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Your Favorite Films

Share with us which films are your absolute favorites, and why!

My top 5 are:

5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) - I love this film because its amazingly large scope and presentation. Its storytelling is flawless and its visuals are masterful. It may be 3 and a half hours long, but for me it goes by like a flash.

4. Star Wars (1977) - Another epic film whose drama and visuals exceed most other films I've seen. It was the first Star Wars film that I saw, and I even like it better than Empire Strikes Back. If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for?

3. Aladdin (1992) - Remains my favorite Disney film. Its kind of a weird choice to be at number 3, but it holds a sentimental value to me that I simply can't explain.

2. Toy Story (1995) - This was the first film that I ever watched, at six months old. I don't know why, but I fell in love with it. Today I understand why I love it so much. Its so creative, so humorous, so heart-warming, and so…good!

1. The Matrix (1999) - All I can say about this film is…“Whoa”. To those who've seen the film, you'd understand what I'm talking about. For those who haven't…get off your butt and go watch it! Its one of the most inventive films of our generation.

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Steam ID: rock on freaky bro
100+ posts

Your Favorite Films

Top 5 Movies For Me:

Despicable Me: I liked the Minions

Despicable Me 2: Just because it's cool!

Monsters Incorporated: Liked Mike Wazowski

Monsters University: Same up there on Incorporated


My 3DS friend code: 4484 - 8413 - 3804

when green flag clicked
Catch 'em all.

1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

My favorites are:

5. Toy Story 3 (2010)- By far the best of all the Toy Story movies. Unlike the previous movies, this one had a good vs. evil theme in it. Also, it had more meaning than the other ones.

4. Despicable Me (2010)- This movie is absolutely hilarious. There was so many funny parts to it and I just loved it. Yet there were times to balance out the humor and make it amazing.

3. Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)- I like this movie because the story of Dorothy and Oz is really common and overused, but they completely changed the plot. The story now takes place like 10 years before Dorothy came in. Also, it has an awesome good vs. evil theme.

2. Megamind (2010, wow there's a lot of 2010's on here)- I was watching this with my brother the other day and he was laughing, so I take it this movie can make anyone laugh. It's hilarious and serious almost at the same time. And another awesome good vs. evil theme.

And now, my favorite movie of all time:

1. Wreck-it Ralph (2012)- This is, by far, the best movie I have ever seen. It had a completely original plot and the best good vs. evil theme of all the movies. It had numerous references to other video games and was very funny at times. Don't judge me, but I almost cried at the end. It was just plain awesome.

Capsicum annuum.
100+ posts

Your Favorite Films

Well, since I can't really choose 5 favorite films, I'll just say that the Pirates of the Caribbean films are my favorites, and out of those my favorite is On Stranger Tides.

Last edited by SomeNights- (July 6, 2013 04:46:18)

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1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

5. Finding Nemo: One of the first Pixar movies I watched, this is amazing. It has a brilliant plot and alot of lovable characters.

4. The Social Network: Note for this one, I'd say this is more like a 15 - despite it being labelled as a 12. This is a brilliant drama that shows the ups and downs of the creation of Facebook, with the best ending ever for any drama I've seen.

3. The Simpsons Movie: I'm not choosing this one for Spiderpig (it's so annoying that it moved this down a spot), but for the deep plot and moral lessons that help balance put this hilarious film. And like most of the older Simpsons episodes, the more you watch it, the more hidden gags are revealed.

2. Skyfall: I had to put a James Bond film on this list because it shows that Britain can make excellent movies, and this is the best so far for me. It has plenty of action, drama and atmosphere to keep the audience interested for 2 and a half hours.

1. Stranger Than Fiction: This is a brilliant comedy that barely anyone has heard of, it's deeply touching and hilarious, but it's makes you think more than it makes you laugh, which is brilliant. A must-see for Will Ferrall fans.

(I would've put Ted on here, but it's a bit too vulgar for my taste)

1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

NeilWest wrote:

2. Skyfall: I had to put a James Bond film on this list because it shows that Britain can make excellent movies, and this is the best so far for me. It has plenty of action, drama and atmosphere to keep the audience interested for 2 and a half hours.
Whoever said Britain can't make excellent movies?

