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which forum would i put a topic about sharing custom scratch navbars in?

so i'm interested in making a scratch topic for sharing people's custom scratch navbars they've made using browser extensions. obviously with a warning saying not to name said browser extensions. i'm curious, where exactly would this hypothetical topic go? my best guess is that it'd go in show and tell, seeing as it's scratch related and creative.

Reducing activity on Scratch during the month of June, and only popping in if I need to say something important. Contact me on external sites for a faster response.
(source for leftmost gif: thebrawlgirl)

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which forum would i put a topic about sharing custom scratch navbars in?

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which forum would i put a topic about sharing custom scratch navbars in?

alrighty then! i was considering putting it in at too, i just wasn't sure. i'll wait a little bit to see what other people think before making my final decision.

edit: eh, never mind, i'm too lazy to wait, i'll just post it in at and if it's a problem someone can report it to be moved

edit edit: it's in at for now, but i'll still wait and see what people think the topic should go in

Last edited by minikiwigeek2 (March 24, 2024 14:57:02)

Reducing activity on Scratch during the month of June, and only popping in if I need to say something important. Contact me on external sites for a faster response.
(source for leftmost gif: thebrawlgirl)

1000+ posts

which forum would i put a topic about sharing custom scratch navbars in?

LP372 wrote:

Advanced Topics
I'm not so sure about that. It feels like the topic on that subject is more on the creativity and designs of custom navbars people have created, rather than it being made by browser extensions. This seems similiar to the ocular banners topic, so I personally think it belongs in Things I'm Making and Creating.

The2000 wrote:

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dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

which forum would i put a topic about sharing custom scratch navbars in?

yeah, i guess you're right! it's not exactly an advanced topic.

i'll wait a little while longer after all to see what other people think this topic should go in, for the moment it's in at

Last edited by minikiwigeek2 (March 24, 2024 14:56:28)

Reducing activity on Scratch during the month of June, and only popping in if I need to say something important. Contact me on external sites for a faster response.
(source for leftmost gif: thebrawlgirl)

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