Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

Pichu_100 wrote:

SpartanDav wrote:

Pichu_100 wrote:

SpartanDav wrote:

Pichu_100 wrote:

Added to the gallery!
Can you change it to 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121201010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011011010101010101010101010101010108080101010101010101010101010101373901010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011212121212121212414141414141414112121212121212124141414141414141121212121212121241414141414141411212121212121212414141414141414122118032024457000000000013000000000500000000040000000004000000572811000000000000111111000000000000000001211102200201021803202400819032024023 please? I would appreciate it, Thank you!
Also, a Google Translate icon 01015656565656560101010101010101015656565656565601010101010101015656565656565656010101010101010156565656565656560101010101010101565656010156565656020202020202015656015656015656560202545402020256015656565601565602025454020202560156565656565656545454545454025601565601010156560202020254020256560156565601565602540202540202565656010101565656560254540202025656565656565656565654540254540201565656565656565656020202020202010101010101585858580202020202020101010101010158585802020202020201010101010101015802020202020201

Wow! Added!

15 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

i am mid at chess

when this sprite clicked
broadcast [Launch Codes v]

I am volatile
15 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

can we get chess variations

when this sprite clicked
broadcast [Launch Codes v]

I am volatile
8 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

BCPS190239 has been seen using the icon created to make… unsavory images

(for obvious reasons didn't attach pic code)

Last edited by Code_Wizard_8395 (March 21, 2024 03:43:34)

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

Code_Wizard_8395 wrote:

BCPS190239 has been seen using the icon created to make… unsavory images

(for obvious reasons didn't attach pic code)
Thanks for letting me know, I banned him

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

SpartanDav wrote:

Code_Wizard_8395 wrote:

BCPS190239 has been seen using the icon created to make… unsavory images

(for obvious reasons didn't attach pic code)
Thanks for letting me know, I banned him
What does the banscreen look like

wait until <When a scratch project crashes my computer just for reporting it for being inappropriate>
100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

-FlamingFire-12 wrote:

SpartanDav wrote:

Code_Wizard_8395 wrote:

BCPS190239 has been seen using the icon created to make… unsavory images

(for obvious reasons didn't attach pic code)
Thanks for letting me know, I banned him
What does the banscreen look like
As soon as a person launches MosChess, a message appears saying that you cannot use MosChess. Then, after 5-7 seconds the project automatically stops.

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

SpartanDav wrote:

-FlamingFire-12 wrote:

SpartanDav wrote:

Code_Wizard_8395 wrote:

BCPS190239 has been seen using the icon created to make… unsavory images

(for obvious reasons didn't attach pic code)
Thanks for letting me know, I banned him
What does the banscreen look like
As soon as a person launches MosChess, a message appears saying that you cannot use MosChess. Then, after 5-7 seconds the project automatically stops.
Oh so it never directly says you are banned. I kinda like that,it's one of those tricks Walmart uses if they suspect you are shoplifting and they act like the machine is broken. (btw what about people with no wifi)

wait until <When a scratch project crashes my computer just for reporting it for being inappropriate>
12 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

happy birthday to me
4 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

It think the code for the game is amazing. So much more complex than anything I can make.
when green flag clicked
say [That is so cool!!!!]
100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

CoderCat322 wrote:

happy birthday to me
OU! Happy birthday! (I'm a little late) How old are you?

100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

CodeThiah wrote:

It think the code for the game is amazing. So much more complex than anything I can make.
when green flag clicked
say [That is so cool!!!!]

Last edited by SpartanDav (March 23, 2024 14:30:20)

12 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

SpartanDav wrote:

CoderCat322 wrote:

happy birthday to me
OU! Happy birthday! (I'm a little late) How old are you?
Thanks so much i had a great birthday
3 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

i looked at the costumes inside, why is there one that says “you are banned”?
2 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

How do I save this 60016059600606060606585860015858605960590647464646460658585859605859606047464646464646066058596006060648474646460606060606586060464606484746460647470101010660014646064847464606494747474706606047470648474646064949494949065860484706484746464606060606065860594848064847464646464646460660596048480648474646464646464606595859484806484746464646464646066060580648064847474646464646460605596058060648484747474746464606600160586006484847060606064646066058606001064848480605064646460658586060050648484806050646464606600560475270320240120000000000010000000000000000000100000000000000000671100000000000001111110000000000000000000000000000000127032024000
100+ posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

spikoylaunch wrote:

i looked at the costumes inside, why is there one that says “you are banned”?

wait until <When a scratch project crashes my computer just for reporting it for being inappropriate>
New to Scratch
2 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

Set up for success: 65656565656565656565656565656565656518656565656565651865656565656565191918656565651820656565656565651818181818181818196565656566656518181820181819192019656666666565181801062019200106196666666665181818060601202006060120666666651818181801011919200101206666661818181918191919010606202020666718181819190101010606060201202067181919190101010101010101010202671919191901010174740102010202026765191919200101737675010202026768656519202020020101020202026767686565656565202102020221666667686865656565192020212122222167686868000290320240000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000189000000000000001111110000000000000000000000000000000129032024000
5 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

(pick random (Excellent) to (AMAZING))
25 posts

▰▰ MosChess (game codes and profile pictures) ▰▰

SpartanDav wrote:

MosChess Forum
Project link (ссылка на проект): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/956410040/

MosChess is a chess program created in the Scratch programming language. Here you can play chess online with other people, fight bots, monitor your statistics, get cups and much more.

MosChess — шахматная программа, созданная на языке программирования Scratch. Здесь вы можете играть в шахматы онлайн с другими людьми, сражаться с ботами, следить за своей статистикой, получать кубки и многое другое.


This forum was created so that you can share the codes of your games (how to get a game code is written in the help inside the MosChess project). You can also send here the codes for the profile pictures you drew (if they are very beautiful, I will add them to the Moschess avatar gallery). Attention!!! It is prohibited to share your profile codes!

Этот форум создан для того, чтобы Вы могли делиться кодами своих игр (как получить код игры написано в справке внутри проекта MosChess). Также Вы можете сюда присылать коды картинок профилей, которые Вы нарисовали (если они будут очень красивые, я их добавлю в галерею аватарок Moschess). Внимание!!! Запрещается делиться кодами своих профилей!

To make your code look more compact and beautiful, please insert it between two tags: [code][/code]
This is what you should get:

Для того, чтобы Ваш код выглядел красиво, я советую заключить его в между этими тегами: [code][/code]
Вот что должно получиться::


MosChess: play chess online, fight bots, become smarter. Let's play chess with the whole world!

MosChess: играйте в шахматы онлайн, сражайтесь с ботами, становитесь умнее. Давайте играть в шахматы всем миром!

It won’t change age and place.

Hello there!

| This is in work! | Exercise! | If you don’t use your muscles you’ll lose your muscles! | | Stay Hydrated! | My best project! (Or I’d say so…) | Keep Coding! | Good thing you’re on the Scratch Forums! | Also if you don’t use your brain you’ll lose your brain! | FUN! | Have a nice day! |

Thanks for Reading!


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