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Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Willow's SWC Writing Thread
Created on the 07.03.23

July 2023

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Sept. 2, 2023 13:40:58)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

- July 2023 -

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (July 2, 2023 14:12:00)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Daily - 3.07.23

Words: mangoes, arson, goats, chaos, writing

Mangoes, the light in the time of darkness, the sweetness in my day, it would cure everything. Even writer's block. I had to find one. But the stores had run out of mangoes, so I must improvise. Arson. The best distraction, you know a little gasoline and a match would create a beautiful masterpiece, destined to help me get the fruit of mango. But that wasn't enough, I need something else… cows. No. Sheep? No. GOATS. A creature of pure beauty. The mesmerising cry would attract any sane or well insane person to it, just as a siren lures sailors.

Now the plan was afoot, I'd be able to continue writing once I found the mango. But first, time to commit arson. Gasoline wasn't hard to find, it was just in the basement filled with arson forgs. No problem at all. The gasoline was then poured all over the street, forming letters spelling mango. A grin formed on my face, this was fun. Now the match. My heart is racing with excitement. I light the match with ease and drop it. A wall of flames dances in the wind, the heat causing me to stand back. It was working. My eyes immediately catch on a tree. With the fruit of the mango hanging on its branches. Now for the goats.

I just contacted my friend who instead of arson forgs to keep goats in her basement. I texted that friend and alerted them that it was time, and within seconds goats flooded the streets. A cackle escaped my throat as I ran towards the mango tree. Finally. I had the mangoes in my grasp. But then I realise. Nobody cares if I take mangoes. I went through all that trouble for no apparent reason… WAIT- there is a reason. The most important thing is that I caused chaos. (307 words)

250 points to illu-fi <3

(Sorry about the low-quality writing, I rushed it a lot considering it's midnight ahahahahahahahahaha- I've gone psycho)

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (July 2, 2023 14:30:36)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Weekly Two - 1,919 words

part one - how to defeat writer's block - a workshop - 829 words

Sadly, all writers experience this dreadful feeling called writer's block, if you don't all know what this means it is a creative slowdown that can slow down your writing process or stop you from writing altogether. Fortunately, there are ways to help you move out of this tough spot, in this workshop, I will list each and explain how to do them.

One, take a break. This may seem like the worst thing to do when you have writer's block, but taking a break and occupying yourself with something else could be the solution for you. Many writers tend to read a book in this break as it may help with the block, others resort to other creative art forms, such as art or music. Art and music work better for more creative people or writers who don't want to get ideas from other books.

Two, remove distractions. Go and write in a quiet place where no one can disturb you. Or if you are listening to music that can distract you turn it off, or try listening to wordless music such as classical music. Many studies have proven that classical music is best for studying and writing. You may find it hard to find a quiet spot, but even writing in an outdoor area with nature surrounding you can help to loosen writer's block.

Three, write anything. This one is more to do with writing, opening a new document or grab a piece of paper. Now with everything you have stored in your mind, it doesn't have to relate to your story, write it all down on the paper or type it. You may like to create a mind map of sorts for this if you enjoy taking notes in that format. This is also known as an idea or word spew, it helps many people. Remember what you write down should be anything and totally random! You could try setting a time limit for yourself if you prefer those.

Four, try writing exercises or prompts. Writing exercises can help kickstart your creativity and get your writing muscles warmed up. You can find numerous writing exercises or prompts online or in writing books. These exercises can range from character development exercises to writing short stories based on given prompts. There are many websites of the sort, and free to use for this! Engaging in these exercises can help you bypass the block and get your creative juices flowing again. This is perfect if you have no idea on what to write so give it a shot!

Five, establish a writing routine. Having a consistent writing routine can help train your brain to be in a creative mode during specific times. Set aside dedicated time for writing each day, whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Treat it as a commitment to your craft, just like any other important task. Over time, your brain will become accustomed to the routine, and it will become easier to tap into your creativity during those designated writing sessions.

Six, find a writing buddy or join a writing group. Sometimes, sharing your struggles with fellow writers can be immensely helpful. Look for a writing buddy or join a writing group where you can share your experiences, exchange ideas, and receive feedback on your work. Being part of a supportive community can provide motivation, encouragement, and fresh perspectives, which can be invaluable in overcoming writer's block. Another tip is try and not to make it one of your friends because friends tend to shy away from pointing out the flaw, be courageous and find a random person or a person you don't generally consider one of your closest friends.

Seven, revise and edit previous work. If you're feeling stuck with your current project, try revisiting and editing your previous work. This can help you get back into the flow of writing and re-engage with your storytelling abilities. By revising and editing, you may discover new ideas or directions for your writing, reigniting your passion and breaking through the block.

Eight, practice self-care. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial for maintaining your creative energy. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular exercise. Additionally, incorporate activities that relax and inspire you, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Taking care of yourself holistically can have a positive impact on your writing and help overcome writer's block. Remember to keep up with self-care! Life before SWC!!

Remember, writer's block is a temporary hurdle that can be conquered with patience, perseverance, and a variety of strategies. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. Be gentle with yourself during this process and celebrate every small step forward. Ultimately, by incorporating these strategies and remaining dedicated to your craft, you can defeat writer's block and continue on your creative journey. I hope these helped clear the dreadful writer's block you may be suffering from!
part two - create a story using others workshops - 705 words
For this I used @smalltoe's workshop about writing a villain.
In the dark recesses of my soul, an insatiable hunger for power gnawed at me relentlessly. I, Morrigan-Lillyth, was consumed by an all-encompassing obsession. From the depths of my earliest memories, the whispers of dominance and control echoed in my mind, urging me to conquer and take hold of power.

As a child, I felt invisible, insignificant amidst a world that paid me no heed. The constant rejection festered within me, breeding a toxic seed of resentment. It fueled my determination to rise above the crown, to carve my name into the pages of history. Power became my refuge, my escape from the vulnerability that plagued my existence.

But, in my pursuit of power, I turned a blind eye to morality, to the pleas of my conscience. I would stop at nothing, sacrificing friendships, relationships, and even my own humanity to ascend the ladder of authority. My ambition was a raging wildfire, consuming all in its path, destroying every last thing that stepped in its way.

I revelled in the manipulation of others, using their weaknesses as stepping stones towards my desired throne. Feeding off the tears and fears of the young children. Their tears, once a source of repulsion, became the elixir that fueled my ascent. My heart, once filled with empathy, had been replaced by a cold and ruthless determination, my soul slowly faded, and humanity was no longers part of me.

Yet, amidst the ruins of shattered lives, a flicker of doubt began to gnaw at the edges of my consciousness. With every soul I trampled upon, every act of cruelty I committed, a small voice whispered, questioning the cost of my insatiable thirst. But I dismissed it as weakness, a sentiment to be silenced in the pursuit of greatness.

As I climbed higher, the world around me grew darker. The weight of my sins pressed upon me, a heavy shroud that suffocated my spirit. Loneliness became my constant companion, my only solace the ever-elusive power I sought. And still, it eluded me, always just beyond my grasp, mocking my relentless pursuit. That once-little voice, became louder, screaming over the cries of the people I hurt. It wouldn't cease to exist.

In the depths of my isolation, a realization struck like a bolt of lightning—my obsession with power had become my own undoing. The very thing I craved had become the chains that bound me, suffocating my soul, I was a prisoner of my own ambition, trapped in a desolate realm of emptiness and regret. I had locked myself away, it was me who bound myself to these chains, it was me, my own thirst for power who did this.

I looked upon the devastation I had wrought, the lives I had torn apart piece by piece, and a profound sense of despair washed over me. The tears I had so callously disregarded now stained my cheeks, my heart heavy with the weight of remorse. In my ruthless quest for power, I had lost touch with the very essence of what makes us human—love, compassion, and connection.

In the twilight of my reign, I made a choice—a choice to relinquish the power that had become my shackles. With each act of redemption, I mended the fragments of the lives I had shattered, seeking forgiveness where forgiveness seemed impossible. It was a painful journey, one that demanded sacrifice and humility, but it was a path I chose willingly.

As the shadows crept away, I stood before the world, a transformed person. No longer driven by the hunger for power but by a desire to mend the wounds I had inflicted. My redemption became my legacy, a testament to the strength of the human spirit to change, to grow, and to overcome the darkest of desires.

In the end, I learned that true power lies not in dominance and control, but in the capacity to love and be loved. The path I had travelled was paved with regret and pain, but it led me to the understanding that the pursuit of power at any cost only leads to one's own demise. And in that newfound wisdom, I found peace, finally free from the chains that had bound me for so long.
part 3 - critique - 385 words
here is the work I'm critiquing: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/695871/?page=1#post-7379804

Before I begin, I love the story a lot! But here are are few pointers.
Punctuation and Formatting: I believe that this story would benefit so much, from better punctuation and formatting. Pay attention to proper use of capitalization, quotation marks, and paragraph breaks. This will make the text easier to read and follow, and being the perspective of three characters, this will help readers to understand it a lot more! I did understand it easily though, but this would just help others!

Clarity and Consistency: Some parts of the story are sort-of unclear or inconsistent, consider using clearer indicators or attributions to avoid confusion. You made it clear to show the next character's perspective/the perspective change, but maybe bolding the name of the character to make it extra clear could help a lot!

