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[big] ˚₊‧ Space song ✿[/big] Foxkit application

˚₊‧ Space Song ✿ Foxkit application

.. ❝ (introduction - a description of who you’re applying for, a summary, a sneak-peek, etc.)

»»————- ✼ ————-««

table of contents ♡ .

≫ 001 . about me
ㅤ» username
ㅤ» nickname & pronouns
ㅤ» myself

≫ 002. application informationㅤ
» kit i'm applying for
» have I read through all the rules?
» why I should win
ㅤ» roleplay experience
ㅤ» activity levels
ㅤ» longevity

≫ 003. Foxkit
» final sexuality + gender
ㅤ» simplified personality
ㅤ» detailed personality
ㅤ» research
» roleplay samples
ㅤ» trivia
ㅤ» codeword

»»————- ✼ ————-««

⊱✿ 001 ;; ❝ about me

ㅤ» username .. ?
ㅤㅤ♡ @paperheartss

ㅤ» nickname & pronouns .. ?
ㅤㅤ♡ Wren || she / her

ㅤ» myself .. ?
ㅤㅤ♡ Hello ! I'm Wren, a bisexual artist, writer and roleplayer. I am currently very into pokemon, kpop, and a lot of other things that can be seen on my
profile. I am a minor, and I have anxiety, and most likely adhd ( my dad and brother have it ). I am not very good at talking about myself, so if you want to learn more things about me, please go look at my profile !! Lots of things regarding me are there. Anyway, enough about me. Lets get on to the actual application !

⊱✿ 002 ;; ❝ application information

ㅤ» kit i'm applying for .. ?
♡ Foxkit of course !! I had been debating wether to apply, and since the little dude only had two wip applications, I went for it !! The only downside
to this is that i applied VERY last minute, so this application will be pretty messy and shorter than usual applications !

» have I read through all the rules .. ?
♡ Yes ! I read through them a few times, actually.

» why I should win .. ?
♡ I think I should win because I'd take great care of Foxkit as I am very active, and make sure he lives a very successful and fulfilling life.

ㅤ» roleplay experience .. ?
♡ I would say that I have been roleplaying for around seven years now ! Five years off-site, and one here on Scratch. I started when I was around six on different roblox games such as Dragon's Life and Wolf's Life, then moving to WCUE later on. I stayed there for a while, roleplaying skills increasing until I ultimately found Scratch. I had been on the website before, playing games and stuff, but when I found TFC, I almost immediately joined and made a sign-up character, Echocavern of Shadowclan. I've had her for almost a year now, and I love her very much. Overall, I'd say i am very experienced when it comes to roleplaying !

ㅤ» activity levels .. ?
♡ On a scale from one to ten, I'm a seven on weekdays and an eight to nine on weekends ! I'm less active on weekdays because of school and homework, but even then, I make sure to check scratch quite often. The only reason my activity would randomly drop would be because of personal reasons, or if I go on a trip / vacation that limits my time online. This is very unlikely to happen though, and you'd know before I'd leave !

ㅤ» longevity .. ?
♡ I usually keep my characters until they are well over 80 moons, and while i don't currently have any characters that can prove this, I do not plan to kill any of my current characters off until they are much older, and I will do the same with Foxkit.

⊱✿ 003 ;; ❝ (character name)

» final sexuality and gender .. ?
♡ Foxkit will stay straight and use he / him pronouns until about five to six moons. Around this time he'll come out at genderfluid, using she / him pronouns and will also come out as demiromantic and gay. For physical and mental attraction, Foxy would like someone with brighter pelts, and for them to have a sense of humor, and of course, they must be willing to love him until the day he dies.

» simplified personality .. ?
♡ positives ; patient, trustworthy, selfless
ㅤㅤ❥ neutrals ; reserved, intelligent, sensitive
ᜊ negatives ; aloof, anxious, clingy

ㅤ» detailed personality .. ?

♡ patient able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა Growing up with two younger brothers, and being the oldest, Foxkit became extremely patient. Always listening to his younger sibling's complaints even from the very start. He learned to be very unbothered by anything that could be seen as a problem or annoyance, and instead just waits for whatever’s happening to end. Noting this, Foxy rarely ever loses his patience with anything or anything. The only time he might would be around enemies, extremely difficult cats or very troubling situations. Although, despite being patient, he still can't manage to shake off his anxious habits.

