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Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

caysenboy wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

here is a book pitch I made.

“The Pit” - the latest addition to the Star Wars book universe! This heart-pumping adventure takes you on an immersive journey into the treacherous criminal underworld of the galaxy, where danger lurks around every corner.

Follow a group of rebels as they embark on a perilous quest to escape the clutches of a powerful crime lord, who will stop at nothing to maintain his hold over the galaxy's illicit underworld.

As the rebels fight for their survival against impossible odds, they must use their wits, strength, and determination to outsmart their ruthless captor. But with betrayal lurking in the shadows and danger at every turn, their fate hangs in the balance.

Nice, we could set this during the Galactic Civil War.
sorry I've been gone for a while, but do you want me to make a rough first draft for chapter one?

By the way, is anyone still here?


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

here is a book pitch I made.

“The Pit” - the latest addition to the Star Wars book universe! This heart-pumping adventure takes you on an immersive journey into the treacherous criminal underworld of the galaxy, where danger lurks around every corner.

Follow a group of rebels as they embark on a perilous quest to escape the clutches of a powerful crime lord, who will stop at nothing to maintain his hold over the galaxy's illicit underworld.

As the rebels fight for their survival against impossible odds, they must use their wits, strength, and determination to outsmart their ruthless captor. But with betrayal lurking in the shadows and danger at every turn, their fate hangs in the balance.

Nice, we could set this during the Galactic Civil War.
sorry I've been gone for a while, but do you want me to make a rough first draft for chapter one?

By the way, is anyone still here?
I am.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

here is a book pitch I made.

“The Pit” - the latest addition to the Star Wars book universe! This heart-pumping adventure takes you on an immersive journey into the treacherous criminal underworld of the galaxy, where danger lurks around every corner.

Follow a group of rebels as they embark on a perilous quest to escape the clutches of a powerful crime lord, who will stop at nothing to maintain his hold over the galaxy's illicit underworld.

As the rebels fight for their survival against impossible odds, they must use their wits, strength, and determination to outsmart their ruthless captor. But with betrayal lurking in the shadows and danger at every turn, their fate hangs in the balance.

Nice, we could set this during the Galactic Civil War.
sorry I've been gone for a while, but do you want me to make a rough first draft for chapter one?

By the way, is anyone still here?
I am.
I am still here, I've just been super busy IRL… I still intend to finish Valor's Veil, I just don't know when

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (emphasis added)


“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” - Master Oogway
1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

DerpyPig03 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

here is a book pitch I made.

“The Pit” - the latest addition to the Star Wars book universe! This heart-pumping adventure takes you on an immersive journey into the treacherous criminal underworld of the galaxy, where danger lurks around every corner.

Follow a group of rebels as they embark on a perilous quest to escape the clutches of a powerful crime lord, who will stop at nothing to maintain his hold over the galaxy's illicit underworld.

As the rebels fight for their survival against impossible odds, they must use their wits, strength, and determination to outsmart their ruthless captor. But with betrayal lurking in the shadows and danger at every turn, their fate hangs in the balance.

Nice, we could set this during the Galactic Civil War.
sorry I've been gone for a while, but do you want me to make a rough first draft for chapter one?

By the way, is anyone still here?
I am.
I am still here, I've just been super busy IRL… I still intend to finish Valor's Veil, I just don't know when
That's fine!


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey9 wrote:

DerpyPig03 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

caysenboy wrote:

here is a book pitch I made.

“The Pit” - the latest addition to the Star Wars book universe! This heart-pumping adventure takes you on an immersive journey into the treacherous criminal underworld of the galaxy, where danger lurks around every corner.

Follow a group of rebels as they embark on a perilous quest to escape the clutches of a powerful crime lord, who will stop at nothing to maintain his hold over the galaxy's illicit underworld.

As the rebels fight for their survival against impossible odds, they must use their wits, strength, and determination to outsmart their ruthless captor. But with betrayal lurking in the shadows and danger at every turn, their fate hangs in the balance.

Nice, we could set this during the Galactic Civil War.
sorry I've been gone for a while, but do you want me to make a rough first draft for chapter one?

By the way, is anyone still here?
I am.
I am still here, I've just been super busy IRL… I still intend to finish Valor's Veil, I just don't know when
That's fine!

