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100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

hey there and welcome to my swc writing thread for this session ;D i hope you enjoy reading my writing, i just ask that you don’t post here in order to keep things tidy <3

• table of contents •

session goals
word goal : 18305 / 10k
every daily challenge : 31 / 31
three weeklies : 3 / 3
thank you's <3

dailies <3
daily 01 . 1005 words
daily 02 . 286 words
daily 03 . 207 words
daily 04 . 310 words
daily 05 . 213 words
daily 06 . 346 words
daily 07 . 57 words
daily 08 . 202 words
daily 09 . cabin wars
daily 10 . critique
daily 11 . 256 words
daily 12 . 247 words
daily 13 . 607 words
daily 14 . 507 words
daily 15 . 528 words
daily 16 . 407 words
daily 17 . 317 words
daily 18 . cyoa in the main cabin comments
daily 19 . 427 words
daily 20 . 532 words
daily 21 . 205 words
daily 22 . 264 words
daily 23 . cabin wars
daily 24 . 406 words
daily 25 . 512 words
daily 26 . 331 words
daily 27 . 495 words
daily 28 . 516 words
daily 29 . 362 words
daily 30 . 279 words
daily 31 . 1242 words

weeklies <3
weekly one . 1695 words
weekly two . 2213 words
weekly three . xxx words
weekly four . 2317 words

activities <3
word war one . oliewhistles . 125 words
word war two . aqua-vibes . 136 words
word war three . starunicorn_5 . 181 words
word war four . lio . 124 words
word war five . smalltoe . 154
word war six . alana . 152
word war seven . alana . 157
— — —
critique one . rae . 396 words

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (April 27, 2024 02:17:15)

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily one . 1k word introduction . 1005 words

heyo!! the name’s pepper and i’m currently writing a thousand word introduction because my iPad is dead so instead of working on profile pictures, i’m writing this ;D not sure if that made sense bahaha
anyways, i am a chaotic christian writer who goes by she/her and lives in Perfect SWC Town (pst )! some of my hobbies include writing (obviously), reading, art, various sports, and procrastinating!! (which is definitely a hobbie >:0)
i’ve been writing for SO SO long oh my goodness. the first creative piece i remember writing, was in kindergarten, when i wrote about ‘The Tenagers that Kicked Willie.’ They were indeed tenagers, definitely not teenagers — what are you talking about adkajfk. Willie was a lovely snowman my brother and i spent hours working on one day in the snow. it was a fun time <33 a few days after, i walked outside to go to school, and WILLIE WAS *without his head*!! HE HAD SPRAY PAINT ON HIM AND HE WAS KNOCKED OVER AND HIS LITTLE CARROT NOSE WAS ON THE GROUND AND MY POOR BABY WAS MURDERED BECAUSE A COUPLE TENAGERS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!!! so that was my first creative writing piece i remember. ever since then, i have loved writing, and the last few years i’ve focused on improving and getting more into it <3 i’ve been working on a novel for a little more than a year now, and so far i’ve done nothing but procrastinate on it for the last 3 months xD however, swc always helps me find more motivation so i hope this month i’ll get back on track ahaha
reading!! reading is so so fun! i enjoy spending hours of my night sitting under my blankets with my nose in a book <3 currently, i’m reading second book in the series The Land of Stories ;D some of my favorite genres to read in are fantasy, adventure, (murder) mystery, hi fi, and especially real fi <33 real fi is my little precious genre, definitely my favorite! my favorite books (all real fi) are One for the Murphy’s by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass, Out of my Mind by Sharon M Draper, and The Front Desk by Kelly Yang <3 i’ve read The Front Desk 8(?) times now i believe? and it’s just brilliant! however, ONE FOR THE MURPHY’S ACTUALLY MAKES ME SOB THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH IF YOU HAVEN’T READ IT PLEASE DO SO ADKAJFKDH.
my art skills are not super good bahaha
i try because it’s fun and stress relieving occasionally, but coloring is more my expertise ;D this session i’m doing script profile pictures, which has been really enjoyable! i’ve gotten out of my comfort zone a bit, and have had a great time working on them <3 every few days after school i stay to participate in a hour long art club! the past few weeks i’ve painted, sketched, used oil pastels, experimented with yarn, and tried new things! i primarily do my art on procreate, though traditional is always fun haha
i just got done with basketball season last week and it was a blast!! i got on an epic team with all my friends, and although we didn’t go undefeated like last year, we still have tons of fun. we had a tournament out of town and spent a few hours at an arcade in between our games. we had a great time together, then beat the teams we played the day after <3 next week i have softball assessments, which decides the team i’ll be playing on with what people so i’m hyped for that! i’ve been throwing around a ball the past few days to get warmed up, and playing catch with my brother as per his request <3 i play first base with my softball bestie at second, so we have a great time ;D after softball is over, i head to the soccer field for a fun fall season of soccer!! i never seem to catch a break with sports, but it’s so fun to be a part of, so why complain?
hmm what about other things i love…
my favorite animals are seals, flamingos, goats, and many more that i can’t think of at the moment because my brain isn’t braining xD i remember i was staying in a hotel one day and we went to bed but there was a bunch of seals out on the dock outside of our window. they were barking at us (i think that’s the right term) all. night. long. i’m not kidding — i woke up around 3 or 4, and could still hear them. still! it’s like they never slept! they stayed awake to keep us company xD
my most used emojis on my phone are the sparkles, skull, fire, and sobbing, in order bahaha. the weirdest contact name i have is either My Favorite Oompa Loompa or Pink Chicken. the most recent text i sent was ‘okie dokie’. a weird, recent text i sent was to my friend, where i was plotting to paint someone’s head with her xD
ok as you can tell i’m running out of ideas so i’ll just write you lovely folks a conclusion <3 my name is pepper, i’m a chaotic christian writer who enjoys rambling and procrastinating. i’m co-leading the amazing script theatron this session (who’s definitely going to win it all :0)
ok so some of my goals this session are to complete 20 dailies, 3 weeklies, enter the writing comp, write 10,000 or more words, and meet some new people <33 ok that’s all xD what a fun first try at the 1k word intro this was! thank you so much for reading this and putting up with half of my life’s story in a desperate attempt to complete a 1k word intro. this was super fun to write and i’m so thankful for the motivation juice you guys gave me haha ;D

