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- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home (You are here) - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

How to order here ?
- First of all, read our rules carefuly !
- Then, head over to the forms page !
- Finally, follow the instructions provided there to fill and send the Order form !
The Explorer explained
Home - This page, provides basic informations about the shop
Rules - List of rules to consider when being on this topic
Forms - All the forms are here, including order form, join form, etc.
Partners and Federations - List of all our partners and federations we joined
Staff - List of all staff members
Project - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1022603153/
Studio - https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35214373
What do we offer ?
- Code (not whole games or too complicated code like 3D engines)
- Art (banners, PFPs, costumes, pixel art)
- BBcode (not complete topics or pages)
- Storywriting
- UI designing (designing the buttons and more globally the interface or your project)
- UX designing (making your project easier to use)
- Website development
- Font designing
- (NEW !) Music making
Shop theme :
- Text font : Comfortaa
- Landscape style : urban, modern
- colors : 4b6898, adc2f0, 7f5e59
Ocular Reactions
Have fun ordering or working here !

Banner and logo using images from Cities Skylines
Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:43:16)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules (You are here) - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

Please read carefully !
i - There is no longer any codeword, but not respecting the rules can result in a message report.
1 - Posting
- 1.1 : Chatting is allowed here
- 1.3 : Spamming is not allowed at all
- 1.4 : Please use an appropriated language for all ages
- 1.5 : Don't write useless posts
2 - Shop Things
- 2.1 : Only staff members can bump this topic
- 2.3 : When ordering anything here, you need to credit the shop and the staff member who completed your order.
3 - Forms, Business and Other
- 3.1 : Always use the forms to order, join, or partner with this shop.
- 3.2 : Customers and staff have to respect the scratch community guidelines
- 3.3 : Deadlines need to be timelines (like one week), not dates (e.g : 20th of october)
- 3.4 : Deadlines in order forms is the time you want it to take once taken, but don't hesitate to complain about your order not being taken.

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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:18:58)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms (You are here) - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

EN : To fill a form, just copy the one you want to use. Then, go all the ways down the page. You will find a text box where you can write a message. Just paste the form in this text box, and fill it. Once you're done, click the “send” button to send your message.
FR : Pour remplir un formulaire, copies celui que tu veux utiliser. Ensuite, va tout en bas de la page. Tu y trouverai une zone de texte dans laquelle tu peux écrire un message. Colle le formulaire dans la zone de texte, et remplis le. Enfin, clique sur le bouton “envoyer” pour envoyer ton message.
PS : crediting the shop and completing staff member is needed for any product ordered hereOrder Form
Username :
What would you like :
Deadline (at least one day) :
Details about what you want (like colors, size, etc…) (please give many of them so the result matches your expectations) :
Have you read the rules carefully :
Are you following this topic :
Other (facultative) :
Will you thank us ? If so, how will you do it (blockbits, loves, favs, follows)? :
Review Form
Username :
What did you ordered :
Who completed your order :
How fast was your order completed : /10
Quality of the completed order : /10
Other :
Info : Looking for a form to invite us in a federation ? Just ask us to join and include a link to the federation ! No form is needed !Partner Form
Username :
Owner (if not, link to owner approval or permission to partner) :
Name :
Link :
Banner (preview and/or link) :
Completed orders :
Short description (optional) :
Join Form
Username :
Skills :
Have you worked at one or multiple shop(s) or federation(s) before ?
If so, since how long ?
Average frequency of activity (just estimate it) :
What position(s) would you like ?
Any message to share on our staff page ?
Note : each staff member can take up to 30 days of break per year without reason. If you have a reason, then there is no limit. If you use this no reason break, please write “yearly break” in the reason.Break Form
Username :
Beginning of break :
Duration of break :
Reason :
Other :
City Credits action Form
Username :
Action (create, delete, give money to someone, claim reward):
Details (optional):
Advertisement form
Username :
Where do you want your ad to be (make the ones that interest you bold):
- Home | 40
- Rules | 30
- Forms | 30
- Partners and Federations | 20
- Staff | 25
- History | 20
- Block Guardians | 10
- Ressources | 10
- Staff Dashboard | 10
- Reviews | 15
- City Credits | 10
Link :
Title :
Description :
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (March 9, 2025 10:13:30)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations (You are here) - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

