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31 posts

How do you use cloud variables.

I have only seen 1 scratcher use these properly, but if you happen to know, pls post here! (:

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How do you use cloud variables.

What doth thy mean by “properly”?
(what do you mean by “properly” use them? There isn't a way to misuse them unless it doesn't follow ToU or CG, and there are many of amazing projects utilizing cloud variables to do amazing things.)
31 posts

How do you use cloud variables.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. By cloud variables a I meant multiplayer games and mistyped.

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch is great!]

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500+ posts

How do you use cloud variables.

Sive_24 wrote:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. By cloud variables a I meant multiplayer games and mistyped.
I think griffpatch has a series for making multiplayer games on his yt channel.

The basic concept is this:

1) We select an unused cloud variable (if possible).
2) We encode the data of a player into a number (because cloud variables can’t contain text).
3) We put that encoded number into our cloud variable (from step 1).
4) We go through the rest of the cloud variables and decode them.
5) We use clones to interpret the decoded datas from the cloud variables.
5.1) The decoded datas are used to position, rotate, and to other stuff with the clones (which represent other player).

That is the basic concept of cloud multiplayer, there is a bit more nuance to it though.

Things to note:
1) cloud variables can only store numbers
2) cloud variables have a maximum character length of 256 (e.g. you can’t set a cloud variable to a number with 257 (or more) digits)
3) cloud variables can only be updated every 0.1 seconds (3 frames).

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