Discuss Scratch

100+ posts


chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite

MegaProgramGuy, your favorite puzzle game creator and BeepBox musician (I now share my completed tracks on my account @Pozrod. Be sure to check it out!) My Soundcloud

Pozrod: Redemption (made with JummBox)

Polonium, Oxygen, Titanium, Sulfur.
If you get what this means then you are an absolute meme god.

100+ posts


Good Luck Bad Friends 2.0

to quote a man way better at this than I am:
thoughts, fellas?

100+ posts


rainbownugget5196 wrote:

im making a song reminiscent of those super upbeat euphoric final stage themes (think remedy from undertale yellow, bye bye there/i need a noise from pizza tower, you name it) and i havent even gotten to the drop yet and its reminding me of something i cant put my finger on

fingers crossed that the data for this doesnt get corrupted


MegaProgramGuy, your favorite puzzle game creator and BeepBox musician (I now share my completed tracks on my account @Pozrod. Be sure to check it out!) My Soundcloud

Pozrod: Redemption (made with JummBox)

Polonium, Oxygen, Titanium, Sulfur.
If you get what this means then you are an absolute meme god.

100+ posts


chase_is_cool99 wrote:

Good Luck Bad Friends 2.0

to quote a man way better at this than I am:
thoughts, fellas?
Sounds cool, and the drums are better, but the amount of complexity/volume in the drums overpowers the simple and fun melodies in my opinion. I think that a melody like this would honestly be better without super hard-hitting drums. But that's just me

MegaProgramGuy, your favorite puzzle game creator and BeepBox musician (I now share my completed tracks on my account @Pozrod. Be sure to check it out!) My Soundcloud

Pozrod: Redemption (made with JummBox)

Polonium, Oxygen, Titanium, Sulfur.
If you get what this means then you are an absolute meme god.

1000+ posts


Guys, let's not ignore beepbox! (It also does not lag, unlike jummbox or it's mods.)

(the song is bad apple by the way.)


I like otters, dogs, cephalopods, stingrays, space, fungi, countries, planetballs and countryballs.

1000+ posts


chase_is_cool99 wrote:

Good Luck Bad Friends 2.0

to quote a man way better at this than I am:
thoughts, fellas?
these drums are better for it


I like otters, dogs, cephalopods, stingrays, space, fungi, countries, planetballs and countryballs.

1000+ posts


MegaProgramGuy wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite
i really like “Olympian”
“Epiphany” is good too

Last edited by TheSqueakyOtter (March 26, 2024 19:03:22)


I like otters, dogs, cephalopods, stingrays, space, fungi, countries, planetballs and countryballs.

1000+ posts


MegaProgramGuy wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite
Now I gotta go write a song called After Geography.


if you could give me an internet, that'd be great, but it's up to you.

i make music on the beepbox forum

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

I hang around the forums a lot.

Musician - panromantic - 13 - 8th grade - Gifted - bored - The Beatles - other 60's bands - Manager of the Official Beatles Fan Club!! - idk what else to say. if you have something else for me to put in here lemme know on my profile comments.


500+ posts


684pika wrote:

MegaProgramGuy wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite
Now I gotta go write a song called After Geography.
gotta add that to my list of great quotes

This is my signature

Some games I want people to see and support:
Dungeon Creator
Spongebob RPG (Beta) The Ultimate Adventure!

Mister game boi:

Mister EYES boi:

Some weird blocks:

move (if <> then {} ::control stack) steps

when times green flag clicked > (10) ::hat events

Some Blocks from other programming languages

try {} except ( v) {} ::control

Best quotes ever:

WhoLetHimOut wrote:

Bump the trilogy Bump, Bump: The sequel and Bump (the trash reboot that everyone hated but still watched
100+ posts


TheSqueakyOtter wrote:

MegaProgramGuy wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite
i really like “Olympian”
“Epiphany” is good too
Yeah, Olympiad has a nice vibe. Epiphany is very energetic but I think this one sounds the most complete and it fits together really well. Just my opinion but I think those three are my best

MegaProgramGuy, your favorite puzzle game creator and BeepBox musician (I now share my completed tracks on my account @Pozrod. Be sure to check it out!) My Soundcloud

Pozrod: Redemption (made with JummBox)

Polonium, Oxygen, Titanium, Sulfur.
If you get what this means then you are an absolute meme god.