Partners :
Here at Cloud Inc. We believe that that the sky's the limit! We've been here on scratch for a long time, with multiple different shop posts. No matter how many people quit, no matter how much things might suck, we always come back. That's what true service is.
-Cloud Inc. Team ☁
Like a good lab, we're always creating new things, so that you can have a better experience on Scratch!
The Record Scratchers™ is a Scratch shop specializing in music production.
A place to hangout and make requests!
A way to sync cloud variables between projects and so much more!
Made a valentines project and want to show it to someone? We can show it to them for you! Or want a picture sent to your mail? We can also do that!
At ScratchWorks, we provide you with quality code, art, ideas, BBCode, music and sound FX from our talented team of professionals!
A coding shop that can make your raycaster game a VR game.
Shop making art
Federations :
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:19:44)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff (You are here) - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

ManagementOwner : Fluffygamer - CEO, founder, anything staff| Your local games provider
Co-Owner : mewercats - Vector artist![]()
| Mewercats' everything art! shop is coming soon!
Department Heads :
Art : Aaliyah_Newlands - Art Department manager
LilAmongUsMini2024 - Multi-jobs, specialised in storywriting| Just your everyday book author who wants needs to do a collab with someone. It'll make xem (preferred gender-neutral pronoun) happy.
arthureduval - Coder
Food__Theory - Coder, UI/UX designer, pixel artist
ACoderWithaJ - Artist
Pollen-The-Bee-Cat - Artist (very strong at drawing cats)
2016s4m29 - Coder| No Job Is Too Big, No Code Is Too Hard
Codeywhizz - Coder
scratch_hellopizza - Website developer, font designer, coder
Da_BFBM_show - Coder and artist| cheese burger
AstraLunI - Coder and artist
QwertyMissed287 - Coder and canva artist
bflaaen - Artist (picrew maker and canva)
Legon974 - Coder![]()
bomthebo2 - Scratch and Canva artist
FTU_Art - Vector artist
JDubs323 - Anything staff, mainly bug fixer and coder
kRxZy_kRxZy - Animator, Artist, Lua, Python, HTML, and Scratch Coder
coolman132f46743 - Coder
Tess2680 - Artist
Mazarty - Artist, Coder (good with variables)
cool-shop-dude - Canva artist, BBcoder
RetroGamz - Artist, Coder, UI designer
-FX_XEEL- - Thumbnail maker
- Become a staff member today ! We take people good at everything and anything, so if you are a coder, artist, BBcoder, storywriter, or just a scratcher, become a member now !

l very active
l active
l normal
l inactive
l very inactive (might get fired)
l on break
l external (don't check the topic, if an order isn't taken after a while, the order will be proposed to them)
l new
l completed a lot of orders
l Worker of the month once
l Worker of the month 5 times
l Worker of the month 10 times
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 20, 2025 16:09:19)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History (You are here) - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

28th July, 2023 - Creation of the City Shop
12th August, 2023 - Puppy Radio proposed a special partering
13th August, 2023 - First regular shop proposed partnering. However, it was never added to the shop's partners page because the owner was busy… And lazy.

14th August, 2023 - First order received ! (Orders were rare back then)
27th September, 2023 - The very last message before a huge inactivity period was posted.
3rd April, 2024 - Last sign of activity in Puppy Radio
6th May, 2024 - First bump since a looong time and revamping announced.
8th May, 2024 - The Mib Shop is asking to partner with the City Shop, being.
10th May, 2024 - The City Shop finally re-opened to orders
11th May, 2024 - During a few days, the City Shop joined a lot of federations and sent partnering offers to some shops
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:20:44)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians (You are here) - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

