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dizzy's writing thread!

~*chapter one, the big surprise*~
*the car engine rumbled loudly*
“ready to go?” mom asked from the front seat.
“ready!” my little sister, maya shouted.
i grumbled in the back seat. i did not want to move, i was just fine in our little town home. just maya, mom, and me. apparently we need to move because of mom's new job, or something like that.
“layla, please hand me the snack bag.” mom says, reaching her hand out to the backseat. i give it to her.
“how long is this drive gonna be?” maya asked.
“mmm.. two hours?” my mom said.
*car rumbles again*
(two hours later)
when i got out of the car, i was expecting a nice house, but this house looks like.. a shed.
“so, what do you guys think?” mom says, snapping a picture.
“its..great, mommy!!” maya says with a fake smile plastered on her face.
i walk inside. small, but homey. i immediately run upstairs to claim my bedroom.
“this room is perfect!” i beam, plopping my stuff down on the rusty bed.
i look around. nothing much, just a dresser, bed, and a small balcony.
my mom calls me down. “layla? come down here, please!”
i walk down the stairs, to see her holding a flyer and saying, “surprise!”
i stare at her. “really mom? a boarding school?”
“mhm! i signed you up!”
i stare at her with shock. “ok… but why?”
“well, i thought that you would like a change.”
“oh my gosh, mom, i already picked out my room and everything. im not mad, but why?” i said, fidgeting with my hoodie.
“you need better education. the schools here are not good. i am sending maya too. you can come home for the holidays. it starts in a week, so start packing.” she said, and gestered to my box of stuff.
i picked up the box, and started packing. i still wanted to decorate my room, so i just put up a few posters, and packed all my other decor in another suitcase.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter two, a ceiling can be entertaining, too*~
(a week later)
we made it to the fancy boarding school. i look up at the name, “Marie Ann Boarding School For Young Ladies”
“wow, with that name, i wonder what the inside looks like.” i accidently say. my mom looks at me, and gives me a death stare.
i pull out my phone to snap a picture, just for keepsake.
a lady walks up to us. she looks like she is in her 20s. “hello there! my name is ms. daisy, and i will be helping your kids check in! what are your kids names?” she askes, pulling out a clipboard and pen.
“uh.. maya robinson, age 7, and layla robinson, age 12.” mom says.
“alright! well, mrs.robinson, you can leave now! don't worry, parents night will be in one week! ill help these two settle in!” ms. daisy says, waving mom off.
mom walks away, and we put our luggage on a trolley. she brings us inside. “ok, ill take maya to her room first, is that ok?”
i nod, and follow them. after we set up mayas room, (she shares with another 7 year old, named ella) we go to my room.
“alright, your dorm name is the sapphire dorm! the whole hallway is also in your dorm group, your room mom should come in shortly! bye, layla!” ms. daisy says, walking away. i look around, and start to set up my side. on the other side, i can see lots of blue. blue sheets, blue desk, blue everything. my favorite color is white. after making my dorm look like its mine, i hear a knock on the door.
“hello? this is your room mom, ms. Kaitlyn? i also have your dorm mate here!”
i open the door to see a short girl, with long black hair in a bubble braid, next to a tall, blond person with short hair.
the girl comes up to me first. “hi! my name is xima!” she said, shaking my hand.
“welcome to the sapphire dorm!” ms.kaitlyn says. “please settle in! here is your class list.”
i look at the list, i am not surprised, but then i see, art club? ok, maybe this day is a little better!
xima comes inside and lays down on her bed. “so, are we gonna be best friends or what?” she asks, staring at the ceiling.
“sure… but, what are those colorful things on your ceiling?” i ask, pointing up.
“oh! she says, those are globbles! i threw them up there, wanna try?” she asks, handing me a pink one.
i throw the ball up, and it sticks. “that's cool, but how do we get them down?” i ask.
we slowly turn to each other, and break out laughing. i really like this xima girl, shes nice.
in the end, we exchanged phone numbers, and ate in our room. (they delivered the food to our room, because its the first night)
“goodnight, layla!” xima said from her bed after turning off the lights.
“goodnight, xima.” i said, hugging my pillow tight.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