1000+ posts


Minecraft_Master3964 wrote:

684pika wrote:

MegaProgramGuy wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Almost a year old, but still my favorite
Now I gotta go write a song called After Geography.
gotta add that to my list of great quotes
lol it's a beatles joke
the rolling stones released “aftermath” and when the beatles were lookin for a new album title ringo suggested “after geography”


if you could give me an internet, that'd be great, but it's up to you.

i make music on the beepbox forum

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

I hang around the forums a lot.

Musician - panromantic - 13 - 8th grade - Gifted - bored - The Beatles - other 60's bands - Manager of the Official Beatles Fan Club!! - idk what else to say. if you have something else for me to put in here lemme know on my profile comments.


1000+ posts


Rhombuses n kites


<OUO> :: motion  // this is gary he protects my siggy from evil kumquats 

(( ( •) ) _ (( •))    :: #000000   // this is Michael incase gary cant defeat the kumquats
Post your fakemon! (I would like to see your fanmade pokemon)
bring back the uploads image host
Please post on fakemon forum.
1000+ posts


Crow_Boy08 wrote:

As someone who has listened to this song, I can confirm that it is, indeed, very WACK-E™.

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

general question for everyone: what's the song you're most proud of? Not neccasarily your best song, but the one you're the proudest of.

Mine's this, a song called Good Luck Bad Friends. I don't really like the tinniness of the drums, or the crowdedness it gets at the end, but it's probably the best melody and chord progression I've made to date. I'm starting work on remaking it in Jummbox with a B-section and better drums, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
Probably this one. The instrumental is barely audible, and the drums barely sound like drums, but it has the potential to be a better song.

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
100+ posts


my biggest music mistake recently was deciding to work on an original song, a remix, and a remaster at the same time. especially considering:

- i need to extend the original song to be around five-and-a-half minutes long because of what it's inspired by

- the remix is of a song that completely switches tempo and tone halfway through

- the remaster is of a remix of a three-part song that uses samples that i can't add using just jummbox, and the part that uses the samples doesn't have a bassline i can go off of so i don't know how i'm gonna make this sound good

atlas - she/they/it - 16 (june 18)
status: my brother has a very special attack
favorite song right now: mr. sauceman - i need a noise
carrd :>
100+ posts


TheSqueakyOtter wrote:

chase_is_cool99 wrote:

Good Luck Bad Friends 2.0

to quote a man way better at this than I am:
thoughts, fellas?
these drums are better for it
New version

I need the channel that you completely removed but besides that thanks

100+ posts


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

By Percy Bysshe Shelley

I made this while wearing really nice headphones so you should probably wear headphones while listening. The bass drum was made to sound like a far-off army marching.

Last edited by chase_is_cool99 (March 29, 2024 19:37:53)

1000+ posts


guys how did i do this


I like otters, dogs, cephalopods, stingrays, space, fungi, countries, planetballs and countryballs.

1000+ posts



i think this is my best song so far


I like otters, dogs, cephalopods, stingrays, space, fungi, countries, planetballs and countryballs.

1000+ posts


Goblin mode (i just wanted to name a song goblin mode lol)

<OUO> :: motion  // this is gary he protects my siggy from evil kumquats 

(( ( •) ) _ (( •))    :: #000000   // this is Michael incase gary cant defeat the kumquats
Post your fakemon! (I would like to see your fanmade pokemon)
bring back the uploads image host
Please post on fakemon forum.

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