❝ My siblings are loud sometimes, but thats okay. I still love them more than anything. ❞

♡ trustworthy able to be relied on as honest or truthful
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა One thing about Fox is that he can keep a secret. No matter what it is, he'll make sure to not tell anyone, well, unless it's something dangerous. Then of course he's going to tell someone. After all, he just wants everyone to be safe and happy. Along with this, Foxkit is almost incapable of lying. He'll always try to tell the truth in any situation, even if he'll end up getting in trouble. If he doesn't tell the truth about something, Foxy will get very fidgety and nervous, so even when he lies, cats can almost instantly tell.

❝ I'll always keep a secret! Thats a promise. ❞

♡ selfless having or showing great concern for other people and little or no concern for yourself
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა Even though Foxkit seems pretty closed-off, he'll do anything for his loved ones. Even if it involves him getting seriously injured, or even, causes him to die. As long as his loved ones are safe and happy, he's happy. Because family and friends are some of the most important things to him. Even when It's something as unimportant as swapping pieces of prey or running errands for cats. He just simply wants to make everyone happy, which can become a problem sometimes. Especially if he can't meet the needs of others.

❝ I just want to make everyone happy! ❞

ㅤㅤ❥ reserved slow to reveal emotion or opinions
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა To new cats, Foxy is /very/ closed-off. He is extremely slow to open up to others and will become very anxious around cats he has never met or spoken to before. He might seem cold to some, but if you take the time to get to know him, he's actually an extremely interesting and loving cat. And itsnothing against the cat. He just doesn't trust others easily, and bacause of this, wont exactly let people know much about him until he's ready to fully trust them.

❝ New cats scare me sometimes.. but I just need to get to know them first.. ❞

ㅤㅤ❥ intelligent having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა Since Foxkit is very introverted, he doesn't exactly love talking to people all of the time. So instead of talking, he spends most of his time gathering information on everything he can see. He spends time studying anything and everything possible. This might lerad others to think he is boring, but that's the exact opposite. If you ask about anything, Foxy will tell you everything he knows about that specific thing. Although, sometimes he can be quite the know-it-all, and doesn't hesitate to correct others when they are wrong.

❝ I just love to know everything about everything in this whole wide world! ❞

ㅤㅤ❥ sensitive easily upset by the things that others think or say
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა If anyone says anything remotely rude to him, Foxy wont hesitate to practically burst into tears. He hates when anything says anything bad about him, and hates making people upset. Even if what someone said was just a small joke, Foxkit wont take it that way. He'll take it as a genuine comment about him, which might lead him down a spiral of anxiety and fear. It will get /much/ worse when someone close to him says something though. Then, he'll do anything in his power to make himself better, and prove to everyone that he is the opposite of whatever thy said about him.

❝ The words of others hurt me sometimes.. I just don't know how to tell them to stop.. ❞

ᜊ aloof removed or distant either physically or emotionally
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა Stemming from his anxiety, sensitivity, and overall preference to spend time alone, Foxkit is rather aloof. And of course, It's not that he doesn't like other cats, he just likes hanging out with plants and bugs more! Because, well, plants and bugs don't judge. They just sit still and listen, which is exactly what Fox needs sometimes. Yet, this doesn't mean that he wont make friends throughout his life. He actually does like hanging out and getting to know others, but It just takes more time and effort for him to actually feel motivated to do so.

❝ I like being alone sometimes! ❞

ᜊ anxious experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა Obviously, because of his anxiety, Foxkit is very anxious. And he's not just anxious about a few things, he's anxious about practically everything, because in every scenario, something can go wrong right? Or at least, thats what Foxy thinks. He overthinks practically every situation he's in, and wont stop until he's been calmed down by something. Because of this, Fox has come up with many ways to keep his anxiety under control, like drawing pictures in the dirt, or stargazing with his friends.

❝ It's not my fault that I'm so anxious.. I just don't want to get hurt ❞

ᜊ clingy tending to stay very close to someone (such as a parent) for emotional support, protection, etc
ㅤㅤㅤ˚₊‧꒰ა The fact that him and his siblings were abandoned as young kits, Foxkit has a habit of being extremely clingy with those he cares about. He hates being left alone and will go anywhere and do anything with his loved ones. And if someone leaves him behind, Fox will do anything to find them and stay with them. He just wants to be close to those he loves, and along with that, wants to keep them safe more than anything.

