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jump to block and scripts labels

table of contents
I. introduction
II. how would this look?
III. blocks
IV. workarounds
V. pros and cons
VI. closing remarks

I. introduction
in (all variations of) assembly, one can do this (this is 6502 assembly, but other variations are similar or the exact same):
jmp code2
jmp code1

the parts ‘code1:’ and ‘code2:’ are labels and their locations are saved by the assembler so that whenever they're referenced (i.e. by a JMP instruction just like here) the assembler substitutes the locations of these labels. in other words: assuming code1 is at location $0000 and code 2 is at location $0003, this would be changed by the assembler to this:
$0000: jmp $0003
$0003: jmp $0000
(the $0000 and $0003 at the beginning of each line is the location of that line)
this would then be assembled by the assembler (we don't care about this step).

II. how would this look?

how to assign label to code:
I. click on its beginning hat block
II. click “assign label”
III. type in label name (label must not share name with another label in this sprite or background)
IV. click OK

III. blocks
there'll just be one block, it'll be:
jump to [reset v] ::control
other styles could be:
go to label [reset v] ::control

jump to label [reset v] ::control
“go to label” could easily be confused with the motion blocks, though.

IV. workarounds
currently there are a couple of workarounds that come into my mind:
IV.I. broadcasts
when green flag clicked
broadcast [reset v] // jump to label [reset v]

when I receive [reset v] // code label reset
IV.II. variables
when green flag clicked
set [run code v] to [reset]

when green flag clicked
if ((runcode) = [reset]) then
if ((runcode) = [start level]) then
V. pros and cons
V.I. pros
- easier method to jump between code
V.II. cons
- might be confusing to new users (although you could technically say that variables could be confusing to the new users, or broadcasts)
VI. closing remarks
overall, I think this could be a good thing to add to scratch. I understand this would be a huge change, but introducing something like this I'd say is a good change. although I think only assembly standard has this in place of functions, but still. I'd like to see this added to scratch.

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1000+ posts

jump to block and scripts labels

Personally i wouldn't consider myself a “new user”, but this is quite confusing.

One thing I dont understand is why you cant just workaround this via if statements and other stuff. For example, say I want to skip a part of the code when the other code reachs a certain part, why cant I just, not add in the part im skipping? and if its in a forever loop, it would kinda make sense but tbh variables seem good enough for this (as you would be saving 2 blocks and its not any less confusing)

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oh yea哈哈




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100+ posts

jump to block and scripts labels

Maybe not the warning that each label must be different - you can just have a pop-up just like variables.

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<((x) ^ ((1) / (y))::operators) = ((y) √ (x)::operators)> // is false if x < 0???
Hi! I'm qwertycodechamp90411. I'm most active on the suggestions forum and the help with scripts forum, because I like to help other people and improve scratch! I like to think I'm good at scratch, but there's a lot I don't know/understand (how on earth do scrolling platformers work lol). As a general rule of thumb, I should have the answer if it's math related, because I'm a very stereotypical nerd when it comes to math.
1000+ posts

jump to block and scripts labels

what is the difference between this and broadcasts

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When (::red) clicked :: events hat
repeat until <key [all v] pressed?>{
destroy this sprite::control cap
when @greenFlag misclicked::events hat
become idiot::custom}::control
(╯°□° ╯︵ ┻━┻::red)::#000000 reporter//this is brad, he creates cursed scripts like the one you saw above
(ㆆ_ㆆ)//this is max, he stares at you with that expression if you say you don't support my suggestion

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1000+ posts

jump to block and scripts labels

MythosLore wrote:

I think this is rejected.
no, I think you mean it's a duplicate.

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I'm not active on scratch anymore, I moved on.
1000+ posts

jump to block and scripts labels

SonicFanX123_321 wrote:

MythosLore wrote:

I think this is rejected.
no, I think you mean it's a duplicate.
… Of a rejected suggestion.

@mythoslore was so much more obvious than @spookily

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