Dialogue Attribution: It's important to clearly attribute dialogue to the correct characters. At times, it's unclear who is speaking, and it can be challenging to follow the conversation. Make sure to use dialogue tags or action beats to indicate who is speaking, you did this really well but maybe just pay attention a slight bit more. You did amazing as this story contains the perspective of three characters!

Character Development: The characters' personalities and relationships are introduced well! I loved how you included so much of the character's emotions, thoughts and personalities, this helps the readers get to know characters even more! I can guarantee that this is one of the main highlights of your story!

Descriptive Language: The story could benefit from adding extra (as you already include so much) descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the setting and the characters' emotions. By including sensory details and stronger imagery, you could do amazing things for your story! I just needed that extra push, overall in terms of this, it was really well done!

Proofreading: There are a few minor errors in grammar and punctuation throughout the text. Proofreading is vital for stories and should be done very carefully, you did do amazing though!!

Overall, the text has SO much potential, but it could benefit from those extra details to spice it up more! I'd say if you practiced more you have what it takes to be an amazing writer! I loved reading this, thanks for writing it!

Total: 1919 words!

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (July 16, 2023 13:37:52)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Daily - 325 words - poisonous flowers - skull + bunch of flowers

In a realm where darkness flowers bloom,
Where beauty hides its venomous fume,
A poetic tale of danger I leave,
Of flowers that enchant and hearts deceive.

Petals, like flames, ablaze with hues,
Beguiling eyes with their vibrant views,
But hidden deep, a treacherous sting,
A toxic potion these blossoms bring.

Beware the allure of their deadly grace,
For within their petals, venom's embrace,
In gardens untamed, where danger lies,
The venomous flowers, a poet's demise.

Their fragrance sweet, a beguiling scent,
Yet lurking beneath, a lethal intent,
A dance with death, a flirtation with fate,
A moment's touch, sealing a dire state.

Oh, poets, be cautious, lest you succumb,
To the spell of these blooms, a fatal outcome,
Let not their beauty cloud your discerning eyes,
For within their petals, a poet's demise.

The inkwell runs dry, the quill fades away,
As venom courses through veins, turning life gray,
But let this cautionary verse, a whispered plea,
Guide poets to safety, away from beauty's decree.

For in this world of verses and prose,
The essence of life in each word that flows,
Let us celebrate flowers, both gentle and grand,
But beware the allure of those that demand.

Beneath moonlit skies, where shadows dance,
Beware the blooms that beguile with a trance,
Their delicate elegance, a deceitful guise,
Whispering seductions, leading hearts to demise.

For in the realm of words, where verses bloom,
We tread a delicate path, a dance with doom,
Let inspiration flourish, but tread with care,
To avoid the traps of flowers that ensnare.

In the realm of poetry, let caution be your guide,
Unveil the truth behind the petals' guise,
For even in danger, lessons are learned,
In the symphony of words, let wisdom be earned.

In these lines I caution, with heartfelt plea,
Let not the allure of poisonous flowers capture thee,
For beauty and danger, intertwined so it seems,
In the realm of poetry, where dreams meet extremes.

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (July 17, 2023 21:09:48)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

November SWC (Co)Leader Application - Answers
a collection of my answers as i have no theme yet :(

1. Tell us about yourself!
Hey there, I'm Willow! I'm just your totally not average camp enthusiast and if I get accepted this will somehow be my twelfth session… Anyway, i use the she/her pronouns and live somewhere in the AEST timezone. Or as CJ says; australian :00. If you already know me, you may know I'm an avid reader, writer, artist and musician. I'm an INTJ-A according to the quiz I just took. I love reading and writing, as I belong to numerous fandoms such as thg, mazerunner, agggtm, oouil, lightlark, foa and more. I've also decided I will take music more seriously, as I love music. I play many different instruments, such as trombone, double bass, piano (main), guitar, clarinet, eupho, tuba, trumpet, and flute and I'm learning the drums. I've also taken a liking to poetry, I'm not exactly sure why, but the words just flow onto the page and it just feels right, so that's a genre I would like to extend my knowledge on. I have way too many books in my bookshelf, as I have been placed on a ban from buying books:sobs: but that's ok. My 75 will do. But in all seriousness I have e-books. In my free time, I tend to practice my art skill and music skills as well as go on walks, further refine school work, read or if there is an SWC session taking place, SWC. Finally, I'll wrap this section up with my music tastes. My favourite artists are; Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams, Olivia Rodrigo and Lana del Rey (in no particular order…). My favourite songs currently is; what was I made for? (Billie Eilish), Long Sleeves and Friend (Gracie Abrams) and All Too Well (Taylor's Version)(10 Minute Version)(From the Vault) (Taylor Swift).

2. Have you previously participated in SWC?
Yes I have participated in SWC before, as I mentioned in Question One, I have participated in SWC 11 times, with this upcoming session hopefully being my twelfth. I have been in a leadership position before in SWC and in a few other scratch camps. I know what is expected and hope I can join the leadership team again. Here I will list the past few sessions I have participated in, with the role I was in. This will only include SWC experiences, my others will be listed after.

March 2022 and the sessions before I was a camper. I was a camper for many session, whilst being inactive a lot in my first four or so sessions, (participated on a really weird old account), I got more involved. I believe the session that ‘opened my eyes’ was March 2021, when I was in Dystopian, this was the session that made me want to be more involved in the SWC community, so I only really count this session onwards as it is when I started actively participating.

July 2022 - The Fan-Fi Republic, my first session as a co-leader. This session was really good for me as I had my fellow (co)leaders showing me how to be a leader. This is the session I gained most of my knowledge and the session I use to get things for me to improve on.

Nov 2022 - The Fan-Fi Time Travel Agency, due to complications, I stepped up to be a leader. I love this experience, as I got to experience what it was like to be leader. I got to create the cabin, and show my cos the ‘ropes’. This is what happened to me in my first session of being a co. In this session, I experimented with a few things, and used the previous session to find things I could improve on.

March 2023 - The Sci-Fi System, my second as co-leader. Alongside more experienced (co)leaders, I was able to ‘grow’ more in the session. Which helped me in other ways. Similar to what I did in the session before, I tried to find ways I could improve on.

July 2023 - Illu-Fi Anarchist Library, I was a camper. After the decision to not apply for a session, I regretted doing so, as throughout the session, I was missing the leadership team, not only because I wasn't on it. I love how everyone is close like family and I missed being involved which is why I'm applying again.

My other leading experiences include:
CC - I lead once, as the camp sadly died after this session.
SNC - I've lead twice, co-lead twice and am now the host of the camper (2 sessions).
JWC - I've lead once, and I lead with the amazing @xc-egg
SRC - I've just finished leading Fantasy, and this cabin has to be my most improved session (if you get what I'm saying) I made a spreadsheet of what I needed to improve on and what I could do to help with cabin success levels. And found a way to put all of that into this cabin, and it was a success! Results are still pending but up until the final days we had been first all session. This is what I hope to do if I get selected this session.
SAC - I'm leading Ink, and am excited to do what I did with Fantasy <3
CPQ - I'm co-hosting and leading Film in it's upcoming session.
(Outside of scratch now I've been a class captain, and a class representative as well as being on the student council. I've been a debate captain as well as a band captain. For writing experience, I earned a high distinction (highest) for a short story, a year before I got highly commended and commended a year before that. I've also taken the advanced class in school.

3. Which Cabins would you prefer to Lead?
I would definitely love (co)leading a different cabin to what I have (co)lead before. Overall I don't mind, as I would be appreciative of just getting accepted in the first place. If I were to share my preferences they would be:

Steampunk - would include clocks and weird machinery, I would possibly have a revolution of some sort in the storyline.
Hi-Fi - similar to steampunk but in a more victorian era or setting, or maybe even earlier in the 1600s or something, maybe the salem witch trials :0
Dystopian - probably would be set in the future, but like no one knows whats happen, but slowly as the session starts everything just turns to chaos.
Mystery - the campers would have to work together to solve something, maybe the disappearance of someone or something has been stolen

Official Birdi Stanner Cabin: the best of the best <3
I would prefer not to (co)lead TCTWNW as I do have a competitive side, but it you are in need of a (co)leader for this, I might reconsider it.

Overall I'd prefer (in order) Steampunk, Hi-fi, Dystopian then Mystery. I'd prefer this order as I do have many ideas, for steampunk and hi-fi, as I am quite well-rounded on the themes. Like I once did a workshop for SWC on the genre of steampunk. This means the ideas I have for steampunk being quite detailed. If anyone would like to know what ideas I have, or further into one of my ideas. Please feel free to contact me <3 Anyways, I don't mind in the end as I will easily be able to adapt to whatever is thrown to me. Which I will explain more thoroughly in an answer in another section.

4. Excerpt of your writing
below is an excerpt of my writing, I would encourage you to possibly read the section of it in my leader app project as I have included a recording of me saying it due to it being a spoken word poem. Title: I hate that you made me hate me.

Is it hard?
Is it that difficult to be kind?
Do you know your words inflict damage on me?
Do you know the pain and suffering you brought?

I just can't believe, you don't know how I'm feeling,
picking up the pieces of our broken friendship,
you said you would change, that old facade
gosh i feel so stupid how I fell for it.

