Discuss Scratch

57 posts

Bitmap in corner

My browser / operating system: Android Linux 10, Chrome, No Flash version detected
Bitmaps move to one corner when you're editing another sprite in vector or another costume and there is no way of restoring that. And it's annoying.
Has also happened when I used scratch in computer in 2020 and 2021 on an account I forgot

Last edited by Securely (Ferbruembodecember, 1941 2:34:48, during the second world war in Belgium)
Date not valid, wait, oops, it was Februember

Solarian stellar neighborhood

" umm what is solaris? " - person who just doesn't know me

Solaris A, B and C and a map of galactic nations in it's galaxy, Messier 101
i am sefurket the great of antarcrica /j
7 posts

Bitmap in corner

It happens whenever you don't click on the canvas before exiting the Bitmap Editor. This also shows as a blank costume on the stage, from what i've experienced.

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