the word in asterisks have been edited due to “unsuitable language” — i’m sure you can tell what it means xD

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (March 1, 2024 23:01:21)

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily two . compliment spreading . 286 words

My head hurts as I pass out crayons and coloring pages for the first graders in my class. Four of them race around the room in an intense game of tag, while another group has a ‘who can scream the loudest’ contest, and more pretend to be the howling monkeys we learned about the day before. There is only one child who sits at the table quietly, hands in his lap while he waits patiently. “Quiet please. Quiet!” I call. The noise continues. “If you can hear me, clap once!” I manage to hear three faint claps. “If you can hear me, clap twice!” More claps. I clear my throat. “Class! If you can hear me, clap three times!” Everyone claps, and the children become silent. “Come sit at the table like Amaro please. If we can’t all listen, there will be no afternoon snack.” Instantly they shuffled into seats silently. “Thank you.” I sighed, handing out the pages.
After a few hours, the end of school bell rings, and everyone eagerly rushes out the door to find their parents. I walk over to my desk, eyelids drooping out of exhaustion. I sift through paperwork from the school, then end up dumping it all in a drawer for tomorrow. A small scrap of paper flutters to the floor, catching my eye. Slowly, I grasp it between my fingertips and open it. In green crayon and squiggly handwriting, the words, “i luv how you always never giv up and your defintly a roll model to me! love, amaro” are written. Tears sting my eyes and threaten to spill down my freckled cheeks. I grin, tucking the note in my pocket, sending a silent thank you to Amaro.

