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A "Restart" -block

PH-zero wrote:


We have a
stop []
But what you gonna do if you just want to shut all scripts down and restart the game?
You can't just use
stop [all]
because (logically) you can't put another block under this block.

So you need to mess around with messages.

this block would be easy to understand and i think it wouldn't be too
hard to implement it.

Semi-support, because this has a workaround using broadcasts, but would make it more simple.

If you are seeing this, you've found my old signature because my banner isn't loading for some reason. It is most likely due to your system admin blocking cubeupload, or because it simply hasn't loaded yet. Comment ‘null5’ on my profile to show you found the secret.

Manager of Quantum Games and Quantum Software
Are you an experienced Scratcher? Join the Jurassic Park: Security Shift Development Team at https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34523787
500+ posts

A "Restart" -block

No support, I just don't feel the need to do this. The workaround seems simple enough and I am alrighty too used to the old-fashioned way, not that it shouldn't get updated but that I like this way.

lgrov44, an Australian Scratcher whose most famous for his follows, followed by his activity, especially on Discussion Forums, and his follower count. Is also a remix chainer and school student. Identifies as bisexual.

My top 3 favourite people:
1. @Higgies (deleted) - First Follower, Thank you so much! (Wish you could see this…)
2. @Dubstepv1 (Banned/Moved) - Remix Chainer
3. @GIitchInTheMatrix (Moved to @GlitchedThrough) - Many small things.
Still looking for one of my first followers who are still active.
500+ posts

A "Restart" -block

DotDash wrote:


PH-zero wrote:


We have a
stop []
But what you gonna do if you just want to shut all scripts down and restart the game?
You can't just use
stop [all]
because (logically) you can't put another block under this block.

So you need to mess around with messages.

this block would be easy to understand and i think it wouldn't be too
hard to implement it.

Maybe a drop-down?

restart [this script v]

restart [all v]

restart [other scripts in this sprite v]

restart [other sprites v]
restart [all v] :: control // this script, all, other scripts in this sprite
restart [all v] and stop :: control cap
click green flag :: events
click green flag and stop :: events cap

See that line over there? Everything below it is my signature. You can advertise here.
Ctrl+Alt+Down or thing0 do NOT ask to scroll

Chris's Signature Tips
Issue 1: How to get your studios popular

For one, you'd likely need translations. That would be easier for everyone who doesn't speak English.
Another thing is the Propose Studios to be Featured topic in the Show and Tell forum.
100+ posts

A "Restart" -block

Support, this could be used to automate those “double click green flag” projects which would be really convenient.

Thank Goodness I Don't Type Like This Anymore

please don't look at my 2021 forum posts


da rules wrote:

don't be mean

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