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15 posts

My opinion on the new color change update

I know I might get a lot of backlash for this, but hot take: the new purple navbar looks horrible. I prefer the blue one a lot more, and I'm sure there are plenty of other Scratchers who feel that way as well. I know you guys up at Scratch Headquarters are just trying to make Scratch more accessible to people with disabilities, but could there PLEASE be a color mode that reverts the navbar to its original blue?

unfortunately you better stop with the popcorn mess of the butter, so you can have it for a movie theater actually, so you can drink a soda, and eat a candy and- *burp* excuse me. Eat popcorn. So I was in a movie theater and I eat popcorn with a s e a s o n i n g c h e e s e . And the I drink a cherry Sprite in the movie theater. And that was a good one actually as well about that. Plus I would rather eat chocolate as well so, That butter mess? Clean it up, please. So I don't want to cause anymore troublemakers.
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

My opinion on the new color change update

This is duplicate topic. Please keep forum discussions tidy by using pre-existing threads if they exist.

And please stop with the hate on colorblind-friendly purple. That type of rhetoric makes it very unfriendly for those who have visual disabilities.

Last edited by cheddargirl (June 21, 2023 05:21:44)

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