Discuss Scratch

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

i don't even know if this stayed on track but oh well
696 words
daily for march 25th
sci-fi ftw

My Hobbit hole was cozy and inviting, a haven of peace and tranquility amidst the bustling city outside. Today was Holi, and the sun shone in through the windows, casting a warm blush of orange and yellow light on the wooden walls. I took a deep breath, savoring the fragrance of pine and earth that drifted in from the garden outside.

As I sat at my writing desk, I couldn't help but feel a sense of change in the air. The passage of time seemed to be slowing down, like the beat of a heart becoming quieter and more steady. The world around me was awash in color, from the bright blues and greens of the natural world to the rich shades of Holi-colored powders and dyes.

I looked down at my notebook, still partially covered in the color of yesterday's writing, and felt a sudden urge to turn the page. To leave the old thoughts behind and start anew. As I did, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I set my pen down, feeling a sense of renewed purpose and clarity.

I rose from my chair and strode out of my hobbit hole, eager to embrace the world outside. The city was alive with color and music, as people danced in the streets, throwing powders and dyes on each other and celebrating the arrival of spring. It was a beautiful sight, and I felt a sense of joy wash over me as I joined in the festivities.

As the day wore on and the sun began to set, I returned to my hobbit hole, feeling energized and uplifted. The world had changed around me, and I had changed with it. I pulled my notebook out once again, eager to record my thoughts on the day and the changes it had brought. I smiled to myself, realizing that Holi wasn't just a celebration of good over evil and the arrival of spring. It was also a celebration of the potential for change, for renewal, and for growth.

The idea of change was ever-present in the Holi celebrations, as people turned their attention to the natural cycle of life and death, destruction and creation. It was a reminder that everything in this world is constantly in a state of flux, and that the only constant is change itself. And as I sat in my hobbit hole, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of my cozy home, I felt a sense of gratitude for the privilege of being able to experience such a beautiful and colorful world. The future was unknown, but I was ready to embrace it, with open arms and a heart full of happiness.

As I leaned back in my chair and took a sip of tea, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The sounds of the city outside had become a distant hum, and the only sounds I could hear were the creaks and whispers of the ancient wooden beams that surrounded me.

For a moment, I felt like I was transported back in time, to a time when the world was young and the trees stood tall and proud. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and change, there is always something steadfast and true to ground us.

I looked around my hobbit hole, taking in the beauty of the surrounding woods and the colorful powder still smeared on the walls from the celebrations outside. I felt grateful for the opportunity to be part of something larger than myself, and to be able to witness the changing seasons and the colorful festivals that come with them.

Holi may be the festival of color, but it's also a celebration of life and the power of change. It's a reminder that even in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, there is always hope for rebirth and renewal. And as I sat in my hobbit hole, surrounded by the beauty of the natural world, I felt a sense of gratitude for the life that I've been given, and the potential for change and growth that lies ahead.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily march 26
words- 356

Harry Potter stood tall in the middle of the Great Hall, his hands folded behind his back, his eyes sweeping over the crowd of students. He was the one who always saved the day, the one who always defeated the dark forces lurking in the shadows. But this time, it was different. This time, he was the villain.

He smiled wickedly as he surveyed the room, his wand pointed directly at the headmaster. “I am in charge now,” he growled, his voice low and menacing. “And anyone who gets in my way will suffer the consequences.”

As the students gasped in shock, Harry felt a sense of power course through his veins. He was in control, and it felt good. He raised his wand, ready to strike down any who dared challenge him.

But just as he was about to unleash his fury, there was a loud bang at the entrance to the Great Hall. Dumbledore burst through the doors, his cloak flapping in the wind. He was armed with a wand of his own, and a glint of determination in his eye.

“Harry,” he said, “this isn't you. You're not a villain, you're the hero of Hogwarts.”

Harry grunted, lowering his wand slightly. “I'm not the hero anymore, Dumbledore. I'm the one in charge now.”

Dumbledore stepped forward, his wand pointed at the ground, a look of sorrow on his face. “Harry, you have to fight this. You have to fight the darkness inside you.”

Harry raised his wand again, but this time, it felt different. It felt like a weight he had been carrying for too long, a weight that he was finally ready to let go of. He lowered his wand, his shoulders slumping.