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (March 2, 2024 03:01:34)

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily three . cabin anthems . 207 words

script : 101 words
velvet curtains open wide
ready for our show to provide
special feelings of amazement.

gasps and awes from the audience
fill our actors with brilliant confidence
they sing and dance
while the crowd stares in a trance
but the show continues on.

the eagle flutters pridefully
while prometheus eats the liver
and zeus sits with a smirk on his throne

the humans, curious with their new fire
experiment in camp
their fascination never tiring
they make lamps,
candles and lanterns
things to light their path

the fire helps them grow stronger

all while prometheus pays the price
for all of eternity.

poetry : 106 words
we started off dead
drained of all life
but with lots of hard work and passion
our valley became beautiful again

flowers and ferns
filled our homes
and made us feel complete

the sun scorched us
and turned everything brown
the cold froze us
and plants wilted down

but we refused to settle with defeat
and we fought and we battled
to keep our greens pretty

and we won.

with enough will
and tender care
our vegetation thrived like never before

our home is redeemed
and no one can stop us

we’ve been through struggles
we’ve been through pain

and here we are
still standing today.

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily four . dice roll . 310 words

rolled four : past tense | rolled six : third person

Alex stared down at Bean, a grin on her face as she watched the cat roll around with a bundle of blue yarn. An open window allowed a nice breeze to flow through the room, giving Alex goosebumps.
Suddenly, a beetle flew in and Bean hopped up, on edge. His ears twitched nervously, but a gentle rub from Alex quickly calmed him down. He sat, meowing at the insect. The beetle rested atop his nose, rubbing its wings together in short bursts. Alex giggled, finding happiness in the strange friendship.
“Agent Whisker, we need you in The Fort by midnight. I’ll explain the details when you arrive,” the beetle said, communicating through the wing beats. Bean flicked his tail in acknowledgment. “I’ll be there,” he mewed. Alex had no idea the two were actually talking to each other, all she heard was the flapping wings of the bug and sounds from her cat.
The beetle flew from Bean’s nose out the window. The cat started playing with his yarn again, keeping up his act of innocence. As the hours ticked past and the sun began to lower, he set out on his mission. The cuckoo clock rang its 6:00 song, signaling for dinner. Alex finally stopped watching her cat and left for the table. Bean took the opportunity and grabbed his special collar. It allowed him to see in the dark, and had a few extra…items, if necessary. Quickly, he snuck out of the house into the night, wind howling and owls chirping. He crawled past trash cans and hid in the shadows of alleyways. He darted between cars on the road and made sure he wasn’t seen. Along the way he noticed Agent Scar creeping past a bush, and Agent LostFoot. ‘What were they doing here?’ He wondered. And most importantly,

what would await him at The Fort?

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily five . chapter continuation . 213 words

land of stories : the enchantress returns | chapter eight

“Alex!” Conner exclaims, gasping for breath. He swims around frantically, trying to find her. She manages to poke her head above water, and gives him a wave. “I’m fine,” she says. “We need to swim to shore though, my legs are getting tired.” He nods, and starts gliding through the water.
A few minutes later, Conner finds himself beginning to sink. His body can’t swim much further. “Alex, I’m not sure if I can do this anymore,” he mumbles, breath raspy. “Lester?” She calls, begging for help. “Lester…” both of the twins whimper. Slowly but surely, they lose hope as they descend to the bottom of the ocean.
A faint squawking can be heard in the distance, startling wandering villagers, none aware of the twins’ slow death. Lester swooped in and stuck his long goose legs into the ocean and grabbed both of the kids with his talons.
The gasped for air, sucking in as much oxygen as possible and brushed water off of their faces. “Lester you saved us,” Alex sobbed, eternally grateful to the strange bird. Conner nod wearily, still catching his breath. “Yes,” he repeated. “Thank you so much Lester.” The bird simply nodded, flying them to land quickly. The rested in his warm white feathers, closing their eyes thankfully.