Harry Potter, James Bond, Monty Python, etc. Not to mention Brazil!

3DS FC: 4871-4221-1009 | Notify me before adding so I can add you back!
Steam ID: rock on freaky bro
New Scratcher
38 posts

Your Favorite Films

mitchboy wrote:

3. Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)- I like this movie because the story of Dorothy and Oz is really common and overused, but they completely changed the plot. The story now takes place like 10 years before Dorothy came in. Also, it has an awesome good vs. evil theme.
idk if you wanted a less overused plot you couldve read idk… the forty canon books?

there's always a chance he's fourteen
500+ posts

Your Favorite Films

anything by harmony korine

1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

banana500 wrote:

NeilWest wrote:

2. Skyfall: I had to put a James Bond film on this list because it shows that Britain can make excellent movies, and this is the best so far for me. It has plenty of action, drama and atmosphere to keep the audience interested for 2 and a half hours.
Whoever said Britain can't make excellent movies?

Harry Potter, James Bond, Monty Python, etc. Not to mention Brazil!
Pan's Labyrinth was good…

Last edited by NeilWest (July 7, 2013 05:53:39)

15 posts

Your Favorite Films

My top 5? Hmmm…

1) Toy Storys 1, 2 and 3 - Because it's Pixar. And, I've loved it since I was little.

2) Wreck It Ralph - SO MANY VIDEO GAMES

3) Nativity! - Bessie Cursons is in it. Boom. Done.

4) Monsters Inc - Because of the great comedy, and also because I haven't seen the prequel yet. Stupid Disney, making the UK wait a month after a film comes out in the US…

5) WALL-E - I love Sci-Fi! And PIXAR!

I used a portal gun to get here. Now GLaDOS wants to kill me. HELP!
15 posts

Your Favorite Films

mitchboy wrote:

My favorites are:

5. Toy Story 3 (2010)- By far the best of all the Toy Story movies. Unlike the previous movies, this one had a good vs. evil theme in it. Also, it had more meaning than the other ones.

4. Despicable Me (2010)- This movie is absolutely hilarious. There was so many funny parts to it and I just loved it. Yet there were times to balance out the humor and make it amazing.

3. Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)- I like this movie because the story of Dorothy and Oz is really common and overused, but they completely changed the plot. The story now takes place like 10 years before Dorothy came in. Also, it has an awesome good vs. evil theme.

2. Megamind (2010, wow there's a lot of 2010's on here)- I was watching this with my brother the other day and he was laughing, so I take it this movie can make anyone laugh. It's hilarious and serious almost at the same time. And another awesome good vs. evil theme.

And now, my favorite movie of all time:

1. Wreck-it Ralph (2012)- This is, by far, the best movie I have ever seen. It had a completely original plot and the best good vs. evil theme of all the movies. It had numerous references to other video games and was very funny at times. Don't judge me, but I almost cried at the end. It was just plain awesome.
Apart from Megamind, YOU sir, are a TRUE MOVIE KING. Alongside me…

I used a portal gun to get here. Now GLaDOS wants to kill me. HELP!
100+ posts

Your Favorite Films

That's a tough one. I'll just list six off the top of my head.

6. The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
We start off with the oldest film of the list, a silent film made in 1924. The Thief of Bagdad had a very big budget; amazing sets were made for it with life sized statues, gigantic fortresses and castles, and many other props that you wouldn't even see in a film now without CGI being thrown everywhere.

5. Hausu (1977)
This is a strange variation on the haunted house genre, but during production of the film all cliches of said genre were thrown right out the window and replaced with over the top, highly entertaining scenes involving: a demon that takes the form of a cat, a possessed lampshade, a character who flies through the air to karate kick the demon kitty, and a bear in a sushi restaurant. This may sound like a goofy exaggeration of the film, but those scenes happen in it. And it's great. It's impossible to describe the film without sounding like an absolute looney. The characters act like they were completely lifted out of an anime, and scenes come out of nowhere. It's horror comedy gold.

Demon Kitty Painting Attack!