“You're right, Dumbledore. I can't do this. I'm not the villain, I'm the hero.”

Dumbledore nodded, his face softening. “That's right. You're the hero, and you always will be.”

Harry let out a sigh of relief, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He had faced the darkness inside him, and he had vanquished it. He was back to being the hero he had always been.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for march 27
434 words

In a world where everything seems to be falling apart, two friends, King and Queen, were able to create a bit of magic that brought joy to everyone around them. They performed their routine, “Dance the Night Away,” and the audience was in awe as they displayed their flawless movements and graceful gestures. As the audience watched, they realized that they were not just watching a dance routine, but rather a story of two individuals who danced together in perfect harmony and created memories that would last forever.

After their performance, the two friends looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had just created something truly special. The audience went crazy, cheering and applauding their performance. They were able to forget about their troubles for a moment and just enjoy the moment.

As the night progressed, the two friends continued to perform their routines, making sure that everyone was having a great time and feeling happy. They were the kings and queens of the evening, and everyone looked to them for inspiration and happiness.

The next morning, when the two friends woke up, they realized that the magic they had created the night before was not just a one-time thing. They knew that they had discovered something special, something that would live on and bring happiness to everyone who watched them.

As the years went by, their routines became more and more popular, and as the decade drew to a close, they took a step back and looked at what they had created. They were proud of what they had accomplished and grateful for the magic they had brought into the world. Their routines were not just entertaining, but they also served as a reminder that there was still some good in the world, and that the power of magic and art could bring people together and create something truly beautiful.

The two friends knew that their routines would never be the same again, but they also realized that they had started something great. They had created a legacy that would never be forgotten, and they hoped that their art would continue to bring happiness and joy to people for years to come.

As they looked at the wall where their routines were written down, they realized that they were not just performing routines, they were making history. They were leaving a lasting legacy that would be a part of the decade they lived in, and they knew that the magic they created would last forever.

They looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had created something special that would

song:long live
translate lyrics:
I said I remember now
behind the head
when we are shocked
The audience in the stands went crazy.
We are the king and queen.
and read our names
As you dance the night away, you learn about our lives.
will never be the same again
You stay afloat like a hero.
next to the history book
The decade is over.
But this is the beginning of an era.
Good luck on the wall!
May the light of heaven shine for you and for me.
“The magic we create will last forever,” I shouted.
and participate in all matters.
One day we will remember this

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily march 28
547 words
As Rapunzel gazed out the window, she saw that the tower was surrounded by a vast, dense forest. The tower stood tall among the trees, visible from miles away. The forest was dense and dark, and there were no paths or roads leading to the tower. Rapunzel knew that she was trapped.

She spent her days looking out the window, dreaming of the day she would escape from her tower. But as the days passed, she realized that escape would be difficult. The tower had been built to keep her safe, but she felt like a prisoner.

Despite her situation, Rapunzel remained hopeful. She spent her time singing and talking to the birds that flew by her window. She even made a friend, a small bird named Pascal. Pascal was loyal and playful, and he kept her company in the tower.

Over time, Rapunzel also discovered that she had a beautiful singing voice. Her voice could carry for miles, and it was said that anyone who heard her sing would feel at peace. Rapunzel began singing for the people of the surrounding villages, hoping that one day, someone would rescue her.

But as she sang, Rapunzel couldn't shake the feeling that she was destined to spend the rest of her life in the tower. She began to feel hopeless and alone, and she longed for the sensation of grass beneath her feet and the wind in her hair.

One day, a handsome prince traveled to the tower, hoping to free Rapunzel from her confinement. He had heard Rapunzel's beautiful singing voice, and he was determined to save her. Rapunzel was overjoyed to see the prince, and she knew that her prayers had finally been answered.

The prince climbed the tower, using Rapunzel's hair as a rope to reach the top. Rapunzel greeted him with tears in her eyes, and the prince swept her into his arms. Rapunzel was finally free.
As Rapunzel stepped out of the tower for the first time in her life, she felt the sun on her face and felt a sense of freedom that she had never known before. She and the prince walked hand in hand through the forest, and the animals of the forest seemed to come alive at the sound of her voice.