daily task: cheese is delicious, and it has many amazing flavors. you may ask, why am i taking about cheese? i am cheese! i am the notorious cheddar cheese, and part of the royal cheese family. yes, us cheddars rule the cheese kingdom. even though i am a small part of swiss cheese, i am mostly cheddar. but that is my secret, do not share!! anyway, being a cheese is super hard. you need to rule the world, do you know how hard that is? no offence, but i don't think you will get it. i mean, you are human, and i am a cheese. we are very different. now, my name is cassie the cheddar cheese. yes, its a long name, but it rhymes! if you are wondering, how can a cheese type, don't ask, its my secret! and to the people who don't like cheese, come and try some! maybe dip is in chocolate, or squish us in between a cracker. ACTUALLY, DONT EAT US!! WE WILL COME AFTER YOU!! hehe, i might be joking… anyway, i think that i need to wrap this little story up, because i have some chores to do (yes, even royal cheeses have chores). so, bye! ill be back, maybe…. hehe! word count: 207 words by: @dizzycreates writing years: 4 “writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter three, a snake can talk*~
i woke up with xima screaming in my face.
“we are late! pack your things and get ready!” she said, shaking me.
i immediately got up and packed my things. i just pulled on a green hoodie and black leggings, not the best but not the worst. we both rushed downstairs, backpack in one hand, phone in other, and rushed to our first class, science.
“ah! welcome, you must be… xima, and layla.” the teacher said, extending her hand out to shake.
we both shook her hand, and then, xima asked, “is this ms. kinley's class?” she said, looking around
“mhm!” ms. kinley said, and gestured us to our seats. luckily, she put us next to each other.
we turned around, and saw a brunette haired girl, with loads of makeup, giving xima the side eye.
“so, xima, you have a new friend, huh? wow! i never knew you could make friends!” she said, laughing.
“shut up… stacy, please leave me alone this year..” xima said, fumbling with her notebook.
“so..” stacy turned to me this time. “whats your name? are you new?”
xima gave me a look which said, don't talk to her.
“oh, my name is none of your business, and yes, you should leave xima alone.” i turned back, staring at stacy.
stacy looked shocked, like she had been told that she wasn't pretty (its true).
“ok class!” ms. kinley said, clapping her hands. “welcome to year 6! some of you might be new, so i am going to let them introduce themselves. can layla and zach please come up?”
i stood up, pushed my chair in, and walked to the from of the class.
“ok! layla, please introduce yourself!” ms. kinley whispered.
“uhh… hi. my name is layla… my favorite color is white, and… i like to draw.” i said, stuttering.
“wow! thanks, layla! you may sit down now. how about you, zach?” ms. kinley said, with a smile on her face.
“sure. hi everyone. my name is zach, i just moved here from texas, and i like to skate.” he said, shrugging.
after we both sat down, class started. i couldn't help but notice stacy staring at me and xima the entire time.
*ring!!* class was over. i gathered my stuff, and headed to math next. i said bye to xima, because she had ela. luckily, 5th period was social studies for both of us.
i walked to the math room, and i looked around. my teacher, Mr. jay.
“welcome, layla! do you like math? your seat is over there, next to stacy.” he said, talking fast.
i couldn't comprehend what was happening. “yes, i like math, did you say stacy?” i asked.
“uh huh, over there!” he said, pointing.
i was pretty shook when i went over there. luckily, there were 2 more people coming, and i was diagonal from her.
stacy smirked when she saw me walking over. she pulled out a mini makeup mirror and started touching up her already hideous makeup. i just scrolled on tiktok, because i had nothing better to do.
a minute later, a short indian girl walked up to us, and sat next to me. “hi…” she said. “my name is riya, whats your name?”
riya looked like the girl who was small but tough.
“layla.” i said, nodding. i glanced at my schedule one more time…
period one: science, ms. kinley
period two: math, Mr. jay
period three: ela, mrs. zaya
period four: lunch
period five: social studies, Mr. ryan
period six: physical education, Mr. bob
period seven: art, ms. isabella

i cracked up at “mr.bob” because that is such a classic kindergarten name. i stopped when i looked up, and saw stacy looking at me in disgust. what happened to that girl? why is she so mean? she should really look at a mirror. ok, maybe i have anger issues too, but.. if she wants to bully someone, i can easily snap back, like a crocodile.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!