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (April 27, 2024 01:46:34)

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war. olivewhistles . two minutes 125 words

the pages were smoking and i was getting annoyed. the fire had been put out ages ago, and they still hadn’t let up. i poorer yet another bucket of water on the book, then sat it over a dan to dry it. after some more time, it still didn’t seem to be done smoking. after such a long time i assumed it would be over and i could put it back on the shelf with the rest of the books but no, it decided to be stubborn and irritating. what a book! i had read it several times, it really was a great piece of literature. but how did it think i was supposed to read it again if it the pages inside were smoking??

woah this is actually so bad TvT

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily six . genre creation . 346 words

this is really bad xD really rushed and not my best writing at all bahaha

We stare down at them with large eyes, floating around in the sky looking pretty, when in reality we decide their fate. The couple looks longingly into a meadow, pointing at blooming flowers and laughing over sandwiches. They smile and hold hands, both with a good feeling their relationship will last longer than the other ones. A feeling that they won’t experience heartbreak again. They don’t know the power of their love is in our judgment. Us clouds, we’ve been here forever and still nobody knows that we do. We pick which couples end up happy and which don’t. Now, we had a good feeling about this one. Everyone except Billy Jean. She wasn’t a fan of how they looked, worried if they decided to have children they’d be bullied for being red heads. The rest of us thought this was an absolutely ridiculous idea. They might not choose to have kids at all, and if they did, surely true love wouldn’t stop them? A few weeks later we had our Meeting of Judgment to give the final outcome of how we wanted them to turn out. Billy Jean persuaded them, so the next time they met for a picnic we sent rain to cover the meadow. This didn’t bother them, they found it fun to dance together in the water. My fellow clouds were shocked. How was this happening, we were meant to stop this. I agreed, I didn’t like that they had to end, but by sending rain it was supposed to divide them. Rain and thunder change every couple’s emotions we’ve ever encountered. Why was it not working this time? Marley cleared her throat, and sent a flash of lightning to the ground. They screamed and giggled lightheartedly. I grinned. “It is time we let them be. Their love is too strong for us. Let it be known that love can stop the greatest of enemies, and this couple will last forever!” Thunder boomed and the rain poured harder than ever before as the clouds clapped loudly and joyously. “Let it be known!”

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war . aqua-vibes . two minutes . 136 words

the ghosts were catching up to me and i began to become extremely afraid as they gained on me. i threw books at them and mangoes and everything in my little bag but it turned out to be a waste of time because they kept catching up and i could not stop them. my legs began hurting really very bad so i gave up. they met up with me and asked if i wanted to go eat pizza with them. gasping for breath, i simply nodded before i could process that it might be a very rude trick but when i did think of that i put it behind me because pizza is pizza. ok well that’s all i can think about my fingers are cold and my keyboard is still kind of broken bye bye

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily eight . thank you note to a feminine figure . 202 words

dear lynda mullaly hunt,
YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD WRITER AFKSJFKDH — no seriously i love all of your books and hope to become as good as you someday (with loads of practice of course) thank you for stepping out with your creation, and working endlessly so people like me can enjoy it. my favorite one of your books is ‘one for the murphy’s’ <3 it makes me sob through each and every page, and feel emotions so strongly. you’re so good at being descriptive, and making the reader feel things they’ve never felt before. i love reading each and every one of your books, and i’m so glad i’ve had the opportunity to do so! the first time i read your books i was sitting in my bed under the covers, tears rolling down my face — but i loved it! your storytelling is just absolutely amazinggg! keep writing please! you’re such an inspiration for me! i can’t wait to see what other brilliant masterpieces you come up with! thank you for being you, you’re such a role model (especially in writing) for me, so keep it up! you are so amazing, thank you so so much!
sincerely, (your biggest fan) pepper <3

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war! . starunicorn_5 . 3 mins . 181 words

“the doors keep moving!” she shouts, tears running down her face like a pouring waterfall. “stop it! stop it papa i’m scared!” i look around frantically, looking for some sort of thing to keep the door steady and in place. “why won’t it stay there?” i say aloud. she gets nervous and begins pounding it into the ground. “honey stop that you’ll ruin the floor and the doors.” i go to the garage to grab a hammer and some nails but can’t find the materials. the doors are actually being annoying how are we supposed to get inside the house if they keep moving around like that. like what the goofy it’s not that hard to stay in one spot??? like that’s your job?? please don’t move around because we need you to stay out so we can enter and exit our home and the rooms inside of it please. ok thank you for listening to my rant door, hopefully we have a truce now? ok thank you so much for agreeing to stay in the same spot of my home