I just hate the way you talk,
and I hate the way I don't hate you that much.
I hate what you did to me,
but I hate how I hate me.

You've now discarded me aside,
I guess I saw that coming,
You said you would change,
You said, You promised everything be ok.

Yet you ripped and tore my heart into shreds,
you made the school the place where I don't feel safe.
Why would you do this?
That's question I ask, over and over again.

I just hate how I believed you,
I hate that I had to the bigger person,
and I hate the things you say about me,
but I hate how I hate me.

Is it my fault?
That's what everyone says,
That's how you've made me out to be,
the villain of the story and you the victim.

I guess I'm not ok,
and I know that you're perfectly fine without me,
but I can't help wishing that I was still by your side,
I know it's wrong and stupid, so I don't know why.

I hate that I'm wishing that,
and I hate how I lost all my friends.
I hate the way people now treat me,
but I hate how I hate me.

Is it true?
That you're spreading rumours about me?
Is that why I receive dirty looks when I walk down the hallways?
What did I do? What DID I do?

I get it, it's because I'm me.
You felt the need to get rid of me,
So you could be the new me.
So while I drowned in a pool of your lies, you floated.

I hate that.
I hate that I'm too scared to stand up for myself.
I hate that I allowed you to do this.
But I hate that I hate me.

I hate that YOU made me hate me.
You made me wonder what was wrong with me.
I hate that you made up lies about me, just so you would benefit.

I hate that you made me hate me.

5. What amount of time can you dedicate to SWC?
November is probably one of the months of the year that I have the most free time. Meaning I can guarantee approximately an hour a day I could spend on scratch. As the first two weeks of the month is the end of my school year and then the last two weeks are holidays, I am able to dedicate a large amount of time. In October (for cabin planning) I am able to dedicate up to an hour a day, and I can check scratch notifications many times a day, meaning I am able to respond to messages and forum posts in a timely manner. I also like to make a schedule in months with an SWC session so I can effectively manage my time, this technique enables me to create a balance between my school/personal life and SWC. Yes, I will have exams in the cabin planning period, but that will not stop me from fulfilling my duties as a possible (co)leader. I do have school which will be the biggest obstacle, but I've juggle more in other parts of the year. However I am leading in SAC in October, but this will not take away any of the time I dedicate primarily to SWC, as I've already set an amount of time for my SAC responsibilities. There is also one other thing that will affect my activity, I will have my devices with me so I can still effectively lead, this plan involves me going on a cruise. I have already discussed with my parents and they said I am able to bring my devices, but in these four days (towards the end of the month of November) my activity level will drop to me spending just under an hour. Although if anything else does come up, I will notify a host immediately which you can take my word for.

6. What are your skills and shortcomings in time management?
Skills: One of my main skills is being able to do things efficiently and in a sensible amount of time, which means I can do tasks quickly and efficiently, such as word-adding and cabin activities/cabin prizes. In my first session as co, this was the opposite, but over time I have mastered the skill of this and am also good at multitasking which is an added benefit. Other than that, I am able to complete it then and there, as I believe that doing it in the moment is way more efficient than two days later. Another skill is one I have learned and mastered recently, this one is scheduling, yes, I can dwell off of this plan, but the plan always stays in my head, and directs me on the amount of time I should spend on a certain thing, such as 15 minutes for maths homework then 5 minutes to add up all the words in a wcg. Overall, I have been developing more skills due to my recent leadership roles and will use these skills to my advantage in SWC, as it would be a win-win situation for me and the camp, as I would get stuff done and my camp responsibilities would be fulfilled.

Shortcomings: In the past I haven't outlined my shortcomings properly, so this application it's going to change.

In the past, I was often late in adding words into the desc, which is a problem I am getting better on, as I found a strategy to help me with this, whilst having found a strategy that helps me improve, I thought I should be upfront about it, just so you know it is in the past and I have found I way to balance my time out better. My main strategy would be adding each day and setting a small amount of my (approx.) SWC to do so, as doing it in the moment will make it easier as I can avoid adding huge amounts. My next shortcoming would be me not being exactly organized; I have mentioned that I use schedules to plan out my time, however due to having unexpected events for school, or just being a bit stressed in general I might go ‘astray’ and not use the schedule (to my advantage) leading to an uneven balance between SWC and life, or not using time wisely and end up scrolling on a social media platform, however I have enlisted screen time to my advantage, as I got my sister to make a passcode for screentime, and we set up restrictions to avoid me getting distracted (which I can say most of us do ahah). As well as that I have been practicing staying on schedule and have taken a class on organization to prepare me for busy weeks or other similar things. Finally, another shortcoming I have is not keeping track of events, which was a problem in my first few sessions as (co)leader (first two I believe), now I have a calendar, which is shared with my family, so I am able to constantly check my upcoming events and use this resource effectively when I plan out my schedule.

7. What are your strengths and Weakness in Collaboration?
Strengths: One of my strengths is ensuring an equal workload between (co)leaders, this basically means that I make sure everyone gets and equal and fair number of tasks, to add on to this, I take everyone's opinions first, before we officially decide on the full idea/theme/task should be. I take care to listen to everyone, even if it means my ideas don't get chosen, as I value everyone's decisions and opinions. Another strength I have is scheduling, in every cabin I have (co)led, I always make sure that I provide my fellow (co)leaders with a schedule with deadlines so we can get everything done efficiently and on time, so we can use our time planning efficiently. Finally, I always wait for everyone to agree and provide ideas on a certain task/topic before we officiate the task, and if a team member disagrees, I would actively listen to why they disagree, and work with them to suggest a compromise, also including anyway else who are ‘in’ on this task.

Weaknesses: I hate saying no to my team members, even if it is a bad idea, I will probably just let it slide, because I always feel bad saying no, as I worry that the person I say no to, will feel bad or possibly may take it in a bad way. I know that this is quite a bad weakness, but so I can avoid this I will actively voice my opinion, even if it means I feel bad, but to also avoid that I will use tone indicators, to make sure no messages are falsely communicated. Finally, I also fear that I could overstep, I am very cautious of this, but I still possess this feeling that I am overstepping, this can cause me not to fully voice my opinion, although during this session I am aiming to get over this ‘fear’ by talking to my (co)leaders more, and making sure we are all ‘on the same page’ so everyone understand each other, and the ‘fear’ of overstepping can be avoided.

8. What one quality do you value most in a leader, how do you embody this?
The quality I value the most in a leader would be, persistence. I value this quality because leadership mean you need persistence, not just in planning but in the actual session, leaders will need to show persistence even if their cabin is coming last, or close to last. Whilst having your cabin in the lower ranks, leaders should strive to lead their cabin, to make sure that their cabin stays together, as being last could potentially demotivate one of the (co)leaders but having this quality of leadership would be perfect in this situation. I embody this value, consistently when I am a (co)leader. I show this by constantly helping and encouraging campers in session and motivating my fellow (co)leaders o maybe complete a task on time or basically anyone in the session, as I have encouraged many people in the past, and showed them persistence when they were completing a difficult task such as a leader application. Persistence is also important to have as an individual as it helps to overcome obstacles such as having an inactive cabin, learn from past mistakes, and develop resilience and more skills.

9. Cabin Atmosphere
As competitive, yet supportive cabin, (cabin) actively encourages self-development, collaboration, improvement and optimism. Where a memorable experience will be created as we strive to succeed. (195 characters)

I would work to achieve this by ensuring campers know that this cabin will
have a support network, this cabin would be a safe and supportive commun-
ity set on helping the campers develop and improve their skills with writing
and other skills. This will be achieved by hosting in-cabin activities to do so.
And to make it an enjoyable experience, this storyline will be interactive and

Part A.
I will be available to help add points in the main cabin consistently during the session.
I'm willing to share a promotional project for SWC

Part B.
I believe I am able to fulfill all the responsibilities, especially SWC < Life. As the cabin I hope to (co)lead will focus on encouraging campers to improve, collaborate and most importantly to maintain the SWC-Life balance.

Part C.
Myself: If I am to go inactive, I will notify the hosts, and flag it with my fellow (co)leaders, if I am the leader, or am host of the studio, I will immediately transfer the role of host to whomever (in the cabin's leadership team) feels like to can quickly adapt to it. I will also try to check in on scratch as much as possible and by that I mean as much as I am allowed to, or can. I will never leave without a few days' notice.

My (co)leader: I will set up a plan at the start of planning which will be a backup plan, which will also link to the above point. But I hope that this (co)leader will flag it with me in advance. I will also be happy to adapt to whatever comes my way, such as sudden inactivity. If this does happen, I will do my best to keep the cabin on track, as well as trying to figure out new arrangments for the cabin storyline or other things that are disrupted by the situation.

(2,944 words in total, excluding titles/subheadings and excerpt.)