❝ Please don't leave me behind… again ❞

» research .. ?
topic one - what it is
General anxiety disorder ( GAD ) is a neurological disorder found in children and adults, which involves constant feelings of anxiety or dread. Some common symptoms of anxiety are feeling restless, being easily fatigued, having difficulty concentrating, having unexplained pains ( such as headaches, stomachaches, etc ) and a few other symptoms I wont mention for simplicity.
topic one - effects on character:
GAD will make Foxy obviously very anxious, especially when he's stressed or nervous about something. He'll overthink everything, always thinking about the worst and best scenarios before committing or doing something. He'll frequently get headaches or stomachaches, and will have trouble sleeping at times. This will affect him more when something stressful is happening in his life, but usually these symptoms don't occur /too/ frequently.
topic one - links:

ㅤ» roleplay samples .. ?
♡ joint rp examples can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992299541/

꒰ა • kithood. 5 moons. night. clear skies and twinkling stars. • ໒꒱

Under the silvery glow of the moon, one small kit sat awake in the middle of Roseclan's camp. At this time of night, all cats were asleep. All besides Foxkit. He hadn't been able to fall asleep, even when he was snuggled up besides his family, so he had gone outside for some fresh air. Staring up at the stars, Fox's bright, blue eyes seemed like a reflection of the sky itself, and soon, she found herself getting increasingly more comfortable. Settling down on his four tiny paws, the kit curled his vibrant orange tail around his body as a successful attempt to keep himself warm. “I wonder what's up there, beyond the stars.” She whispered to herself, blinking a few times before turning her attention back to herself. Looking back at the nursery where all of his beloved family slept, Ollie smiled, slowly getting up. She had gotten very lucky that no one had woken up while she was sitting outside, that would've surely caused everyone a heart attack. Walking back towards the den, Foxkit took one last look at the stars, admiring how they twinkled throughout the navy-blue sky. Walking into the den, Fin settled back into his nest of moss and leaves, curling up besides his family, and slowly drifting off to sleep. (( This is kinda short, but I wanted to get this finished ! ))

ㅤ» trivia .. ?
♡ Nicknames - Fox, Foxy, Ox, Oxy, Ollie, Fin, Odi, Star, Goh cat ( oorp )
♡ Voice claim - Goh from Pokemon Journeys
♡ Scent - honey & lavender
♡ Likes - warm weather ( not too warm ), stargazing, exploring, collecting things, bugs
♡ Dislikes - the dark, being left alone, spiders, sudden noises, blood
♡ Favorite things - family, stars, bugs
♡ Least-favorite things - darkness, scary noises
♡ Favorite food - sparrows
♡ Least favorite food - mice and rabbits, he thinks they are too cute to eat !
♡ Favorite season - newleaf
♡ Least favorite season - leafbare
♡ Favorite place - anywhere with his loved ones
♡ Least favorite place - as stated before, anywhere thats dark
♡ Favorite elements - earth and wind
♡ Least favorite element - fire
♡ Dnd alignment - lawful good
♡ Introvert
♡ First impression - quiet, cold
♡ Theme songs - journeys intro, space song
♡ Favorite weather - not too warm, partially cloudy, slight breeze
♡ Least favorite weather - snow, very cold, cloudy
♡ Pokemon - rowlet
♡ Pokemon type - grass and bug, or grass and ghost
♡ Pokemon team - ogerpon, phantump, tsareena, grookey, decidueye, leafeon
♡ Animal crossing villager - sherb
♡ Hogwarts house - hufflepuff or ravenclaw
♡ Wof dragon - nightwing or leafwing
♡ Nicknames for family - felix : fi-fi, ma' // cricketstar : ri-ri, mama // grasskit - razzy, sprout // fisherkit - fishy, droplet
♡ Human au - full name : Finley Quillen // job : researcher // music : pop // clothing style : baggy yet classy clothes // holiday : christmas

ㅤ» codeword .. ?
♡ I love lavenders and my favorite time of day is sunset ! We get the prettiest sunsets where I live. // Wildberry is a pretty name for a cat, along with Woodland !

conclusion - thank you so much for reading through this messy little application ! I love and adore Foxkit so much, and I hope whoever wins the little guy takes great care of him.

litter hosted by @cosmic-wishes & @skipperthesilkwing
character designed by @skipperthesilkwing
application template made by @ruemeow

Last edited by paperheartss (May 28, 2024 00:52:12)

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