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100+ posts


Add scenes to Scratch. It's already in ScratchJr which is for younger children so this shouldn't be too complicated.

The block for scenes might look like these:
switch scene to [next scene v] :: cap control

next scene :: cap control

If this gets rejected, add this to Za-Chary!

Last edited by alphabetlorefan2003 (March 31, 2024 04:01:32)

Hi! My name is alphabetlorefan2003 or ALF2003 for short!
I have an OC, named Й and it's like the letter from RALR but it has only 1 eye and the mouth has 2 tendrils.
My favorite color is red and my second favorite color is blue as you can see in the text.

BLOCK ARMY (Created in March 27 2024):
((0) + (0) + (0) + (0) :: operators) // This is Zero Two, an upgraded version of Zero with his skills to protect from evil kumquats but can also crush evil kumquats with his Gullible on the ceiling skill where he tells the kumquats there is the word "Gullible" on the ceiling and then the kumquats gets crushed by Zero Two

define Bumper
if <(current [hour v]) > [23]> then {
set [blur and bump v] effect to (100) :: cap
stop [the inactivity v]
} :: cap :: control

Bumper ::cap // This is Bumper, She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have some skills at fighting since Zero and Zero Two taught her.

UwU :: hat // This is Gullibleyee, He helps me doing Scratch Projects

when green flag clicked :: cap // This is Cap Green Flag, he is Zero Two's assistant because he starts a green flag at the end of a script which would make the evil kumquats crumble because the script is repeated over and over again.

when [wasd v] key pressed :: stack // This is Stack WASD, he is Cap Green Flag's assistant

when green flag clicked
say [I am very confused about Snap!] for (2) secs
visit [https://snapwiki.miraheze.org/] :: sensing
for each ((item :: variables) :: list) in (list [blocks] [features] [and others] :: list) {
think [hmm...] for (2) secs
say (join [I now know about] (item :: variables) [.] :: operators)
wait (0.5) secs
} :: list
say [That clears some things up.] for (2) secs :: cap
Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
1000+ posts


Could you remind us what scenes are in ScratchJr and what they do?

alphabetlorefan2003 wrote:

If this gets rejected, add this to Za-Chary!
After all, I AM the list of rejected suggestions.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
100+ posts


Nevermind there's already a suggestion

Hi! My name is alphabetlorefan2003 or ALF2003 for short!
I have an OC, named Й and it's like the letter from RALR but it has only 1 eye and the mouth has 2 tendrils.
My favorite color is red and my second favorite color is blue as you can see in the text.

BLOCK ARMY (Created in March 27 2024):
((0) + (0) + (0) + (0) :: operators) // This is Zero Two, an upgraded version of Zero with his skills to protect from evil kumquats but can also crush evil kumquats with his Gullible on the ceiling skill where he tells the kumquats there is the word "Gullible" on the ceiling and then the kumquats gets crushed by Zero Two

define Bumper
if <(current [hour v]) > [23]> then {
set [blur and bump v] effect to (100) :: cap
stop [the inactivity v]
} :: cap :: control

Bumper ::cap // This is Bumper, She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have some skills at fighting since Zero and Zero Two taught her.

UwU :: hat // This is Gullibleyee, He helps me doing Scratch Projects

when green flag clicked :: cap // This is Cap Green Flag, he is Zero Two's assistant because he starts a green flag at the end of a script which would make the evil kumquats crumble because the script is repeated over and over again.

when [wasd v] key pressed :: stack // This is Stack WASD, he is Cap Green Flag's assistant

when green flag clicked
say [I am very confused about Snap!] for (2) secs
visit [https://snapwiki.miraheze.org/] :: sensing
for each ((item :: variables) :: list) in (list [blocks] [features] [and others] :: list) {
think [hmm...] for (2) secs
say (join [I now know about] (item :: variables) [.] :: operators)
wait (0.5) secs
} :: list
say [That clears some things up.] for (2) secs :: cap
Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Scratch Team
1000+ posts


I will close this topic to prevent future responses. Thanks!

Scratch Team Member
Love hiking, cycling and travelling.

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