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Sept. 13, 2023 13:45:33)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Sept. 13, 2023 13:45:17)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Daily Two
Completed on the 02/11/23 - Word Count: 387

Dear Future Me,

When you're reading this hopefully things are going well. You probably got our exam results back, how did we go? I know I'm nervous. I know you will never meet this version of me, probably because life is tricky at this time and in a month a lot can happen. I hope you are well, have you been looking after yourself? I hope so. I hope that the drama I am experiencing right now has ended, get out of there fast if it hasn't. You need a break, don't worry about people hating you, you are amazing and strong. You've got this. For the writing part of this letter, how is that top secret novel going? How is young Lillyth? I bet you've taken care of her, and made the story amazing, I haven't yet at this stage written much… I've pretty much gotten down the first 2 chapters that have like what 5 words in the first chapter and 200 in the second? That was just getting to know how messed up the MC is. I really hope we didn't give up on that story, or have you started some fan-fiction? It better make sense…. Or maybe poetry, I really hope you got you poetry book planned, we've been wanting to do this forever and I love the concept. Hopefully after SWC we've nailed the art of poetry. I do hope everything you do goes great, we've accomplished so much and so much more to come. Now, whenever something tough happens, stand up and tall, you've got this. I know you do. It'll be close the Christmas when you read this, so you better have finished your spring/autumn comfort show… although I'm not kidding about our little writing projects. I really hope we did it. I'm actually wishing I do, do it. So yeah. Also it needs a title- and not something cliche- it needs to be unique. Like the plot- I mean who else writes a Dystopian x Dark Fantasy, with Enemies to Lovers, One-Bed, Arranged Marriage, Forbidden Romance, Love Triangle, Royal Romance with a kick*ss females main character suffering from anxiety and trauma… see what i mean it's such a cool concept. I really hope we did it.

That's it from me,
Love from you on the 2/11/23

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Weekly One
completed on: - started on: 5.11.23 - word count:

part one
song: tolerate it
not me creating a small story inspired by the folklore/evermore love triangle hehe
Betty's heart sinks, she struggles to keep eye contact with James.

“Is it true?” Betty can barely form the words, her finger intertwined with her brown hair. “That you don't love me anymore?”

“Who said that? Of course I do… ” he makes his way to a chair, leaving the conversion. Betty follows him but stops at the door, watching James carefully as he picks up a book.

Betty leans against the doorframe, then decides the walk in. Sitting opposite of James, sitting and watching him.

She finds it funny, how she knows everything about him, everything he does and doesn't do, when he doesn't know half of the things about her.

How she puts all of her effort into making it evident that she loves him.

How she does everything for him, showing how she wants their love to be celebrated.

But he just tolerates it.

Betty refuses to believe it, after all James said the rumours weren't true. He loves her right?

He does.

Betty loves James with all of her heart. And James says he loves her.

Says he loves her. That should be enough for Betty to know.

And it is, right?

Betty sits there, a million thoughts in her heard. She loves him. But he doesn't seem to act in that same way.

She just sits there and watches as he tolerates it.

227 words

part two
Name: Betty
Age: 16 (nearly 17)
Gender: Female
Socioeconomic status: mid
Education: In highschool - around 11th grade

Physical Appearance
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Tan
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5"3
Body type: Average
Fitness level: low
Scars/Birthmarks: None that anyone knows of
Fashion style: Trendy but with an academic (aesthetic) twist.
Posture/Gait: depends on mood

Psychological Traits
Personality traits: Lovestruck, Kind, THoughtful, Observant, empathetic.
Introvert/Extrovert: Ambivert
Intelligence: High but still gullible
Self-esteem: decreasing but not high
Strengths: empathetic, observant, intelligent
Weaknesses: lost in her thoughts/relationships, gullible, naive
Tendencies: She keeps her feelings hidden so she doesn't ruin her relationships with people, meaning she puts on a brave face for the public even though she is breaking into a million little pieces inside and is hurting. She refuses to believe any of the rumours are true due to the unexplainable feelings she feels with James. She lies to herself and others no matter what, in order to preserve her public status.

Crush: n/a
Current Relationships: James (boyfriend)
Friends: Inez
Social media presence: med
Public perception of them: high

Character Growth
Character archetype: Main Character
Internal conflicts: struggling with anxiety, panic attacks. Keeps feelings inside worsening her anxiety and other mental health struggles.
External conflicts: Her relationship with James after finding out he cheated on her.
Significant events/plot points: Realising James may not love her, Inez telling her about his cheating on her (more to come)

242 words

part three
Scenario One: Betty is discussing moving her to another homeroom with a teacher. (217 words)

“Are you sure about this Betty?” The teacher hands Betty some documents but hesitates before giving her the pen.

“I'm positive. I just can't be in that homeroom anymore.” Betty takes the pen and fills out the form that was just handed to her.

“Is there anything we should know? Anything we need to take care of?” Her teacher looks at her with worry.

Betty stops writing and looks out into the hallway and begins to speak. “Not really… It's just young love, stupid really. It was all a mistake.” James walks in as she finishes speaking. She really couldn't care less if he heard, he was a mistake and that was the truth.

“Well if that's what you want.” Betty finishes the form and skims through the rest of the document before signing it. “Well Betty, thank you for your time” her teacher reads the form, checking over Betty's answers.

“No thank you, thank you for helping me with this.” Betty grins at her teacher, thankful she was able to be moved.

“We'll be in touch with your new homeroom arrangements.” Her teacher takes the form and walks into a staff-only room. James overhears this and stares in shock. Betty can feel his gaze on her but she ignores him and confidently struts out of the room.
Scenario Two: Betty walks into the classroom and Augustine is in her seat. Her seat is next to James. (183 words)

“Um, sorry but I think you are in my seat?” Betty hugs her books tightly over her chest.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I don't really want to move.. do you mind if I sit here?” Augustine bats her eyes at James.

“Yeah I-” Betty starts but James interrupts her.
“She doesn't mind at all, you can sit here. Betty can sit somewhere else” James finished emphasizing his last sentence.

Why would he do that? Betty thinks. She decides to sit somewhere else, far from her boyfriend and Augustine. So she sits at the back. This lesson she doesn't speak at all, normally she'd be answering all the questions or talking to James. But he left her for Augustine, so what does that mean?

As soon as the bell rings. Betty grabs her thing and rushes out of the classroom, ignoring James who is shouting her name. She doesn't know what to think as James and Augustine seemed to be flirting all of that lesson. So she made a sharp turn into the bathroom and locked herself in a cubicle and let it all out.
Scenario Three: James forgets about meeting Betty at the park for a picnic. (192 words)

'Hey, where r u?' Betty texts.
'wdym?' James replies.
'i mean you were supposed to meet me @ the park?'
'i'm sorry. i forgot.'
'can u still come at least?'
'uh not rlly.'
'i'm giving augustine a tour of the town and school.'
'i'm sorry babe ok?'
Betty shuts her phone down in rage. She throws it in her bag and then picks up the food she made and throws it across the field and it lands in a bush. She throws the mat and the present she got James in her bag and walks off with angry tears on her eyes. She walks towards he favourite bookshop. She walks across the road by stops when she sees James and Augustine across the road laughing and having fun.

James and Betty meet eyes and Betty is so full of rage. James lets go of Augstine's hand and runs towards Betty. Betty runs away from James dropping her phone is the process the screen cracks and hall wallpaper of her and James in fragmented just like their relationship. She manages to escape Jack's pursuit and hides. She picks up her phone and texts Inez.

part four
(continuing scenario 3) (words: 568)

'hey inez.'
'hey betty'
'can i ask u smth?'
'go for it'
'u know everything right?'
'u dumb or smth? ik everything there is to know, abt gossip of course'
'ik you're not dumb, you're like superhuman smart'
'thanks ig.'
'what did you want to know?'
'um so basically. yk the sorta new girl augustine? what's her deal?'
'a lot.'
'tell me all of it'
'uh huh.'
'so augustine is like this wanna-be popular girl. she's nearly there, i mean she doesn't really have many friends (unlike u and i) but some of the jocks like her. she's cheated on tests before, she tried to kiss one of the jocks who had a gf in the first week she was here. she tried to blackmail dorothea too… it was quite the drama. oh and at prom she got james your ex now ig, to get in her car and they drove off.'
'james isn't my ex.'
'oh *.'
'what do i do?'
'dump him'
'humilate him. he is a piece of * if he does this to you girly'
'ig. i mean i just ran away from him bc he forgot about our date, and went to give augustine a tour instead.'
'he can die.'
'in a very deep and dark hole.'
'all alone. with no one and go **********'
'ok inez that's good enough for me'
'ah- sorry'
'thanks for telling me'
'anything to help you girly'.

Betty walked home. And went to her room. She collapse on her bathroom floor and tears flooded down her cheeks. She heard the doorbell ringing. And Jame's voice.

How did he have the nerve to show up? She couldn't get up. She felt to weak to even move. But she cried even more. And screamed. Her parents weren't home for a few weeks so she felt relieved about that, but James was here and obviously heard her screams.

“BETTY?!?! ARE YOU OK?” He stepped back trying to see through the windows of her room on the second floor. She found the strength to get up. She grabbed one of the pictures of her and James and opened the window. Next thing James saw was a photo frame flying towards him. He dived out of the way and the glass shattered everywhere and the photo of them was sitting under shards.

He reached forward and picked the photo up. And tucked it safely in his pocket. He called Betty's name out again and this time the sound of a shutting window responded to him. He decided to stay for the rest of the night and slept on her porch whilst listening to her screams of pain and cries. He had no idea what was wrong. Maybe him? He loved Betty but he loved Augustine too. And Betty was the one who danced with someone else right?

