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19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

hi! this will be my writing thread for the march ‘24 session of swc!!
each daily will be in a separate message, because I’m too lazy to combine them.
have a lovely day ^^

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/2/24
||-Notes: My first daily for this session! ^^ So I rushed this entirely lol - ‘this’ as the ending. I’m not entirely sure what I did there, to be honest.
Word Count: 281 (proving my point that this was very, very rushed)
Points: 400

Raelyn’s fingers slid over the computer keyboard. Her eyes were locked on the screen. Busy she had been, as she’d sat in the same position for the past four hours. She had been designing a contraption for a science bowl a few days later, and her mind filled with anxiety realizing how little time she had left.
The door twisted open and Raelyn swung around on her chair. Her older brother, Waylen, came in holding a console. A pair of headphones were wrung around his neck, and he smiled at her, putting a hand on the office chair and flinging her across the room.
“Hey,” Raelyn argued. “I’m doing a project here.”
“As if I didn’t notice,” he scoffed. “Although it is quite like you to be trapped inside your room for half the day. Take a break! Play something with me.” He chucked the console at her and she ducked, laughing.
“So, what do you think?” Waylen said, placing an arm around the chair. “I know you want to. You shouldn’t be fretting about the science project. Plus, taking breaks is healthy.”
She shooed him away. “Maybe later. Right now, I’m wasting my time with you creating a whole argumentative essay on how I should play video games with you rather than doing my schoolwork.”
“Whatever you say, then.” He shrugged and exited the room. “I’m impressed by your determination. It’s not easy to give up video games.”
Raelyn scoffed and returned to her work. She’d been impressed with the effort of a compliment, but then again, this was her brother and she’d always thought of him as a pesky mouse who would never leave her alone for a moment.

Last edited by Cactus_Cookie9 (March 11, 2024 20:00:03)

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/3/24
|| - Notes: I got present tense second person POV. Second person POV is p a i n
Word Count: 381
Points: 350

You wake up, eyes fluttering to try to adjust to the too-bright light flooding into your room. Elbows propped up on the bed, you heave yourself upward and get dressed into a dorky uniform. You pull your hair up into the quickest style you can handle and strut over to the bed next to yours.
“Omri, for goodness sake, get up.” You wake up your roommate with a few gentle slaps to the face. “We’re going to be late for breakfast, and you know how the matrons are - they won’t feed you for the next twelve hours if they find you’re tardy for class again.”
“You know, Kit,” Omri said as they shuddered awake. “I’m still confused why we’re here.”
“It’s ‘cause you were stupid and got us caught doing something silly. So our parents got tired of us and sent us here, as they say.” Your tone was mocking and sarcastic. “Now get up before I go to the main hall by myself.”
In your opinion, breakfast wasn’t the best. The squishy sausages and the watery eggs didn’t go well together and you were convinced that not eating anything at all would be better than forcing fake food into your mouth.
You look around, trying to decide what to do for the remainder of the period.
Right, to get out of here. You remember what your original plan was when you first arrived at this school, and decide to keep thinking about it.
If I prove to the teachers that we’re not just trouble, then they have to send us home. They can’t keep us here forever. It’s not even a school - it’s a facility for kids who can’t behave. That’s why we’re never taught arithmetic or language arts. We get taught manners and boring, old life skills. What kind of education is that?
Your thoughts broil through your mind, and the feeling of anger is becoming more apparent.
“Kit Gordon.”
You whip around to see your hall matron towering over you, hands on hips.
“You’re tardy for advisory. I’d see you better hurry to the east tower before I send you to janitorial services.”
“Yes, ma'am. I’ll do that right away…” You mumble, picking up your books. “I’ll do that right away.”
You quickly hurry away without looking back.

