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2 posts

Help with Saving

How do i Make a Saving System for My Police Game?, Because i want it to save even when you go out of the game/Website and its still there when you join back i want to make a Skin Shop.
500+ posts

Help with Saving

WeisWeis10 wrote:

How do i Make a Saving System for My Police Game?, Because i want it to save even when you go out of the game/Website and its still there when you join back i want to make a Skin Shop.
Do you mean like a save code?

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100+ posts

Help with Saving

WeisWeis10 wrote:

How do i Make a Saving System for My Police Game?, Because i want it to save even when you go out of the game/Website and its still there when you join back i want to make a Skin Shop.
theres two ways to go about it,

save code:
add (join [(score)] (join [|] (join [(something else)] (join [|] [a third thing])))) to [list v]
(note: you may want to look into encrypting if you're going this route to make it less hackable)

then decrypting would go like this:

ask [input your save code:] and wait
split (answer) on [|]
set [ score] to (item ( 1) of [list split] :: list)
set [ something else] to (item ( 2) of [list split] :: list)
set [ a third thing] to (item ( 2) of [list split] :: list)
(you can get the split block by following this tutorial)

saving to the cloud: (you can only save for so long until you run out of space, and have to encrypt username and other data)
set [☁ savedData] to (join [(☁ savedData)] [(encrypted user data)])

and decryption depends on the encryption, this is one way to encrypt and decrypt

Last edited by kingKASEtheGREATalt (March 28, 2024 00:02:46)

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