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1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

There is a property that allows for project creators to hide the code within their projects, while still allowing it to run. This makes the project practically impossible to remix, which goes against the Community Guidelines.

In addition, in order to get any use out of the “shadow” property, project authors must modify their project's file in a way that breaks the Terms of Use. I.E. the user needs to edit the SB3 with a non-Scratch editor.

Scratch Terms of Use wrote:

4.4 You may only submit user-generated projects that were created with (1) the Scratch website editor or (2) an unmodified copy of the Scratch editor compiled from the source code described in Section 5.3. You may not upload any projects that were created, by you or by anyone else, with a modified version of the Scratch editor.

Basically: This property(shadow) continuing to exist goes to the detriment of Scratch as a platform, so it needs to be removed.

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

This is probably moreso a bug.

This is a signature. It's a piece of text that appears below every post I write. Click here to learn more, including how to make your own.

Jeffalo still being goated
RIP assets image hosting. 2013?-2023

1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

CST1229 wrote:

This is probably moreso a bug.
How could it be a bug if it was added intentionally?

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

Steve0Greatness wrote:

CST1229 wrote:

This is probably moreso a bug.
How could it be a bug if it was added intentionally?
What gives you the impression that it was added intentionally?

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

Za-Chary wrote:

Steve0Greatness wrote:

CST1229 wrote:

This is probably moreso a bug.
How could it be a bug if it was added intentionally?
What gives you the impression that it was added intentionally?
It's a key within the project.json, which is how Scratch stores all of a project's code

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
New Scratcher
11 posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

Steve0Greatness wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

Steve0Greatness wrote:

CST1229 wrote:

This is probably moreso a bug.
How could it be a bug if it was added intentionally?
What gives you the impression that it was added intentionally?
It's a key within the project.json, which is how Scratch stores all of a project's code
(IIRC) Sprites also have this to show that they're hidden, and I'm pretty sure every object in the project.json has it, so it wouldn't be intentional.

Steve0Greatness wrote:

In addition, in order to get any use out of the “shadow” property, project authors must modify their project's file in a way that breaks the Terms of Use. I.E. the user needs to edit the SB3 with a non-Scratch editor.

Scratch Terms of Use wrote:

4.4 You may only submit user-generated projects that were created with (1) the Scratch website editor or (2) an unmodified copy of the Scratch editor compiled from the source code described in Section 5.3. You may not upload any projects that were created, by you or by anyone else, with a modified version of the Scratch editor.
This has never been enforced, and not only blocks common editors such as TurboWarp, but it also blocks the default offline editor, so I think we can safely ignore this.

Although overall, I do support.
1000+ posts

Remove the ability to hide blocks

Steve0Greatness wrote:

There is a property that allows for project creators to hide the code within their projects, while still allowing it to run. This makes the project practically impossible to remix, which goes against the Community Guidelines.

In addition, in order to get any use out of the “shadow” property, project authors must modify their project's file in a way that breaks the Terms of Use. I.E. the user needs to edit the SB3 with a non-Scratch editor.

Scratch Terms of Use wrote:

4.4 You may only submit user-generated projects that were created with (1) the Scratch website editor or (2) an unmodified copy of the Scratch editor compiled from the source code described in Section 5.3. You may not upload any projects that were created, by you or by anyone else, with a modified version of the Scratch editor.

Basically: This property(shadow) continuing to exist goes to the detriment of Scratch as a platform, so it needs to be removed.
That terms of use clause is vague, and likely to be removed or modified as it’s yet to ever be enforced. We don’t even know what it 100% means

They can’t simply remove the property because it’s part of blockly

Last edited by cookieclickerer33 (March 25, 2024 14:46:03)

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