Last edited by Cactus_Cookie9 (March 11, 2024 20:00:15)

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Word War
|| - Notes: this is kind of an AU for the beyonders trilogy because I didn’t know what would fit the prompt better. Also you can see I was kind of rambling especially at the end.
Word Count: 214
Points: Undecided

Saving people’s lives does not make you a hero.
Looking at the awkward shape of the canoe, slowly inching toward the falls at a fast-flowing pace. It does not make you a hero. Intent only makes you a hero.
I shouldn’t have jumped on and ordered the people to hop out.
Only because they didn’t want to.
They didn’t want to hop out. They wanted to go down the cascade. And sure, I didn’t think that was right. I never thought that it was right. No one should think that it was right. But the seven people in that boat - they agreed that it was their mere destiny to collapse down.
They won’t stop giving me glares as I awkwardly ushered them out of danger. They think I ruined their plan. And I’m their enemy now. Now, they wish me curses, they wish me that the rest of my voyage will fail.
I could have stayed on the ridge, and watched it all happen like everyone else did. That would’ve made me more of a hero than to interrupt their last moments.
I am not the hero. I am the enemy, and I will always be the enemy. And the enemy I will be, if it is for the reason I think is right.

Last edited by Cactus_Cookie9 (March 11, 2024 20:00:24)

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Weekly - 3/4/24 - 3/10/24
|| - Notes: this weekly was fun. whoops, accidentally wrote 2x the needed amount of words
Word Count: 2541
Points: 2000

Part 1: Mythology
|| - Notes: cut at the bottom cuz i lost motivation
Word Count: 687

Retelling - Pandora’s Box but Modern
Script and Humor? Ish? I’m honestly not sure. But it’s different.


Zeus: Those two brothers are driving me nuts. And they’re making me mad! Mad, mad, blasting mad. I’ll get them one day, just you wait.
Athena: Okay? And?
Zeus: I will take away their fire. I will steal it from them just like they stole my happiness as a god!
Hermes: Wow. That’s kind of deep.
Zeus gives a side eye to Hermes, who quickly shrinks under his stare.

Prometheus: That guy took away our fire. He must be really mad.
Epimetheus: I can imagine him right now. He’s probably causing earthquakes in the east, hurricanes in the west…
Prometheus: I’ll go get that back real quick, just wait.
Epimetheus: What, the fire?
Prometheus: *nods* He hates me anyway. Who cares if I just break a few rules here and there? And plus, it’s for the good of the world.
Epimetheus: I’ve never ever heard you say something like ‘it’s for the good of the world’ before. You are certainly changing.
Prometheus barked a laugh and ran away. Epimetheus waits for him to get back, and is not surprised to see him running with fire in his hands.
Epimetheus: You actually got it back! Not like I was surprised, I thought you’d get caught by Zeus and suffer lightning strikes to the chest. But y’know, I don’t doubt you although you should’ve taken me with you in the first place.

Zeus: I am so mad right now.
Aphrodite: As if we didn’t know.
Hermes: Your eyes are literally blazing.
Hephaestus: You’ve been angry for the past century. Can’t you just…deal with it?
Zeus: NO
A slight pause between Zeus. Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, and Hephaestus.
Zeus: I will play a trick on one of those brothers. Help me with this. I will create a decoy that will make Epimetheus fall into unsuspecting love.
Aphrodite: *winces* Ouch. That doesn’t seem like fun.
They all surround each other and start to create Pandora, a gift for Epimetheus.
Zeus: That will teach them something, for sure.

Epimetheus: Hermes took someone to meet me yesterday. She is very pretty and I like her a lot and she seems like a gift to me from Zeus.
Prometheus: We don’t trust Zeus, you goober. He’s probably just trying to pay us back for giving humans their fire again. I mean, it was going to happen at some point.
Epimetheus: But she is very pretty and I like her a lot and she seems like a gift to me from Zeus!
Prometheus rolls his eyes and waves his hand.
Prometheus: Do what you like, but leave me out of it.
Epimetheus: And there she is right now!
Prometheus whips around to look, and there was a girl standing right in front of him.
Pandora: Hi again. Zeus sent me to live with you from now on. I guess he realized that we’re destined for each other! Eeee!
Epimetheus: That’s great!
Prometheus still has a weirded out expression on his face. He sticks his tongue out at Epimetheus.
Epimetheus: You can find a place in our…uh…reserve, and I’ll sort out some stuff.

