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100+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
Edit: I forgot to mention that if you're just quoting a part of the OP then that's fine, because you're specifying what part you're talking about.
Edit2: Are y'all just quoting the OP to annoy me? XD

Last edited by 1RocK0StaR1 (March 26, 2024 17:39:31)

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1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
It's already discouraged for long OPs, as seen by mods snipping out said OP quotes
1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

ajskateboarder wrote:


1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
It's already discouraged for long OPs, as seen by mods snipping out said OP quotes
Sure, but it doesn't say anywhere, and it should (I'm not saying I don't agree)

select this text then press Ctrl+Shift+Down to read more
1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
I agree but however if its pretty small quote then its okay in my opinion.

Last edited by randomguy3513 (March 26, 2024 15:54:49)

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500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
(by posting here you are obligated to quote the entire OP)

I agree, tired of people doing it and clogging up like an entire page by quoting the OP, even if they could get their point across by only grabbing a few sentences.

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

Misconceptions about the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

((( OwO :: #DC381F) :: #FFCC00)  :: #FFCC00)
This is Georgie the evil grapefruit. He is much larger, stronger, more nutritious and scarier than a kumquat. Donate your soul to him at my profile to help him gain power to overthrow the kumquats and claim his position as the best signature eater!

This is a social experiment, comment and you MIGHT get curator

Get games off the other categories!
500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.

would quoting a part of the OP be okay, if so then support

everyone is quoting the OP

finally back on scratch

There is definitely a feature on Scratch where if you don't follow me, a penguin will come to your house and eat all your food and blow up your fridge.


boring triple ninja

1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.

What actions do you propose the Scratch Team take to discourage quoting the OP?

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
Why is it annoying? I can see the problem if the OP is very long — in which case that is already not allowed and should be reported — but if the OP is short then there is no problem. (I've seen a few Scratchers complain about quoting even short OPs, but this was never a rule enforced by the Scratch Team in any capacity. I don't think it needs to be discouraged.)

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
100+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
I mean, it’s usually discouraged, but people don’t say that because no one wants to be called a mini-mod at least not that i know of

500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
I also get annoyed by this but, I do not think it's that bad. Making an entire sticky or annoucment about it (on the forums) just, isn't necessary.
“it's very annoying” Isn't much of a reason, am I wrong that not everybody is annoyed by it?

I shall

Workaround chart:

100+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

am I wrong that not everybody is annoyed by it?
I really don't mind it, unless there is a huge op with a lot of images. Quoting an op like this one or with a little more text wouldn't bother me at all by itself.

1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
There are many small mistakes that newer forumers make. Most people would eventually figure out what they don't need to do.

Pretty much only use the forums for save codes now.

Here is my Mario Maker (fan game) world code:
100+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

the_awsome_penguinja wrote:

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.

would quoting a part of the OP be okay, if so then support

everyone is quoting the OP
Yeah it's fine when people only quote a part of it so that they can specify what they're talking about. (I made that an edit to the OP btw)

Last edited by 1RocK0StaR1 (March 26, 2024 18:58:49)

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500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.
Edit: I forgot to mention that if you're just quoting a part of the OP then that's fine, because you're specifying what part you're talking about.
Edit2: Are y'all just quoting the OP to annoy me? XD

Why? It doesn’t matter because OP is only 3 lines long

Last edited by BringUpYourPost (March 27, 2024 14:30:59)

500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

cactus-cacti wrote:

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

am I wrong that not everybody is annoyed by it?
I really don't mind it, unless there is a huge op with a lot of images. Quoting an op like this one or with a little more text wouldn't bother me at all by itself.
Yeah, maybe:
Discourage quoting long OPs.

But, I do think it's annoying sometimes, makes me rage inside my heart. But, once people realise that they shouldn't, and they become a better forumer.
And I do think this would advance the process, at least a little bit.

I shall

Workaround chart:

1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that.

there isn't really anything wrong with quoting the OP. also, I've been seeing many “discourage ____” what does that mean to this specific suggestion and how would it be done?

Sent from Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563

they say im gifted but i can't even spell proboably or simoustaniously correctly

omg when you search up “Samsung Fridge Model RRSGR-34563” one of my forums posts are the top result!!111

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Be a better forumer
500+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

BringUpYourPost wrote:

Why? It doesn’t matter because OP is only 3 lines long
Noo, you didn't quote the OP…

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

Misconceptions about the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

((( OwO :: #DC381F) :: #FFCC00)  :: #FFCC00)
This is Georgie the evil grapefruit. He is much larger, stronger, more nutritious and scarier than a kumquat. Donate your soul to him at my profile to help him gain power to overthrow the kumquats and claim his position as the best signature eater!

This is a social experiment, comment and you MIGHT get curator

Get games off the other categories!
1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

like i say on all of these, how do they discourage it????

Last edited by EngineerRunner (March 27, 2024 16:57:44)

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
100+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

DangerPuppy10 wrote:

Yeah, maybe:
Discourage quoting long OPs.
I would definitely agree with that. Although a short quote of the OP is quick to scroll through, an extremely long quote takes forever to scroll through. Also, adding on to yours, how about:
and posts that are just a quote of the OP.

1000+ posts

Discourage quoting the OP

cactus-cacti wrote:

I would definitely agree with that. Although a short quote of the OP is quick to scroll through, an extremely long quote takes forever to scroll through. Also, adding on to yours, how about:
and posts that are just a quote of the OP.
Something worth noting is that, due to the third line of text and the big text, your post is longer than the OP's (pre-edited) post. If I should not quote the OP, does that mean I should not be quoting other Scratchers?

1RocK0StaR1 wrote:

In a couple of forum posts, I've seen people quote the entire OP (original post) and it's very annoying. If you're making a post, (and don't quote someone) you're basically already quoting th OP, so there's no need to do that
With regards to your edit on “quoting a part of the OP,” is what I've done here acceptable? You see, I quoted your entire non-edited version except for the period at the end of your sentence. This is technically considered “part of the OP.” The part that I am referring to when I am quoting you is your entire (pre-edited) post.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay

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