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Will someone help me code a horror game?

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Will someone help me code a horror game?

500+ posts

Will someone help me code a horror game?

Severin_the_coder wrote:

Please note that jumpscares and most elements of horror games are banned.

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Manager of Quantum Games and Quantum Software
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Will someone help me code a horror game?

Be careful when making horror games, it is quite hard to both keep it a horror game and make it allowable. Nevertheless, what you need to do is think of an idea and make this idea very specific in every part. Next, think of what the project would have to do to achieve this. Then, break those tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks. Continue breaking this down until you get something you can code. This is all you do, it is just that it often takes a lot of time and effort. Without much to work off of, it is hard for us to help you make an entire horror game.

Last edited by lgrov44 (March 31, 2024 14:44:38)

lgrov44, an Australian Scratcher whose most famous for his follows, followed by his activity, especially on Discussion Forums, and his follower count. Is also a remix chainer and school student. Identifies as bisexual.

My top 3 favourite people:
1. @Higgies (deleted) - First Follower, Thank you so much! (Wish you could see this…)
2. @Dubstepv1 (Banned/Moved) - Remix Chainer
3. @GIitchInTheMatrix (Moved to @GlitchedThrough) - Many small things.
Still looking for one of my first followers who are still active.
90 posts

Will someone help me code a horror game?

Most elements of horror games are not allowable on Scratch. You can still make a horror game- but no jumpscares and all that “horror.”

I'm Irrelevant! (jk)

What I'm good at:
Creating evil kumquats
Creating more evil kumquats
Creating even more evil kumquats because why not?


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500+ posts

Will someone help me code a horror game?

Severin_the_coder wrote:

This belongs in collaborations. ST should move it over the for you though!

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

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This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

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Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Will someone help me code a horror game?


And yes, horror projects on Scratch are tricky because everything shared must be suitable for children as young as eight. Please refer to this forum topic for more information.

Mod Squad
3 posts

Will someone help me code a horror game?

I'll try my best

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