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16 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

pls make me curater I'm active during evening and really active on the weekends\

when green flag clicked
if <> then
<key [ ItsWindyCodes a curater] pressed?>
38 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I would like to help. I am a kind and helpful Scratcher. Thank you for reading this.

3x featured studios | Community Helper ( non-official ) | 1x featured project | PPTBF Team | Multilingual | MTS curator
6 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

NateCoder2021 wrote:

I wanna join, I’ll tell in the comments that it’s reviewed, I work in the FPCA Help Studio, and I'm kind

me and him/her can curate

hackers are so annoying in the new Robot Destructer game. How could we ban them or just stop them?:
when green flag clicked
change x by (☁ Stop Hackers!)
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ninjadude221 wrote:

NateCoder2021 wrote:

I wanna join, I’ll tell in the comments that it’s reviewed, I work in the FPCA Help Studio, and I'm kind

me and him/her can curate

I'm a him

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

if curating=true then

say {hip hip hooray}
18 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ceebee wrote:

The Propose Projects to Be Featured studio is looking for curators for the next term, April 2, 2024 - June 3, 2024.

The Proposed Projects to Be Featured studio is one place the Scratch Team looks to find projects to feature on the homepage. All Scratchers can propose projects. The curators help by adding those projects to the studio.

If you become a curator, you will:
  • Look at the studio comments for projects that Scratchers would like to add
  • Check that the person proposing the project is…
    - A Scratcher
    - Not the person who made the project
  • Check that the project…
    - Doesn’t obviously break the community guidelines (if it does, report it instead!)
  • If all those things are true, add it!
  • Respond to the comment to let them know you added it

We are looking for curators who are Scratchers, and who are friendly and helpful in the community. You can serve as many terms as you would like; if you have already been a curator and would like to continue helping, just ask again.

If you’re interested, respond to this thread!

Many thanks to the PPTBF Curators who helped the last two months!

I love scratch. I promise I will make sure that the person is a scratcher, not the project creator, report inappropriate/community guidelines forbidding projects, check the studio once a day for at least 30 possible featured projects and respond with a kind and friendly comment. I would be honoured
to be a curator of Propose Projects to be Featured!
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I would like to help, I think it be fun. If you need more people, I’m happy to help!
39 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I Would love to be a curator! Thank you

જ⁀➴Hello, Nice to meet you, I'm Zendra!
You're awesome smile please :D
❥ A Friendly Scratcher trying to help this Scratch Community and being friends with everyone! ♡.
❥ What I'm doing currently:
જ⁀➴ listening to music • Drawing • Maths • Reading • Sleeping • Enjoying nature • Helping animals ♡
➴❥ “Yesterday is history:Tomorrow's a mystery but today's a gift that's why it's called ”present".
Love yourself and your enjoy life ♡ you're perfect just the way you are.
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ceebee wrote:

The Propose Projects to Be Featured studio is looking for curators for the next term, April 2, 2024 - June 3, 2024.

The Proposed Projects to Be Featured studio is one place the Scratch Team looks to find projects to feature on the homepage. All Scratchers can propose projects. The curators help by adding those projects to the studio.

If you become a curator, you will:
  • Look at the studio comments for projects that Scratchers would like to add
  • Check that the person proposing the project is…
    - A Scratcher
    - Not the person who made the project
  • Check that the project…
    - Doesn’t obviously break the community guidelines (if it does, report it instead!)
  • If all those things are true, add it!
  • Respond to the comment to let them know you added it

We are looking for curators who are Scratchers, and who are friendly and helpful in the community. You can serve as many terms as you would like; if you have already been a curator and would like to continue helping, just ask again.

If you’re interested, respond to this thread!

Many thanks to the PPTBF Curators who helped the last two months!

I would like to help, I'll just review it in the comments and comment that their project is reviewed in the project

Last edited by NateCoder2021 (March 23, 2024 11:36:23)

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can Someone Please Tell me Why We Cant Propose Our Projects? I Mean, The Reason We Get Featured Is To Show Off OUR Projects! Not Just Steal Them From People! What If They Don't want To Be Featured And Showing It To The Whole World Might Make Them Scared That People Wont Like It And Be Mean To Them!

- Galaxy

Last edited by Galaxy_Kistune (March 23, 2024 11:43:48)

100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Galaxy_Kistune wrote:

Can Someone Please Tell me Why We Cant Propose Our Projects? I Mean, The Reason We Get Featured Is To Show Off OUR Projects! Not Just Steal Them From People! What If They Don't want To Be Featured And Showing It To The Whole World Might Make Them Scared That People Wont Like It And Be Mean To Them!

Yeah, why?

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
9 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

4 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I please be a curator I will follow all the rules and community guidelines

1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi Ceebee, I'd love to be a curator!

I'll be sure to follow all the guidelines that are in the studio description, check the projects that are proposed, help out in the studio, and be active!

I will really enjoy that!
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ScratchScratch202310 wrote:


This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ScratchScratch202310 wrote:

ummm ?
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with us! I'm interested in becoming a curator for the next term of the Propose Projects to Be Featured studio. I enjoy exploring projects and supporting the Scratch community. I will make sure to carefully review and add projects that meet the guidelines. Looking forward to contributing and being part of the team! Thanks again to the previous PPTBF curators for their hard work!"
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Thank you for sharing this opportunity with us! I'm interested in becoming a curator for the next term of the Propose Projects to Be Featured studio. I enjoy exploring projects and supporting the Scratch community. I will make sure to carefully review and add projects that meet the guidelines. Looking forward to contributing and being part of the team! Thanks again to the previous PPTBF curators for their hard work!"
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

actaully, imma wait until i'm mature enough to use the reply button…

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day
37 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

May I please curate? I am very active on Scratch and I would like to help out the community. I like giving feedback and being a curator for this studio would be an honor. I will reply formally and positively to commenters and I will see if the project requests follow the requirements before I add it.

when green flag clicked
repeat (for 2 months)
receive project requests
if <project requests follow the requirements> then
add the projects

- Kqax

Last edited by Kqax (March 23, 2024 16:12:53)

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