Betty thought of the night he and Augustine drove off together. Prom. The night James and Betty were supposed to be together dancing, as James had promised. But he was late and she was asked to dance by another boy, one of her childhood friends. It was an hour and a half into the dance and James wasn't there, and it was somehow her fault? He didn't even stop it. He just went and cheated on Betty. She screamed Jame's name with anger and he knew why. It was him.

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Nov. 9, 2023 13:26:26)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Willow's Leader Application Answers
March 2024 Leader Applications

Q1. About Me

Hey there, I’m Willow (she/her). If I’m not reading a book, I’ll be lost in my music, whether listening to my favourite artists or playing one of my instruments or I’ll be diving into a world of my own, writing poems filled with emotions or simply buried deep in study notes.

My mum introduced me to reading, and without her, I wouldn’t have found the things that I love today. From a young age, I’ve been pulled into the world of reading, captured by the stories books hold. I enjoy the alluring genres of Dystopian, Fantasy, Mystery and Thriller, as they all have found a special place in my heart. Some of my favourites are The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Shatter Me, The Inheritance Games, The Cruel Prince and Chain of Gold. Without reading my love of writing would be non-existent, therefore I probably wouldn’t be applying for SWC right now.

Music holds a special place in my heart, alike books it helps me escape from reality, as it is something I can put my heart and soul into. I don’t know where I’d be without music, being a lover of music I tend to listen to music every day, normally I listen to the styles of Pop, Alternative, Classical and what my family calls ‘Sad Songs’. According to my Spotify Wrapped, my top song of the year was “what was I made for’ by Billie Eilish. Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, Lana del Ray, Gracie Abrams and Olivia Rodrigo are my comfort artists, but I still care for many more. Music is also sentimental to me as I play quite a few instruments. My main instrument is the trombone, followed by the piano.

Writing, without it books wouldn’t exist and most songs wouldn’t exist as well. Writing enables me to create characters and a world I could only dream of, places I wish to exist, it allows me to make my own rules and create anything I wish to Within the hundreds of words buried in the pages of my writing, writing helps me convey emotions that others can’t, to help others know they are not alone. To some writing is like a song, pieces of a story that captures emotion, a sanctuary for the soul. And that is exactly what
writing is for me. Something I dream of. This session I hope to write my first novel. The genres of Dystopian, Fantasy, Poetry and Mystery are the genres that I enjoy writing in.

Q2. Previous Experience
This upcoming session will mark my thirteenth session participating, and hopefully fifth time on the leadership team.

Here is a summary of all the sessions I've participated in, new to old.
November 2023 - Steampunk - Co-Leader (daily team)
July 2023 - Illu-Fi - Camper (late signup)
March 2023 - Sci-Fi - Co-Leader
November 2022 - Fan-Fiction - Leader
July 2022 - Fan-Fiction - Co-Leader
March 2022 - Mythology - Camper
November 2021 - Poetry - Camper
July 2021 - Fairy Tales - Camper
March 2021 - Dystopian - Camper
November 2020 - Adventure - Camper (old account for the rest <3)
November 2019 - July 2020 - Inactive Camper/Records Lost

I have also participated in SRC (host, leader and camper), SAC (leader and camper), SNC (host, leader, co), JWC (leader) and a few other scratch camps in a leadership role or camper role.

Outside of scratch, I have held roles such as student representative, class captain, band captain and a few other roles. I've achieved awards such as a High Distinction in writing (top 1% of AUS) and this year achieved the highest overall grade in the subject of Writing and English in my year level. Additionally, my school has featured some of my writing, and my old school as well.

I have participated in SWC for as long as I can remember, and I actively enjoy SWC and I love being a part of the community. I can't wait for the upcoming session even if I am not selected. I'm excited about March and cannot wait to see what new memories I can make.

Q3. Preferences
This session I'm leaning towards genres that either haven't been used in SWC or were used for a short amount of time. Tragedy would be at the top of my list, the Oxford Dictionary describes the word tragedy as an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe. Meaning I would like to create a storyline with some drama and mystery. Maybe being set in a theme park, tragedy theme park. An accident would occur, and campers would at first believe it was an accident. But suddenly another accident occurs, and it seems like the tragedy was never an accident. The campers have to work together to solve what is behind these ‘tragedies’ or it might happen again and again.

Classics is another genre I'd love to lead. With a light academic feel, this genre would be a more chilled theme. Allowing campers to spend more time on dailies and weeklies. With a storyline encouraging them to write. This storyline would help the campers find something they are missing, with help from others, they will receive riddles to find out the location of this missing object, but to do that, they have to write.

As the complete opposite of Steampunk, I was thinking of a Solarpunk cabin. I can't remember who, but someone recommended it and the genre immediately caught my interest. In this storyline, the sun would be failing. Causing nature to die and act differently. Without the campers, this earth might die. This once utopia is slowly dying, and the thing that nearly killed it in the past, humans are the ones that need to save it.

The above preferences are not ordered but the ones listed next are ordered. Of course, I may not be able to lead these but if needed I also have an interest in Folklore, Dystopian, Thriller and Hi-Fi. I would be open to (co)leading TCTWNW if I am not selected but would rather (co)lead another cabin.

Q4. Excerpt
I grew up with no fears,
I thought I’d be here forever.
No one would leave me.

I thought everything would be fine.
That the world is perfect.
That life is

That all would be well,
And nothing could hurt me
or anyone else.

Then it all disappeared.
Because of one thing.
All of my past beliefs,

Now my thoughts,
Slowly destroy me.
My previous peace and sanctuary,

Because of an accident
Because someone was taken
By death’s cold embrace.

I still yearn for my past
and everything I knew.
But i will never have it again.

I grew up in chaos,
Everyone did, and we all
Thrive in it. Because chaos is all we

The earth, the world
we were taught was perfect
Is dying. Because of,

It is us.
We are worse than the monsters,
we heard of in the storybooks. Worse than

Yet, we continue to treat the world
This way. Each other this way.
Why can’t we stop? Why can’t we

We are worse than death,
For we are the reason. We are the
Cause of the slow death of our

And it will never stop.
It won’t stop until
Everything is gone. Everything

No amount of guilt
Can change the past.
And we can’t change the future if we don’t
Let go.

But what if we can’t?
What if humans can’t?
It’s in our blood, we don’t let go of our

We could still try, Somehow.
To Stop global warming. Use the world’s money
To stop hunger and war.

I grew up feeling like,
I’m waiting for something,
Something that will never

Pages needed to be turned,
And we need to move forward.
It’s all one can wish for, but is it a wish

I mean you have to die a few times
Before you can live.
In the end, it will all be

For we are worse than death,
So maybe death isn’t all that bad in the end.
So don’t be afraid. Just go and

Q5. Time I can Dedicate
February and March are both school months. Regardless I can devote at least half an hour to an hour a day to SWC, I will not participate in any school sports in those months. But I do believe debating will be on, therefore I might be trialling for it. I do have school bands, but I have already accounted for the time that it takes up, additionally, these bands don't take up much time, so I still have time to study and then log into scratch for SWC. I also can check scratch in school, when I have free time. Hence I should be able to put life ahead of SWC whilst also tending to my responsibilities as a (co)leader.

Having been in one of the leadership roles, I understand the commitment needed to fulfil these roles. And I believe that I can carry out these responsibilities.

My weekends tend to be a little chaotic, but now it is normal that I should be able to handle it. However, I have been accepted into the youth orchestra, so an hour or two of my weekend will be taken away. This however shouldn't affect my capability as it is normally in the morning, and on the weekends (towards the end of the day) I spend at least two hours on scratch to tend to my responsibilities in whatever camp is on in that month. Below I have left a schedule on what I do after school, to illustrate the amount of time that I can give to SWC. (only in project)

In Feb I will be leading in SAC, but I have already accounted for this when I applied for SAC and again when applying now. I can ensure I will be fit to handle both tasks, if anything does happen I will be sure to contact my (co)leaders.

Q6. Time management
Over the years I have developed many skills in time management. I will outline them next, unfortunately, I do have some shortcomings and I do recognise them, however, I have thought of ways to change this.

Skill - Scheduling: If you have already read through Question 5. I have shown a schedule as an example for that question's answer. I have a full schedule of my week taped onto a wall in my room, the inside of my locker door and in my school diary. Whilst this is not here to be strictly followed, it is here to serve me as a guide. Please go to the question 5 portion of this application to see an example.

Skill - Mindset: I love to be able to complete tasks that I have set and get them out of the way. Due to exams that I may have, this skill is particularly useful. As I need to do homework that has been set for me, I am driven to do so, so I can study for upcoming exams. This will be especially useful as I will be able to finish my outside-of-scratch responsibilities promptly so I can move on to SWC responsibilities.

Shortcoming - Perfectionism: I am a perfectionist, and strive to receive the top grades. This can be tiring for me, as I sometimes spend way too long on a certain subject or task set for me. Last year, I was so set on getting the highest grades, and it eventually took a toll on my health. (Solution) Due to that, I have now taken a step back from how much work I'm putting into school, so I am learning to not perfect everything I do, as this is not always needed, (as I have realised this now). Just know, that I am trying my best to stop this, and I have been doing so these past few months.

