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100+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

My idea is a new block,it will be in the looks option,what it will do is that it will give you an option to make a character say something,but it will also give you another option,it will be that the sprite will change to one custome and go back to the same costume,and it will display on how many seconds should it change.

It will be usefull to save more time than doing the message thing and then make the character talk.

say [hi] switch costume to [1] wait (0.1) secs switch costume to [ 2] repeat by (4)

Thats bassicly my idea,if theres something you dont understand,i guess ill have to explain it again? Idk.

Last edited by Theprogramerguylol (Aug. 29, 2023 18:23:11)

1000+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

no support because you could just use those blocks
say [hi]
repeat (4)
switch costume to (1)
wait (0.1) secs
switch costume to (2)
also the name is way too long

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
100+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

EngineerRunner wrote:

no support because you could just use those blocks
say [hi]
repeat (4)
switch costume to (1)
wait (0.1) secs
switch costume to (2)
also the name is way too long

This actually makes more sence.

Altho maybe ill be wrong,but i think the block i was mentioning could be alot faster,but youre still correct.

Last edited by Theprogramerguylol (Aug. 29, 2023 18:35:38)

100+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

Hey there!

I think your idea is definitely interesting! However, I think it might be a bit confusing for someone who is just starting out with Scratch for the first time.

You can also use a custom block and create a workaround:

define Say (text) switch costume to (costume 1) wait (time) switch costume to (costume 2) repeat (repeat number)
say (text)
repeat (repeat number)
switch costume to (costume 1)
wait (time) secs
switch costume to (costume 2)

This way you can use the custom block the same way as the block you suggested!

I hope this helped!

Last edited by -Mini-X- (Aug. 29, 2023 18:41:15)

It is currently 23:22, as I am typing this.

There's a new animator in town, and that's me…What good word rhymes with me, ree? Hey there! I'm X! Maker of animations, art and games. My favourite type of music is classical music! I use Scratch or play the piano in my free time. =) ‎‏‏‎
100+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

-Mini-X- wrote:

Hey there!

I think your idea is definitely interesting! However, I think it might be a bit confusing for someone who is just starting out with Scratch for the first time.

You can also use a custom block and create a workaround:

define Say (text) switch costume to (costume 1) wait (time) switch costume to (costume 2) repeat (repeat number)
say (text)
repeat (repeat number)
switch costume to (costume 1)
wait (time) secs
switch costume to (costume 2)

This way you can use the custom block the same way as the block you suggested!

I hope this helped!

THIS MAKES EVEN MORE SENCE,also thank you for the information
500+ posts

An character talking and animations at the same time.

i mean… it would be nice to have some talking costumes for all of the characters in scratch. giga and some others already have walking ones, so why not talking?

highlight and down arrow to see all of it
this is joe: joe is protecc and this is frank (A-156 or RD-156): frank likes signatures for breakfast, HE EATS oh noes! your signature was eaten by frank! img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/881644940_100x80.png[/img copy this (add back the ['s) to have frank eat your signature!

(:>::#bb88f6) //jerry says hi

set [ v] to (:>::#bb88f6)//jerry block

:>::#bb88f6 hat
:> [#aa77e5]::#bb88f6
:> (:>::#bb88f6 boolean){
:> ( :> v) (:>::#bb88a1 stack) @addInput ::#bb88f6
:> ::#bb88f6 cap
} :> (:>::#bb88f6) ::#bb88f6
:> [:> v] ::#bb88f6 cap
::#bb88f6 boolean


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