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27 posts

More Notes in Sound Tab

Hello Scratch Team. I'm trying to make a piano program that records the notes you press, but there are no sharps for the notes. Its just CDEFGAB.
Not CC#DD#…etc
So I hope the neglected sound blocks get this added soon.


1000+ posts

More Notes in Sound Tab

Please look at this project: E-piano
There are halftones like C# etc.

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1000+ posts

More Notes in Sound Tab

Low C is 48.
D is 50.
Wonder what C#/Db is?
(Try typing 49 into the box.)
27 posts

More Notes in Sound Tab

oh so I guess they were there all along, huh
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

More Notes in Sound Tab

janderson01 wrote:

oh so I guess they were there all along, huh
Scratch's note system is similar to that of a MIDI system, where each number correlates to a certain note on a keyboard. You might want to look the information up in a search engine if you want to have a cheat sheet of what number translates to what note.

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