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

cabin wars word war <3 - lio . two minutes . 124 words


100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

Weekly One . 1,695 words

Mythology : Retelling
233 words total
King Midas and the Chocolate Touch
Once upon a time in the kingdom of Festus, there was a wise king who kept the kingdom happy and at peace. Alas, everyone has a weak point, and this king loved chocolate a little too much. He asked his servants for chocolate everyday, and had it served with each meal. Eventually, the kingdom ran out of chocolate, along with all of the kingdoms surrounding them. King Midas called for the witch, begging for a spell that turned everything he touched into chocolate. The witch agreed, giving him a potion to put into some chocolate milk. He quickly gulped it up, energy running through his veins. He went to grab his staff, announcing all of the milk had been swallowed, but his staff fell to the floor and chocolate shards were sent flying to the ground. King Midas grinned. “It is done!” He exclaimed.
He walked outside to the royal cliff top, and called for the trumpeters to assemble his kingdom. As the people gathered underneath the cliff, his smile grew. “Who wants chocolate?” He asked, waving his hands. Cheers and claps erupted from the kingdom’s citizens as they began to realize their king had finally obtained the chocolate power he’d always dreamed of. They threw him their belongings, and he eagerly sent them down in their chocolate forms. Everyone in the Festus kingdom lived happily ever after, and their chocolate never ceased.

Historical Fiction : If These Walls Could Talk
322 words total
I lightly chuckled, shaking my nonexistent head in disbelief. “This kid has no idea what she’s doing does she?” I asked my neighboring wall. He laughed also, agreeing. “Don’t have a clue what’s happening right now.” The girl used a can opener to open the blueberries, but got the lid stuck inside of the can, realizing it would be hard to get the blueberries out to drain them. She sat for a moment, puzzled. As an idea popped into her head, she went to the cupboards to grab a small glass bowl, then proceeded to dump the berries into it. The lid of the cup sat on the bottom, with a ton of soggy blueberries sitting on top. “What in the heckons is she thinking?” I wondered aloud. The girl smiled, amused with herself, and slowly stuck her finger in to grab the lid. As the blueberry juice touched her fingertips, she began to squirm, and quickly pulled her hand out. “This is horrible,” she muttered to herself. “Why did I agree to make blueberry muffins?” After quite a few of attempts, she managed to successfully drain the berries and put them in a bigger bowl with the rest of the mix.
I watched her intently, her baking skills were my source of entertainment. She reached for cooking spray, and sprayed it across the muffin sheet. It coated the tray in a thick layer of non stick spray, far more than the girl had wanted. With a sigh, she used a towel to lightly clean some off, and by then she knew her world famous baking days would never come. The Muffin Mess as I call it, continued steadily for a good 2 and a half hours, until she finally managed to pull out a tray full of distorted muffins. They were ugly, sure, but they tasted brilliant (I would know, she splattered me with the batter and blueberry juice several times).

Fairy Tales : Using Sparks from the Past
272 words total
Once upon a time there was a wolf. This wolf really liked garlic bread, and one day a girl walked through the woods with a basket full of this bread to give to her grandmother. The wolf sniffed and sniffed until he finally found the girl in the woods. Little did she know, the wolf followed her until she made her way into a clearing. Tall yellow grass stretched as far as the eye could see, and there were no trees in sight. The wolf knelt down and crept along the ground, using the thick grass as cover. Courage bubbled in his chest, and he felt ready to pounce. “Three…” he thought to himself. “Two…” His ears twitched, and his fur ruffled in the light breeze. “One!” He took a deep breath, then lunged. The wolf mustered all of the energy in his legs and pushed forward as hard as possible. He flew through the air and landed in front of the girl with his eyes sealed shut in fear. “Uh hi,” he said, voice cracking as he opened his eyes. “My name is… the wolf?” The girl titled her head. “Ok,” she nodded, smiling softly. “Could I have a piece of garlic bread please?” He asked. The girl burst out laughing, falling to the ground with tears rolling down her face (and leg :>). “All that trouble for a slice of bread?” She chuckled, reaching into her basket. The wolf stepped back, embarrassed. “I suppose so,” he mumbled. “Well here you are,” she said, handing him bread. “A fresh piece of my very own garlic bread!” “Thank you,” the wolf said, smiling.