Pandora wanders through the place and she stops when Zeus approaches her.
Zeus: I have heard that you guys agreed to marry. I’d say you have a good choice but Epi is a trickster, all right…
Pandora: Uh huh…
Zeus: Anyways, back to the point. Here is a box that I’d like you to take for a marriage gift. As you can see, it is very antique. I bought it from Target. The price tag says that you’re not supposed to open it so I don’t think you should. Okay have a nice time with it! Don’t open it! Byeee!
Zeus disappears and Pandora is left with the ‘antique’ chest. She pokes it with her right finger and it doesn’t do anything. She then shrugs and walks away.
Box: Wait.
Pandora: Eh?
Box: C’mon, girlie. Open me and all your dreams will come true!
Pandora: You mean I'll get Taylor Swift tickets?

You all know what happens after this.

Part 2 - Hi-Fi
|| - Notes: none
Word Count: 441 +206 || total: 647

Original Characters in Historical Times

The walls were lined with weird pictures, and Vera looked around, eyes squinting with confusion. They had been at Headquarters the day before, but it didn’t seem like they were in the same place now.
“Hailey…something seems strange here.”
Something was definitely strange. It was dark with a few torches barely able to hold their presence, and it felt like they weren’t alone in the structure. Goosebumps formed on Vera’s arms, and she looked around helplessly, trying to eliminate the feeling of nervousness.
“We have to find a way to get out of here.” Hailey’s quivering voice echoed throughout the pathway, which seemed to never end. It was narrow, and Vera started inching her way toward some light, which she desperately hoped wasn't just another torch.
“Are you lost?”
Vera jumped, and she heard a synchronized shriek from Hailey.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

A teenage boy with cafe skin and light freckles stood in front of Vera. She immediately relaxed her tense expression and let out a small, uneven laugh. “Hi,” she said weakly.
“I said, are you lost?” He had a thick accent that Vera couldn’t make out. At the same time, Hailey came across the corner.
“What does it look like, you moron?” Her expression hardened immediately.
An elbow jab came from Hailey.
“Yes, we are.” Vera scowled at her, and the boy let out a sigh, clearly annoyed.
“Follow me out, then. Don’t wander, or you’ll fall under a trap.” He gave a warning stare to Vera, who rolled her eyes in response.
“I don’t like how he bosses us around,” she whispered to Hailey.
“Shut up! At least he’s helping us.”
They walked down multiple alleys, turning around every once in a while. Eventually they made it to the end, with countless complaints from Vera. It wasn’t really dark anymore, and the light shining inside the tunnels looked like natural sunlight. She breathed out a sigh of relief, now knowing that there wasn’t tons of unsteady rock above her head.
“Hey, look, it’s a desert.” Hailey moved her hand toward the empty sand. “I’ve only ever seen these at Wisp’s classes.”
Vera tilted her head up to the sky. A triangular structure awaited them, huge and tall. It reminds me of the great orange dome in Headquarters. I can’t believe that we were stuck inside of that!
Hailey nudged Vera, beckoning for her to thank the boy, now standing awkwardly in front of them.
“Thanks, I guess. Although we totally could’ve found our way out ourselves.”
The boy gave a disdainful sniff and ran out into the never ending sand.

Historical Characters in Modern Times
Anne Frank learning how to use an iPad

I stepped out in the open, and immediately twenty-ish people gathered around me. Some were holding little things made of plastic at me, and shoving them in my face. I didn’t really like it that much, especially because I didn’t know what they were aiming for.
“Hi,” I said.
More people crowded around me. Gosh, what is this? I’m sure I’m not this famous. This went on for a little longer, but it stopped when one person pulled me out of the crushing wave of people. She dragged me behind an alleyway.
“Sorry about that,” she breathed. “You’re pretty famous nowadays, did you know? That diary of yours - great, it is.”
My diary! My eyes widened. “People…know about it, huh?”
“Everyone knows about it. Not just some people.”
I looked around. “Where is it now?”
“Oh…there are more copies than I can count.”
“I need a journal.” My mind flooded with a new entry. It would be titled ‘Chaos’.
The girl’s eyes lit up. “Oh - yeah! I have an application on my tablet that I could show you. You’ll love it!”
I decided to go with it, except that I had absolutely no idea what a tablet was. This place was amazing, sure, but insanely confusing.