Shortcoming - Distractions: I can sometimes get distracted from my work if I'm focusing on something for too long or if I'm burnt out. Once I get distracted I may find myself mindlessly scrolling through reels or logging onto scratch, regardless of what I am doing, I get sidetracked from my more important tasks. (Solution) To avoid this I have included breaks in my schedule, these breaks range from 5-30 minutes long, which ensures I won't get too tired or distracted from my work. These breaks can be seen in the schedule I provided in Question 5.

By utilizing my skills, and overcoming my shortcomings, I can ensure that I can manage my time effectively and efficiently. This means I can carry out all of my responsibilities as a (co)leader in a productive manner.

Q7. Strengths and Weaknesses in Working with others
Below I will outline my strengths and weaknesses in working with others.

Scheduling / Time Management:
This is so important when planning, no one wants to be planning all the main details in the final week of cabin planning. So to make sure everything goes well and efficiently By creating a schedule for my (co)leaders to follow everything will stay on track ensuring a successful cabin plan. This schedule will have deadlines next to the tasks, these tasks will be ordered with priorities at the top of the list. And finally, I will make sure everyone has an even workload. Meaning no one has too much to do, and everyone is supporting each other. This ensures that things get done efficiently, and if needed the others in the team will be there to support someone if they need help.

Positive Environment:
Maintaining a positive work environment is crucial. I am especially good at spreading positivity, as I mentioned before one of my main goals in life is to bring smiles to people's faces. I really want to make sure my (co)leaders have a wonderful session, so by making sure motivation and positivity are constant themes in this cabin, I hope everyone feels at ease and loved. I find that when I receive motivation and positivity from others I strive to complete tasks more than I normally do, additionally, my mood is automatically lifted. I hope that by creating this environment others will constantly feel the same.

Backup Plans:
After experiencing many scenarios in various scratch camps, I have learnt that making backup plans with my (co)leaders is vital. I learnt this after being selected as a co-leader in Nov 2022. My leader went inactive, which caused me to step up, and I feel like if I create a backup plan even if a huge hurdle is thrown in my direction I can overcome it. The backup plan would account for (co)leaders going inactive or even if the storyline isn't progressing quickly enough for it to be successful in the end. In the end, this is crucial if my cabin were to experience any anomaly.

Whilst I have my many strengths, I do have some weaknesses, but I will be actively trying to find ways to overcome them to prepare for future roles.

Overstepping: I have a fear of overstepping, I don't want to overstep my boundaries. Even though I am cautious of overstepping, I feel like I am sometimes and don't want to offend anyone or cause any issues. Likewise, I have never overstepped but I am so scared that it can prevent me from ever fully voicing my opinion. Last session, however, my (co)leaders were so supportive and encouraged me to share my ideas, so I do believe that this session I can finally get over this fear. Along with this, I hate saying no to other people, for the same reason, I fear if I do say no I could be overstepping.

Perfectionism: As I mentioned in Question 6. I am a perfectionist. I hold very high standards for myself, and it created I huge problem in my school life last year. I tend to want everything perfect and spend too long perfecting one thing that may ruin plans, this has never happened, but I did spend a long time making sure a cabin thumbnail was perfect and I do believe it was way too long to design a thumbnail. This session, I want to lower my standards for myself, and I have previously set the bar way too high, and I want to not spend too long on minor details. I have been working on this actively as stated in Question 6.

I am aware some other people have the same weaknesses as me. And these weaknesses can be overcome by some of my strengths. Just like in my overstepping paragraph, I mentioned the countless support from my (co)leaders that led me on the path to getting over this fear. And I believe if I utilize my strengths I can help others overcome their weaknesses.

Q8. One Quality
Being a successful leader means more than just holding a position of authority. According to sources, a successful leader can encourage, motivate, inspire and challenge their team to be their best selves. As a leader you need to be many things, hard-working, a good communicator, and dedicated but most importantly a leader needs to be empathetic. After observing some of the (co)leaders in the scratch camp community whom I admire, I've realised that the most important quality is empathy. Understanding your campers and (co)leaders is vital, and it allows a cabin to feel more like a family. I value this quality so much, as it not only benefits myself but also others I interact with. I find that even the smallest act of kindness can make someone smile. I find that motivation can lead a cabin to success, words of encouragement can help a camper finish a competition entry, and a simple hello when someone is feeling down can make someone's day.

Empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. As I mentioned in another question, I believe empathy is one of my strengths. I aim to make sure my cabin has a positive atmosphere. That one of my friends, my (co)leaders will never feel sad or alone. I aim to understand others and help them. This connection is most certainly a crucial part of leadership. I've experienced this connection so many times when I was a camper, it is what inspired me to take the leap and sign up for (co)leader. Hence, I want to motivate and encourage others to do the same, so that when I show kindness and respect to campers, they feel as if they belong. Just as I did many sessions ago. Empathy. A quality I actively admire and value in other (co)leaders, and a quality I make sure I have. One simple act of encouragement could change everything. And I am dedicated to doing just this.

Q9. Cabin Atmosphere
In friendships will be made, and memories will be created. Competitive, yet driven to complete our writing goals, through endless encouragement and support. An experience you'll never forget. (119 words)

I wish to achieve this by utilizing the quality I described in question 8, creating a storyline that actively encourages self-improvement. I'll encourage this throughout the entire session, creating meaningful friendships with campers and my (co)leaders to make the cabin feel like a second home for some. So that anyone can ask for help to improve and so that no one feels alone. In doing this, I aim to create an environment that encourages improvement, friendship, growth and some competition with friendships and lasting memories to be made.

Q10. 3 part Question
applying for both leader and co
applying for co
share a promo for swc
b. I am certain I can successfully and efficiently fulfil all the responsibilities of a leader listed in the FAQ. If some (unlikely) reason were to occur that stops me from carrying out any one of the responsibilities, I would inform either my (co)leaders or a host depending on what it may be.

c. If I am to go inactive, I would immediately inform a host, my (co)leaders or any who may be impacted (for example the daily team leaders if I were on the daily team.) As already stated in another question, I should have hopefully created a backup plan. If this is not the case, I will do so as quickly as possible and plan for whatever or whoever may be impacted. I would do the same if one of my (co)leaders were to go inactive, if it were to happen without warning I'd discuss it with my other (co)leader first and then we'd take it up with the hosts, then we will see which actions need to be taken.

Word Count - 3,061

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Jan. 13, 2024 13:38:02)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

In Ashes Lies Our Hope

“You dream of some epiphany.
Just one single glimpse of relief,
To make some sense of what you've seen.”
– Epiphany, Taylor Swift

Ipoh, Malaysia - 26th of December 1941
It happened when the screams started, louder than an emergency siren itself. Screams that caused my mother to cut my neck, whilst cutting my hair off. And as the blood from my neck fell like the tears that tumbled down my cheeks, gunshots echoed in the distance as if thunder was booming.
It was when my screams started that my brother was stolen from me. It went dark, darker than it was when they first arrived.

It took 386 days for me to adapt to the gunshots, maybe even 387 but the marks on the wall don’t lie. They say that we’ve been isolated in this space where the stalactites look like icicles trying to pierce the ground and a stream carves its way through the limestone floors, for 732 days.
And for 732 days, the only sounds that flood my ears is sadness, and a rumble of hunger from another cave dweller.
The dried blood on the floor is darker, and the pile of bodies in the corner is increasing. Most have died from injuries escaping, others, from hunger.
“Food,” my voice trembles, as soft as a whisper.
“Speak up girl.” A man’s voice echoes.
“We need… food.”
“I really didn’t notice” His sarcastic remark hangs in the chamber.
In through the nose.
Out through the mouth.

“I’ll get it.”

“You can’t.”
“You’re a girl.”

How does being a girl affect my capability to find food? Even I know the pain of hunger, a feeling that compels you to commit cruel things. I ate a few days ago, as grandma gave me her last ration. I’ve got a deeper pain now. One that is like a heavy chain, weighing me down.
I shouldn’t have eaten her ration. She sees herself as my protecter, as everyone else stolen from us. Now she could die, I can’t let her. Who cares if I’m a girl. The ‘men’ who have gone out have come back with nothing.

With the absence of the light, I must go. Quietly I push myself up, taking a moment to regain control over my walking.
As I search my mind for the way back to the village, I see a light. And fence posts…
Water fills my eyes as I gather my scattered worries and thoughts.
For Grandma. For Elijah.
I run through the desolate dirt streets, but then stop. Laughter travels to my ears. Then grunts, from someone being hurt by them. Slowly, I gather myself and investigate. I first see a bag of potatoes, then him.
“Elijah?” A bloody, bruised face tilts towards me, followed by the smirks of seven others. An exchange of words takes place,
“RUN,“ Elijah’s petrified voice screams out to me. My feet move from beneath me, but I move towards them. Towards the food.
For Grandma. For my Family.
The soldiers begin to run after me. Swiping the sack of food, I run.
And then I’m back at the cave. I see joyful emotion even those who doubted me felt it, but I feel none of it. I thought he was gone. But now he truly is. He put me before his safety, he-

1159 days later, chaos has ended. 1159 since I lost him. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I turn.
“Do you need a place to stay- Marjorie?” Elijah.
And all I can do is hug him. Grandma too. My vision blurs again, but this time all I can do is smile.

hey whoever is reading this <33 this is for a school assignment so please don't plagiarize, especially as this is a family story, which in future I will lengthen as I had a word limit (600). - also a few part have been taken out, as it contains sensitive info, and the formatting was ruined.