i slowly walked up to first period, begging that HE doesn't come and attack. if you don't know who he is, you will find out soon enough. i sit down, and open my notebook, when i feel a light breeze on the back of my neck. oh great, i think. jeffery is here. i wouldn't dare to look behind me, so i just kept my head down while taking notes. jeffery is my bully. actually, he is everyone's bully. he has been held back for 2 years in a row, so he is the size of a 9th grader, and i am the size of a 4th grader, when we both are in 7th grade. he has been mad at me this past week because he thinks that i slipped a fake love letter in his locker, when i have no idea who. ugh, even if i told him, he wouldn't believe me. i just wish i was stronger. he taps me on the nek, so i have to turn around.

“hey, stuart. you know where the person who wrote my love letter is? i have a surprise for him.” he said, staring at me.

i didn't dare to answer. he got mad, so he said, “run. you better run.” i didn't take a chance. i ran as fast as i could, dashed across the hallway, and hid in my locker.

“anyone here?” he said, banging on my locker. i could feel my heart beating out of my chest. “i guess he ran away…” he said. thought he left, but as soon as i opened the door, he was outside, waiting. i kept on running, and shouting for help,
“HELP!!!” i shouted.

i turned around and jeremy was tailgating me. the bell rang. i looked back.. and jeremy… he was…

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter four, food fight*~
after math, i had ela, which, luckily, stacy wasn't in. but, where the real drama was, was at lunch. let me rewind, a bit. so, when i got into lunch, i sat next to xima and riya.
“hi!” i said. “did you guys meet?” i asked.
“yeah! shes in our dorm too! across from us!” xima said.
“So, i guess this is a friend group now?” xima asked.
“mhm.” riya said. “hey, can my roommate join us?” riya asked.
“sure!” i said.
2 minutes later, a girl that looks just like stacy walked up to us.
“hey! is this stacy.. or macy?” xima asked.
“its macy..” macy sighed and sat down. “i don't get it why stacy is so mean.. anyway, hi! what's your name?” macy asked.
“oh.. my name is layla.” i said, smiling.
we all ate and exchanged phone numbers, and compared schedules! we are all in the same homeroom and 5th period.. and me and macy are in the same 7th period! so, i am only alone in 2 classes, 3rd and 6th. i know that zach is in my third period, though.
suddenly, i heard a fight going on. we all turned to look at the fight. there were 2 boys.
“give me my phone back!” a boy shouted, punching the bigger guy.
“come and get it.” he said, laughing.
the small boy wasn't backing down. he grabbed some mashed potatoes, and threw in in the big guy's face.
“FOOD FIGHT!” a kid declared, standing on a table. the whole grade went havoc. food was everywhere.
“we have got to get out of here! follow me!” macy said.
we all crawled out of the cafeteria and ran to the showers to shower the food off of us. by the time we were done, dressed, and back at the cafeteria, the principal was scolding the 2 boys.
“ok, everyone.” the principal announced. “classes are cancelled for the rest of the day. please head back to your dorms, and please.. take a shower, you all are drenched in food.”
i would of been happy, but i am missing art… so, that made me sad.
we all went to riya and macy's dorm to hang out. we played some games, talked, and shared gossip. around 2 hours later, we heard a knock on our door.
“hello, girls.” the principal said. “i have come here to remind you, 7th period is un cancelled. you may head there now.” the principal said.
i was so happy!! i got my stuff, and me and macy walked to art class together.
when we got there, we just sat down, and drew. the teacher was busy cleaning the cafeteria, so we had an assignment, draw yourself. not too hard, i guess. after 7th period. we went back to our dorms, ate dinner, and slept. even though today wasn't the best day, it was very fun and i will always remember it.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!