Folklore : Regional Differences
233 words total
His footsteps echoed through the forest and made the trees shake. I occasionally caught a tuft of his ratty brown fur stuck on a branch, or saw a massive print in the mud. If you’re lucky you can catch him wandering around in the woods looking for food, but most of the time he stays hidden. Father calls him the best Hide ‘n’ Seek player in the world, as no one has any solid evidence he actually exists. But I think he’s real. I think he’s a strange creature trying to stay alive like the rest of us.
His name is Massive Stomper.
I’m running as fast as possible, gasping for breath but refusing to stop. I saw him! I saw Brown Bear Beast! I was sitting on the river, concealed by a bush so a rabbit I was hunting couldn’t see me, and instead, Brown Bear Beast stepped out from behind a tree to catch a fish. I must’ve gasped too loud, because next thing I know, he’s gone. I ran after him in a fast pursuit, and now I’m here, still running in a desperate attempt to catch him. I wish he knew I didn’t plan on hurting him. I wanted to see him close up, right in front of me so I knew the tales were true. I needed the facts, and I’ve never wanted them so bad until now.

Folklore : Write a Story With a Moral
346 words total
Once upon a time there was a forest filled with the most magical of creatures. Rabbits, deer, parrots, snakes, bears, squirrels, foxes, lizards, anything you can think of! They all lived in peace, each year taking part in the Forest Games as a symbol of their truce. The Forest Games changed every year, but the most remembered year, was when it was a relay race. There were 3 teams. Team Drabbex had deers, rabbits, and foxes. Team Pearrel consisted of parrots, bears, and squirrels. And finally, there were lizards and snakes in Team Lizarnake. After days of strategizing, the teams were finally ready for the competition, so they met at dawn to set up the race and go over the rules.
After a long few hours of work, everyone had the competitive spirit bubbling inside of them and was ready. As soon as the porcupine shot his spikes, the race began. Squirrels jumped over branches and ducked under logs. Snakes slithered between the roots of trees, going as fast as possible to their partners. Parrots dove between trees swiftly, without the slightest touch from a branch or leaf. They all made it to the second stage, except for the parrot. Out of nowhere, a lizard jumped on top of the bird and sent them both spiraling toward the ground. “Cheater!” She squawked, flapping her wings in a desperate attempt to stay in the air. The lizard smirked, hanging on tight to her feathers. A nearby animal heard, and quickly reported to the porcupine, who immediately stopped the race. He called all of the animals together, and announced there had been someone cheating. “Unfortunately, I call you all together to tell you the race is canceled. There seems to be a cheater in our midst, and I don’t want people getting hurt. You can thank the lizard.” The animals growl and boo, unhappy that their competition had to end early. The lizard hung his head in shame. “I’m sorry,” he squeaked. “Because of this,” the porcupine began. “Team Pearrel wins, and Lizarnake will not be participating next year.”

Folklore : Magical Realism
288 words total
My parents came bustling in with big grins on their faces. “We bought a new couch!” They exclaimed in unison. I clutched a pillow in my arms tightly, frowning. “No! How could you do that?” I asked, clearly upset. They smirked, chuckling. “I think you’ll like this one Ava,” my father said. Mom ran outside to grab it, gently pushing it through the door. It was a fairly small and circle shaped couch, decorated in white speckles on the dark blue fabric. Tears ran down my freckles cheeks as I realized they were replacing our beautiful couch full of memories with this stupid circle cushion. My sadness quickly turned to rage and I pounded my fist against a pillow. “You can’t do this,” I sobbed through anger. They patted my shoulder with fake little smiles on their fake little faces. “Just close your eyes and take a seat,” Dad said. He scooted it towards me, gesturing to the empty space for me. I sat down, frustrated. “Ok?” I scoffed. “Close your eyes,” he repeated. I shut my eyes with a frown on my face and paused. Opening my mouth to ask another question, Dad quickly hushed me. Suddenly, a vision of an island on the beach came into view. The same island grandma lived on — grandma, who had been gone for years. I sniffled, fighting back memories. “What do you see?” He asked softly. “The place I want to be most, with the people I want to see most,” I croaked. I felt him sit down beside me, with Mom sitting on my other side. They held my hand, and in a moment I felt the sand beneath my feet and smelled the salty ocean wind. “I’m home.”