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Weekly Two
SWC March 2024
Part One - Flowers
333 words , flower chosen Asphodel , name of piece: my name is asphodel

The darkness confined within me was making itself known. Once, I attempted to bury it, just as one would bury a lost loved one deep beneath the surface where they will never be found again, but this darkness was reemerging. Unlike a lifeless body, this darkness was bustling with means and life, but like a lifeless body, it had a name.

And it was regret.

My mother tried to assure me everyone had regrets, and I was not alone. But how does one feel like others are with them when they cannot speak about this pain to anyone? It was as if the second I opened my mouth to confide in another, a cold, calloused hand wrapped around my mouth, shutting it from spilling the burdens holding me down. Was this regret itself performing these cruel actions?

And I soon found out it was regret.

The darkness confined within me now wanted to speak. It pushed me to recollect the regrets I compiled, it forced me to believe it was me. That I was the reason why she's now gone. Why she is six feet under, and I am not. I left her, alone and forgotten in that place of misery. As if she was a crippled leaf on a rose, and someone plucked her off, because she wasn't needed. I left her. Even when she desired to have friends to save her from that place, she was in. Where her mind drifted off into a place of insanity and hopelessness, and it was forevermore lost. I shouldn't have let envy get the better of me and force me to leave her for more fame.

And now that regrets remains with me.

My mother gave me the name of Asphodel, and it was only a few days ago. I acquired knowledge of the meaning, rather fitting may I say. For regret will be with me always, especially this one I tried to bury deep, 6 feet below. Where I should be, not her.
Part 2
inspired by my cabin's storyline - words: 325 - title of the piece: the stars that guide us home

Ever since I was young, I was told fables and stories. All about how children and teenagers would be taken, no stolen, from the town. Every month, a new case would arise, the cries and screams of a family alerted the town of the circumstance, this horror that came upon us. The culprit, was the woods. At least that's what suspicions caused the town to believe, and even though these suspicions have guided the town to this conclusion, these people haven't been found.

Every time someone goes missing, my mother frantically tells me to follow the stars if I ever am stolen. The Caelestra specifcally, an old tale passed down from generation to next, about a constellation that appear each month, on the night of a disappearence. Even though that is not how the stars work, it's always there. Eight stars that are nestled into the sky, positioned just like a flower, a lilly even.

Peculiar might I say, the Caelestra always shines so bright, it could be the only light in the sky and we could still suffice. And somehow they don't follow it, they may try, but they never come back. People call the missing, lost souls now. According to the story of the Caelestra, the astronomer who found it got lost. Not physically but mentally. He was there, but wasn't. Just like the missing, they have to be somewhere in there, but aren't showing and evidence. None at all.

Ever since I was young, I was fed these stories, wary of the time I might find myself awakening in the woods all alone. Becoming one of the lost souls. I never thought I'd be in this situation. And now all I feel is the hard, rocky ground. I hear birds cawing and rustles in the bushed. And I see it. Eight bright points in the sky.

The Caelestra. It's to the stars to guide me home, if I even can get home.
Part Three
aesthetic based on my name is asphodel, all images sourced from pinterest
Part Four
based on willow's origins in the tragedy storyline - 721 words - title: lost people, lost souls, lost feelings
One week before Willow was taken.

Her mind was crowding, flooding with thoughts about the upcoming week. The exams she would have to endure, the stressful anxiety attack that duel her when she is most vulerable. Little did she know, it was her time. Soon, it would be her kin suffering from the pain and misery, that her disapearence will cause.

As she fumbles with the delicate newspaper on the mahogany table, her thoughts keep running laps in her head. And as her eyes skim the serif print on the page, her heart beats at a steady pace. Ready to quicken in a moment's vulerability. But it all stops.

‘ The Caelestra is predicted to appear in a week’s time. Keep wary. ‘

A headline, one dreads to read. “Willow, c’mon now. Don't get wrapped up in that missing stuff.”
A sigh erupts from her mum's mouth “Wills, you know what I said. It's not worth it. Trust me.”
Willow haphazzardly throws the newspaper to her side, and accepts the water goblet her mother hands her.
“It's not going to be you, you know? There's a 1 in a 1000 chance it'll be”
“That's one too many for my liking” Willow whispers, her voice rushed.

The Day Of.

Her mind had quietened. Ever since a few minutes ago, when she first stepped foot onto this plot of land. The cemetary. She stopped in front of a headstone.
‘ Here lies Asphodel Warren, a loved daughter, granddaughter and friend. Whose smile never left one’s memories'
That last line was right. Willow wouldn't forget it ever. She pledged to do so. She knew her friend was missing, not dead. According to the story of the Caelestra she was a lost soul. And the townspeople just put headstones up in memory right? Nightfall was oncoming, her journey home commenced now.

Blurred vision. Amplified hearing. A stick wedged in her clothes.
It was her. Regrets may go with one to a grave, but so will memories. This is the end. Isn't it? A few blinks was all it took to aquire vision again. And now she could see it.

The Caelestra

It was her time. Her time to die. She opened her mouth for a final breath, her limbs spread out across the wood's floor. Her eyes blinking heavily. A shadow appeared over her. Death it seems.
“Is she alive?”
“She's a little dramatic.”
“She is isn't she?”
“Hey. Get up”
“Maybe she's deaf?”
“I'm not.” Willow's voice croaked.

Willow slowly sat upright, studying the six faces looking at her. All bruised and dirty. All looking straight at her.
“Where am I?” Willow's voice pensively crept from her throat.
“The Woods.” One replied.
“The Taking happened? Your just the lucky one to be-” another girl began to explain but was cut off by a worried Willow.
“what- stolen?”
They all nodded simultaneously.
“What's your name?” One asked.
“That's pretty. I'm Em. This is Lilibel, Myra, Cadence, Indiana and Felicitie”
Willow nodded, her neck sore from however she got there.

Willow painfully turned her head, trying to understand where she was.
“We're trapped. No use trying to find your way out.” Myra empathetically stated.
“But the Caelestr-” Willow began to plead
“Was a lie.” Em said.
Willow felt a tear cascade down the side of her face.

3 weeks later.

4 were gone forevermore. now Em, Myra and Willow were left. Apparently they used to have around 17 ‘lost souls’ in this prison at once. But the woods are unpredictable. And they can take everything away in the blink of an eye. Willow bent down, inspecting a flower near a limestone ruin. A lily, an Asphodel to be specific. Regret. Willow realised that the woods were playing a game, and she was a piece in it. This was the woods warning her. Join it or be stolen forever.

“WILLOW” Em's voice called out.
“WHAT?” Willow followed it.
“Myra- she's gone. I just saw something from my- never mind. She's gone.”

Willow felt her head drop.

“Hello?” This time it was neither of the girls. Another girl approached them. New. “Guess i've been taken.”
Em nods her head.
“I'm Willow, this is Em.”
“Nice to meet you”
They all now belonged to the woods. They all supported it, to stay away from their demise.

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (March 17, 2024 13:56:56)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

In Ashes Lies Our Lost Hope (1702 words)

“It was horrible, she never would speak about it again.
What she witnessed. She would shut the conversation down if it was brought up.
Become disassociated with reality, for a moment.
She now hates sweet potatoes, or whatever they ate in the cave.
It wasn’t right.
She lost so much. Those acts of cruelty she witnessed will never leave.
In ashes, she saw what was their hope.”

Ipoh, Malaysia - 26th of December 1941
It happened when the screams started, louder than an emergency siren itself—screams that caused my mother to cut my neck, whilst cutting my hair off. And, as the blood from my neck fell like the tears that tumbled down my cheeks, gunshots echoed in the distance as if thunder was booming. The salty drops fell into my open mouth, as my brother’s old patchwork clothes were thrown at me.

It was when my screams started that I was lifted into the air, and forced into a vehicle, with my grandmother and uncle. My parents and brother were thrown into another.

A clammy hand covered my innocent eyes. Shielding them from the horrors, taking place on the other side of the car’s windows. For a moment, everything was silent. Like before a storm, but then a car, not the one I was in, but the one behind had stopped. The hand, once my shield, was no longer protecting me, instead it was covering my grandmother’s mouth.

My parents, Elijah,

were lost in a crowd of soldiers gathered around their car, stolen from me. That was the first time I ever saw Ma cry. My grandmother had never cried before, yet she still tried to hide it. All for me. How am I worth protecting? I’m a girl, I’ll be killed. Or worse. Disguising as a boy helps with that, but I’m still judged, all because I’m a girl. And even worse, all my hope now lies in the ashes of what was once my home.

It took 386 days for me to adapt to the gunshots, maybe even 387, but the marks on the wall don’t lie. They say that we have been isolated in this space, where the stalactites look like icicles that want to fall to pierce the ground, where a stream carves its way through the limestone floors, for 732 days.

And for 732 days, the only sounds that swarm my ears are sadness and a rumble of hunger from another cave dweller.

The dried blood on the floor is darker, and the pile of bodies in the corner is increasing. As we are unable to bury them, and put them at rest as we can’t afford to make another trip out of the cave. The fear has taken us hostage now, confining us to this chamber, where sobs echo for hours on end. Where happiness no longer exists.