Rapunzel sang as she walked, and she could sense that her voice was healing the sick and bringing joy to the people. She never knew that her singing was so powerful, and she felt a sense of responsibility to use her gift for good.

The prince and Rapunzel soon arrived at a small village, and Rapunzel was amazed by all that she saw. There were markets filled with colorful fruits and vegetables, shops selling wares of all kinds, and people going about their daily lives. Rapunzel had never seen so many people in one place before, and she was awestruck by the beauty of the world outside the tower.

The prince introduced Rapunzel to the villagers, and they were all amazed by her beauty and her singing voice. They offered her gifts of food and spices, and welcomed her to the village with open arms. Rapunzel was overwhelmed by the kindness of the people, and she felt a deep sense of belonging in the village.

cant continue

Last edited by stvrriii (March 29, 2024 00:03:44)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for march 29th
358 words

“Right One,Wrong Time” began on a rainy autumn day in New York City, where we meet the two main characters. Emma is a successful businesswoman who has worked hard to build her career, while Noah is a struggling artist who pours his heart and soul into his work. They both lead busy lives, but when they meet by chance one day, it changes everything.

Emma and Noah are instantly drawn to each other, but their lives are complicated. Emma is committed to her job and isn't ready for a relationship, while Noah is struggling to make ends meet and can't offer her the stability she craves. Despite their differences, they can't deny the connection between them.

As the months go by, Emma and Noah find themselves drawn to each other again and again. They meet for drinks after work, go on secret dates, and share intimate conversations. They talk about their hopes, their fears, and their dreams. They both know that this could be something special, but time is against them.

Noah's career begins to take off, and soon he's offered a job in a different city. Emma is thrilled for him, but she can't help feeling like she's losing him. They both know that their time together is coming to an end.

On the night before Noah leaves, Emma shows up at his apartment with a suitcase. She tells him that she can't let him leave without telling him how she feels. Emma tells Noah that she's in love with him and that she wants to be with him, no matter what. Noah is overwhelmed with emotion and tells Emma that he feels the same way.

But it's too late. Noah boards the plane the next day, and Emma's heart is broken. She knows that she's lost the man she loves, but she also knows that their love will always be with her.

“Right One, Wrong Time” is a story of love, loss, and the power of hope. It's a story about two souls who were meant to be but lived in different times, but it's also a story about the strength of the human spirit.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for march 29th
The story begins on a foggy autumn morning in a small town, where the trees swayed gently in the breeze. The scent of burning leaves filled the air, mixing with the aroma of freshly baked sweets from the local baker. Our protagonist, Sarah, rushes to the bakery, her heart pounding with anticipation. She knew that today was the day she would finally adopt a dog. As she stepped inside, the warmth of the bakery wrapped around her like a blanket, and the sweet smell made her mouth water.

But as she approached the counter, she saw something that made her heart sink. A sign hung on the window, reading “Adopt a Dog Today!” In her excitement, she hadn't even noticed the sign before. Her fingers trembled as she picked up the phone to call the shelter. The man on the other end of the line was kind and understanding. The pup had been adopted only minutes ago.

“I know it's hard,” he said. “But this happens all the time. There are plenty of other dogs that need a home. Don't give up hope.”

Sarah hung up the phone, her eyes brimming with tears. She felt like she had been punched in the gut. She had dreamed of having a dog for years, and she was so close to finally making that dream a reality.

As she left the bakery, the scent of burning leaves and sweet treats still lingering in the air, Sarah couldn't help but feel as though she had been robbed. She promised herself that she would never give up. She would keep searching, keep hoping, and one day, she would find the perfect dog. As Sarah walked out of the bakery, she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. It had been a year since her beloved childhood dog passed away, and she had been yearning for a new companion ever since. She had searched high and low for a rescue pup to call her own, but nothing seemed to fit. Finally, she came across the Adopt a Dog sign, and her hopes were renewed.

But when she learned that the puppy had just been adopted, the pain was nearly unbearable. The thought of not having a dog to come home to weighed on her mind, but she refused to let it get her down. She decided to make a new plan, to create a world where every dog in need found a loving home.

As Sarah left the bakery, her determination grew. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took. She started volunteering at local shelters, fostering dogs in her spare time, and even began volunteering to help organize fundraising events. She was on a mission, and she wouldn't stop until every dog had a loving home.

