Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

No support. That would make it look very glitchy and too modern for a good page.

Hey! Look at this DTA!
Hej! My username is @Crispydogs101. I like listening to music, playing games, and more!
Sarah and duck, Pete the cat, Pegboard nerds, Tokyo machine, FORZA FAN!! Be High contrast Blue Be rich
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

why was this topic bumped again…

Crispydogs101 wrote:

No support. That would make it look very glitchy and too modern for a good page.
how would it make it look glitchy
i do somewhat agree it would kind of look out of place on the still very 2.0 forums though…. i think ive said this before
i think the blocks are fine as is, they’re functional at least

sonic__fan wrote:

-support snip
This update would probably come out when the forums themselves get updated to 3.0.
i do agree but the forums updating is probably not happening very soon at least until all other pages are updated to 3.0
i don’t have anything other to add so i’m going to go now
expected time until next post in suggestions: ~2 months

Last edited by 64lu (May 3, 2023 21:24:27)

100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Yeah, it'll be a bit before the ST makes anything about or related to the Forums 3.0.

Last edited by Withered_Fredboi (May 3, 2023 23:57:02)

Hey there! I'm Jay! I'm a 14 year old, fun loving, metalhead Christian who wants to help! FNaF and LOZ are fandoms I like! If you have questions, I'll try my best to answer. Feel free to look at my projects or chat with me, I'd like that! Remember, I'm alway open to make friends!

Yo! I'm Withered Freddy, the world's coolest animatronic bear! I like to eat pizza and cause absolute chaos! I'll be ready to have fun! given i can get off the floor in time… Anyway, I'd recommend just having a good time!

Highlight + shift + down to see all the other stuff.
Now for some actually important stuff:
I live on PST if you need anything planned or whatever.
I've had other accounts before, I think I know what I'm doing.
That's it!

Now for completely unimportant funny incorrect quotes:

Jay: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Withered Freddy: For the dogs.
Jay: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs?
Withered Freddy: They don't know how.

Jay: Petition to remove the ‘d’ from Wednesday.
Withered Freddy: Wednesay.
Jay: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible.

Jay: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food?
Withered Freddy: …What???

Will add more later!
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Strongly Agree. I agree with this because not only is it very hard to code in the forums, it will also mislead other Scratchers that originally joined during 3.0. Even though it is mostly the same, it is a different format, therefore I strongly agree with this matter.

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Chrome, No Flash version detected

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
You are reading the post of someone who isn't active on the forums very much (until August 2024) :*(
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Should the blocks be high-contrast, to make them more accessible, or should they be the classic colors?

@mythoslore was so much more obvious than @spookily
100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

k7e wrote:

Should the blocks be high-contrast, to make them more accessible, or should they be the classic colors?
idk probably not but i kinda like the high contrast colors

Last edited by bluemule64 (Sept. 12, 2023 12:33:43)

(Shift down arrow)
Switch friend code: 2296-7579-4881

“fiction was right,ROBOTS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!”
fun fact :I share a birthday with Rui Kamishiro (june 24) from Project sekai.
i made this (I spent 10 minutes on it)

yippee My ocular
100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

k7e wrote:

Should the blocks be high-contrast, to make them more accessible, or should they be the classic colors?
Maybe like this?
original blocks:
high contrast blocks:

shift + down arrow to see all my siggy.
when gf clicked
work on projects::events
I'm active on the “Help with Scripts” forum. I'm also active on “Questions about Scratch” and “Suggestions”. I prefer to be called without “-alt”, unless saying “@CAPoftruth-alt” is needed.
Crediting @Zydrolic for the idea (the styled “Bump!”), this will be my new “-snip-”:
oops, too big.
(⁌⌢⁍)//This is Harold, my kumquat! He hangs out with Mia, his best friend.
(⁍▾⁍)//She is Mia, Harold's best kumquat friend!
Harold and Mia live on a kumquat bush (even though kumquats come from trees):
((⁌⌢⁍) (⁍▾⁍)::operators)
Look! it's the fall kumquat!