Part lll - Fairy Tales
|| - Notes: none
Word Count: 433

A Journey of Motifs - Dragon

King Lestat held up a vial that contained eerie, green liquid. He smiled in satisfaction and placed it carefully on the desk.
“Have you ensured it is safe to consume?” He eyed the glass, bubbles rising up in the mixture. “I cannot wait longer. I may be an impatient king, but I have to get my way.”
A nervous scientist in a long coat quickly grabbed the bottle. “No, it isn’t. I have to filter the emeralds out, and get rid of the dangerous chemicals. And - if you wish, I can make it taste better than it already is…”
“Do so, but do it fast. I want it ready by tomorrow.”
“I will, your majesty.”
“You will do that, and I will destroy the dragons. Make all of them extinct, and none of them will bother us anymore. Then, I can control their land!”

A young girl crawled out of the vent. Her face was noticeably covered in dust, but her expression could still clearly be seen, nervous and worried.
“If the King really does find a potion for immortality, then he will be so, so powerful. Powerful enough to kill a dragon! And I can’t let that happen.”
She decided, on that day, she will warn the dragons and save their lives. She will be a hero to dragonkind. She could form an army.
The girl traveled to the Dragon Kingdom. Once she arrived, she tried to find a dragon that would help her. She climbed over some jagged rocks to get a better view.
“Get off me,” a voice growled.
She yelped, and looked down. She was standing not on rocks, but on dragon spikes. Resisting the urge of facepalming and cursing to herself, she slowly climbed down.
“Hi! I have a preposition.” She decided to start off friendly, although the dragon did not look pleased.
“I don’t care about your stupid fantasies. Away from my den and go back to where you came from,” he hissed.
“No, I swear it’s for a good cause. To your land, not mine. If you help me, you will be rewarded, for sure. You can save your population!”
“Why not?” She pleaded. “How come you-”
“FINE. I’ll do it. But only because you won’t shut up.”
The little girl goofily smiled and held out her hand in front of the green, scaly beast. “Good. Name’s Pat. How about you?”
The dragon let out an annoyed sigh. “Get on with it already.”
“Okay then, guess I’ll pick your name…let’s see, how ‘bout Happy Smiley-”
“Jamal. My name is Jamal.”

Part IV - Folklore
|| - Notes: the one I’ve been waiting forrr
Word Count: 396 + 378 || total: 774

Oral Retelling

Kestra sat down on her bed, picking up a book and flipping through the pages. She ran her fingers over the one illustration which she quickly realized was her mentor, Gwenyth. She had lived with her and learned with her for years, and when she finally got back home, she knew she had a story to tell.
“Kestra, what’re you doing?”
Her half brother, Ty, seven years of age, was looking curiously at the book. “You’ve been reading that for the past four weeks. What are you trying to do - memorize each and every word?”
“Come here and I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything.”
Ty settled in a chair next to her, and began listening.
“Remember when I traveled to live with Gwenyth? Well, some things happened, which is why I’ll never forget her. She was training me to become something called a Piercer, a type of soldier that fought in the many beasts and monsters of the forest. I got myself into that type of danger, yes.
“I asked my mother if I could go - she said no, like a mother would - but I was too immature to understand. That was my mistake, and I got Gwen into tons of trouble under the punishment of taking care of me. She was too young to be a mother, but she took me in and started to train me the skills she had learned.
“One time, we got lost in the forest during training. Some men wearing mud-soaked boots started approaching us. Gwen told me that they were Archers, and to steer out of the way. She also commanded for me to stay back while she eyed them carefully for her next move. I, too naive to listen, busted forward. Arrows shot at us but we quickly dodged them - one narrowly missed my leg. Eventually, she yelled at me to run off. I wouldn’t go - I wasn’t about to leave my mentor. But she assured me that she’ll tag along with me.
“She didn’t. I ran off, believing she was behind my back, but she wasn’t. It was a huge shock for me when I finally turned around and saw no one with me. I refuse to believe she was taken by the Archers, due to the frustrated yells I heard after the fight. But she is missing, and that’s all she ever will be now.”

