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100+ posts

SOS (Application Development)

SOS (Application Development)
Hi, I am currently working on my own operating system. I would like to be Scratch's first operating system with proper third-party apps, but I need your help in order to achieve this. There are a few guidelines below that you must follow in order to get your app added.

Basic Guidelines:
Most of these guidelines are in place because everyone is sharing on the same project.
  • You must have no more than 5 sprites. If you have to use clones and costumes instead.
  • Don't use the
    (backdrop #)
    block as the backdrop number in the OS won't be the same. Use the
    (backdrop name)
    block instead.
  • You mustn't use any cloud variables, and don't use the video sensing extension as Scratch Network uses cloud variables and a recent change prevents the two from being used in the same project.
  • Use a broadcast attached to one green flag script.
    Like this:
    when green flag clicked
    broadcast [message v]

    when I receive [message v] // For each of your green flag scripts. This way it's easy to swap it out for when the app icon is clicked.

    when I receive [message v]
    Not like this:
    when green flag clicked // If like this swapping everything out is an absolute pain.

    when green flag clicked
    Remember, when your project is in the OS, it will not be running off the green flag, rather when the user hits the app icon to open the app. This is to make it easy to backpack.
  • Game save data will not be tied into the generic account save code system, you must create a save code engine for your own game.
  • Please create your own app icon.
Extra Guidelines:
  • If you want to update your app, quote the original application and then the link to project you wish to replace it with. If the replacement application does not follow the above guidelines the original application will be kept and will not be updated.
  • If you wish to remove your game from the store, quote the original application and the reason why you wish to delete it. Unless otherwise requested to be deleted a link to the original project and the user's profile will still be kept in its place.
A link to the original project and user's profile is kept on the app page on the store.

If you wish to apply to add, update, replace or remove an application this may take up to a month. If it is accepted, the application will be quoted and a further maximum two week wait is in place before adding to the store. If rejected the reason why it was rejected will be posted, quoting the application. After an updated application the process will start over.

Also as usual the Scratch Community Guidelines do apply here. If an application breaks these guidelines you application may be reported to the Scratch Team.

Tons of Scratch Operating Systems exist on the site, but I aim to have the first community driven operating system built on Scratch, complete with a full-on third party app store. Get submitting!

Note: This Scratch Operating System is nowhere near completion but I want at least a few applications ready to go before it gets shared. The OS should be ready in about 4-5 months.

Last edited by superbuddy2 (Jan. 6, 2024 14:08:49)

Hi! This is my signature - @superbuddy2 - and I am taking applications for my Scratch Operating System, where I plan to make a full-on third-party app store. Go here to submit your application. Also there is a basic trailer here. I will also be publishing updates here.

Some tutorials and scripts.

Share your favourite projects or creators here, for the new Scratch Rewind series.
95 posts

SOS (Application Development)

What has already been submitted? (I want to know so I don’t make something somebody else already made.)

Last edited by _WOFDOG_ (Jan. 3, 2024 18:18:48)

~ Welcome to my siggy! ~ Right click on this text and then hold shift + down arrow to see the rest! ~
I play minecraft, here are some skins:
1. My favorite youtuber (grian) and his head

2. Invisible with blue eyes (bedrock only)

guard housing ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ :: #000eff hat
(-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) (-_- :: #ff0000) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) :: #000eff

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)

(•_• :: #ff0000)
100+ posts

SOS (Application Development)

_WOFDOG_ wrote:

What has already been submitted? (I want to know so I don’t make something somebody else already made.)
Nothing has been submitted as of yet. If applications aren't submitted on this forum thread it won't have any chance of being added. It'll be at least 4-5 months before the OS is ready.

Hi! This is my signature - @superbuddy2 - and I am taking applications for my Scratch Operating System, where I plan to make a full-on third-party app store. Go here to submit your application. Also there is a basic trailer here. I will also be publishing updates here.

Some tutorials and scripts.

Share your favourite projects or creators here, for the new Scratch Rewind series.

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