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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion: Write a mud3r mystery and make the character gather up so much information and it all points to one character but they were wrong.

Hey I'm Georgia, I'm the founder/owner of GlowOS come join us or you can join PawBit

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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

APOTW create a piece of art using only one colour, you can use different shades but not other colours.
80 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

Type like crazy. Write as much as you can in ten minutes and then turn that into a story

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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW Suggestion(s):

Write a short story beginning and ending with the same phrase, except the meaning of it has changed along with the new lesson the character has learned. (Ex. “Everything's gonna be okay,” he reassured her with a carefree grin. || The girl choked back a sob, running her fingers over his unblinking eyes, her regret gnawing at her stomach like knives. “Everything's gonna be okay.”)

Write a story set in a futuristic world where children are kidnapped by a mysterious organization to be experimented on, a test that causes them to develop superhuman abilities of creatures from Greek mythology. However, the children find a way to escape their tormentors. And now they're out for revenge . . .

The date is 2050, and monsters roam the Earth. No longer is there the flourishing touches of human civilization, with the tall skyscrapers replaced by creatures of doom–abominations that rose from a strange twist of pollution and life. One day, a box appears at your doorstep, a place you are currently using as a haven to hide from the monsters. Curious, you pick it up and take a look inside . . .

They call him the Wizard, the old man who lurks about at night. He is known for spreading mass terror and haunting the dreams of his victims. Before attacking, he always marks the doors of his victims, painting the door frame in silver paint. Nobody knows the motives behind this elusive terror. Nobody has ever succeeded in trying to hunt him. And nobody knows who he is. After going home one day, you find your door covered in silver paint.

Write a story about a character who finds a note from a person calling for help tucked in their breakfast.

Write a dark poem about a joke that goes too far.
21 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion: A small dragon protects their hoard, a single coin from those who would steal it.
100+ posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

APOTW: Pixel art
or maybe redraw a book cover

WPOTW: Write about the struggle for a character to–write a story

♥️ Hi! I'm Di726 but you can call me Div.♥️

Read this fanfiction I'm working on! (Kits Of The Peaks)


Thanks, good bye!
2 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion: Write a story based on this sentence: A kid was cast in the school play as the main character but they don't remember auditioning (you do not have to use this sentence in the story)
2 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW crystals that give you magic
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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

Suggestion: ARTISTS: Draw two of your favorite characters combined
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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

It’s nice to be safe, but why does your guardian angel have to hold your hand all the time to keep you safe? For an angel, your guardian seems to be very aggressive at times when it comes to saving you. Your guardian seems to be very concerned about your safety and wellbeing, a lot more than most angels you’ve heard of. It seems like even the tiniest danger triggers a reaction from your guardian, who isn't willing to take any risks with you.
2 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion:

Write a story about twin siblings and one has magical powers and the other one does not

APOTW suggestion:

Draw a picture of one animal in different elements (earth, fire, water, etc)
9 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

APOTW Suggestion
- Draw a character in ten years. Think about how their appearance, and surroundings, may have changed.
100+ posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

CoolKitty602_alt2 wrote:

WPOTW suggestion:

Write a story about twin siblings and one has magical powers and the other one does not

i like that
1 post

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion: Write a short story where the protagonist is far to stubborn to recognize their wrongs, whilst the antagonist was the one in the right all along.
New to Scratch
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‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW Suggestion:
Write a poem about a memory from a while ago that causes you both pain and joy.
31 posts

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

WPOTW suggestion: Starting sentance: Their voice had never sounded so cold as when they had said good-bye. It wasn't new, the empty, heavy feeling, but it cut them like glass when they left for *add your own sh- after* Okay, now some prompts: Romance prompt:, an evil creature of the pit basically he's turned into a human, and has to work out how to cope as one. He's 18 in human years, and ends up having a friend set him up with a therapist. That therapist is one year older than him, and the abyss guy or whatever ends up thinking he's cute as hell- Now for smth to go any way: A young girl stumbles apon the fae- Now, m^rder mystery and/or dark romance: There's a famous serial killer, who calls themself the Night Strider(or whatever u want lmao). Our protaganist is some sort of detective/counseler investigating the case. They get farther than anyone else has before quitting. When they meet the killer, despite being YK, a killer, they find that they're different than the others. Or are they..?
1 post

‧₊˚ Authors & Artists Unite™ ~ WPOTW and APOTW

❤️ WPOTW Suggestion ❤️
Write from the perspective of a villain or someone viewed as a villain, but don’t outright say they’re a villain until the end of the story

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