Thank you so much for being so understanding! I really appreciate it!

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (emphasis added)


“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” - Master Oogway
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Could I pitch a Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan book to replace Plagueis?

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Could I pitch a Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan book to replace Plagueis?


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Here it is:
Dark Tide – Pitch

When a deadly bomb blast at the Senate building threatens the security of the Republic, the Jedi Council dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi along with Jedi Knight Kit Fisto to find out who is behind the attack. As the Jedi hunt down the terrorists, a string of bombings ensues and they find that the mastermind is far more dangerous than an ordinary terrorist.


QUI-GON JINN, Jedi Master (Human male) - An unorthodox Jedi and master of Obi-Wan.

OBI-WAN KENOBI Padawan Learner (Human male) - Qui-Gon’s Padawan

KIT FISTO Jedi Knight (Nautolan male) - A Jedi Knight who is assigned by the council to assist Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

XANATOS, Fallen Jedi (Human male) - Qui-Gon’s former Padawan, now a fallen Jedi and mastermind behind the Broken Circle.



A new terrorist group springs up in the Outer Rim, threatening trade and the safety and security of the Republic’s citizens. The group is known as the Broken Circle and always leaves the emblem of a broken circle behind after their attacks. When they strike out against the Senate, Chancellor Valorum is enraged and urges the Jedi to take action against the terrorists.
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn requests permission from the Jedi Council to investigate the Broken Circle with his Padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Jedi Council grants him permission but Yoda insists that they send a Jedi Master Kit Fisto to supervise him because of his maverick actions. Qui-Gon thinks that Fisto is really there to prevent him from making rash decisions if it turns out that his old padawan is leading the group.. The three Jedi begin to investigate the Broken Circle on Coruscant.


(1) This would take place entirely on Coruscant.
(2) At the end, Qui-Gon would duel Xanatos but the Dark Jedi would die rather than be taken into custody by the Republic.
(3) Xanatos would be trying to lure Qui-Gon into a trap so that he could exact revenge on him.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

I’m currently reading the Legends Darth Bane trilogy so I’ll write a rough outline for my Darth Bane tie-in book once I finish it.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

I’m currently reading the Legends Darth Bane trilogy so I’ll write a rough outline for my Darth Bane tie-in book once I finish it.
Alright, great. Dark Tide pitch looks good as well.


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey9 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

I’m currently reading the Legends Darth Bane trilogy so I’ll write a rough outline for my Darth Bane tie-in book once I finish it.
Alright, great. Dark Tide pitch looks good as well.
Ok. I’ll make a logo sometime soon.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

I’m currently reading the Legends Darth Bane trilogy so I’ll write a rough outline for my Darth Bane tie-in book once I finish it.
Alright, great. Dark Tide pitch looks good as well.
Ok. I’ll make a logo sometime soon.
THe Logo is in this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/960758837

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab




Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

100+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

ganeshsai told me that he'll be inactive bc of school and stuff. he isn't telling you himself to avoid drama from what happened in the MSM forum. he'll be back to explain everything when he's active again. idk what that means for you guys. just letting you know.

hi. I'm mandfan, owner of MFC, and a huge marvel nerd. I collect comics, and own over 250 comics. I have watched all marvel movies, except thor 2 my offical account for comics is -MANDOFANCOMICS-
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Idea: What if we have the Mandalorians never become pacifists in our universe?

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

I don’t think I want to write a Thrawn Ascendancy book for series 2 (at least right now). If I do write a book for that series I’d probably prefer to write something about clones or Jedi.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo
1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

I don’t think I want to write a Thrawn Ascendancy book for series 2 (at least right now). If I do write a book for that series I’d probably prefer to write something about clones or Jedi.

Okay, that's fine.

jcpbuilder wrote:

Idea: What if we have the Mandalorians never become pacifists in our universe?
That's a cool idea, I'll think about it more later.

I'll share what I have of Ana soon, I'm going to start working on it again.


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

New sign-up:


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Screenwriter, Artist, and Game Maker
I could sell my house and move out to L.A.
Get inside of rooms with the biggest of names
Hire fifty people just to give me advice
On the way I should write
Oh God!
Sounds like a nightmare, if you ask me!


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