weekly for script! 1695 words for 2000 points <3

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (March 9, 2024 21:24:42)

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war . smalltoe . two minutes . 154 words

the girl walked into the room only to realize she didn’t need to dump laundry into the basket, and her head was thinking the wrong thing, as it sometimes does. why wouldn’t it be right? anyways she didn’t actually want to be in that room so she turned around to go out the door and back into the hallway (because that’s how people exit rooms duh) so she turned around to leave but there was no door there. wait so the door just moved? why didn’t it stay in the same place like a normal door that’s kind of annoying she wondered. she looked around in the laundry room for any way to escape but came up empty handed or empty door knobbed i should say haha i’m so funny anyways she looked around for an exit but since the door was gone she couldn’t find one and was stuck in the room and

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily eleven . introspection . 256 words

I hid myself in my hood, my freckled cheeks bright red in embarrassment. I held back tears as kids whispered my name in their conversations, gossiping about how I’d gotten the answer wrong. ‘How could they?’ I wonder to myself. ‘Why do they expect me to be perfect?’ The question burned in my mind, desperately longing for an answer. ‘If only they understood.’ A single tear slid down my face, but I quickly wiped it away before anyone could see. Pain radiated through my body like no other pain I’d felt before. I’d instantly trade this for a skinned knee. They snickered and laughed, pointing their fingers my way.
I wanted to leave this place.
It had become a prison. I was the calculator. If I made even the slightest of mistakes it would only make my sentence longer and more unbearable than before. I wish the world would accept that people can’t be perfect, and not humiliate those who have flaws.
Writing is my haven, the only place I feel alive and free. But they’d even begun to take that away from me too. As sadness flooded over my body and encased my thoughts, the reality of the world started to sink in. Oh how I can’t wait to go to heaven. Where there is no pain. No suffering. Only joy. The bell snapped me out of my day dreaming, signaling for me to get a move on.
‘Soon,’ I told myself. ‘You’ll be there eventually. For now, make the most of what you have.’

don’t really know what this turned into but i hope you enjoy ;D

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war . alana . two minutes . total wc 152

If film makers were to randomly show up at my door saying they were so interested in my life they wanted to make a movie about me I’d bet millions and trillions of dollars they were flat out lying. My life is the most boring it can get. Same thing every day; wake up practice chores and go to bed. My brother on the other hand actually does stuff with his friends and enjoys his time. Hehe couldn’t think of a synonym. That's another reason, that nasty little crusty dusty booty of a brother knows how to do school while I struggle. The only interesting thing about me is what they say in their stupid rumors about what I failed that day. They have no idea that I know and no idea that I think it’s actually funny what they think of me. So that’s that, they’d want my brother, not me

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily twelve . bookstore dailyyy <33 . 247 words

A young family moved to America one year, only to seemingly be cursed with bad luck. They'd lived in a small house for a few months, slowly settling in and making friends in the community, when a huge fire burned it down. With nowhere else to go, they resorted to an abandoned alleyway, in hopes there would be enough food in trash cans and along the road. A few days later, a woman noticed them sleeping as she walked to work, and was overcome with sympathy. Each night after that, she’d leave her leftovers in tupperware containers for them to find, then come by to collect them in the morning. One night, as the family was dozing off, one of the children watched as a car came racing down the road and swerved onto the sidewalk, crashing straight into the woman, Emily, who was feeding them. Cries of agony could be heard that night as the family sobbed over Emily’s twisted body. She was taken to the hospital and the doctors tried their best to heal her. The family requested to visit, hoping their silent friendship wouldn’t come to an end. They were rejected over and over again. The caretakers didn’t want ‘dirty’ people in their offices and hospital rooms. However, they refused to be stopped. Emily had inspired them and they worked as hard as possible to get back on their feet so they could see their friend. A story of passion, love, and overcoming adversity.