Write A Story With a Moral

A Story of Trust

A rabbit dug through a dump, trying to scavenge for any scraps of food. The climate was cold, with exhaled breaths visible in the air. By the end of the hour, she had found a half-eaten apple, two rotten pieces of cabbage, and potato peels. She picked it all up in her mouth and started to carry the load back to her den.
Suddenly, she heard a call from an eagle sweeping overhead. The rabbit ducked under instinct, trying her best to blend in with the snow.
“Stop trying to hide from me, you know you can’t escape my sharp eyes.” The eagle was perched on a branch next to her. “Don’t you worry, I won’t snatch you off. I see you’re foraging for food - and I can also see how hopelessly that’s going.” He shot a disgusted look at the scraps of junk. “I can bring you back some carrots. Free of charge. There’s a farm nearby, and all I have to do is grab them with my talons.”
“Really?” The rabbit’s eyes glistened with thankfulness, but she was wise enough to know that the eagle was planning a trick.
“I know you doubt me, but I can help you. You’re on the brink of survival, and I honestly feel bad.” His tone was quite convincing.
“Fine, then,” the rabbit said confidently. “Bring me back the food, and I’ll be here, waiting for you.”
The eagle cocked his head. “Are you sure? There’s no den here. I won’t be long, but I’m concerned for your safety out here in the snow.”
“I’ll stay here for as long as you take.”
The rabbit shivered in the snow. She had been there for the past day, and the eagle hadn’t returned. She tried hopping out toward the frost-filled plain, but her paws were far too numb from the cold to even walk.
“Help!” She yelped, using her energy to call for someone. When nobody answered, she started to panic.
Then, a raven swooped down and grabbed the rabbit with its claws. It flew up to a highledge, placing her onto some rocks. It landed beside her, giving her a warning glare.
“Trust your instinct, little one. A few more days and you would’ve been lying in the snow forever.”

Last edited by Cactus_Cookie9 (March 10, 2024 17:21:31)

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/11/24
|| - Notes: guys it's about state testing nothing else stop asking-
Word Count: 212
Points: 500

I stare blankly at the screen in front of me, and I bite my lip. I look around - everyone’s up and working, concentrating to be the first one to finish. I know that’s not going to happen to me - I take the whole provided time every year, and I hate it.
Every year, I exhale silently. Every year I have to withstand this torture.
I can’t believe the school year’s almost gone already. Now, this is testing if I’ve done everything right, if I listened when I was supposed to…
Stop, you’re blanking out again. Hurry up and answer the questions already!
I listen to my thoughts, pressing the ‘next’ button. Suddenly, my hands start to shake. Again. I slap them in frustration, and slump over on the desk, scanning my eyes over the passage.
I know I don’t usually do horrible. My marks are okay. But the nerves get to me every testing season, and study halls, review sessions, and essay homework doesn't help. At all.
I doodle a bit on the scrap paper I’ve been given. My page slowly fills up with characters, dragons, and terrible attempts at cats. I shrug and return to my work. Definitely helps more than that bootcamp stuff I’ve been doing for the past month.