4. Most of Stanley Kubricks filmography
Yes, a list of films. It's hard to pick a favorite Kubrick film because they are all great. Except for Spartecus. But all Kubrick fans ignore that film. We all saw 2001 (I hope, if you didn't see it than go watch it!) because it's one of the most outstanding movies of all time because of the production and props alone. But Kubrick also knew how to set up an atmosphere instantly. The Shining is a great example for that. He also knew how to make a great comedy, as seen with Dr. Strangelove.

Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!

3. Wizards (1977)
This is one of the few animated films that I can think of where the heroes are the more memorable characters. In most films, the villain is the character that people remember. Two of the major characters are Avatar the Wizard and Necron 99. Necron 99 is a robot built to assassinate the main characters, but is eventually changed into a guide for the heroes to lead them to the lair of Blackwolf (the main villain) in the land of Scortch. Avatar is the brother of Blackwolf, he's kind of like Gandalf. The film uses an animation technique called Rotoscoping were live action footage will be animated over. This was used with the demons that Blackwolf resurrects. The footage that was Rotoscoped was from the film Alexander Nevsky.

2. The Thief and the Cobbler (Recobbled Cut) (Began production in 1964)
Here's an animated film that took a long time to complete, 31 years to be exact. It originally began production as a film based on a book for which the lead animator/creator of the film did illustrations that were based on the philosopher Nasreddin. It started off called “Nasrudin!” but after a conflict on who owned the rights, Nasrudin was replaced with The Thief and the Cobbler. The film really got up off the ground sometime in 1975. Cut to the early 90's and Aladdin came out (which stole a lot of ideas and designs from the Thief and the Cobbler) and many companies bought TTATC and mutated it into a hideous Aladdin clone. The original silent film style movie was replaced with a highly forgettable musical. Cut to 2003 and a group of people got their hands on an original Workprint of the Thief and the Cobbler, and they made a version of the film that was more like what it was originally intended to be. It went under the name “The Thief and the Cobbler (Recobbled Cut)”. Production of the re-edit is still going on today with more original footage of it being found. The Thief and the Cobbler takes inspiration from the 1924 film the Thief of Bagdad.

The main cast.

1. Kurosawa's samurai saga, including Throne of Blood (1957) Seven Samurai (1954) Kagemusha (1980) and Ran (1985)
Yes, another list. I know it's cheap, but like Kubrick's films it's hard to pick which one is my favorite. The main connection between the films is the setting, which is ancient japan. The recreation of the time is realistic. And the special effects are fantastic. The acting is great. The films have memorable scenes like the nightmare sequence and war scene in Kagemusha, the arrow scene from Throne of Blood, and the burning fortress from Ran. Throne of Blood and Ran were also based on plays by William Shakespeare, those plays being Macbeth and King Lear.

Poster of Ran showing the burning fortress.

Last edited by kingdragon (July 8, 2013 10:20:05)

1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

kingdragon wrote:

That's a tough one. I'll just list six off the top of my head.

6. The Thief of Bagdad (1924)
We start off with the oldest film of the list, a silent film made in 1924. The Thief of Bagdad had a very big budget; amazing sets were made for it with life sized statues, gigantic fortresses and castles, and many other props that you wouldn't even see in a film now without CGI being thrown everywhere.

5. Hausu (1977)
This is a strange variation on the haunted house genre, but during production of the film all cliches of said genre were thrown right out the window and replaced with over the top, highly entertaining scenes involving: a demon that takes the form of a cat, a possessed lampshade, a character who flies through the air to karate kick the demon kitty, and a bear in a sushi restaurant. This may sound like a goofy exaggeration of the film, but those scenes happen in it. And it's great. It's impossible to describe the film without sounding like an absolute looney. The characters act like they were completely lifted out of an anime, and scenes come out of nowhere. It's horror comedy gold.

Demon Kitty Painting Attack!

4. Most of Stanley Kubricks filmography
Yes, a list of films. It's hard to pick a favorite Kubrick film because they are all great. Except for Spartecus. But all Kubrick fans ignore that film. We all saw 2001 (I hope, if you didn't see it than go watch it!) because it's one of the most outstanding movies of all time because of the production and props alone. But Kubrick also knew how to set up an atmosphere instantly. The Shining is a great example for that. He also knew how to make a great comedy, as seen with Dr. Strangelove.

Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!

3. Wizards (1977)
This is one of the few animated films that I can think of where the heroes are the more memorable characters. In most films, the villain is the character that people remember. Two of the major characters are Avatar the Wizard and Necron 99. Necron 99 is a robot built to assassinate the main characters, but is eventually changed into a guide for the heroes to lead them to the lair of Blackwolf (the main villain) in the land of Scortch. Avatar is the brother of Blackwolf, he's kind of like Gandalf. The film uses an animation technique called Rotoscoping were live action footage will be animated over. This was used with the demons that Blackwolf resurrects. The footage that was Rotoscoped was from the film Alexander Nevsky.

2. The Thief and the Cobbler (Recobbled Cut) (Began production in 1964)
Here's an animated film that took a long time to complete, 31 years to be exact. It originally began production as a film based on a book for which the lead animator/creator of the film did illustrations that were based on the philosopher Nasreddin. It started off called “Nasrudin!” but after a conflict on who owned the rights, Nasrudin was replaced with The Thief and the Cobbler. The film really got up off the ground sometime in 1975. Cut to the early 90's and Aladdin came out (which stole a lot of ideas and designs from the Thief and the Cobbler) and many companies bought TTATC and mutated it into a hideous Aladdin clone. The original silent film style movie was replaced with a highly forgettable musical. Cut to 2003 and a group of people got their hands on an original Workprint of the Thief and the Cobbler, and they made a version of the film that was more like what it was originally intended to be. It went under the name “The Thief and the Cobbler (Recobbled Cut)”. Production of the re-edit is still going on today with more original footage of it being found. The Thief and the Cobbler takes inspiration from the 1924 film the Thief of Bagdad.

The main cast.

1. Kurosawa's samurai saga, including Throne of Blood (1957) Seven Samurai (1954) Kagemusha (1980) and Ran (1985)
Yes, another list. I know it's cheap, but like Kubrick's films it's hard to pick which one is my favorite. The main connection between the films is the setting, which is ancient japan. The recreation of the time is realistic. And the special effects are fantastic. The acting is great. The films have memorable scenes like the nightmare sequence and war scene in Kagemusha, the arrow scene from Throne of Blood, and the burning fortress from Ran. Throne of Blood and Ran were also based on plays by William Shakespeare, those plays being Macbeth and King Lear.

Poster of Ran showing the burning fortress.
Wow, yours is the first list I've seen that isn't all animated films.

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Steam ID: rock on freaky bro
40 posts

Your Favorite Films

These are not in any particular order

Les Miserables- I love the music and the story is brilliant.
Hunger Games- This is also one of my favorite books. I can see our world reflected in it.
Empire Strikes Back- A classic.
Skyfall- Bond. James Bond.
The Avengers- I really like all the heroes and love Iron Man's humor!
Harry Potter and the Order and the Pheonix- Well, I love how the students rise up against Umbridge.

As you can guess, I like rebellions.

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Your Favorite Films

1. Johnny English Reborn (2011)
2. Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)
3. I Can't Think Of Anything Else (2013)

You and 11 others like this post. Unlike?

Album 2 coming soon eventually!
1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

Hoo, boy. This is gonna be a LOOOOONG list

The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
Aladdin (1992)
The Lion King (1994)
Toy Story (1995)
Toy Story 2 (1999)
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Oliver and Company (1988)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Despicable Me (2010)
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
Frozen (2013)
The Jungle Book (1967)
Lilo and Stitch (2002)
1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

Message terminated.

Last edited by hoole001 (Feb. 9, 2014 20:55:24)

New Scratcher
1 post

Your Favorite Films

wow! that is awsom kingdragonlol
2 posts

Your Favorite Films

my favs are the star wars films. i also like the clone wars series
1000+ posts

Your Favorite Films

I'll list mine's later after I come back home.

And then I'm gonna watch even more movies.

My list is gonna be like, HUUUUGE!!

P.S…. Anybody remember Avatar?

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