my favorite animal is usually found in asia. they are black and white in color, and they can range from super tiny to really big, it just depends how old they are. they like to eat a green stick (not gonna say the name!) and they are pretty endangered, but we are trying to bring them back.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

slowly swaying in the oak trees,
we see a tiny black and brown leaf
eager to fall off. you then
extend your hand and
touch it. you notice that it falls to the ground.
leaves can and will be fragile, but
you believe and say they can be stronger than us


by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter five, sick*~
the next day, i woke up with a throbbing headache. i couldn't even walk.
“are you ok, layla?” xima asked. i told her i was fine, but she insisted on giving me medicine.
i called the front office from the dorm phone, and told them that i was sick and would be missing today's classes. i don't know why i suddenly got sick…
before they left, riya and macy stopped by to say get well soon. i was super lonely the whole day. i didn't feel sick, but when i tried to stand up, i felt dizzy and faint. i was so bored the entire morning.
during lunch, xima came to give me the medicine she got at the front desk.
“get well soon!” xima said as she shut the door.
(a few days later)
a few days later, xima, riya, and macy all came down with the sickness. apparently, someone put something in the school food to make us sick. and, we were the only ones. nobody else had it. i decided that someone must of put something in our food, and were targeting us. but who? i gathered everyone in xima and my dorm. (we were all sick, so it did not matter)
“ok,” i said. “i think that someone is targeting us.”
macy laughed and said, “haha… very funny.' riya nodded in agreement. ”yeah, i don't think that that is a reasonable theory.“
i got a call. unknown. ”uhhh….“ i said. ”its from an unknown. should i pick up?“
”yes.“ macy said, and xima nodded.
i picked up. ”hello? who is this?“
”are you sick?“ the unknown person said. ”if you are, is your name… layla?“
i was shocked. i mean.. this person… it sounded like someone i knew!
i took a screenshot of the number.
the person said, ”open your door at 3 am exactly. there will be a package….“
i wanted to listen…but he ended the call. we all sat in silence.
”WOAH..WOAH WOAH!“ xima screamed. ”WE FOUND IT!“
”ermm.. we found the phone number.“ riya shrugged. ”we should track it!“
”wait… macy. didn't you say that there is a spreadhseet of all the kids numbers?“ i said, turning towards my comupter.
”yeah. its saved on stacy's computer. i could ask her.. but shes out.“ macy said, with a weird tone in her voice.
”i need a bobby pin!“ xima said, hooping out of her bed.
”where are you going?" i asked, putting on my slippers and following her.
we were heading towards stacy's dorm.

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter six, she would do that*~
xima jogged to the end of the hallway, and up to stacy's dorm.
“xima.. wait..” i huffed. she was so fast.
riya was behind, holding a bobby pin in her hand, macy behind her.
“guys, we shouldn't be doing this..” macy fidgeted.
“its stacy, I'm positive!” xima beamed, snaching the bobby pin out of riya's hand.
we all stepped back, while xima picked at the lock at the door. magically, the lock clicked open and we were in.
“be quiet, her roommate might be here.” riya said, putting a finger to her lips.
we crept in, and heard someone talking. it was stacy's roommate, mckinley. mckinley was a big skincare influencer, so she was filming a get ready with me.
riya stood guard while me, xima and macy snuck in. we saw mckinley sitting on her vanity chair, facing away from us.
“we need to make a distraction…” macy said.
riya pulled out a metal ball. “where did you get that?” i asked. “nowhere..” she said, and rolled it to us.
“me and xima will hide behind the door, you and macy hide in the closet.” riya said, pointing to the small closet next to us.
after we were all secure, riya threw the metal ball out the door, which made mckinley jump.
she paused the video. “what was that?” she mumbled, got up, and left the room.
lets go! i whispered, sneaking to stacy's bed and looking around her side of the dorm.
after a few seconds of looking, i heard a clink coming from her backpack. “in here, guys!” i whispered.
we all looked inside, and found what she put in our food. some powder thing..
“shes coming!” xima said and we all rushed back to our places. after mckinley was back, we left.
“we need to report this..” macy said. “i am going to report this, are you guys coming?”
i nodded while xima and riya stayed back to order dinner for us.
while we walked to the main office in silence, i thought about maya. i haven't seen her in so long.
“we are here.” macy said, taking a deep breath.
after we told on stacy, we wnt back and enjoyed our dinner in peace.
by that time, we were all ready to go to school tomorrow.
“I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HER REACTION TOMMOROW!” xima screamed, and we all turned to her.
“oh yeah, shes gonna get in serious trouble.” i said.
that night, i had a dream about maya, and stacy. Sstacy was getting ready to punch her, about to k*** her… but then…