  • Solves Rubik's cubes in one minute.
  • Knows Scratch coding and learns Snap! coding.
  • Drinks water all day.
  • Does bad suggestions.
  • Had to change the name of one of its main characters.
<I'm still expanding this signature, wait for more!>
100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Is the [scratchblocks] code open-source? We could change what we need to and submit a PR.

when I receive [karaoke time v]
if <you like (the way [you v] look that much::operators)::sensing> then
baby [you] should go and{
love yourself::sound

Make another song in [scratchblocks] and send it to me ;)
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

ProfessorThickhead wrote:

Is the [scratchblocks] code open-source? We could change what we need to and submit a PR.
The scratchblocks library already supports 3.0 blocks. Scratch would need to update to a newer version of the library to implement this suggestion, which only the ST can do.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

support! i was honestly planning on requesting this myself. the forums look old, anyway…

define Wonkymoon8
A true up and coming scratcher! :D
Dont forget to follow me!
Wii For Scratch! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/928218023/
500+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

I think this would be a good thing if the forums were updated to 3.0, too.

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

Misconceptions about the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

((( OwO :: #DC381F) :: #FFCC00)  :: #FFCC00)
This is Georgie the evil grapefruit. He is much larger, stronger, more nutritious and scarier than a kumquat. Donate your soul to him at my profile to help him gain power to overthrow the kumquats and claim his position as the best signature eater!

This is a social experiment, comment and you MIGHT get curator

Get games off the other categories!
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Maybe a new scratchblocks tag
for 3.0

1000th post also use -forbidden- or highlight and ctrl (optional on some browsers) + shift + down arrow for more of my siggy

I gotta go touch sum grass

If it causes issues make it optional - gdfsgdfsgdfg

Do some research before replying to my posts - gdfsgdfsgdfg

curse you 60 sec rule

glory to Gdfsg Land

gdfsgdfsgdfg returns

Ocular(don’t look at my old posts plz)

kumquats? nah
my siggy is built with titani- *gets eaten*

Gdfsg Radio Station:

Are you sleeping you tall cat (project):

The only suggestions I fully support are:

Don’t force me to get proof
get it yourself

my favorite topic is this (due to comedic purposes):

my favorite post is this (it’s deleted but I got it from ocular):

Grand borrowing cars IV intro and loading (template):

Guess the game by its mission name:

GBC (GTA) topic:

BF (Battlefield) topic:

still don’t have the popularity lol (atleast I reached 100 followers)

Skill issue

Embrace :)

Help I ran out of ideas
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Bumping because duplicat.

Working on an RPG. Consistently losing followers because of inactivity.
I head to forums time-to-time. Not as much as I used to.
100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

support, literally nobody posts about 2.0. Also kind of mad because some of the scratch blocks from 3.0 aren't here, like the “glide to sprite” or “change pitch effect” blocks. This makes it really hard to show people these blocks using Scratchblocks because… they're not there.

Last edited by forkmanb (March 6, 2024 21:53:40)

1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

When (or if) they update the forums to a 3.0 theme, this will come along with the update.

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
You are reading the post of someone who isn't active on the forums very much (until August 2024) :*(
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

When (or if) they update the forums to a 3.0 theme, this will come along with the update.
Hopefully so, for now, with them on the 2.0 theme, it wouldn’t be very cohesive to have the blocks nice and polished but the rest of the forums old-looking.

100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

sorry if this is a necropost (I don't wanna read multiple pages to see if anyone talked about it) but I think there should be an option to change the scratchblocks version. not for all of them, though. in a specific message, it can be 2.0 or 3.0, but other people choose whichever they want for their specific message.

I'm working on a game called Blazer. check out the newest version here!
500+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Votick wrote:

sorry if this is a necropost (I don't wanna read multiple pages to see if anyone talked about it) but I think there should be an option to change the scratchblocks version. not for all of them, though. in a specific message, it can be 2.0 or 3.0, but other people choose whichever they want for their specific message.
Erm akutuallie, necroposting doesn't exist in the forums :nerd:

THis may or may not also be a bump

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

Misconceptions about the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

((( OwO :: #DC381F) :: #FFCC00)  :: #FFCC00)
This is Georgie the evil grapefruit. He is much larger, stronger, more nutritious and scarier than a kumquat. Donate your soul to him at my profile to help him gain power to overthrow the kumquats and claim his position as the best signature eater!

This is a social experiment, comment and you MIGHT get curator

Get games off the other categories!
1000+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

i was bored and i found a dupe

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

100+ posts

Make the forum blocks 3.0

Malicondi wrote:

i was bored and i found a dupe
wow, you're good at that! they should probably be merged, though.

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