These protect our shop from evil kumquats. Learn more here
(%)w(%) :: motion // Name : Wercent l Age : 28 y/o l Birthday : 15th April l Job : fighter
[-.- v] :: light grey // Name : Sley l Age : 22 y/o l Birthday : 20th May l Job : Trainer
=^w^= :: variables // Name : Ginger l Age : 9 y/o l Birthday : 2nd November l Job : trainee
૮ᴖﻌᴖა :: pen // Name : Dino l Age : 10 y/o l Birthday : 8th Febuary l Job : trainee
ㅇㅅㅇ // Name : Butternut l Age : 9 y/o l Birthday : 5th July l Job : trainee
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:21:01)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources (You are here) - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help

Bump :
Banner and Logo links :
banner - https://u.cubeupload.com/Fluffygamer_/CityShopbanner.gif
logo - https://u.cubeupload.com/Fluffygamer_/CityShopLogo1.png
Mini-icon :

Flag :

Explorer :
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help
Activity check :
[color=red][b][center][big]!!! ACTIVITY CHECK !!![/big][/center][/b][/color] [color=4b6898]Please answer to this message to tell that you're still active on the shop.[/color] [quote][b][color=7f5e59]Not Responded[/color][/b] : 2016s4m29 scratch_hellopizza mewercats Codeywhizz LilAmongUsMini2024 arthureduval ACoderWithaJ (external, will be notified on profile) Da_BFBM_show AstraLunI QwertyMissed287 bflaaen Aaliyah_Newlands Legon974 kRxZy_kRxZy 650am Tunibal_Scratcher [/quote] [quote][b][color=7f5e59]Responded[/color][/b] : Fluffygamer_ [/quote] [b]Note :[/b] [color=adc2f0][i]Some Staff members are not on this list, it's because they're either on break or getting fired[/i][/color]
Our logo :

Ad space template :
[b][big](catch phrase)[/big] (name with link)[/b] (short description) [img](optional thumbnail)[/img]
Empty ad space template :
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:17:22)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
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This page became the staff dashboard !
Sneak peak : The first worker of the month is currently being decided by me and Co-Owner mewercats !
Orders Center : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1074133037/
Version : 1.0
Release date : 29th of September, 2024
Useful websites for order completition :
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Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (March 9, 2025 10:16:36)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
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Average score (quality and speed combined) : 8.125/10
what did you ordered : A cute Bombay Cat pfp!
who completed your order : @Aaliyah_Newlands
how fast was completed your order (5 is what you expected) : 45/10 (REALLY FAST FOR HOW GOOD THE ART IS!)
quality of the completed order (5 is what you expected) : I genuinely can't put it into a number because it is that good/10
other : GIVE @Aaliyah_Newlands A RAISE (if possible) THIS WAS AMAZING!! REALLY FAST SERVICE AND HIGH ART QUALITY!! How do you do something so good in like 15 minutes? I couldn't draw something that good in an hour!
username : ilovestories
what did you ordered : A list of 50 words.
who completed your order : LilAmongUsMini2024
how fast was completed your order (5 is what you expected) : 8/10 - It came really fast!
quality of the completed order (5 is what you expected) : 5/10 - About what I expected.
other : ——
what did you ordered : 2 Banners
who completed your order : mewercats
how fast was completed your order (5 is what you expected) : 6/10
quality of the completed order (5 is what you expected) : 9/10
other : Thats all!
Username : Ayden7329
What did you ordered : Storytelling
Who completed your order : 2016s4m29
How fast was your order completed : 8/10
Quality of the completed order : 9/10
Other :
What did you ordered : A banner for my signature.
Who completed your order : @kRxZy_kRxZy
How fast was your order completed : 10/10 .took less than 24 hours
Quality of the completed order : 8/10. colors were a bit too dark for me, but the design itself was great! Maybe would have liked it to be a bit smaller.
Other : Great service!
Username :-FX_XEEL-
What did you ordered :pfp
Who completed your order :made-With-Love
How fast was your order completed : 10/10
Quality of the completed order : 10/10
Other :when I take a screen shot It lowers the quality
Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 20, 2025 16:07:30)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits (You are here) - Help