Sarah's journey was long and difficult, but it was worth it. She was surrounded by the love of rescue dogs and saw firsthand the positive impact they made in people's lives. She even adopted her own dog named Max, who became her constant companion.

As years went by, Sarah's dream came to fruition, and the town celebrated the grand opening of Sarah's Pet Sanctuary. It was a haven for rescue dogs, a place where they could be loved and cared for until they found their forever homes. Sarah's hard work and dedication had paid off, and she was living her dream, surrounded by the love of dogs.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for march 30th
words: 416

Sarah was just a normal girl, living a normal life. But one day, something happened. She was hit by a strange energy, and suddenly, she found herself with superpowers. She was ecstatic, excited to see what they were. She held her hands out in front of her, ready to see what she could do. But instead of seeing a beam of energy, or the ability to fly, she got…
The ability to summon any type of bug. She was disappointed, to say the least. She always hated bugs, and now, she had the ability to control them. She had no idea how she would ever use this power to stop a villain, or save the world. She knew she would have to train hard, and maybe one day, she would learn to truly appreciate her power. So she sat down, and started to train. She summoned every bug she could imagine, learning all of the different types of insects. It was hard work, but she learned to appreciate every single bug, even the creepy, crawly ones. She knew that she wasn't the strongest hero, but she would do her best, with the power she had
As she explored her newfound abilities, she found that she could communicate with bugs, and use them to gather information. She could also control their movements, using them to spy on enemies or distract them during battles. And she discovered that she could even use her powers to heal, summoning insects to mend wounds or treat illnesses. Despite the unexpected nature of her powers, Sarah knew that they could be a valuable asset in her quest to become a superhero.
She kept training, day in and day out, eager to master her powers and become the best hero she could be. She studied every type of insect, learning their different behaviors and abilities, and how to use them to her advantage. She also trained her body, becoming stronger and faster, so that she could keep up with the world's other heroes.
Despite her unique power, Sarah never let it hold her back. She became a valuable asset to the other heroes, using her abilities to gather intelligence and heal the wounded. And when a powerful new villain emerged, threatening to destroy the city, Sarah was there to defend it, her swarm of insects working together to stop the threat.
In the end, Sarah learned that her powers were not a limitation, but a unique strength, and that she could make a (I'm stopping cause I have no time)

Last edited by stvrriii (March 30, 2024 23:17:44)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

weekly 4
the last weekly (

part 1
1060 words
Act 1: The Ordinary World

* Sarah is a college student living her normal, everyday life. She's studying for exams, hanging out with friends, and enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a college student.
* One day, while out on a walk, Sarah encounters a mysterious woman dressed in black who tells her about an ancient curse that has plagued her family for generations. The woman warns Sarah not to get involved, claiming that the curse has a devastating impact on anyone who investigates it.

Call to Adventure

* Despite the warnings, Sarah is intrigued by the mystery of the curse and feels a strong compulsion to uncover the truth. She decides to pursue the mystery and investigate the curse, even though she's not sure she's ready for what lies ahead.
* Sarah begins her investigation by visiting her university library, where she discovers a rare book about the curse. The book contains a map and instructions for finding the location where the curse originated.

Refusal of the Call

* Sarah hesitates to follow through with her plan to investigate the curse, afraid of the potential consequences that may await her. But her curiosity and sense of adventure ultimately win out, and she decides to press onward, accepting the challenge and refusing to back down from the call to adventure.

Meeting the Mentor

* Sarah seeks out the assistance of a local professor who specializes in ancient history. The professor agrees to help Sarah uncover the truth about the curse and becomes her mentor, guiding her through the dangerous world of the supernatural.
* The professor teaches Sarah about the nature of the curse and the dangers she may face, as well as providing her with a rare and powerful artifact that could be key to breaking the curse.

Act 2: Crossing the Threshold

* Armed with the knowledge and support of her mentor, Sarah crosses the threshold into the supernatural realm, where she begins encountering the dangers and obstacles that lay ahead.
* Sarah faces numerous challenges, including dangerous creatures, supernatural forces, and corrupt individuals, all while striving to uncover the truth about the curse.
* Along the way, Sarah makes crucial alliances with individuals who share her goal and are willing to help her, including members of a secret organization tasked with protecting the world from supernatural threats.