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/20/24

|| - Notes: I was debating on whether to do the daily or study for my tests. Whoopsies, may have chose the wrong choice <3
Word Count: 455

Hyko waited at the edge of the forest. His glasslike black hair swayed to the wind with the trees, and he looked down, kicking his feet into the soil.
“I didn’t know if you would show up or not, child.”
He swung around, and quickly lowered into a bow of deepest respect. His head lowered and sweat inched down his forehead. A person wearing a dark orange cloak watched carefully, and nodded in approval, beckoning Hyko to
“I see that you’re loyal. Not a traitor. You can be useful.”
Hyko raised his head slowly, wincing at the foul breath and the rotting teeth of the approacher. “Yes, Remu. Tell me what I have to do to earn your trust.”
Remu barked a laugh. “No, child. You have already earned my trust, by far. I may not seem like a person that would be apologetic, but you do know what you’ve been through, correct?”
Hyko looked up into Remu’s dark eyes.
“Yes, Remu.”
His voice was shaky, but he forced the shifting tone away while taking a breath. He remembered the judgment he’d taken from being a meditator, and when his guardians mysteriously disappeared one night, he understood what it felt like to be lost. At this point, Remu was the only way he’d ever be recognized again.
Ever since I found out I was a meditator for the opposing side, I have looked at it differently than what most people think. I was important, and they shoved me aside. Is it right to feel revenge here? Because I certainly don’t. I feel sorry for the people who don’t understand, because honestly, I don’t understand either.
Remu’s expression suddenly hardened, looking at the dreamy face of Hyko.
“Remember that being part of our pact is a responsibility. It is dangerous and cruel, but you must listen to each and every one of the successors. Do you understand? You cannot go daydreaming around, thinking about your past like every weak coward there is. It is best to ignore your thoughts at this stage.” He spat every word, and Hyko could see that he was being awfully serious.
Hyko stiffened and nodded quickly. He forced his eyes to remain emotionless, and Remu smiled, tapping him on the head with a long, pale finger.
“Well, is that so?”
“Yes, Remu. I understand the responsibilities I am to take hold of.” He breathed out. This was the last part of his innocence.
“Then, child, then we will depart.”
Remu clapped his hand once, they both disappeared out of sight. His orange cloak dropped onto the ground, and spirits groaned through the air, wailing Hyko’s name.
“You won’t regret this, child.”

Hyko would soon learn that he would regret everything next.

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/24/24
|| - Notes: none, rushed
Word Count: 443

You look in awe as you stumble across a hobbit hole in the middle of the forest. It looks carved out of alive wood - the outside is overgrown with calming vines and you quickly reach to twist the knob. When you do, a girl wearing soft green overalls stands in the doorway.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I didn't know anyone lived here.”
The girl seems to look blankly away, thinking.
She breathed out a sigh. “I can take you for a look around. As long as you don't touch anything.” She looks skeptical.
You give her a pleading stare, and she ushers you to step in. Immediately you're flooded with a scent of warm caramel cookies. A small wooden table is the first sight, with a potted cactus in the middle and delicious sweets set on top of it. Beside the table there are three bookshelves, all brightly colored with different stories.
The window behind everything is covered with a floppy leaf. It doesn’t do a very good job with blocking the wind, but the cooling air is refreshing when you breathe it in, a drastic comparison between the humid heat outside.
A chair is set near the window, with a book on it. You look at the girl, who’s standing around awkwardly and gestures for her to tell you more.
“Well,” she began. “This is my library, sort of. I have tea here while reading books. Sometimes I write as well - it just depends on what sort of mood I’m in…”
You nod, and she leads you to the next area. An earthy smell awaits.
There is a huge bed with a plaid, light brown blanket. At least ten soft pillows lay on top of it. You immediately get ready to launch on top with it, but the girl snaps and gives you a stare. Walking around, you find long brown curtains, matching the blanket, which seems to compliment the green shades of the walls.
The room connected to the bedroom has a huge pond that has ducks swimming about. It looks sort of like an animal conservatory - squirrels dash through one tree to another, and small creatures run about. As you tilt your head to look at the ceiling, you find that there’s a gap - where bluejays take flight in and out.
You realize that you’ve been staring at the wildlife for too long and you quickly adjust your bag strap embarrassingly. The girl shrugs.
“That’s kind of all there is to it. For now, I guess.”
“That’s amazing.”
She holds out a hand, and you shake it gently.
You walk out of the circular front door, amazed at what you’ve witnessed.

