about making minimum score be 0

if it's for a shop you could have something like this
when this sprite clicked
if <<(money) >(price)>> then
change [money v] by ((0) - (price))
change [item v] by (1)

This is dave
:D :: hat :: motion
He protects my from evil kumquats.
Please follow me if you find my response helpful and give me any ideas for my game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992371983/
1000+ posts

something about making minimum score be 0

Wolf_Link21 wrote:

if it's for a shop you could have something like this
when this sprite clicked
if <<(money) >(price)>> then
change [money v] by ((0) - (price))
change [item v] by (1)
No, that only allows you to buy if you have more than enough money and not if you have the exact amount.
3 posts

something about making minimum score be 0

Ok, maybe i can update cat clicker! With the thing!

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