Tests, Alliances, and Enemies

* Sarah is tested in her courage and resilience as she faces the dangers of the supernatural world. She makes alliances with individuals who share her goal and are willing to help her, but she also encounters enemies who stand in her way.
* Sarah's courage and resilience are put to the test as she faces a powerful demon who becomes her chief adversary, threatening to stop her at every turn. She must use her wits and her newfound skills to outsmart and outmaneuver the demon, who seeks to stop Sarah from uncovering the truth about the curse.

Approach to the Inmost Cave:

* Sarah and her mentor continue their journey, finding themselves drawn towards an ancient, hidden cave filled with ancient magic and otherworldly power. This cave is the key to breaking the curse, but it's also guarded by powerful creatures and sinister traps, all designed to thwart anyone who dares to enter.
* Sarah must use all of her skills and knowledge to navigate the treacherous path to the inmost cave, all while staying one step ahead of her enemies and outwitting the dangers that await her.


* Sarah's journey leads her to a final confrontation with the source of the curse, the powerful, ancient magician who created it. In an epic battle of magic and wits, Sarah faces off against the magician, determined to break the curse and put an end to the suffering it has brought upon her family and countless others.
* The battle is intense and exhausting, but with the help of her allies and the powerful artifact given to her by her mentor, Sarah emerges victorious, vanquishing the magician and breaking the curse once and for all.


* Sarah returns to the ordinary world, a changed person. She has learned the importance of courage and determination, and has gained a newfound appreciation for the power of the supernatural world and its inhabitants.
* Sarah also returns with a sense of purpose, determined to use her newfound knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world, whether it be through helping others or uncovering more mysteries of the supernatural realm.

Road Back

* As Sarah returns to her ordinary life, she reflects on the lessons she has learned and the changes she has undergone. She understands that her journey will never truly end, for there will always be more mysteries to uncover and dangers to face, both in the world around her and within herself.
* But with the courage, wisdom, and strength she has acquired along the way, Sarah is ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, knowing that she has the resilience and determination to overcome them. She has grown as a person, her journey serving as a powerful allegory of the human ca
* Sarah's journey has served as a kind of resurrection for her, as she emerges from the depths of the supernatural realm a new person, changed by her experiences and the lessons she has learned about herself. Her journey has served as a powerful allegory of the human capacity to confront our fears and limitations, to emerge from them with renewed purpose and compassion for ourselves and others.
* Sarah's journey is ultimately a celebration of the human spirit, a powerful reminder that, no matter how difficult our circumstances or how grave our challenges may be, we have the ability to rise above them and forge our own paths forward. She now possesses the power to shape her own destiny, to seize the day and live life to the fullest.

Return to the Ordinary World

* With her journey complete, Sarah returns to the ordinary world, a changed person. She has gained a newfound appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the world around her, as well as for the power of the supernatural realm and its inhabitants.
* Sarah also returns with a sense of purpose, determined to use her newfound knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world, whether it be through helping others or uncovering more mysteries of the supernatural realm.
pacity to conquer adversity and transcend our limitations.Resurrection

Part 2
402 words

In a small town nestled in the heart of rural America, a dark and ominous cloud looms over the sky. Shadows dance across the streets, casting sinister reflections on the empty, deserted windows. As the sun begins to set, an eerie stillness falls over the town, and a sense of foreboding fills the air. But something is stirring in the darkness, a presence that is not quite human, but not quite supernatural.

As the night draws on, strange occurrences begin to take place, things that defy explanation. Things that have no place in the mundane, ordinary world. People disappear without a trace, and in their place, strange marks appear, etched into the walls and floors, like a hidden language, a secret code waiting to be deciphered.

Little do the residents of this town know, their quiet, peaceful existence has been interrupted by the arrival of an otherworldly force, a force that will test their morals, their faith, and their very will to survive. But as the town's residents struggle to make sense of the strange happenings, they will find themselves confronted with a question that will either unite them or tear them apart: What is real and what is not?

This is the town of Pinewood. A small town with a big secret. A secret that, if uncovered, could change everything. A secret that hides a terrifying truth that will challenge everything the residents of Pinewood stand for, and a secret that will test them to the limit, both mentally and physically.

