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how to make a true winners list?

i want to make a list for people who won on my game but how do i make it so that people who cheated do not get on the list?
500+ posts

how to make a true winners list?

It's hard to do so- it depends on your game. People who are determined almost certainly will get on that list, if they do it by cheating so be it, you can't program against every edge case. When people hit “see inside”, they can't actually affect the rest of the project and it's cloud variables from there- it's sandboxed (which means that an identical copy was made that can't interact with the original). Also, as I hinted at above, you are going to need a cloud variable if you want the list to work at all, and cloud variables are limited to 256 characters per variable, with a maximum of 10 cloud variables per project, so you might only want to store the most recent winners. In addition, cloud variables only support numbers, not other characters. Sorry if you knew all of that already, but it brings me to my next point: even if you have all of that down, it doesn't prevent people from interacting with the Scratch API and doing whatever they want with your cloud variables. In your project you can try to prevent cheating by placing limits on the player, and making sure that it isn't too easy to finish in turbo mode. Past that, I can't help you further without you describing your project further.

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