Discuss Scratch

71 posts

Is this okay for my project?

I am making a project where I am jokingly complaining about the scratch website. EXCEPT, all of them are fake, except one, the one was just a “What? this confuses me” moment, not a “SCRATCH DID A BAD THING I DONT LIKE IT”. (Don't worry, the quote the left of this is not similar at all to what I added.)

It is a joke project, and I'm doing things like “Scratch colors changed again” and it is red instead of purple or blue or “Scratch got new extensions!”, “Scratch has a new editor navigation bar”, “Scratch got sponsored by McDonalds! This won't hurt anybody's eyes!” and the website colors are red and yellow.

I AM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT SCRATCH, and I will put in the description and the project that these are fake, except the first one, which is just scratch detecting that “Untitled-79” “Is inappropriate for Scratch”. I can send you some of the images if I am allowed to, but can I post this project?

when flag clicked
please [can you tell me v] [and v]
if <you know> then

can you help?
if you can, then thank you!

Scratch coder since 2019! Dev_6320 (@CalebTy was my old account)
1000+ posts

Is this okay for my project?

seems fine.

trouble with clones? view my clone id toolbox! I also have built the bases of a tower defence game link here.
If someone on help with scripts is saying that something can't be done, they should be suspected of being a team limit grunt.
71 posts

Is this okay for my project?

thank you. I just don't want to get it NFE rated, reported, or deleted.

Scratch coder since 2019! Dev_6320 (@CalebTy was my old account)
53 posts

Is this okay for my project?

I don't think it should be too problematic unless you start to either start criticizing or just blatantly lying (I.e the scratch website address is now scratch.notvirus.ru) etc

when green flag clicked
change [color] effect by (1)
71 posts

Is this okay for my project?

yeah, i definitely won't do ones that would encourage scratchers to do dangerous things, like opening a web adress like that.


Scratch coder since 2019! Dev_6320 (@CalebTy was my old account)
53 posts

Is this okay for my project?

Dev_6320 wrote:

yeah, i definitely won't do ones that would encourage scratchers to do dangerous things, like opening a web adress like that.

ok, than you should be fine.

when green flag clicked
change [color] effect by (1)
500+ posts

Is this okay for my project?

This should be fine, just make sure that it's clear that it's a joke (preferably somewhere in the description, rather than at the end of the project)

Highlight any part of this signature and press ctrl+shift+down arrow to see the rest of it
if <person asks [what's a signature] :: sensing> then
Redirect to [https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Signature] :: motion
Please read the list of Officially Rejected Suggestions before posting a suggestion for Scratch! 100th post
This signature is designed to be as helpful as possible.
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You can use the
 [code] and [/code] 
tags to show other users how to format something that Scratch would otherwise format.
You can use the
 [color=color name or hexadecimal value here] and [/color] 
tags to color text.
Little-known Scratch URLs:
scratch.pizza (redirects to main page)
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/PROJECT ID HERE/remixtree (replace “PROJECT ID HERE” with project id number. Shows all the remixes of the project, and the remixes of those projects, and the remixes of those projects, and so on, as a chart. Link currently redirects to one of my projects)

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