As the town's residents come to terms with this dark and enigmatic force, they will be forced to confront their deepest fears, their darkest secrets, and their most sacred beliefs. They will be confronted with a choice: to stand and fight, or to surrender to the power of the unknown.

But little do they know that this is not just a simple choice. This is a choice that will test their courage, their resilience, and their very will to survive. This is a choice that will determine the fate of not just their town, but of their entire way of life.

This is the story of Pinewood, a town with a dark, ominous cloud, a town with a secret that will challenge everything they hold dear. This is a story of survival, of courage, and of the human desire to uncover the truth, no matter how terrifying it may be.

part 3
Title: The Cursed Lake

Act 1: Ordinary World

Our story takes place in the sleepy town of Pinewood, nestled in the middle of a dense forest. The town is known for its beautiful lakes and peaceful rivers, attracting visitors from all over for its quaintness and charm. Sarah, a graduate student at the nearby university, is spending her summer vacation in Pinewood, working as a camp counselor at the nearby summer camp. One day, while exploring the forest, Sarah stumbles upon a small lake that is said to be cursed. Curiosity gets the best of her, and she decides to investigate the legend surrounding the lake.

That’s when Sarah first encounters a mysterious figure, a stranger who seems to know more about the lake’s curse than anyone else in town. Sarah learns that the curse was cast by a powerful witch, who used her magic to seal a dark and otherworldly entity within the waters of the lake, hoping to prevent it from destroying the town. Unfortunately, the curse has begun to weaken, and the entity is starting to break free. The stranger offers to guide Sarah through her investigation, warning her that the curse has the power to corrupt anyone who approaches it.

Sarah decides to take up the stranger’s offer, despite the warnings of danger. She begins her investigation, using her skills as a student of the supernatural to uncover the truth behind the curse. She learns that the entity trapped in the lake is actually the guardian of an ancient and powerful artifact, and that a cult of individuals is seeking to release it for their own gain.

Sarah hesitates to trust the stranger, knowing that the curse could potentially corrupt them both. She debates whether or not to press on with her investigation, but ultimately decides that the threat posed by the cult is too great to ignore. She puts her trust in the stranger, and together they continue their investigation, trying to unravel the mysteries of the cursed lake.

Sarah and the stranger encounter numerous obstacles and enemies along their journey. They face the cult’s attempts to release the entity and are forced to confront their own personal demons as well. Sarah is faced with the loss of a close friend, while the stranger deals with the burden of carrying the secrets of the cult. Through it all, they forge an unbreakable bond, relying on each other to navigate the dangers
their quest. Along the way, they encounter new characters, each with their own unique abilities and motives. Some become allies, while others become rivals and adversaries.

As Sarah and the stranger delve deeper into the curse, they uncover a series of clues and hints that reveal the true nature of the entity trapped within the lake. They realize that the entity is actually the protector of a powerful magic that could be used for either great good or great evil. They also learn that the curse itself may be connected to the ancient artifact that was rumored to have been hidden nearby.

When they finally reach the heart of the lake, Sarah and the stranger must face a final challenge, as the cult races to free the entity and claim the ancient magic for themselves. Sarah and the stranger must use all their skills and knowledge to prevent the cult from achieving their goal, even though doing so could result in catastrophic consequences.

In the final moments, as the battle reaches its climax, Sarah and the stranger are caught in a precarious position. The cult has nearly succeeded in their plans, and the cursed lake itself is becoming unstable, threatening to unleash an unimaginable amount of destruction upon the town. The story is left on a cliffhanger, with the fate of the town, and perhaps the entire world, hanging in the balance.

In a surprising twist, the story includes a flashback to a pivotal moment in Sarah’s past, years before she had ever heard of the cursed lake. In this flashback, we see Sarah as a young child, watching her parents deal with a strange, otherworldly phenomenon that would have profound consequences on her future. We also learn that the stranger has a deep connection to Sarah’s family, and has been following her for years, waiting for the day when she would embark on the journey that would lead to the cursed lake.