This is a currency system linked to this shop, still in progress.
Ways to earn
- Order : 5 city credits
- Leave a review : 10 city credits
- Complete Order (staff only) : 50 city credits
- Put link to our shop in the upper part of your signature : 20 city credits
- Redirect someone asking for a shop to go to us : 10 city credits
Ways to spend
- Fill a shop's ad : See prices in Forms (Advertisement Form)
- Skyscraper service (premium ordering) : 300 city credits
Username Amount
2016s4m29 0
mewercats 0
wvzack 0
Aaliyah_Newlands 0
froggy12010 20
cool-shop-dude 30
Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 16, 2025 14:22:13)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Home - Rules - Forms - Partners and Federations - Staff - History - Block Guardians - Ressources - Staff Dashboard - Reviews - City Credits - Help (You are here)

1. What is this shop?
The City Shop is a Scratch community service offering high-quality custom content for Scratch projects, such as code, artwork, music, and more—all for free!
2. What does the shop offer?
We provide custom code, art, BBCode, storywriting, UI/UX design, website development, font creation, and music-making.
3. How do I place an order?
Read the rules.
Go to the forms page.
Copy and fill out the form, then submit it at the bottom of the page.
4. What are the rules for ordering?
Respect the guidelines, provide credit, and follow form instructions.
5. Why choose us instead of other shops?
- Experienced Team: 24 skilled workers ready to handle a wide range of requests.
- Flexibility: We can take on almost any type of order.
- Award-Winning: Chosen as the best everything shop and highest-quality order completer by The Sprites.
- Trusted Since July 2023: Consistently delivering high-quality orders for over a year.
6. What to do if my order has been incorrectly completed ?
If there is something missing in your order or you need it adjusted, please explain calmly to the staff member that completed your order what you don't like and how you would like it to be fixed. Providing extra details is also a good way to help us understand what you need.
Need help ? Have an extra question or concern ? Send a message on this topic or contact Fluffygamer_ on their profile !
Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Feb. 18, 2025 21:24:07)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️

Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Nov. 21, 2024 17:23:40)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (Nov. 21, 2024 17:26:16)
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
- The BUMP pyramid
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Bumpy bumpy bumpy bump
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
- Mozboz
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
Hello. Puppy Radio (a project which lets you hear fun radio dramas written by the community) is wanting to ally with your shop. The way these allies work is:
a) on Puppy Radio, you'll hear an ad for a partnered/allied shop every so often between dramas
b) on this shop, “Sponsored by Puppy Radio: the ultimate way to listen” and the link to Puppy Radio in your “Allies” page.
If you ask me to fill out the form, we can't because we aren't a shop so can't answer your questions. Please consider this ally.
a) on Puppy Radio, you'll hear an ad for a partnered/allied shop every so often between dramas
b) on this shop, “Sponsored by Puppy Radio: the ultimate way to listen” and the link to Puppy Radio in your “Allies” page.
If you ask me to fill out the form, we can't because we aren't a shop so can't answer your questions. Please consider this ally.
- Fluffygamer_
1000+ posts
✉️⚔️ ❄️ THE SHOPETITION ❄️ ⚔️ ✨⭐️CITY SHOP™ !⭐️✨ ✌️Order anything for amazing quality✌️ - ⏳Ultra ⚡fast⚡ service⏳ ✉️
hello ! thanks for this proposition. We accept and will add the sponsor text and link soon. thanks for visiting this shop and have a good day ! Hello. Puppy Radio (a project which lets you hear fun radio dramas written by the community) is wanting to ally with your shop. The way these allies work is:
a) on Puppy Radio, you'll hear an ad for a partnered/allied shop every so often between dramas
b) on this shop, “Sponsored by Puppy Radio: the ultimate way to listen” and the link to Puppy Radio in your “Allies” page.
If you ask me to fill out the form, we can't because we aren't a shop so can't answer your questions. Please consider this ally.