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dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter eight: part two*~
we waited for around two hours, when the staff told us we had to leave. she would have her surgery tomorrow.
we drove back with our room mom. none of us said a word. xima was the most sad, because her and riya were really close. after we got back, she locked herself in our dorm. i stayed with macy to comfort her.
when dinner rolled around, xima came bursting out of our dorm, and knocked furiously on the door.
“wha- huh… who?” macy stirred. she had fallen asleep. i answered the door.
macy jumped, and screamed. “AHHHHHHH!” a few doors down, some other kids told us to shush. xima took a deep breath and barged inside, almost stepping on my phone.
“sorry, i got scared because of XIMA SCREAING?” macy rolled her eyes, xima sheepishly pointed at her phone. “look, the doctors report came in.”
we all huddled around her phone to read it. her head wasn't dammaged too much, so she would be fine. macy broke down into tears.
“im so glad shes ok..” she blubbered. xima patted her on the back.
“well… i guess she'll be better tommorow?” i stated.
now, we were all in a better mood, so we ate dinner and crashed. macy slept in our room.
the next day, i woke up by someone shaking me rapidly. “GET UP- WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE.” macy screamed.
“but… its sunday?” i asked.
“well, riya's surgers is about to start, we wanna wish her good luck!” xima beamed, putting on her jacket.
i jumped up and rushed to get ready. i just put on a pair of leggings, a sanrio shirt, and my nike shoes.
“NO TIME TO BRUSH YOUR HAIR!!” xima shouted at me. i just threw my hair in a messy bun, grabbed a black jacket, and we all bursted out of the door.
“i called the uber, it should be.. AHA!” macy said, pointing to the car. we all jumped in.
five minutes later, we were sprinting to riya's room. she was awake!
“hey guys! thanks for the gifts. the doctor said that if everything goes well, i should be released tommroow, but i have to stay home from school until tuesday.” we all gave her a big hug.
“we are just grateful that you are ok!” i said.
riya smiled as the doctor walked into the room. “ok… riya, your parents are on their way. they should be here in 30 minutes. get ready for surgery.” the doctor smiled.
riya left to change into the surgery gown, while we all waited in the waiting room. an hour kater, her surgery was done. she was coming home with us!
riya rode with her parents, but we rode in the uber.
“bye honey!” riyas mom smiled, dropping her back at her dorm. riya waved and went inside.
“so… lets avoid ice skating for now, ok” she smiled, and we all laughed.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter nine: bully beatdown*~
“ah… i am so excited to just chill today.” macy smiled.
xima jumped. “do you guys hear that?” she squeaked.
we all turned toward the sound..it sounded like someone was screaming in pain. a girl.
i immediately ran towards the sound, because i was scared that it was my sister. xima followed. macy and riya trailed behind.
“OH MY GOSH.” i screamed. xima's jaw dropped. in the middle of the hallway, there was a full-blown fight. we couldn't see who.. though.
xima rushed towards the crowd. i stopped her.
“let's get a teacher, we don't want two people hurt,” i said. xima nodded and ran towards the principal's office.
macy watched in shock. “what if its… stacy?” she stuttered.
“im sure that she's fine…” riya tried to comfort her.
xima game back with the principal, and we watched in horror what she did.
the principas, ms. evans, was nice, but she could be scary.
“I ORDER YOU BOTH TO STOP.” she commanded, making her way into the middle of the crowd. the crowd scattered, some making a run for their dorms, and others backing away slowly.
macy gasped. it was stacy and mckinley. mckinley was all bloody, and it looked like she was half dead. she had a black eye, and it looked like her right cheek was sliced open. macy dropped to her knees in shock. xima fainted (shes afraid of blood).
i immediately comforted macy, while trying to wake xima up. riya just took a picture, and watched eagerly.
“well… mckinley was mean to me, she betreayed me. she promisee we would be…” ms. evans cut stacy off.
“RIYA, CALL AN AMBULANCE FOR POOR MCKINLEY, AND STACY… COME TO MY OFFICE… NOW.” ms. evans snatched stacy by the sleeve and dragged her to the office, while stacy was screaming, “IM NOT DONE WITH YOUUUUUU-”
macy didnt get up from her spot, and xima wasn't waking up.
“riya, could you stay here with macy? ill tyr and carry xima back to the dorm.” riya nodded, ear pressed to her phone, while i picked up xima (barely) and started the long walk to the dorms.
it probably took 30 minutes, and a lot of sweat, but i finally made it to the dorm. i layed xima down, and sat on my bed, thinking.
-what happened? why would stacy do tha? is she.. insane? is macy ok? when will xima wake up?-
i had a lot of questiosn… but they would be ansewred.. one day…

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

oh no!
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter ten: belated byes*~
i apparently fell asleep, because i woke up to xima shaking me rapidly.
'WHAT- xima, i told you NOT to wake me up by SHAKING ME.“ i said. xima shrugged.
”basically, while you were asleep, stacy was in the principal's office… they called her parents… and now macy is in there too..“ she paused, looking around the room… ”and all of this was riya's information. she wanted to ask if you wanted to come downstairs.“ i nodded as i slowly got up, put on my shoes, and started the long walk to the office again.
when we got there, we saw riya waiting outside of the door, biting her nals anxiously.
”whats wrong? what happened? is stacy..yknow.. gone?“ xima asked.
”well… they are deciding that right now… but im pretty sure shes gonna leave. like, she literally left mckinley in BLOOD.“
i started to whisper, ”well… we could..“ i paused, not sure if it was a good idea.
”eavesdrop?“ xima asked, tilting her head. i nodded, and pressed my ear against the door.
we all coudn't make out qhat they were saying, because the door was so thick. then, we pressed our ear on the wall, where we found out some juicy information. we heard some muffled voices…
”mr and mrs hill, your daugther assulted her dorm mate, mckinley…“ ms. evans remarked.
”removed…forever?" we heard a few minutes later from stacy.
we waited some more… and… we found out that….

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter eleven: belated byes part two*~
“i…i” stacy ran down the hallway, crying. macy asked us not to bother her, and she went out on a run.
“well. that was weird..” i said, wondering what happened.
“I'm pretty sure she was not expelled…” xima said, as we all went to the dorms to chill.
we were pretty tired, so we all went to bed and didn't wait for macy to get back.
the next day, at breakfast, macy was telling us what happened. stacy could stay, but she had to do extra classes, and do double homework. that was rough… because we already had like… 2 hrs of homework.

I'm too lazy to write anymore so ill continue this later teehee

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

I’ll wait…
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

It’s AWESOME so far btw, you are an awesome writer
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

thank you smm!

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende

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