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April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

The Propose Projects to Be Featured studio is looking for curators for the next term, April 2, 2024 - June 3, 2024.

The Proposed Projects to Be Featured studio is one place the Scratch Team looks to find projects to feature on the homepage. All Scratchers can propose projects. The curators help by adding those projects to the studio.

If you become a curator, you will:
  • Look at the studio comments for projects that Scratchers would like to add
  • Check that the person proposing the project is…
    - A Scratcher
    - Not the person who made the project
  • Check that the project…
    - Doesn’t obviously break the community guidelines (if it does, report it instead!)
  • If all those things are true, add it!
  • Respond to the comment to let them know you added it

We are looking for curators who are Scratchers, and who are friendly and helpful in the community. You can serve as many terms as you would like; if you have already been a curator and would like to continue helping, just ask again.

If you’re interested, respond to this thread!

Many thanks to the PPTBF Curators who helped the last two months!
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I will follow all of the scratch community guidelines - I will make sure whoever proposes a project, that it isn’t their project but somebody else’s - I will test their project out to make sure that it follows the community guidelines and how good of a quality game it is - if I add it, I will respond to them with a friendly response to let them know!

I’d love to be able to help!

I’ve been a curator before and I’m not quite sure why I got removed, but I would really like to continue to help out.
29 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I will obey the rules - i will make sure no one proposes one of there own projects - i will test there project to make sure it follows the community guidelines and the quality - if i add it i will respond to there comment friendlyly!!!
play sound [ Please]

Hello I Am A Medium Scratcher Who Likes Clickers!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I join Please ???
29 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

22jpaintaylor wrote:

I will obey the rules - i will make sure no one proposes one of there own projects - i will test there project to make sure it follows the community guidelines and the quality - if i add it i will respond to there comment friendlyly!!!
play sound [ Please]
Please Can I Join??

Hello I Am A Medium Scratcher Who Likes Clickers!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi ceebee,I am still interested!

63 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I had a lot of fun in the PPTBF studio these past two months and I have made many friends and have made a lot of people happy. I was active when no one else was and I loved curating. I hope you consider inviting me back again Ceebee. Have a fantastic day/night/whatever it is for you
when green flag clicked
if <[Curator] = [Yes]> then
say [YAAAASSS!!!!]


PS, I love your projects, they are so cute, keep up the great work! I can't wait to see the next one.

Last edited by RayDude5011 (March 23, 2024 18:34:56)

12 y/o biracial and autistic boy.
15 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

RayDude5011 reminded me about this and i would love to help again
29 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

when green flag clicked

if <<[Curator] = [Yes]>> then

say [Yaaay thank you soo much!] for (1,000,000) eternities



Last edited by 22jpaintaylor (March 22, 2024 15:07:39)

Hello I Am A Medium Scratcher Who Likes Clickers!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature
29 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

22jpaintaylor wrote:

when green flag clicked

if <<[Curator] = [Yes]>> then

say [Yaaay thank you soo much!] for (1,000,000) eternities


Please Please Please @ceebee !
Please Invite me its been my dream to help the scratch team!
My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

Last edited by 22jpaintaylor (March 22, 2024 15:07:25)

Hello I Am A Medium Scratcher Who Likes Clickers!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hiya! I'd love to be a curator again! ^-^

“Leif? Leif? …Leif?

Oh, there you are.”
- Kabbu Bugfables

Anyways, I'm Mango, a fellow Nintendo enthusiast who goes by they/them pronouns, does a bit of art, and really likes Bug Fables.
1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'd love to be a curator (and a crab)
1000+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'd love to join
Wow, first page!

Last edited by RethinkingVoxels (March 22, 2024 17:43:13)

3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I would like to become a curator but I don't know how.
I think I would be a good curator because I follow the community guidelines and I'm very active.
Could someone please tell me how the becoming a curator in the studio works? Thanks.
6 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

me to can i be curator plsss i will do all tge ules

hackers are so annoying in the new Robot Destructer game. How could we ban them or just stop them?:
when green flag clicked
change x by (☁ Stop Hackers!)
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I would enjoy curating, I've seen that a lot of people enjoyed doing the last ones.

All text below this gray line is my signature, it is not part of the post.

I do informational projects about plants, I play guitar and piano. I also play chess.

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1004451506/ This project is where I will write a story using the results of the polls!
9 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi! I am very interested at this, please can you let me be one I understand the Scratch Community Guidelines

If someone post, and I check and it was ok, I will post it. I would really like to help. thanks.

say [I want to help you!]

when [ I am promoted to help] by @ceebee* key pressed
play sound [ YEAH!]

Last edited by ScratchScratch202310 (March 22, 2024 21:02:52)

1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I will follow all of the scratch community guidelines - I will make sure whoever proposes a project, that it isn’t their project but somebody else’s - I will test their project out to make sure that it follows the community guidelines and how good of a quality game it is - if I add it, I will respond to them with a friendly response to let them know!

I’d love to be able to help!
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Check out something that's probably going to be popular!
when green flag clicked
point towards [popularity]
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I wanna join, I’ll tell in the comments that it’s reviewed, I work in the FPCA Help Studio, and I'm kind

Last edited by NateCoder2021 (March 22, 2024 22:46:54)

This is not a BUG, it's my signature

I help the community, I make comics, play games, etc. I'll help in the forums and make topics

Have a great day

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