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28 posts

On2732 : Six Islands Post

Hi. I'm on2732. I have the six islands in my minibit game, so I woud like to share a few fax:
+ There are over 200 characters in the Six Islands series.
+ …Some of the islands are settings in TV shows, example, Berry Bitty City.
+ HariWorld has over 400 characters, but only 195 were used.
+“ Harinese ” can be written in English like ‘sokkva’ as soxa.
+ I can tell you that this fact is long. So,as I said,
define A B S T R A C T A 
cuz that is the super long fact!
+ Wait, WHAT? Who did this? X E N N A!!!

ON2732 RULZ!!!!!

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This is really weird, but I'm obsessed withfour Meow Kitten. idk maybe bec its cute? uwu
evil kittehs Meow kitten wrote: I'm not actually four whoever they are owo a thing with round ears uwu
28 posts

On2732 : Six Islands Post

This is not a frige. This is Xenna. Define that island!

ON2732 RULZ!!!!!

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This is really weird, but I'm obsessed withfour Meow Kitten. idk maybe bec its cute? uwu
evil kittehs Meow kitten wrote: I'm not actually four whoever they are owo a thing with round ears uwu

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