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/27/24
|| - Notes: The lyrics I translated were:

I've waited here for you
Tonight, I throw myself into
And out of the red
Out of her head, she sang

And what I got after translation was:
Good morning
I was waiting for you here
Long wing
This evening I sat down
and I come out red
She sings off the top of her head

Song: Everlong by Foo Fighters

Word Count: 473

I absolutely hate surprise parties. I don’t really know why, I just don’t like getting embarrassed when people laugh at your startled face the moment they pop out behind the couch. It’s supposed to be funny, but I really don’t think so. It’s like a “happy birthday, we just embarrassed you in front of your friends and family” kind of thing. Well in my opinion anyway.
My friends really, really like it though. So when I picked up the phone on my birthday and answered with a peppy ‘good morning’, I could tell what they were planning due to the ridiculous, choked up laughing tone from the other side of the phone. I made a mental note to brace myself from any kind of scared reaction tonight.
They were wanting me to come over for a harmless hangout. If they really think I believe that, then they’ve definitely forgotten that I’m used to this kind of stuff. Last year and the year before that was horrible.
It made me feel a bit peculiar when they asked me what color I liked best over the phone. I answered red, thinking they were just going to decorate the cake with red or something.
They ended that call with a “We’re waiting for youuuu!”
Gosh, if they weren’t my buddies, then I would absolutely hate them. Despise them. Make them my mortal enemies.
I immediately started thinking of what torture they’d put me in on the walk to their house. I was nervous, because each year they’d come up with something unpredictable - I’ve gone through the same routine every time. One - stress out, two - stress out, three - stress out more, and repeat. It’s quite simple, honestly.
Not going to lie, it seemed sort of harmless when I stepped into the door. I immediately imagine a bucket of milk poured on my head or some contraption that would push me inside with a slap. By the way, that’s what they did two years before, and I have some bad memories about that…
“Happy birthday, Adrian!”
They weren’t behind couches. They were just there, holding a cake that I recognized was vanilla flavored. My friend Max was wearing loafers. Loafers are innocent. I didn’t approach it yet - they were probably going to shove it in my face, ahem, due to previous experiences.
Then I realized the cake wasn’t red.
I sat down on the couch as they lit the candle. They were going to sing that little birthday song, and I finally relaxed as I thought that it wasn’t so bad after all.
Until they pulled out the confetti poppers and the fan. Instead of confetti being in the poppers, there was red paint, and when the paint reached the fast-blowing fan, it spattered everywhere - on the walls, on the couch, in my face.
“Happy birthday to you…”

(this isn’t a true story i havent had a surprise party in my life)

cactus || a young procrastinator
19 posts

cactus' swc thread! || march '24

Daily - 3/30/24
|| - Notes: none
Word Count: 275

Colette opened her birdwatching journal, staring out the window. A pencil was clutched in her hand, ready to scribble things down if she caught new information. She had already written down multiple things from earlier, but it wasn’t as successful as previous attempts.
She breathed out a sigh, realizing how stuffy her room was. It was scorching outside, but she decided that it would be a little better to let a little air in. Colette pushed the pane up and almost immediately, voices began to ring in her head. They were the voices of people outside, talking back and forth to a melody of gibberish.
She immediately blinked in confusion. The voices were still there, attacking her ears like a swarm of bees. She disliked the buzzing sensation and shut her window, but she kept looking outside curiously.
I’m sure it’s just…a party on my floor. Yes, the people below us are having a party on their balcony! That must be it.
A furious honk came from a car on the street. Instead of a regular noise though, it filled Colette’s ears, which she immediately stuck her fingers into. She dived into her bed, covering herself with a blanket until she heard her mom knocking on her door.
“Come in!” She yelled, but there wasn’t a reply. She got up from her bed and twisted the doorknob open. No one was there.
“Oh, Bastien,” her mom supposedly said in a thick French accent, “you haven’t done your schoolwork again, I’ve just called your headmaster-”
Then, birds started to chirp, filling her ears with more annoying sounds.
Colette had never hated birds more than this moment.

cactus || a young procrastinator

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