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1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

So you can be very good at the main website but be completely new to the forums and break about every rule.
Just like how you are New Scratcher then Scratcher for verification purposes, a separate rank for the forums would be nice.
Like New Scratcher then Scratcher then Forumer
The Fourmer rank will be invisible.

To be a Fourmer:
Be a Scratcher
Have visited TOLORS
Have posted 25 posts

(yes, this is rejected, no, it doesn't matter. Read TOLORS a little more thoroughly.)

It's AF day in my timzone.

ST: celebrate AF day in your timezones
Me: I live in new zealand
ST: oh no nononono

you use
sudo sh -c 'echo "text" > file'
No, professionals use
echo 'text' | sudo tee file 1> /dev/null

Scroll* for more!

what are @SIMIA1358 and @TPRATTAY doing!??!?!
(2023/11/04 YEAR-MM-DD)
griffpatch appel is broken

Za_Chary wrote:

Games snippet:
10. yFzZ3MgsySzJLMv8yBzIfMqcynzJ04zLbMi8yNzJvNjM2KzYPNgsybzJLMi8yOzYzMk8yHzY3MmMyhzKrNlcytzYnMpcy6Ncy3zJLNoMyCzI7NisyQzL7Mhc2QzYrMkcyUzI7MisyBzKjNicyfzLHMrMymzJnMocygzYk
1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

Have visited TOLORS
What about people that are active and constructive on the forums, but not on suggestions (timac and tirap people basically)?

Disclaimer: I can be extremely stupid at times
14 | Professionally soading since 1998™ | Can't view/post images | Useful forum posts | internetometer | weird notebok | 100th post | tax evasion clicker | RIP | 500th post | forum post hall of fame (#2) | 1000TH POST!! | Evolution of the Electric Guitar (essay)

get games off the music trending category!

give me song suggestions on my profile (I mostly listen to rock and metal)

highlight this text and use shift+down arrow to scroll down on my signature (or just use a browser extension)

enjoy helping on the forums? you may want to consider tfh

when tuned to [drop c v] :: hat events
repeat until <drenched in sweat? :: sensing>
blast some epic [system of a down v] riffs :: motion

1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

Xzillox wrote:

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

Have visited TOLORS
What about people that are active and constructive on the forums, but not on suggestions (timac and tirap people basically)?
Good point, maybe just a few (3) of stickies.

It's AF day in my timzone.

ST: celebrate AF day in your timezones
Me: I live in new zealand
ST: oh no nononono

you use
sudo sh -c 'echo "text" > file'
No, professionals use
echo 'text' | sudo tee file 1> /dev/null

Scroll* for more!

what are @SIMIA1358 and @TPRATTAY doing!??!?!
(2023/11/04 YEAR-MM-DD)
griffpatch appel is broken

Za_Chary wrote:

Games snippet:
10. yFzZ3MgsySzJLMv8yBzIfMqcynzJ04zLbMi8yNzJvNjM2KzYPNgsybzJLMi8yOzYzMk8yHzY3MmMyhzKrNlcytzYnMpcy6Ncy3zJLNoMyCzI7NisyQzL7Mhc2QzYrMkcyUzI7MisyBzKjNicyfzLHMrMymzJnMocygzYk
1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

Could you explain how this is not rejected?

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
100+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

Za-Chary wrote:

Could you explain how this is not rejected?
Perhaps because these ranks wouldn't add other benefits to only certain users. However, I don't really think that this is necessary. The three ranks that we have for now are good enough, and say everything that is needed. New Scratcher- This user hasn't been on Scratch for very long, or the user isn't very active on the website. Scratcher- This user has generally been on Scratch for longer, and/or is more active. Scratch Team- This user is a member of the Scratch Team.

Last edited by cactus-cacti (March 26, 2024 12:55:20)

1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

To be a Fourmer:
Be a Scratcher
Have visited TOLORS
Have posted 25 posts

In order to get 25 posts, trolls may spam the language forum with spam and start trolling, I don't think this should be implemented

Last edited by The_Blue_J (March 26, 2024 13:17:23)

(☆ ᴗ ☆:: custom-arg) // Here is FARFR, He stands for Frequently Asked Reasons For Rejection and protects my topics and my signatures.
Here's the game I worked on the most..ㅤ:: variables :: hat

1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

If this is invisible, what are even the benefits for this otherwise it's just pointless?

(Male) (He/Him) (2000+ posts) (5 Years)
Banner by depresso-boiyo, check him out!
Ctrl+shift+down to check out my projects!

Thanks for scrolling; if you like what I do, please follow me!
100+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

randomguy3513 wrote:

If this is invisible, what are even the benefits for this otherwise it's just pointless?
Yeah, it isn’t even telling anyone anything.

100+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

So you can be very good at the main website but be completely new to the forums and break about every rule.

yeah? would a rank like this just magically solve this problem? I don't understand what's being said here
100+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

unmet wrote:

TheSmartGuy1234 wrote:

So you can be very good at the main website but be completely new to the forums and break about every rule.

yeah? would a rank like this just magically solve this problem? I don't understand what's being said here
I also don't get it because the forumer rank would be invisible, so no one would be able to tell whether a user is on the forums often or not, which was the goal (I think) of this suggestion. If it's just for the user to know if they're a forumer or not, I think they can figure that out on their own.

1000+ posts

Separate Ranks for main website and fourms

What restrictions would a new scratcher/new forumer have?

Disclaimer: I can be extremely stupid at times
14 | Professionally soading since 1998™ | Can't view/post images | Useful forum posts | internetometer | weird notebok | 100th post | tax evasion clicker | RIP | 500th post | forum post hall of fame (#2) | 1000TH POST!! | Evolution of the Electric Guitar (essay)

get games off the music trending category!

give me song suggestions on my profile (I mostly listen to rock and metal)

highlight this text and use shift+down arrow to scroll down on my signature (or just use a browser extension)

enjoy helping on the forums? you may want to consider tfh

when tuned to [drop c v] :: hat events
repeat until <drenched in sweat? :: sensing>
blast some epic [system of a down v] riffs :: motion


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