The resolution of the story will be revealed in future chapters, but the cliffhanger suggests that Sarah and the stranger will face great personal sacrifice in order to save the town and prevent the ancient magic from falling into the wrong hands. Their journey has changed them both, and they have grown from the challenges they have faced, coming together to become a powerful force for good.

critique from @1lMaM

critique for Lily
(this is going to be a short one)
Hello! I really loved the plot of this story. I also thought the description at the start was great, when describing Pinewood. (I also loved how you did this in Part 2.) Can you do more of that in later parts - like when describing the stranger, perhaps how the curse could unleash destruction?
I also thought you could show the characters' emotions more - how does Sarah feel when facing the ‘final challenge’? Fear? Concern? I'd love you to show more emotions in these climactic parts of the story.
Apart from that, I really liked this story. Good luck on the weekly!

Last edited by stvrriii (April 1, 2024 22:18:44)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

critique for @-WildClan-
weekly 4
283 words
This passage is well-written and engaging. It introduces the main character, Parsnip, who is a cheerful and curious character, and it also introduces Thorn, who is more reserved and cautious. The dialogue between the two characters creates a sense of connection and friendship.
Additionally, the conflict between Ash and Shade creates tension and creates a sense of urgency. It also adds another layer of complexity to the story, as Thorn is faced with the choice of whether or not to join a side.
The fourth wall breaking also creates a sense of awareness for Thorn, as if Parsnip is not a native part of his world or existence. It adds another layer of strangeness and mystery to the story. While Parsnip may have the powers or insights of an outside author, Thorn feels out of place and powerless as he journeys through his own world.

Finally, the introduction of Comet adds a new character, who is unconcerned by Thorn's weirdness or strangeness, creating a sense of camaraderie and empathy between Thorn and the stranger. This new character adds a sense of hope and connection to the story, giving Thorn a new perspective and someone to trust.

In conclusion, the passage creates a sense of mystery and tension, as the reader is drawn into the world of Thorn and Parsnip, two characters who are navigating through a complex and challenging world. Through the use of dialogue and character development, the passage creates a sense of connection with the characters, as the reader follows their journey and experiences through their dreams and reality. Overall, it's a well-crafted passage that captures the reader's attention and leaves them with a sense of anticipation for what comes next.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D


WUCCC daily number 1!!!
Prompt: write 250 words about what you would do to prank your siblings (or an imaginary sibling) for 250 points. An extra 100 points if you show proof.

When I was little, my older sister was always playing tricks on me. One time, she told me that I had to lick the floor to get a wish granted by the magical carpet monster. Of course, being the naive child that I was, I did it! I licked that floor until my tongue was sore, and all I got was a dirty mouth and some weird looks from my parents.

But I decided to get back at her! I put some itchy powder in her shoes, and she spent all day scratching her feet and trying to figure out why they were so itchy. It was hilarious to see her struggling to figure out what was happening.

I also remember one time when she went to sleep first, so I decided to mess with her. I took her favorite stuffed animal and replaced it with a similar-looking one that had googly eyes. When she woke up the next morning, she was shocked to see that her beloved stuffed animal had been transformed into something a little more, shall we say, comical.

Another prank I remember vividly was when I pranked my older brother. He was addicted to his mobile game and would spend hours on it every day. So, I decided to play a trick on him! I secretly put program (that me and my friend made) onto his phone that would make annoying noises every time he got a new high score. He went crazy and couldn't figure out why his phone was making all these noises. It was hilarious to see his frustration and anger, and even better when he finally realized that I was the one behind it all XD

I will admit that perhaps I took things a bit too far sometimes, but it was all in good fun. Even to this day, we still joke about the various pranks we played on each other as kids. It's a good way to remember the silly moments we shared together before we grew up.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

WUC daily 2
prompt:See if you can find your favorite snack (or not) and tell us about your favorite snack. Include why you like that snack with 100 words for 150 points. An extra 50 points if you show proof!

Pretzels have been my favorite snack since I was a little kid and I love them for a ton of reasons. First, they're so crunchy and satisfying to bite into. I love the texture of each individual twist and how the flavor changes with every bite. I especially love the salty flavor of pretzels, but they also go great with other flavors too like sweet or savory! Plus, pretzels are super easy to prep and make the perfect on-the-go snack. I also love the different kinds of pretzels, like gluten-free, salted, and honey mustard. Overall, I love pretzels because they're such a versatile and satisfying snack that's always there for me when I need a pick-me-up.

1 post

Lily likes writing :D


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