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

word war . alana . two minutes . total wc 157 <3
back again for a rematch i see >;D

the fire was literally like a week ago and the pages still smell like smoke. i’m lowkey disappointed in this whole wizard magic they said i would learn at the school of wizardry because it’s not working like they said it would and it cost me a lot of money sobbing. anyways, my house lit on fire a bit ago and my books all burned away except this one textbook i got from that school. apparently the firefighters thought i would need to save that— they literally could’ve chosen anything else and it would’ve been better than that. like my birth certificate? didn’t think of that? or my passport or driver's license or safe? like seriously a college textbook from a school that doesn’t even teach you actual things and it still smells like smoke that actually annoys me so much like seriously that’s so agh. thinking about writing them a letter because i hate it and

100+ posts

pepper’s march ‘24 writing thread ✨

daily thirteen . profile line prompts . 607 words

alia’s profile prompt: Two shadows, reaching through
the hopeless, heavy dusk

“It’s not meant to be,” her father told me. “You aren’t like each other.” “But it’s love,” I protested, practically begging for his permission to marry her. He shook his head firmly. “No.” Tears streamed down her face as she eavesdropped by the stairwell. Her sobs sent me into waves of misery, crushed by the weight of never getting to see her again. “Never come back,” he’d said. “Go. And stay away from my daughter.” I sat in my car, head on the steering wheel sadly. As I finally managed to pull myself together and pull out of the driveway, my sadness quickly turned to rage. I pounded my fist on the radio, breaking the buttons and causing the music to shut off, leaving me with a somber ride home.
When I got home, I reached for my blankets, half wishing I didn’t have to wake up. As I closed my eyes, the phone began to ring so I grabbed it to answer. “This is Chance,” I mumbled into the speaker. “I love you,” Emily’s voice answered, once soft and delicate, now drained of life and warmth. “Me too.”
We wept.
“He won’t let me see you. We’ll get in trouble,” I told her. “It doesn’t matter to me. I have a plan.” I listened intently as she whispered through the phone, nodding along in agreement. “I’ll do it.” “Midnight?” “Yes.” She hung up the phone. I rocked back and forth in my bed, watching as the clock ticked minute by minute. When it was 11:30, I grabbed a jacket and walked out the door.
Crickets chirped and the streetlights flickered, guiding my path as I progressed to our meeting place. As she came into view, I smiled, happy to see her again, yet disappointed this was our fate. Her dark brown curls blew elegantly in the wind, displaying her immense beauty. She flashed a slight smile, but I could tell her face was still wet with tears. I looked down into the deep water from our spot on the bridge and clutched her hand tightly, our fingers interlocked. “See you in the afterlife then?” She asked me, giving a humorous bow. I grinned, nodding. “Five,” she began. “Four,” I replied. “Three,” we said together. “Two…” Our eyes met, both sets sparkling with worry and fear, but overcome with trust and anticipation.
We lept.
Down down down we fell, honks of car horns in the background as the wind whipped against our faces. Not but a moment later, we splashed into the water, neither of us knowing how to swim. The water stung my body, its freezing cold temperature immediately numbing me. My lungs felt like they were about to explode, begging me to breathe in air. I refused, the only thing surrounding me was dark, cold water as I sank deeper and deeper beneath the surface. I couldn’t do it anymore, and as Emily’s grip on my hand loosened, I knew it was time to give in. Opening my mouth and sucking in water, I drowned. It surged through my body like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It burned. It burned and it choked me and I wished my agony would end.

We met.
Her shadow sat longingly through the heavy dusk. I approached her with a smile on my face as I looked down at myself, my new body made out of a thick fog. “Emily?” I whispered. She turned and her face lit up as she saw me. “I thought it wouldn’t work,” she sobbed into my arms. “But you’re here. We can love each other.” “I will always be here,” I answered.

Last edited by pepper-and-a-pencil (March 13, 2024 23:30:57)

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