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
1000+ posts

dizzy's writing thread!

dizzycreates wrote:

that night, i had a dream about maya, and stacy. Sstacy was getting ready to punch her, about to k*** her… but then…
oh noes what happens next

dont just say “dont ban evade” or “wrong topic” for a question. answer it, and THEN tell them that this is the wrong topic or not to ban evade. giving just “rejected” and putting the college essay that is TOLORS is not enough. Explain! dont just use ctrl-c ctrl-v! even if it is not what some people want, explain the rejection! answer the question! the forums are not a place to repeat others, they are a place to innovate! anyway who wants to minimod?

scratchers on the forums from 10-500 posts have at most, a 7 short sentence span for replies. if you cant keep your posts in this range, then dont act suprised when someone asks for simplified version
bag randomizer for good games
experience the true chicken nuggies theft simulator : gobo | story
(Removed by Moderator - People with a TV head for a profile picture cannot discuss about the heart and soul of art) /j
OwO :: #44bd8d
^-^ :: #44bd8d
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!


by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

Omg this is awesome I love it
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

nenofur_124 wrote:

Omg this is awesome I love it
omg thank you sm! <3

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

pls continue it I can’t wait
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

nenofur_124 wrote:

pls continue it I can’t wait
alr! working on a new chapter rn!

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

title: a girl would get it
~*chapter seven, can dreams come true?*~
i woke up in a cold sweat. it was already morning, so i got up to distract myself. i woke up right before stacy hurt maya. after i was ready, i left xima a text telling her I'm going to eat breakfast, and left. i was the first one at the cafeteria. around 10 minutes later, xima came down, in her pajamas.
“girl, we had plans to go out for breakfast. its Saturday, remember?” she said, drowsily.
“yeah, i was just super hungry.” i shrugged.
we both walked back to our dorm in silence. 20 minutes later, we were both ready and went to check on macy and riya.
“lets go!” macy said, adjusting her pink headband.
before we left, i had to check on maya. i told the others to go along, while i went to go check on her. as i lingered in the sapphire dorm hallway.. i saw her.
“layla, is that you?” she tilted her head. ella was beside her.
“hi maya!” i said. she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
“i missed you.” maya looked up to me, and smiled.
i told her i had to go. i met up with the rest of the group at breakfast.
“so, what do you wanna do today?” xima asked.
“lets go ice skating!” macy said. we all agreed.
after breakfast, we went ice skating.
“i love ice skating!” xima shouted
“i keep on falling.” riya said, grouchily.
we skated for some time, and even did some tricks! (well.. attempted some tricks…)
the ice rink was crowded, so from time to time, we got lost.
“wanna go get cheese fries?” macy asked me. i nodded and we left the rink to get some food.
after we came back, we heard the loudest scream ever.
“AHHHHHHH!” someone screamed.
i dropped my food and ran to go see what was going on. there was a crowd of people… and they were crowded around someone…
i saw xima.
“what happened?” i asked her.
xima started crying. “riya fell… her head is… like…wide open and… there's…red…”
xima fell to her knees.
“MACY, GO GET XIMA.” i shouted.
i pulled out m phone with my shaky hands and called 911.
20 minutes later, riya was in an ambulance with our dorm mom, and the rest of us ubered to the hospital.
when we were driving, xima explained everything.
“we were skating, and she fell on her head…” she broke down into tears.
after we reached, we went to visit riya. she needed stitches. while we waited, we went and bought a teddy bear and flowers for her.
(will be continued later)

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

25 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

chapter eight is coming out soon! srry 4 the wait :3

by: @dizzycreates
writing years: 4
“writing is a calling, not a choice.”- isabel allende
8 posts

dizzy's writing thread!

YAY! can’t wait

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