What we don’t have is food. There’s no longer a pile of food in the corner of the cave, there’s no longer anything for us to eat. Nothing at all. Unless one might want to lick the limestone floors, to try to eat the crumbs where the food was once located.
“Food,” my voice trembles, as soft as a whisper.
“Speak up girl,” a man’s voice echoes.
“We need… food.”

In through the nose.
Out through the mouth.

“I’ll get it.”

“You can’t.”
“You’re a girl.”

How does being a girl affect my capability to find food? Even I know the pain of hunger, a feeling that compels you to commit cruel things. However, I ate a few days ago, as Ma gave me her last portion. So now I’m left with a deeper pain. One that is like a heavy chain, bounding me to the cave floors.


I shouldn’t have eaten her portion. She sees herself as my protector, as everyone else was stolen from us. Now she could die, I can’t let her. Who cares if I’m a girl? The ‘men’ who have gone to find food, were unsuccessful. Never have returned. Most likely succumbed to agonising deaths, in the village streets, they once called home.

With the absence of the light, I must go. Quietly, I push myself up, taking a moment to regain control over my walking. The weakness in me is trying to hold me back and stop me.


I see a light as I search my mind for the way back to the village. A lantern in the distance, a light of hope. Fence posts. I see it. A town. My town. Slowly my eyes wander back to the fence-it’s red.

A gallery of bodies leans against the posts. Almost like they are on display for all to see, like trophies. No, a warning sign.

There’s a face that I nearly lost to my memories. Staring right at me.
Terror, agony, pain,
fills his eyes, my father’s once loving, caring, kind eyes. His skin isn’t lively anymore, instead, it's pale, as if all of his happiness is gone. Forevermore.

Water fills my eyes as I gather my scattered worries and thoughts.

My father. Why him?

Unstable, my knees give in and I fall to the dirt ground. My fists, however, attempt to form divots in the dirt, repeatedly hitting it, again and again, and again. As tears roll down my face, the droplets get caught in my eyelashes, blurring my vision. I crawl. Forwards. Towards him.

But stumble backwards when a sudden chorus of screaming and crying is heard from the centre of the village. Running away from him, was all I could do. And go towards the commotion. He wouldn’t want me to see him like that. No longer than I already have anyway.
My vision blurs, focusing on not him any longer. Only on running.
Right foot.
Left foot.
Right foot.
Left foot.
A crowd of bodies litter the street. Barely a day old. Most likely discovered in a cave, hiding from the nightmares that occupy the village. And that’s when I hear it. A shrill cry floods my ears, tearing me away from the worries and fear that I possess.

A child, no younger than a year old, is screaming and crying in their mother’s lifeless arms. My heart aches for the infant, and a spark of hope ignites inside me as I run towards the child. Their red, cashmere cloak stands out in a sea of lost souls. But all that hope inside me leaves, as heavy footsteps echo off the village houses as if I were in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Soldiers. A whole group of them, dragging along a prisoner. A boy, a little older than me is nearly lifeless, located in the centre of the group. My eyes then travel to a bag perched on a soldier's back, most likely full of food. Or anything that could help us.

I fall out of my stance, as I finally realise. I’m exposed. Standing in the middle of the dirt street, the screams and cries of the child and the laughter of the soldiers welcome me back to reality. I run to the child, swooping them- no her. Into my arms.

“Majorie?” My name is called out from the group, and the speaker, the prisoner stares pensively at me. It takes a moment for me to recognise him.

His features are beyond recognisable for those who don’t know him.
But I do.
It’s my Elijah. My Brother.

“RUN!" Elijah’s petrified voice screams out to me. My feet move from beneath me, but I move towards them—towards the food. Even with the girl in my arms.

For Grandma. For my Family.

The soldiers begin to run too. But towards me. Leaving the backpack astray on the street, next to my brother, I’m tempted to run towards it but my plans are ruined when they approach me closer and closer.

“ELIJAH- " the word barely makes it out of my mouth. His eyes are screaming at me to turn around and run with the girl. So I do.
“MARJORIE! GO-” His begs are the final thing I can hear before…
Three bullets. Three dead.

Three more. I spin around. The soldiers are no longer chasing me. But Elijah- and in his hands a bayonet. He drops it and throws the backpack far- towards me. He then turns, and shouts something loudly, not in a language I understand.

The few soldiers left are running to him. So I run. Away. Like Elijah told me too. Like Mum and Dad would have wanted me to do. All I do is run.
Their voices echo in my crowded, scarred mind. As I bend down to pick the bag up, I shield the girl’s ears with my arm. Her cries are still audible against the yelling of the soldiers. Of Elijah.


I run. Not looking back, tears rain down my face, following the path laid out by the old waterfalls that once erupted from my eyes. Deep down, I knew that if I went back or even looked back, the girl and I could be dead. Just like him.

Then I’m back at the cave. I pass the girl urgently to Ma and tip out the contents of the backpack, seeds of sweet potatoes, bandages, cups and a knife. Everything and more I was looking for, and what the cave needed. I see smiles now, even those who doubted have one, but I don’t. I thought he was gone. But now he truly is. He put me before his safety, the girl, the cave, he-

1159 days later, the chaos ended. It hasn’t completely faded back into the shadows and nightmares it formed from, but enough for us to leave the caves.

1159 since I lost him in a selfless act of heroism that should have never been. Back at the village, hints of terror remain in the air, created by the people that were lost. And the forgotten hope that lies in the ashes of our home.

Soldiers. Children. Girls. Parents. Siblings. Boys. Grandparents.

All lost. Stolen.

I could’ve been one of them. Fallen.

But, Elijah saved me.

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (March 31, 2024 12:43:38)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
New to Scratch
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Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

500+ posts

Willow's SWC Writing Thread | July 2023 - ??

Leader Application Excerpt
Debate - Topic: We should Legalize Vigilantism in High Crime Areas - Side: Negative - Speaker: 2nd

I will continue the Negative team's argument which opposes legalising vigilantism in high crime areas. While the concept may initially appear as a swift solution to combat crime, the consequences of such a decision would unravel the very fabric of our society. We firmly stand against the normalization of vigilantism for it jeopardizes social cohesion, and opens a gateway for vigilantes to act on emotion and not logic. However before I continue I would like to point out some flaws in the opponents debate.

My first argument revolves around the erosion of democratic values and the rule of law. In a functioning democracy, the legal system serves as the foundation of justice, ensuring that all individuals are treated fairly. However, vigilantism bypasses this essential framework, allowing individuals to take matters into their own hands without due process or accountability. Vigilantism undermines the foundations of our legal institutions, eroding public trust and confidence in the rule of law. This sets a dangerous example wherein citizens resort to violence as a solution, leading to a cycle of chaos which will worsen the rate of high crime in these areas.

Moreover, the normalization of vigilantism fosters a culture of violence, rather than one of cooperation and community engagement. By legitimizing vigilantism, we send a chilling message that violence is an acceptable means of resolving disputes and addressing societal issues. Instead of fostering trust and collaboration within communities, vigilantism breeds fear, suspicion, and conflict - more so than everyday crime would create. Most acts of vigilantism are public, and could potentially traumatise members of a community, especially if this act of vigilantism is murder or abuse. If we allow such vigilantism surely we are moving towards civil unrest such as we have seen recently in the United States. And in areas already plagued by high crime rates, the legalization of vigilantism would only serve to worsen tensions and further fracture community bonds.

My second argument centres on the inherent risks associated with allowing individuals to act on impulse, rather than reason. Emotion-driven decisions are flawed, often leading to tragic outcomes and irreversible consequences. And in areas that already have such high rates of crime, we will only make it higher as in the heat of the moment, individuals may succumb to fear, anger, or vengeance, resulting in the unnecessary use of excessive force or the wrongful targeting of innocent individuals. Examples of such acts are tragically common, highlighting the dangers of this. Take, for instance, the distressing 2022 case of a 15-year-old Perth teen who was tragically murdered in a case of mistaken identity, a victim of vigilante justice gone awry. Or last year when vigilante groups in the Northen Beaches of Mackay installed a curfew, and threatened to ‘discipline’ youths found out after curfew - imagine the potential harm, or even deaths that could be caused by a mob fuelled by anger.

Legalizing vigilantism in high crime areas would only serve to embolden more individuals to act rashly, without regard of the correct information, and act on emotions. Such reckless behaviour could potentially run afoul of existing ////// legislation, such as the deprivation of liberty laws, which state any person who unlawfully confines or detains another in any place against the other person’s will, or otherwise unlawfully deprives another of the other person’s personal liberty, is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment for 3 years. A charge of this nature would result in legal ramifications that could have far-reaching implications for both the vigilantes and their victims. In essence, legalizing vigilantism would be equivalent to sanctioning lawlessness and chaos, with devastating consequences for society as a whole. And in a society founded on the principles of fairness and equality, this cannot be tolerated or condoned.

In conclusion, the legalization of vigilantism in high crime areas represents a grave threat to our social cohesion, and individual rights. By endorsing vigilantism, we endorse violence and recklessness. Especially in areas with high crime, we will be allowing more crime to take place. Legalising vigilantism will not battle crime, it would only create more chaos and crime. Instead, let us reaffirm our commitment to upholding the rule of law, fostering trust and collaboration within our communities, and seeking peaceful and equitable solutions to the challenges we face. Thank you.

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”

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